latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

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latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by PhuBai68 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:58 pm

Not sure if this belongs here.

Happy happy! Joy joy!
Not only received the latest bulletin yesterday in the mail BUT also the latest Firearm News (October 2017 I issue 23) which in "The Knox Update" covered the "Unite the Right" rally favorably for our side.
The reason I bring this up is Chairman Williams mentions that rally and Jewish censorship on the first page of the bulletin.
Here's "The Knox Update" ---- ... z4qhHt784S
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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by White Man 1 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:15 pm

Nice find! It's rare to see a news site - even the right leaning ones- report the bare facts of that day.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:31 am

Jeff Knox rightly points out the double standards in reporting going on, with the Charlottesville incident as the latest example of media duplicity. However, he does not go far enough in properly identifying the media masters who seem to march in lockstep with one another as to the narrative given in near perfect synchronicity.

C'mon, Jeff! Name the Jew. Just once. You'll feel better about yourself.
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Will Williams
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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by Will Williams » Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:24 am

Jim Mathias wrote:Jeff Knox rightly points out the double standards in reporting going on, with the Charlottesville incident as the latest example of media duplicity. However, he does not go far enough...

C'mon, Jeff! Name the Jew. Just once. You'll feel better about yourself.
Jeff Knox may not name the Jew, but he can't be as anti-White as the NRA is with its multi-ethnic Eddie Eagle bs:
Where is the White boy?
When a lifetime member of the NRA, who was also a National Alliance member, saw this deliberate race-mixing crap come out from NRA a few years ago he inquired of the NRA headquarters why they chose to portray American youth this way. He was told, "The NRA is preparing for the future make-up of the American population." :o

That NA member immediately cancelled his NRA membership, and let the NRA know why. What good is the Second Amendment in a nation of non-Whites?
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David Pringle

Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by David Pringle » Fri Oct 13, 2017 12:53 pm

The Eddie Eagle campaign was focused on where most underage accidental shootings occur; inner cities and in non-White homes. Accidental shootings also occur in homes where adult substance abuse is a problem. The campaign has largely been a failure because inner-city school boards are generally Democrat and anti-gun.

I've used the Eddie Eagle video for almost 20 years to educate young kids who would be staying in my house or playing in and around our house.

"Stop! Don't Touch! Leave the area and tell an adult."

The problem is that there's nothing explicitly White on the market so to not use something like Eddie Eagle because there are non-whites in the cartoon or the ads for it is a mistake.

How many Whites shop at WalMart? -- anyone who shops at WalMart directly funds -- race-mixing, immigration, globalism, democrats, McCulture, underpaid workers, small mom and pop businesses dying, NAFTA, free trade, China...

Being an NRA member or using the Eddie Eagle program can't be as bad as shopping at WalMart.

The NRA-ILA and their public relations folks are not gun people - they are DC lobbyists and media wonks. The banning of reciprocating stocks and triggers because they can increase the rate of fire, especially when ATF Tech cleared them as not violating the National Firearms Act (NFA) will open the door for the banning of other accessories.

What made Mr. Las Vegas effective was the sum of his equipment, not one single piece of it. EoTech, Surefire, Daniel Defense, Sig ... he had the funding to buy the best and we see that using the best equipment - with a solid plan gets results.

The suppression fire from the DDM4's with EoTech holographic sights, Slide-Fire stocks, 100 round SureFire magazines would be enough to wound , confuse and isolate the crowd into groups but not to kill in large numbers.

The accurate fire from the rifles scoped with the Nikon Pro-Staff (?) with the Ballistic Drop Compensation reticle would be the death machine that killed most of the people. Nikon has a website for the scope so you can program the firing solution into the scope (308 and 223) which would make him much more accurate. Not to mention his increase in accuracy as he settles into killing mode safe in his snipers nest.

Do they plan to ban these accessories?

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Will Williams
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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by Will Williams » Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:59 pm

David Pringle wrote:The Eddie Eagle campaign was focused on where most underage accidental shootings occur; inner cities and in non-White homes. Accidental shootings also occur in homes where adult substance abuse is a problem. The campaign has largely been a failure because inner-city school boards are generally Democrat and anti-gun.

