SPLC is Hate Group

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C.E. Whiteoak
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by C.E. Whiteoak » Tue Jan 01, 2019 5:03 pm

Lawsuit Could Take Down SPLC
Wow! What a great headline to begin a new year with!

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jan 01, 2019 6:31 pm

C.E. Whiteoak wrote:
Lawsuit Could Take Down SPLC
Wow! What a great headline to begin a new year with!
You'll remember what the SPLC did to Mr. Allen two and 1/2 years ago that brought this civil suit against them: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t11027 ... st13634671

"Heidi Beirich, the center's intelligence project director, wrote in a post Wednesday on the center's website that "Allen's history with organized racism and anti-Semitism is deep."

"The Southern Poverty Law Center said it obtained records showing Allen was a dues-paying member of the National Alliance for years."

That's news to me. But if he ever had been an Alliance member, so what? It sounds to me like Glen has a solid case against the "law center."

I wrote this about Glen Allen in that locked SF soap opera thread when the news broke that SPLC had gotten Glen fired from his job:

Glen is a brilliant attorney of the top rank, having earned the highest Preeminent AV rating of excellence by his peers. He worked for that "large and respected law firm" -- DLA Piper -- for nearly 30 years as one of it's chief litigators. Piper was founded in Baltimore more than 100 years ago, when it was still a great White city, and currently has 3,100 lawyers in 22 countries on five continents.

Glen will be all right, and can wear his "destruction" by the Negroes, Jews, other non-Whites and queers at the SP "Law Center" as a badge of honor to honorable men and women who can see the inversion of a natural order at play.

SPLC photo of handsome Glen Allen from their Website
Our civic-minded SPLC watchdogs, defendants Beirich and Potok
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Jim Mathias
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Jan 02, 2019 1:31 am

Their lies are approaching critical mass; here's one containing several lies that hit closer to home:

https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/201 ... ist-flyers by Brendan Joel Kelley

But it's not so hazardous (legally speaking) to lie about a non-lawyer as it is to go after Mr. Allen.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:34 am

Jim Mathias wrote:Their lies are approaching critical mass; here's one containing several lies that hit closer to home:

https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/201 ... ist-flyers by Brendan Joel Kelley

But it's not so hazardous (legally speaking) to lie about a non-lawyer as it is to go after Mr. Allen.
Congratulations, Jim, on your Alliance activism being one of the top ten [fake] news stories in eastern Iowa in 2018. :lol:

Here's a fairly objective report about Glen Allen v. SPLC: https://pjmedia.com/trending/lawsuit-cl ... ght-crime/


Lawsuit Claims SPLC Abetted Theft, Spread Lies
to Destroy Lawyer for ‘Thought Crime’

JANUARY 2, 2019

In December 2018, a Baltimore lawyer filed a devastating lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and two of its employees. The SPLC targeted Glen Keith Allen over his former ties to the National Alliance (NA), a white nationalist group. In doing so, the liberal group allegedly violated laws and legal codes of conduct by receiving and then paying for stolen documents in violation of confidentiality agreements. The group went after Allen with the intent of getting him fired by the city of Baltimore and permanently destroying his future prospects.

Allen's suit claims that the SPLC should have its 501c3 tax-exempt status revoked, that it owes him restitution for racketeering, and that it should pay $6.5 million in damages. It also references Allen's pro bono work on behalf of African-Americans and his mentorship of an African-American teen, powerfully rebutting claims that he is a racist. Allen told PJ Media he now regrets his NA support, and an African-American friend of his laughed at the idea of this lawyer being branded a racist.

Perhaps most importantly, the suit attacks the liberal group for undermining America's tradition of free expression. In an August 2016 interview with The Washington Post cited in the lawsuit, SPLC Intelligence Project Director Heidi Beirich (a defendant in the case) claimed to have watched Allen "like a hawk" because he had "the worst ideas ever created."

