latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

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Jim Mathias
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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:54 am

PhuBai68 wrote:
Jim Mathias wrote:
Will Williams wrote:What good is the Second Amendment in a nation of non-Whites?
It's true, neither the NRA nor writers like Jeff Knox have the balls to tell the truth about how it's the Jewish domination of the mass media which is behind the duplicitous messages regarding nearly all issues that are yammered about incessantly because they know they'd be in the crosshairs of the Kosher media/banking/government cabal and would never be published again and/or be driven into bankruptcy. But by conceding the moral high ground to the Jews and their anti-White agenda, they doom themselves as well. Cucks they are!

The "respectability" they crave is denied them, they are forever cowards or sellouts to me.
First- I think in a nation of non-Whites the Second Amendment might be VERY important.
Second- one NRA member of the board of directors did actually "name the Jew" on his Facebook page (Ted Nugent) however he apple-ed under pressure put on him and backpeddled, removed post and could've even apologized.

It's sad BUT that small 3% of our population has a stranglehold (no pun intended) on just about everything controlling our news media, television programming, movies, laws enacted and our politicians.
Look at "what happened" to Marc Moran ( a substantial financial supporter of the NA) who became a local town councilman when he was doxxed (probably by another "white nationalist" no less) with the media circus, death threats against him and family members, harassing phone calls and I would imagine a guess his business suffered.
Rich L whose wife left him, children messed up ("Why is daddy's name in the papers again?"), business suffered because of ARA putting up posters - you name "the Jew" and the hammer falls sadly.
I won't bore anyone with my own story of the hammer falling on me---it is irrelevant. Are each of us individually so very valuable that the future of our kind has to take a backseat?

Our Cause, our message, and our Race are what matters. Someone might kill/imprison/incapacitate me tomorrow for what I believe and who I am--I accept that it will happen, perhaps in the next minute! I only hope that I make a difference every day that I breathe before that time comes.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

David Pringle

Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by David Pringle » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:47 pm

Will Williams wrote:
David Pringle wrote:The Eddie Eagle campaign was focused on where most underage accidental shootings occur; inner cities and in non-White homes. Accidental shootings also occur in homes where adult substance abuse is a problem. The campaign has largely been a failure because inner-city school boards are generally Democrat and anti-gun.

I've used the Eddie Eagle video for almost 20 years to educate young kids who would be staying in my house or playing in and around our house.

"Stop! Don't Touch! Leave the area and tell an adult."

The problem is that there's nothing explicitly White on the market so to not use something like Eddie Eagle because there are non-whites in the cartoon or the ads for it is a mistake...
How in the world did White parents ever teach their children gun safety before there were these wonderful racially mixed teaching aids? Eddie Eagle is not teaching gun safety so much as he's subliminally teaching acceptance of racial integration -- just like the NRA national office told our Alliance member years ago that it would.

White Will and friends could teach White kids gun safety while reinforcing racial separation.

Stop! Don't race-mix!
We didn't need cartoons to teach us anything about guns because they were an integral part of our daily lives. Even those who lived in cities would still get tags and hunt or target practice on the weekends. Guns were mechanically simpler back then too.

The NRA is implicitly White and while we don't have any real influence on what the organization does we do have influence on some of the membership and some of their Board. The "top 12 gun grabbers" meme Ted Nugent tweeted originated on Stormfront in the Self Defense forum.

The person at the NRA national office was living in a fantasy world, just like the ad executives who came up with the multi-racial faces in the Eddie Eagle cartoon ... non-Whites generally don't join the NRA although some outliers do ... and they don't give a damn about gun rights. When they have a gun they don't look at it like a thing of mechanical beauty, or a tool for freedom. They see a gun and think about how they should use it and cannot understand why, if you have a gun, it should not be used.

As the AR-15, concealed carry and self defense markets have skyrocketed in the past dozen years the NRA has been forced to reset their old ways. Whites make up the VAST majority of responsible gun owners who seek out self defense training. Whites make up the VAST majority of those who buy gun safes to protect and secure their purchases. Whites make up the vast majority of new gun owners. Whites make up the VAST majority of NRA members. Unfortunately, just like other implicitly White organizations (Republican Party) the NRA will never be explicitly White until we make everything that way.

Until that time we can thank grassroots NRA members for working hard to get concealed carry legal in so many states.