I've used the Eddie Eagle video for almost 20 years to educate young kids who would be staying in my house or playing in and around our house.

"Stop! Don't Touch! Leave the area and tell an adult."

The problem is that there's nothing explicitly White on the market so to not use something like Eddie Eagle because there are non-whites in the cartoon or the ads for it is a mistake...
How in the world did White parents ever teach their children gun safety before there were these wonderful racially mixed teaching aids? Eddie Eagle is not teaching gun safety so much as he's subliminally teaching acceptance of racial integration -- just like the NRA national office told our Alliance member years ago that it would.

White Will and friends could teach White kids gun safety while reinforcing racial separation.

Stop! Don't race-mix!
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Jim Mathias
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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:04 am

Will Williams wrote:
Jim Mathias wrote:Jeff Knox rightly points out the double standards in reporting going on, with the Charlottesville incident as the latest example of media duplicity. However, he does not go far enough...

C'mon, Jeff! Name the Jew. Just once. You'll feel better about yourself.
Jeff Knox may not name the Jew, but he can't be as anti-White as the NRA is with its multi-ethnic Eddie Eagle bs:
Where is the White boy?
When a lifetime member of the NRA, who was also a National Alliance member, saw this deliberate race-mixing crap come out from NRA a few years ago he inquired of the NRA headquarters why they chose to portray American youth this way. He was told, "The NRA is preparing for the future make-up of the American population." :o

That NA member immediately cancelled his NRA membership, and let the NRA know why. What good is the Second Amendment in a nation of non-Whites?
It's true, neither the NRA nor writers like Jeff Knox have the balls to tell the truth about how it's the Jewish domination of the mass media which is behind the duplicitous messages regarding nearly all issues that are yammered about incessantly because they know they'd be in the crosshairs of the Kosher media/banking/government cabal and would never be published again and/or be driven into bankruptcy. But by conceding the moral high ground to the Jews and their anti-White agenda, they doom themselves as well. Cucks they are!

The "respectability" they crave is denied them, they are forever cowards or sellouts to me.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:16 am

And on the latest Bulletin: I loved the hate mail section! How nice to see what the idiots who wrote in with their poorly written, immature, and ill-thought out pablum defending the Jews' narrative. They're exposing themselves for all to see the kind of suckers they are for the Jews' lies and the White genocide they stupidly cheer on.

It reinforces the point that we Whites badly need to take control of our own destiny to include a breeding program that discourages the bearers of low-intelligence and weak/defective characters from breeding as prolifically as has been the case for at least the past half century here in America.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by PhuBai68 » Sat Oct 14, 2017 11:53 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Will Williams wrote:What good is the Second Amendment in a nation of non-Whites?
It's true, neither the NRA nor writers like Jeff Knox have the balls to tell the truth about how it's the Jewish domination of the mass media which is behind the duplicitous messages regarding nearly all issues that are yammered about incessantly because they know they'd be in the crosshairs of the Kosher media/banking/government cabal and would never be published again and/or be driven into bankruptcy. But by conceding the moral high ground to the Jews and their anti-White agenda, they doom themselves as well. Cucks they are!

The "respectability" they crave is denied them, they are forever cowards or sellouts to me.
First- I think in a nation of non-Whites the Second Amendment might be VERY important.
Second- one NRA member of the board of directors did actually "name the Jew" on his Facebook page (Ted Nugent) however he apple-ed under pressure put on him and backpeddled, removed post and could've even apologized.

It's sad BUT that small 3% of our population has a stranglehold (no pun intended) on just about everything controlling our news media, television programming, movies, laws enacted and our politicians.
Look at "what happened" to Marc Moran ( a substantial financial supporter of the NA) who became a local town councilman when he was doxxed (probably by another "white nationalist" no less) with the media circus, death threats against him and family members, harassing phone calls and I would imagine a guess his business suffered.
Rich L whose wife left him, children messed up ("Why is daddy's name in the papers again?"), business suffered because of ARA putting up posters - you name "the Jew" and the hammer falls sadly.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Will Williams
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Re: latest Bulletin & The Firearm News

Post by Will Williams » Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:03 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:And on the latest Bulletin: I loved the hate mail section! How nice to see what the idiots who wrote in with their poorly written, immature, and ill-thought out pablum defending the Jews' narrative. They're exposing themselves for all to see the kind of suckers they are for the Jews' lies and the White genocide they stupidly cheer on.
That short section of the September BULLETIN is reproduced below. The three hate letters that were published represent around 25 similar ones we received in a two-week period. My point in the commentary following these letters is that it is not the Jews or the Negroes or Mestizos or the LQBT community that is bothering to write to us in opposition, it is the "good" white Christians.