"This East Europe Communist thought-crime surveillance mentality is antithetical to fundamental American cultural and Constitutional principles protecting freedom of expression and association," Allen wrote in the suit, which can be found on his website. His lawsuit uses concrete claims of lawbreaking and defamation to expose the SPLC's Orwellian strategy of branding its opponents "hate groups" and orchestrating campaigns against them.

In August 2016, the SPLC published an article branding Allen a "neo-Nazi lawyer" and insinuating that this lawyer's work for the city of Baltimore was racist. Beirich, the article's author, smeared a small political party as racist and then published allegedly stolen documents protected by confidentiality agreements connecting Allen to the National Alliance.

Allen, a longtime partner at the international law firm DLA Piper, had left the firm in February 2016 to work for the Baltimore city solicitor, taking a pay cut for the opportunity to become chief city solicitor in charge of appeals in about a year. As part of his job, he filed one specific motion to help the city in a lawsuit filed by a black man who was wrongly accused of murder. Beirich painted this work as malicious to African-Americans.

'About 60 Organizations' Are Considering a Lawsuit Against the SPLC Following $3M Nawaz Settlement
This article led Baltimore's law department to fire Allen immediately, costing him at least 10 years of employment at a salary of $90,000 or more. The article also destroyed his reputation, making it extremely difficult for him to obtain a job, create a good relationship with clients, or argue before judges and jurors who would immediately judge him a "neo-Nazi lawyer." Furthermore, a year after Allen's firing, Baltimore badly lost the case, losing $15 million in damages.
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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:52 am

Support Glen K. Allen, Esq. v. Beirich, Potok, and SPLC

A free society cherishes non-conformity. It knows that from a non-conformist, from the eccentric, have come many of the great ideas of freedom. Free society must fertilize the soil in which non-conformity and dissent and individualism can grow. ~Henry Steele Commager, American Educator

Glen K. Allen, Esq. v. Beirich, Potok, and SPLCLawsuit
What does freedom mean to you — freedom to think nonconforming thoughts, to associate with nonconforming people, to advocate nonconforming viewpoints? To me, freedom is essential to a good life, the oxygen that, if missing or taken away, renders our world “weary, flat, [and] stale,” as Shakespeare’s Hamlet says. To really breathe at all, we must be free to wander off the reservation of received and approved opinion.

What are the enemies of freedom? There are many: poverty, poor health, social chaos, despotic governments, the lack of avenues to express freedom. But a particularly offensive and insidious kind is one that purports to advance the public good when in reality its primary aims are to enrich itself while destroying its political adversaries. This describes perfectly what the Southern Poverty Law Center has become today. Drawing on a massive surveillance model reminiscent of a Communist regime, motivated by lucrative fundraising aims, and employing fundraising techniques decried across the political spectrum as deceptive, the SPLC’s avowed goal, under the leadership of Heidi Beirich, Mark Potok, and others, is to destroy, through public shaming, loss of employment, and harm to reputation those groups and persons the SPLC broadly defines as political enemies of its leftist agenda. And the SPLC is masterful at what it does. Its victims are legion, and its bank accounts bulge with over $450 million it has raised using its misleading “hate maps” and other fundraising techniques.

I, Glen Allen, the plaintiff in Allen v. Beirich, Potok, and the SPLC, have been one of Beirich’s, Potok’s, and the SPLC’s targets. Their carefully orchestrated destruction of my legal career was severe, causing my termination as an attorney for the City of Baltimore and destroying the reputation as an attorney I had achieved over decades by performing ethical and competent work, including frequent and substantial pro bono work for African-Americans and others. The cause of free expression itself is another victim, for the SPLC has become one of the most effective and terror-inspiring censors in the country, and every success it achieves emboldens it further. (A more detailed summary of my complaint and copies of the complaint itself and other important pleadings can be found in the Resources section below.)

