Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

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Wade Hampton III
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Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

Post by Wade Hampton III » Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:13 am

In a major development, India has officially joined the recent
announcements of Russia and China; all three parties will
entirely eliminate the USD from inter-national transactions.
India has announced it will pay for the supply of Russian
S-400 anti-missile systems in rubles, while China plans to
make bilateral agreements in national currencies by the end
of that year, Russian policymakers said.
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Nov 15, 2018 2:35 am

Is chaos coming? Will people (White people, that is) suddenly get smart about their own race as a result? Will this provide an excuse for multi-jewed ....err... -national forces to invade America and start the real crackdown on White dissidents? Will it matter if any Whites hold gold/silver if they're just going to get rounded up, murdered wholesale, or otherwise sent farther down the path of White genocide?

Time will tell!
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Re: Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:18 am

Jim Mathias wrote:Is chaos coming? Will people (White people, that is) suddenly get smart about their own race as a result?
No, they will not. More "shootings" are coming. After the Jews think there have been
enough "shootings" (and more are coming), 'Wolf Blitzer' will tell them that the 2nd
Amendment needs to be 'amended,' their 'pastors in the pulpit' tell them the same thing,
and there goes the right to bear arms. After all, "it is God's will." Soon after that, the
1st Amendment will follow, then not long after that, house calls by the FBI. I very well
know. I had a visit from these 'secret police' back in 2012...sent here by a Toronto
homosexual Jew who thought he could get Canada's "Human Rights Commission" edicts
enforced down here. It did not work in 2012. However, after a few more "shootings,"
it won't be out of the ordinary to expect domestic operatives of these dogs to visit
you at your place of residence:
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Re: Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

Post by White Man 1 » Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:05 am

Jim Mathias wrote:Is chaos coming? Will people (White people, that is) suddenly get smart about their own race as a result?
The ones that matter will, and the ones that won't, won't matter.

Without a doubt there will be a sizeable number of white people who decide to betray their blood and side with the Jews, et al. Fortunately, by and large they are not the kind of people we really need to fear.

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Re: Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

Post by Wade Hampton III » Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:10 am

Wade Hampton III wrote: No, they will not. More "shootings" are coming.
Me told you so...just about every week now..."rising crime
rate?" Me hardly thinks so...

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Re: Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

Post by Wade Hampton III » Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:26 pm

Planetary Dumping Of Jew-S Dollar Begins!

Global tensions caused by economic sanctions and trade conflicts triggered by Washington have forced targeted countries to take a fresh look at alternative payment systems currently dominated by the US dollar. RT has taken a deeper look into the recent phenomena of de-dollarization, summing up which countries have taken steps towards eliminating their reliance on the greenback, and the reasons behind their decision:
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Re: Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

Post by Wade Hampton III » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:31 pm

Jim Rickards posted....

For years, currency analysts have looked for signs of
an international monetary “reset” that would diminish
the dollar’s role as the leading reserve currency and
replace it with a substitute agreed upon at some Bretton
Woods-style monetary conference. That push has been
accelerated by Washington’s use of the dollar as a
weapon of financial warfare, including the application
of sanctions. The U.S. uses the dollar strategically
to reward friends and punish enemies. The use of the
dollar as a weapon is not limited to trade wars and
currency wars, although the dollar is used tactically
in those disputes. The dollar is much more powerful
than that.
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The dollar can be used for regime change by creating
hyperinflation, bank runs and domestic dissent in
countries targeted by the U.S. The U.S. can depose
the governments of its adversaries, or at least blunt
their policies without firing a shot. But for every
action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. As
the U.S. wields the dollar weapon more frequently,
the rest of the world works harder to shun the dollar
completely. I’ve been warning for years about efforts
of nations like Russia and China to escape what they
call “dollar hegemony” and create a new financial
system that does not depend on the dollar and helps
them get out from under dollar-based economic sanctions.
These efforts are only increasing.

Russia has sold off almost all of its dollar-denominated
U.S. Treasury securities and has reduced its dollar
asset position to almost zero. It has been amassing
massive quantities of gold, and has increased the gold
portion of its official reserves to over 20%. Russia
has about 2,000 tonnes of gold, having more than tripled
its gold reserves in the past 10 years. It has actually
acquired enough gold to surpass China on the list of
major holders of gold as official reserves. This
combination of fewer Treasuries and more gold puts
Russia on a path to full insulation from U.S. financial
sanctions. Russia can settle its balance of payments
obligations with gold shipments or gold sales and avoid
U.S. asset freezes by not holding assets the U.S. can
reach. And Russia is providing other nations a model to
achieve similar distance from U.S. efforts to use the
dollar to enforce its foreign policy priorities.

Certainly any talk of a monetary reset must involve China.
Despite its present weakness, China is still the second-
largest economy in the world and the fastest-growing major
emerging market. Like Russia, China is amassing gold, and
likely has far more gold than it officially lists. It has
also been helping to suppress gold prices so that it can
buy gold cheaply without driving up the price.

