Christian patriot vs biological racist

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Will Williams
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Christian patriot vs biological racist

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:57 pm

This is an entertaining debate between myself, the biological racist, and an Identity Christian pastor named Bill Finck ... liam-finck Some interesting comments follow that reinforce my premise that Christianity and Cosmotheism are diametrically opposed and entirely incompatible. May the best belief system for long term White survival prevail.


Blurb: Two men with very distinct personalities and followings meet each other for the first time on this program, revealing in the ensuing exchange that the division among White Nationalists over religion is deeper than any other disagreement. Will Williams, who was associated with William Pierce when he was alive, manages The Legacy of Dr. William Pierce and is a vehement foe of Christianity. William Finck is owner of Christogenea, a Christian Identity site...

In January of 2013 it would be another 21 months before I would be named National Alliance Chairman, but Kevin Strom and I were already positioning to do just that. It should be clear from this debate, especially the portion addressing religion, that if Kevin and I got control of NA that it would not be Big Tent, or an organization based on Christian principles, whatever they are, but on Dr. Pierce's sound, Nature-based, Cosmotheist teachings.
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Christian patriot vs biological racist

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:46 am

Christinsanity can't win; too many fantasies that overstretch the bounds of credibility, "miracles", and other fantastic tales that only the gullible can swallow. Whites who can truly think for themselves have laughed it out of their lives by the millions already.

Cosmotheism isn't new, per se, but it took a great thinker/philosopher like Dr. Pierce to synthesize it from the works of past Aryan philosophers but this deed is recent history. Having read the Cosmotheist-based writings of Dr. Pierce and many others in a variety of publications, and the recently (2015 I believe) published book "Cosmotheism" by Invictus Books, what I've found so far within Cosmotheism is a set a values, ethics, and morals (or religion, if you will) that will stand the test of time.

And I believe Whites of superior character, will, and intelligence who are on a life path in discovering and implementing a true and higher authority for our people will discover Cosmotheism and find something very valuable for all of us to use as a guide in our heretofore instinctively inspired quest for attaining the creator's purpose but this time through a higher awakened consciousness.
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