I am defying the SPLC’s fraud and intimidation. I need your help. I am fighting not for myself alone but for all who need breathing space to think and express unconventional and unpopular opinions. In particular, I am challenging the SPLC’s 501c3 status, which it uses so effectively to impoverish honest and robust debate on controversial issues such as immigration and race relations.

My complaint is a true David v. Goliath struggle, but my claims have merit and I will pursue them vigorously. But litigation of this nature is expensive. I must engage co-counsel and pay litigation expenses, and cannot hope to stay in the ring with the SPLC, with its $450 million endowment and large staff of attorneys, without financial help from friends and supporters. The SPLC openly boasts about its destructive aims and successes, which unfortunately are many. Please help me strike a blow for freedom against these self-appointed thought police...
More @ Mr. Allen's site: https://breathing-space-for-dissent.com/
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by THEWOTANIST » Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:06 pm

http://thefederalist.com/2017/05/17/12- ... mongering/

I am not endorsing thefederalist.com at all, but they make excellent observations here.

12 Ways The Southern Poverty Law Center Is A Scam To Profit From Hate-Mongering
The Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘Hate List’ has all the authority of a mean girl’s burn book. Yet it is dangerously provocative.
By Stella Morabito

What makes the hate list of the Southern Poverty Law Center different from the “burn book” a high school queen bee keeps in the 2004 movie “Mean Girls”? Answer: not much. The burn book was a compilation of insults, gossip, and rumors intended to repel the diva’s “enemies,” label everybody, and keep herself on top of the heap.

The SPLC uses its list of designated hate groups in much the same way: to manipulate the lives of others, smear reputations, control personal relationships, and reap the spoils. The dynamic is the same, whether played on the adolescent scene or in the political arena. Both lists serve mostly as power-mongering tools.

In civilized societies, we supposedly grow out of that sort of tribalism. But look around and you’ll see such behaviors proliferating in every sphere: politics, journalism, education. A recent headline in the Washington Examiner nailed it: “The Bret Stephens Freak Out is a Reminder that the Media Is Basically a Massive High School Clique.”

Why do so many folks treat the SPLC with undeserved reverence, the way too many high school kids treat a self-appointed nasty queen bee? Why do they accept the Southern Poverty Law Center as the nation’s Grand Inquisitor dictating who may speak and who must shut up? And why are its smears and caricatures so often blindly accepted at face value? What qualifies the SPLC to act as judge, jury, and social executioner of any human being who is not their blind supporter?

Those questions have been hanging in the air for decades. As with all vilification campaigns, the SPLC plays a dangerous and cruel game under the guise of defending victims. So let’s take a closer look at some of the SPLC’s history and behavior. Let’s count some ways it’s a con game.
1. It’s a Big-Money Smear Machine

The SPLC’s main role is as a massively funded propaganda smear machine. The following information on the SPLC, provided by Karl Zinsmeister of Philanthropy Roundtable, is an eye-opener: “Its two largest expenses are propaganda operations: creating its annual lists of ‘haters’ and ‘extremists,’ and running a big effort that pushes ‘tolerance education’ through more than 400,000 public-school teachers. And the single biggest effort undertaken by the SPLC? Fundraising. On the organization’s 2015 IRS 990 form it declared $10 million of direct fundraising expenses, far more than it has ever spent on legal services.”
2. The Center’s Work Has Incited Violence

The SPLC’s agitation and propaganda have proven to incite violence. Any person or organization of note who doesn’t get with the SPLC’s political agendas—whether they promote family integrity, religious freedom, U.S. immigration law, or anything else—is liable to end up smeared as an SPLC-certified agent of hate.

The SPLC website keeps tabs on designated bad guys with a Hate Map of the United States and an invitation for readers to #reporthate. The SPLC’s hate list includes the Family Research Council in Washington DC, and the 2012 shooting at FRC headquarters was inspired through the influence of SPLC agitprop, according to the gunman himself. He would have committed mass murder if he wasn’t stopped.