Europe has also shown signs that it wants to escape dollar
hegemony. For example, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas
has called for a new EU-based payments system independent
of the U.S. and SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank
Financial Telecommunication) that would not involve dollar

As I said earlier, SWIFT in the nerve center of the global
financial network. All major banks transfer all major
currencies using the SWIFT message system. Cutting a nation
off from SWIFT is like taking away its oxygen. In the longer
run, these are just more developments pushing the world at
large away from dollars and toward alternatives of all kinds,
including new payment systems and cryptocurrencies. The signs
of a reset are everywhere, but at least for now the dollar
is still king of the hill. The dollar still represents about
60% of global reserve assets, 80% of global payments and
almost 100% of global oil sales. With such a dominant position,
the dollar will not be easy to replace. Still, the trends
are not good for the dollar. The international reserve
position may be 60%, but as recently as 2000 it was over 70%
and just a few years ago it was still at 63%. That trend is
not your friend.

Meanwhile, Europe has remained a faithful partner to the U.S.
and has gone along with sanctions against Iran, for example.
That’s because European companies and countries that violate
U.S. sanctions can be punished with denied access to U.S.
dollar payment channels. But now, Europe is also showing
signs it wants to escape dollar hegemony. German Foreign
Minister Heiko Maas has called for a new EU-based payments
system independent of the U.S. and SWIFT that would not involve
dollar payments. In the short run, Europewill probably go along
with the U.S. because it doesn’t want to lose business in the
U.S. itself or be banned from the U.S. dollar payments system.

But in the longer run, this is just one more development pushing
the world at large away from dollars and toward alternatives of
all kinds, including new payment systems and cryptocurrencies.
It’s also one more sign that dollar dominance in global finance
may end sooner than most expect. Another challenger to the dollar
is the IMF’s special drawing rights or SDRs. The SDR is a form of
world money printed by the IMF. It was created in 1969 as the
realization of an earlier idea for world money called the “bancor,”
proposed by John Maynard Keynes at the Bretton Woods conference
in 1944. The bancor was never adopted, but the SDR has been going
strong for 50 years. The IMF could function more like a central
bank through more frequent issuance of SDRs and by encouraging
the use of “private SDRs” by banks and borrowers. At the current
rate of progress, it may take decades for the SDR to pose a
serious challenge to the dollar. But that process could be rapidly
accelerated in a financial crisis where the world needed liquidity
and the central banks were unable to provide it because they still
have not normalized their balance sheets from the last crisis.

In that case, the replacement of the dollar could happen almost
overnight. Individuals will not be allowed to own SDRs, but you
can still protect you wealth by buying gold. That’s what Russia
and China are doing. Both countries have more than tripled their
gold reserves since 2009. But attacks on the dollar are not
limited to gold or SDRs themselves. The most imminent threat
to the dollar actually comes from a combination of gold and digital
currency. The fact that Russia and China have been acquiring gold
is old news. Still, there are practical problems with using gold
as a form of currency, including storage and transportation costs.
But Russia is solving these transactional hurdles by combining its gold
position with distributed ledger, or blockchain technology.

Russia and China could develop a new cryptocurrency that would be
transferred on a proprietary encrypted ledger with message traffic
moving through an internet-type system not connected to the existing
Internet. Other countries could be allowed into this new system with
permission from Russia or China. The new cryptocurrency would be a
so-called “stable coin,” where the value was fixed with reference
either to a weight of gold or another standard unit such as the SDR.
Goods and services would be priced in this new unit of account.
Periodically, surpluses and deficits would be settled up in physical
gold. Such net settlements would require far less gold than gross
settlements (where every transaction had to be paid for in real-time).
This type of system (also called a “permissioned blockchain”) is
not pie-in-the-sky, but is already under development and will be
deployed soon. But you can count on the U.S. government being the
last to know. The development of a gold-backed digital currency is
just one more sign that dollar dominance in global finance may end
sooner than most expect. And we may be getting dangerously close to
that point right now.



Re: Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

Post by PallidaMort » Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:46 pm

Noice thread...
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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

Post by Wade Hampton III » Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:50 pm

Hudson recently wrote an article explaining why US Bankers were willing to assassinate Iran’s General Soleimani in order to keep the US Dollar as a world reserve currency. That is to say that they are willing to risk WW III because they want to buy trillions of dollars of things for free from foreigners by defrauding them with I Owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes. Let’s go back to 1972 when Dr Hudson published Super Imperialism in which he said the US was paying for its wars and military occupations by printing dollars. Hudson was invited to speak at the
State Department and the Pentagon. The diplomats liked him, understood him and voiced no objections to the policy of papering the world to pay for 800 bases in 80 countries. Later, he spoke to the Pentagon where it took them a while to understand what he was saying. Finally, a general said, “Wow. We are ripping people off.”