That way all the happy WalMart shoppers can consume in relative safety.

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Will Williams
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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by Will Williams » Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:10 pm

David Pringle wrote:...Until that time we can thank grassroots NRA members for working hard to get concealed carry legal in so many states.
Don't get me wrong, the NRA is still arguably the most effective lobby for the Second Amendment. But that doesn't mean the NRA is above criticism from White loyalists for it's deliberate racially-mixed teaching aid for mostly White children.
That way all the happy WalMart shoppers can consume in relative safety.
Our problem is that the VAST majority of Walmart shoppers are White. Many of them shop there out of necessity, even getting bargains on some brands of American-made firearms because Walmart purchases in bulk and can sell cheaper than can the hometown gun store.

Bottom line, though: Walmart's practices are good for the Walton family, not for the benefit of their race.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by White Man 1 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:53 pm

Until we can radicalize the yeomanry, the NRA will be anti-white. They are for sale to the highest bidder, who happens to be race-spooked whites at the moment.

David Pringle

Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by David Pringle » Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:05 pm

White Man 1 wrote:Until we can radicalize the yeomanry, the NRA will be anti-white. They are for sale to the highest bidder, who happens to be race-spooked whites at the moment.
Not being pro-White and anti-White are very different. That's why I like implicit and explicit. The NRA is implicitly pro-White. It is, for the most part, run by good wholesome Whites and their families. When you attend an NRA sponsored event, that is what you see - healthy White families. There is always the potential for a token or two to attend but that is generally the exception. You'll rub elbows with more non-Whites while you fund your own genocide and poisoning shopping at WalMart than at any NRA event -- ever.

The Yeomanry's watching Wednesday Night at the Range, cheering Sarah Palin and Donald Trump Jr. while planning their deer, duck and holiday seasons. What I have tried to do over the years, one hunter/shooter at a time, is to communicate that the firearm issue is directly tied to the issue of race and self determination. I personally believe that these ideas are penetrating into the gun community - slowly, but surely.

Will is 100% right, the NRA isn't above criticism. I criticize them often.

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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by PhuBai68 » Thu Oct 19, 2017 5:15 pm

David Pringle wrote:You'll rub elbows with more non-Whites while you fund your own genocide and poisoning shopping at WalMart than at any NRA event -- ever.
Around here Wally World is about the only game to be had.
You have the choice for groceries of either Wally, over priced IGA, crappy Save-A-Lot (where you WILL rub elbows) or Kroger's where we occasionally shop.
As far as clothes and other items - I usually get my clothes online and needed stuff like bar oil, motor oil, light bulbs, etc I'll probably buy there.
After all, they ARE employing White West Virginians.

David Pringle wrote:Will is 100% right, the NRA isn't above criticism. I criticize them often.
Not above criticism.
It's just a shame that just about every GD thing has to be so politically correct and "everyone" walks on egg shells NOT TO "offend" those who take offense at about everything.
I wish the 1950's America was here again when "gay" was a faggot or queer, when an "African-American" was a Negro or colored, when there were no dot head/rag head Indians, no Arabs, no Pakis, Africans, Dominicans, S.E. Asians, and all the other riff raff that Hart-Celler Act allowed in to change our country ethnically, racially, religiously and culturally.
As my grandmother would say, "You can wish in one and and s**t in the other and see which fills up first."
That Immigration Reform Act 1965 opened Pandora's box for sure.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by PhuBai68 » Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:49 pm

The latest American Rifleman has a section (I believe page 34 - I don't have the magazine available right now) on their youth program and "Eddie Eagle" with one photo of three black kids.
However the other photo taken (I'm assuming now) at Whittington Center with a huge group of young people and I'd say only two blacks, "maybe" two •Indians and possibly an Oriental or two.
They have to at least seem politically correct otherwise the MSM would be blasting us as bigoted, gun toting, White racists nightly.
Look at the poop that came down with their one television commercial touting concealed carry showing the blacks rioting and "why" you need to be able to protect yourself, the left raised hell and I believe they pulled that ad.
The NRA is not above criticism but I think we'd be a hell of a lot closer to Europe, Canada and Australia with our firearm restrictions without the NRA.

Page 21 and it was for the Reagan Ranch.
The Eddie Eagle ad is on page 84 and shows three photos, all are White children except one pic that has seven children two of which look to be mudlettes - probably white mother and you know.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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