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Will Williams
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Wed Oct 04, 2017 3:13 pm

TaylorPeiper wrote:well, I will be leaving. trust the Russians and see what happens. I can't protect you from this.

If you end up being tortured, your manhood cut off and left to bleed to death then you chose it. I can't protect you from this. That is what they did to German POWs. I won't be happy about the loss of any of you or many others. I just know from being warned by my family here in the US and those still in Europe.

They way you guys are doing things has already started the changing of laws in PA. Those laws do not benefit you. It was my intention to help you.

Bye Guys. I will miss some of you.
I don't need your or anyone else's protection from the Russian people, thanks. I've been to Russia three times and felt at home among Russians the whole time there because they are White! So what if they talk funny? So do Germans. A much larger percentage of people in Russia are White than than in the U.S., believe me.

Meet my wife of fourteen years, Lana Williams.


Sorry to see you leave WB, but you do not seem very interested in the National Alliance. Not now anyway.
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by WNNana » Wed Oct 04, 2017 10:09 pm

TaylorPeiper wrote:RUSSIA?

after what they did to my German ancestors? no, hell no.
Some things need to be put in historical context. Under the Molotov-Ribbontrop Pact of 1939, Germany and Russia were allies, and agreed to non aggression against each other, and had a plan for dividing up Poland. The agreement ended when Germany launch Operation Barbarossa in 1941 against Soviet held areas. They ran a plunder, pilage, scorched earth campaign in their oush towards Moscow and Stalingrad (look up the siege of Stalingrad, it was ugly). The Soviet winter counter attack drove them back. When Russia advanced into Germany in 1944-45, they more or less acted the same way.

Now, 2 wrongs don't make a right, but you can't change history. Time marches on, and governments, countries, people, and their goals change. At the present time, Russias' overall goals align in some respects with ours- the preservation of WHITE races, and the end of muslim and non white influence. A government that condemns homosexuality and pediaphilia instead of celebrating it; and that considers children to be the future of it's people and not a burden to be disposed of when inconvienent looks pretty good right about now.

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Will Williams
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:18 pm

Will Williams wrote:Meet my wife of fourteen years, Lana Williams...
I didn't make clear that Lana is Russian. "Svetlana" is too difficult for many of my hillbilly neighbors to pronounce -- they can manage "Savannah" -- so she now answers to Lana. :)
Whites Killing Whites -- Never Again Such Fratricide!
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Will Williams
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:36 pm

News Site Russia Insider “Drops the Jew Taboo” ... jew-taboo/

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White Man 1
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by White Man 1 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:45 pm

The most vitriolic and obsessive Russia-bashing journalists in the media are mostly Jewish. The publications which push these writers most energetically are all Jewish-owned, and as a publisher, I know very well, that is where the buck stops.

The most important part of the article and the takeaway. Follow the money and you'll find the Jew.

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Wade Hampton III » Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:55 pm

White Man 1 wrote: The most important part of the article and the takeaway. Follow the money and you'll find the Jew.

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Will Williams
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Thu May 31, 2018 11:27 am

It's good news for Russia if this Jew leaves for his Semitic tribe's homeland, but not if he gets to take his ill-gotten gain from the Russian people with him.

Roman Abramovich ‘granted Israeli citizenship’
as wrangles continue over UK visa

The Russian billionaire has been rumoured to be building a new superhome in Israel while he is barred from the UK

By Nick Parker
28th May 2018

CHELSEA FC tycoon Roman Abramovich has been granted Israeli citizenship, sources said last night.

The Russian billionaire has been rumoured to be building a new superhome in Israel as wrangles continue over his UK visa.

The Kremlin said they were “unaware” of any attempt by Mr Abramovich to seek Israeli citizenship".


Dozens of oligarchs face the boot from Britain after Downing Street announced a crackdown on permits.

Russian oil baron Mr Abramovich is understood to have had to explain how he got his fortune...
More, here: ... r-uk-visa/
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Will Williams
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:33 am

Russia: Four Million More White Children
Born Due to Promotion of Sexual Morality

by Michael Walsh

THE PROPORTION OF Russian citizens who consider abortion unacceptable has tripled over the course of the past 20 years, from 12% to 35%. In effect, 4,400,000 more Russian children are born every year thanks to government family support strategies.
Russian children proudly sing Russian national anthem
(note absence of Negroes who would "take a knee")
The number that condemns adultery and same-sex relationships has also significantly increased, according to data from a recent Levada Centre sociological survey. The change in public opinion attests to the strengthening of traditional family values.

The nationwide survey showed that the majority of Russians (68%) condemn extramarital sexual relations, while only 50% condemned it in 1998. The 2017 number includes 77% of women and 57% of men. Those disapproving of homosexual relationships increased from 68 to 83% in the same time period, with only a 1% difference between men and women.

Those who responded that abortion is unacceptable, even in the case of low-income families, increased from 12 to 35%. Here women held a more strict view, with 37% condemning abortion in all cases, as compared to 31% of men. No difference was seen in regards to the age of the woman responding.

Levada Centre sociologist Karina Pipia noted that the numbers demonstrate an overall conservative trend in the nation. President of the Russian Society of Obstetricians-Gynaecologists Vladimir Serov told the newspaper Izvestia that abortions, legal in Russia, have decreased eight-fold in Russia over the past 25 years, from approximately 5 million to 600,000 every year.

This was facilitated by a number of measures, including state economic support for families with children, the establishment of centres to support pregnant women in difficult situations, the development of contraception, and the development of education on the dangers of abortions.

Scientific Director of the Independent Institute of Family and Demography Igor Beloborodov considers that the change in public opinion on abortion is the result of government policy and the pro-natal educational work of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Watch videos of White Russian children, here: ... -morality/
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Will Williams
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:02 am

15,000 Boers Seek Refuge in Russia

A DELEGATION OF 30 South African farming families has arrived in Russia’s farmbelt Stavropol Region, Rossiya 1 TV reports. The group says it is facing violent attacks and death threats at home.
Up to 15,000 Boers, descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, are planning to move to Russia amid rising violence stemming from government plans to expropriate their land, according to the delegation.

“It’s a matter of life and death — there are attacks on us. It’s got to the point where the politicians are stirring up a wave of violence,” Adi Slebus told the media. “The climate here [Stavropol Region] is temperate, and this land is created by God for farming. All this is very attractive.”

The new South African government, led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, has pledged to seize the lands owned by White farmers since the 1600s and give them to Blacks. The government calls this “putting an end to the legacy of apartheid.”

Rights groups have said the initiative incites violence. There were 74 farm murders and 638 attacks, primarily against White farmers, in 2016-17 in South Africa, according to data by minority rights group AfriForum.

The farmers are prepared to make a contribution to Russia’s booming agricultural sector, according to Rossiya 1. Each family is ready to bring up to $100,000 for leasing the land.

Russia has 43 million hectares of unused farmland, and has recently begun giving out free land to Russian citizens to cultivate farming. The land giveaway program, which began in 2014, has been a huge success. ... in-russia/

Meanwhile in darkening, mult-racial America... ... ight-73400
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Will Williams
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:56 am

I'm no fan of Trump or his fellow shabbos goy Republicans, but it's good to see the Democrats have to eat soe crow over Trump's exoneration from the so-called Russian "collusion," nearly two-year witch hunt.

Almost as much fun as watching the mealy-mouthed Jew Shiff being punked: ... p-pic.html

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