I should mention an article I saw minutes after reading the latest from Hudson. Russia and China have far superior weapons to the US. Even Iran has Mach 14 IRBMs (Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles.) American missiles are twice as slow as Iran’s and about a fifth the speed of Russia’s. The US spent $9 billion on the USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier and the elevators don’t work. So what good is an aircraft carrier if you can’t get a jet topside? It sort of leaves the entire fleet defenseless which was the point of the article – lack of morale in the US military. Perhaps soldiers did read Dr Mark Skidmore who said that from US government websites he found accounting over sight statements admitted that the Defense Department and HUD could not trace $21 trillion in taxpayer spending from 1998 to 2015. Soldiers might get the impression that they are risking their lives for people who rob Americans by the trillions. The same Bankers starved 3 million Americans to death in the 1930s.

We also learned that General Soleimani, according to Iraq’s Prime Minister, was in Baghdad because the Iraqis were attempting to broker a peace deal with Saudi Arabia. He was not planning an attack on the US. One more lie to dispense with while we are at it. The pro Iranian Popular Militias were rioting at an American military base. But why? The US, according to Seymour Hersh, had been funding, arming and training Al Qaeda forces like ISIS and Al Nusra. The US has air dropped supplies to ISIS and run rescue missions to fly out trapped ISIS commanders. And the US has repeatedly bombed the Iraqi men risking their lives fighting ISIS. (Younger people might not know that Hersh won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting the My Lai massacre in Vietnam.)

Neither the media nor the politicians have done anything to stop the funding of Al Qaeda. If you believe the media, Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda did 911 so anyone sending ISIS (Al Qaeda in Iraq) weapons is guilty of treason. But then I never believed the fairy tale that Osama called up Bankers in New York in the middle of the night on September 10, 2001 and ordered them to move a billion dollars in gold and silver out of vaults at the World Trade Center. The (Jew) Media has not explained that one. Wall Street deliberately over populated America while sending jobs overseas. To make it appear to American voters that they still lived in a prosperous country, the Bankers printed trillions of dollars to buy free things from overseas. And to cover the salaries, benefits and pensions of 31 million federal, state and local government workers counting contractors, they printed even more trillions. And printing still more to pay for their government pensions.

A few problems. Productivity has grown a lot in America but wages are stagnant. Rents are astronomical in areas with lots of immigrants. Working class people in many parts of the country lead hollowed out lives with no future. Big Pharma has a solution for the poverty blues – Opioid Addiction. But the Real Fly in the Ointment is this: Foreigners have become sick and tired of subsidizing DC Swamp Creatures and Wall Street Bankers to the tune of a trillion dollars a year – more or less. What happens if they just say No? Hudson knows as do I. The US Dollar will no longer be a reserve currency which was accepted as a means of payment just like gold was in 1800 and 1900. 60% of US dollars are overseas buying things for free. If foreigners send them back to the US, then our domestic money supply increases 150% over night. Not good for Bankers. Because that amount of currency inflation will cut wages more than in half. And because we have 200 million more people than the last time millions of Americans starved to death for Wall Street, the working poor will have nothing to eat but billionaires. In the Great Depression deer and wild rabbits almost disappeared. In today’s world most people live in cities. Those cities will burn to the ground when 120 to 160 million Americans can’t afford to eat.

So instead of solving our problems by arresting Bankers and seizing their assets to fund Debt Cancellation, we will risk World War III to keep the dollar afloat until 2022 or maybe 2023. We could issue a Debt Free currency like Lincoln’s Greenbacks but Bankers would rather give you a $23 trillion debt to pay to them and than let you have a government that owed nobody anything. Instead of keeping the US out of World War I, President Wilson chose to accept the wisdom of Wall Street and get 130,000 US soldiers killed and another 8,000 blinded just so we could bankrupt Great Britain and France. Instead of peace in the Mideast we could let Soleimani’s successor get Americans killed in Afghanistan where he had been working recently. And also get Americans killed in Saudi Arabia when Iran ramps up the war in Yemen.

Please remember that those Iranian missiles are more than twice as fast as anything America has. And the Iranians also have an unstoppable cruise missile with a range of 800 miles. But why worry about it? Just let the Bankers run everything. It is much easier to do nothing than to declare yourself to be an enemy of the Bankers and the Swamp Creatures. They might say bad things about you.
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Re: Jew-S-Dollar Facing Devaluation & Freefall

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Jan 16, 2020 6:28 pm

Countries That Are Becoming Jew-Wise!

Top 5 countries opting to ditch the Jew-S-A dollar & the
reasons behind their move. The past year was full of
events that inevitably split the global geopolitical
space into two camps: those who still support using
Jew-controlled US currency as a universal financial
tool, and those who are turning their back on the
greenback. Global tensions caused by economic sanctions
and trade conflicts triggered by Jew-occupied Washington
have forced targeted countries to take a fresh look at
alternative payment systems currently dominated by the
Jew-controlled US dollar.

RT has taken a deeper look into the recent phenomena of
breaking the financial spine of the Jews...summing up
which countries have taken steps towards eliminating
their reliance on the Jew-owned greenback, and the
reasons behind their decision:
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