The recent mob violence in response to social scientist Charles Murray’s talk at Middlebury College, and the assault of a faculty member there, were products of the SPLC’s smear of Murray as an “extremist.” The list goes on.
3. SLPC Uses Emotion-Laden Images to Spread Innuendo

SPLC uses emotion-laden images with nary any evidence to “spread stigma just by innuendo.” Zinsmeister from Philanthropy Roundtable notes: “Over the years, numerous investigators have pointed out that most of the scary KKK and Nazi and militia groups that the SPLC insists are lurking under our beds are actually ghost entities, with no employees, no address, hardly any followers, and little or no footprint.”

But “hate groups” and “extremist organizations” are great copy, especially for fundraising. So the SPLC list of storm-troopers-in-our-midst is catnip for journalists looking for dramatic stories. SPLC’s lack of reasonable criteria for who goes on its list of crazies combines effortlessly with careless reporting, and spreads stigma just by innuendo. Mere proximity to SPLC’s arbitrary “hate” list is enough to tar even the worthiest group.
4. The FBI Stopped Citing SPLC as a Resource

Two years ago, the FBI deleted the SPLC from its website’s list of legitimate resources on hate crimes. This is a promising sign of growing clarity that the SPLC’s designations for hate groups lack legitimacy. There also seems to be growing boldness in calling out the SPLC for its tactics intended to shut down serious scholarship.
5. People On Its Political Team See the Problems, Too

Even some self-identified progressives are taking issue with SPLC vilification campaigns after the 2012 SPLC-inspired shooting at the Family Research Council. The SPLC’s emotionally charged rhetoric ignites divisions among people rather than healing anything. And there’s no telling where that can end up. So even leftist Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank wrote that the SPLC’s labeling of the Family Research Center as a hate group was a reckless act.
6. Its Nonprofit Status Masks Highly Political Fundraising

The SPLC operates far more as a political action committee than as the nonprofit it claims to be. The hyper-partisan nature of the SPLC’s operations makes its nonprofit status seem like a joke. In a recent letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, the Federation for Immigration Reform argued that the SPLC’s tax-exempt 501(c)3 status should be revoked because in the 2016 elections, the SPLC clearly violated the Internal Revenue Service requirement that prohibits “participating in or intervening (including the publishing or distributing of statements), in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.”


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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:33 pm

Will Williams wrote: Lawsuit Claims SPLC Abetted Theft, Spread Lies
to Destroy Lawyer for ‘Thought Crime’

JANUARY 2, 2019

In December 2018, a Baltimore lawyer filed a devastating lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and two of its employees. The SPLC targeted Glen Keith Allen over his former ties to the National Alliance (NA), a white nationalist group...
Tyler O'Neil called me to follow up on his story about Mr. Allen, and decided to do another story, one about me and NA and our so-called "symbiotic" relationship with SPLC, here: https://pjmedia.com/trending/white-nati ... symbiotic/

I added a comment under O'Neil's PJMedia article a few minutes ago, answering some fellow's off-topic question, and more:

Will Williams • 17 minutes ago
No, Mr. Quest, the National Alliance is not associated with your Mr. Kendall, whoever he is, nor with the novel of his that you are promoting.

Tyler O'Neil called me the other day, since I'm Chairman of the National Alliance, to follow up on the story he was writing about Mr. Allen who is suing the SPLC and three of their top "hate" experts.