Hate Mail

To the people of the National Alliance: If you make friends with diversity you will learn what they know about life. If you lay down your guns and make friends you will have friends. If you quit obsessing about other peoples sexuality your own personal sex life will be more fullfilling. Yours is currently the organization of the Pharisees, the sad projection of your own inadequacies. You are not Christian, you do not represent what it truly means to love this country. Your best bet is to close down your organization, teach love, donate your money to the survivors of the latest hurricane. Grow up - this is the only planet we have. Sincerely, A True American (-Anonymous, via U.S. postal mail, postmarked California)


Hello, National Alliance - In your honor I am going to kiss a girl (I'm a female) have all the sex and have a ton of interracial and Jewish babies. Jesus thinks you suck, people like you make the world suck, you are f***ing morons. I hope you trip and fall today and every day. -Anonymous, postmarked Nashville, Tennessee


To President National Alliance: I am now convinced that these anthem protesters are part of a bigger plot to eventually outlaw the American Flag which symbolizes America's core values. If you destroy the symbol you destroy the core values behind the symbol. Our core values of God, family, honor, sacrifice, courage, bravery, and country keeps our nation together; without them we do not have a United States. Think of the sequence of events; outlaw prayer in school, outlaw the confederate flag, label those that do not support the liberal agenda as racists, and remove the American Flag in the name of political correctness.

Don't forget [Colin] Kaepernick, a devout Muslim and unemployed Black NFL [ -- No Fans Left -- ] quarterback, started this "take a knee" movement; he has ties to the BLM [Black Lives Matter] movement which is funded by George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, and their liberal allies The Nazi propaganda machine could not have done better... [skip the next four paragraphs of this American patriot's wisdom - Ed.].

I would recommend that your organization adopt a better marketing plan that appeals to those of us that feel disenfranchised. The most abused segment of our population is the American taxpayer. Sir, I am Hispanic -- First Generation and understand your hate and frustration with the enemies of America; I agree. However, I support Israel and dislike people based on their political beliefs not the color of their skin. Bring in the disenfranchised and your organization will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. -Anonymous, postmarked Quad-Cities, Illinois (two Christian tracts from Chick Publications included)

Commentary by Chairman William White Williams:

A "Better Marketing Plan?"

There was a flurry of hate letters mailed to the National Alliance after the Charlottesville racial ruckus and the media attention we'd received in the Quad-Cities region as a result of our fliers and cards being distributed there. The three published above are typical examples. All of the letters were sent anonymously, and besides one that was an obscene inter-racial pornographic image, all made sure to mention that they are Christian and, presumably, most were from Whites. It was ever so distressing for me to learn from these reactionary geniuses that the National Alliance is an organization of the "Pharisees" and that "Jesus thinks [we] suck!" The first two paragraphs in the third letter, above, sounds like it could be part of a rant of your typical, semi-informed, White, conservative, Christian "Joe-Sixpack" American patriot. Then, skipping to Pedro's closing paragraph, we learn he is absolutely opposed to everything the National Alliance stands for.

Hate mail is instructive; it reminds us what an uphill fight we will have finding those few responsible Whites who understand our Nature-based, racial separatist message, who agree with it, and then will do the responsible thing and join with us. Of course we receive "love mail," as well -- and that keeps us going. We gained three new members during the last week in September, for example That doesn't sound like many in a country of more than 300,000,000, but if we can keep up that pace each week over time, we are steadily, albeit still slowly, succeeding with the Alliance program. We will not be adopting Pedro's "better marketing plan." Those receiving this BULLETIN should strive to recruit at least one new member or dues-paying supporter before 2017 is out.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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