Other than his describing NA as "disgusting," and his unsubstantiated claim that we "traffic in conspiracy theories," Tyler's piece is fairly objective, compared to other controlled media who invariably quote SPLC about us. I appreciate that he hyperlinked to both our National Alliance Website and to Glenn Allen, Esquire v. Heidi Beirich, Mark Potok, Morris Dees & SPLC. Readers can decide for themselves after getting the "other side" who is disgusting: the SPLC, or their victims. https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/01/pr ... ch-center/
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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:09 pm

Read Glen Allen's 82-page convincing lawsuit against the SPLC here: https://breathing-space-for-dissent.com ... plaint.pdf

Rare photo of Morris Dees and Richard Cohen in SPLC office on page 16.
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Jim Mathias
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:05 am

Will Williams wrote:Read Glen Allen's 82-page convincing lawsuit against the SPLC here: https://breathing-space-for-dissent.com ... plaint.pdf

Rare photo of Morris Dees and Richard Cohen in SPLC office on page 16.
82 pages??? :shock: :shock: :shock:
If he gets that far, it seems the amount of information will overwhelm a jury.
Congratulations, Jim, on your Alliance activism being one of the top ten [fake] news stories in eastern Iowa in 2018. :lol:
Thank you, Will. Let's hope I'm in the top 10 Alliance activists in the world. My competition drives me to overachieve. ;)
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:45 pm

Will Williams wrote:
C.E. Whiteoak wrote:
Lawsuit Could Take Down SPLC
Wow! What a great headline to begin a new year with!
You'll remember what the SPLC did to Mr. Allen two and 1/2 years ago that brought this civil suit against them: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t11027 ... st13634671

"Heidi Beirich, the center's intelligence project director, wrote in a post Wednesday on the center's website that "Allen's history with organized racism and anti-Semitism is deep."

"The Southern Poverty Law Center said it obtained records showing Allen was a dues-paying member of the National Alliance for years."

That's news to me. But if he ever had been an Alliance member, so what? It sounds to me like Glen has a solid case against the "law center."

I wrote this about Glen Allen in that locked SF soap opera thread when the news broke that SPLC had gotten Glen fired from his job:

Glen is a brilliant attorney of the top rank, having earned the highest Preeminent AV rating of excellence by his peers. He worked for that "large and respected law firm" -- DLA Piper -- for nearly 30 years as one of it's chief litigators. Piper was founded in Baltimore more than 100 years ago, when it was still a great White city, and currently has 3,100 lawyers in 22 countries on five continents.

Glen will be all right, and can wear his "destruction" by the Negroes, Jews, other non-Whites and queers at the SP "Law Center" as a badge of honor to honorable men and women who can see the inversion of a natural order at play.

SPLC photo of handsome Glen Allen from their Website
Our civic-minded SPLC watchdogs, defendants Beirich and Potok
Mr Allen has now served both Beirich and Potok according to this article. The so-called "law center" has hired a high-powered attorney to defend against Allen's suit, since all the lawyers in the SPLC stable would be fools to defend the indefensible themselves.

SPLC Hires High-Powered Defamation Lawyer to Defend Tax-Exempt Status in RICO Lawsuit

On Thursday evening, Baltimore attorney Glen Keith Allen, who is suing the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for racketeering, wire fraud, defamation, and other claims, told PJ Media that the SPLC has hired a high-powered attorney to defend them in the case. Among other things, Allen's suit demands a court judgment against the SPLC's 501c3 tax-exempt status, which could seriously cripple the organization.

"The SPLC Defendants have engaged Chad Bowman of Ballard Spahr, a large and well-regarded D.C. law firm, as their counsel," Allen told PJ Media in an email statement. He also said that he has formally "served" the SPLC, Heidi Beirich, and Mark Potok and that they have acknowledged and received the service. In other words, it's on.

Ballard Spahr is a Philadelphia-based law firm with more than 650 lawyers nationwide. It was founded in 1885 and is highly respected in the legal field.

Chad R. Bowman is a Washington, D.C. counselor and litigator who focuses on working with new media and legacy media organizations, as well as other nonprofit and for-profits engaged in speech and public advocacy. Before joining Ballard Spahr, Bowman worked as a reporter at The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (BNA). He has represented media clients in cases involving defamation, privacy, copyright, subpoena, access, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and other First Amendment issues.

https://pjmedia.com/trending/splc-hires ... o-lawsuit/
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