Why More Progress Isn't Made

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David Pringle

Why More Progress Isn't Made

Post by David Pringle » Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:03 pm

Why More Progress Isn't Made
National Alliance BULLETIN
December 1995
William L. Pierce Commentary

I've said this before, but it obviously needs to be said again: the National Office needs more help if more progress is to be made. The few of us working here are doing as much as we can. New projects will require new staff members.

If we are to produce more types of printed materials, or produce our established types more frequently, we must have more staff members with good language or graphic skills.

Although we can continue building our radio network with our present staff if we have more money, we cannot do new things with the radio medium -- such as add a live, call-in program -- until we have at least one staff member with language skills.

If we ere able to make the best use of the media we already are using, we need a person with good marketing skills to expand our distribution network.

If we are to make maximum use of our members, many of whom are not self starters, we must have one or more staffers in the National Office to work with them, providing encouragement and advice.

And if I am to be freed from the burden of administrative chores and correspondence which occupy most of my time now, so I can use my time for new projects, I must have a good executive secretary -- a person with good language and office skills.

Now, if we were located in a metropolitan area, convenient to shopping ans entertainment, and were offering $125,000 a year for staff salaries, plus full medical coverage and good retirement benefits, I have no doubt that all of our staff openings would be filled immediately. I know we have members with all of the required skills who are earning less than that in their current employment.

I was discussing staff work with a potential recruit recently, and I told him that we could pay him $1,000 per month. He thought I was joking. He was quite certain that it was not possible to live on $1,000 per month. He spends more than that each month just in payments to various credit card accounts. He spends three or four times that much on his annual vacation.

I could see thar there was no point in pursuing the subject with him. I could have proved to him eventually that not only is it possible to live on $1,000 a month, but that many of the mountain folk who reside in the vicinity of the National Office actually raise families on less income than that. But that would have been like persuading a heroin addict that life is possible without heroin. It can be done, but to what avail? A consumer addict is no more likely to break his money habit voluntarily than a heroin addict is to break his drug habit. Verily, I say unto you: it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle...

That leaves us with three possibilities:

1. Someone will bequeath $10 million to the Alliance. We will invest it at 8 percent and with the income pay staff salaries comparable to those which staff members could earn elsewhere.

2. Blacks and mestizos, unhappy with Republican measures to trim welfare, stem illegal immigration, and get tough on criminals, will begin large-scale rioting and will kill all the honkies they can get their hands on. This will persuade many urban and suburban White survivors that they don't really need to continue working int he cities like they thought they did: that they can, in fact, learn to do without a lot of luxuries they had believed were necessities.

3. We will continue struggling along as we have been, always on the lookout for rare individuals who have both the skills and the outlook of true revolutionaries.

While we are waiting for the first or second possibility, we'd better do what we can with the third. Toward that end, let me point out a few things which members with useful skills who are tempted to cut their ties to the Great Satan and become full time revolutionaries might consider.

First, if you have young children and want them to grow up with White values, in most cases you must send them to very expensive private schools or teach them at home. Even then, it will require more self discipline than most parents can muster to keep them free of Jewish influence: "If Bobby's parents let him watch television, why can't I?"

In rural West Virginia a large percentage of parents school their own children, and their political clout has resulted in the West Virginia government having the least restrictive policies on home schooling to be found anywhere. Even if you decide you can't cope with home schooling, the public schools are virtually all White. The drug problem in the schools is minimal, and the crime rate is the lowest int he country. As for television reception, one must have either a satellite dish or a cable hookup (not available in many rural areas here) to get any at all, which makes it easier to persuade the women and children that they really don't need it. Furthermore, it's easier to cope with peer pressure when you're part of a group which shares your life-style and your values.

Second, if you're like many urban Whites I've met, you are very poorly prepared to protect yourself and your family when the lights go out for good, and roving gangs start looking for something to eat. Having a rifle in the closet isn't enough. Are you proficient at getting gasoline from a station without electric pumps when there is no electricity? Can you do emergency repairs on a motor vehicle? If you succeed in getting your family safely out of the city, do you know how to use an ax or a chainsaw? Have you ever built a fire in a wood-burning stove? Do you know how to reload pistol or rifle cartridges if you can't get factory ammunition? Do you intend to wait until the hungry gang is at your door before you start learning survival skills? How do you intend to learn them at all if you continue living and working in the city?

Here we have the happy opportunity to mix the learning of survival skills with our work in the Alliance: cut firewood and wax your boots before breakfast, spend 10 hours working on radio scripts or correspondence with members, and then sharpen your chainsaw after supper. It's better for your body and for your soul than your present life-style. We have tried to minimize our dependence on others. We could sustain ourselves even if the people in the rest of the country were starving and eating each other.

Third, what's more important to you: saving money so that your child can go to Harvard and join the enemy, or raising your child in a healthy environment and preparing him spiritually to sweep the filth out of places like Harvard some day? In other words, have you really thought about your own values? Do you really believe in the things the Alliance stands for, or have you already permitted your soul to become corrupted? Do you understand that a person who becomes overly dependent on his physical and economic ties to an evil system inevitably will be spiritually dependent as well: he will not truly want to destroy the system from which he draws his sustenance.

Fourth, living on $1,000 a month isn't as hard as you think. The mountain people are able to do it because most of them own their own land and therefore pay no rent. Many of them use their spare time to grow a portion of the food they eat. It's a life-style urbanites should consider. Land is inexpensive here. Rent is also very low: about a quarter of what it is in most urban areas, And there is virtually no transportation expenses: no commuting, no outrageously high automobile insurance.

Think about it, and then let me hear from you.

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White Man 1
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Re: Why More Progress Isn't Made

Post by White Man 1 » Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:49 pm

$1000 a month and a chance to work alongside Dr. Pierce? Count me in!

David Pringle

Re: Why More Progress Isn't Made

Post by David Pringle » Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:17 pm

Urban life is spiritually draining for us as a people. It's not natural, especially in the mega cities of today. These unnatural environments cause all kinds of depravities. Mental illnesses like schizophrenia increase dramatically in high population environments. Suicide increases dramatically as well. These are the kind of environments where girls as young as 13 have children by their uncles or brothers then put them up for adoption which inflicts these botched creations on the rest of us. Beginning a lifetime of government assistance of some kind or another. The kind of botched individual who hides behind the Internet because he's incapable of standing up to other men face-to-face. The kind of guy that, if he did have a chance to stand up for himself, would instead choose to run and hide behind a 90 year old woman's skirt. Standing his ground like a man, even though it might mean a beat down, would never be an option for him. These are the kind of creatures being produced in the cities, luckily many of them don't breed.

This place is everything Dr. Pierce said. He made a wise choice when he relocated the Alliance here. This is a great place to live but it isn't for people with serious addictions to urban life. Most of them don't even realize what life in la Cesspool Grande actually does to them.

One thing I like to do is drive up to a mountain spring along the side of the highway right next to the Cranberry Glades Nature Center. I have 12 one gallon jugs that I fill up. The water makes the best coffee. I live right next to a spring but the water from the Glades spring is better. Someone took a piece of 3/4 inch PVC and made a spout. Literally, the cleanest water in the US comes out of these springs. It's a national treasure that men of our race have been using since 1750!

Pocahontas county is the "Birth Place of Rivers." Eight major rivers begin here. From the ridge line of the NA property water flows into the Greenbriar river basin and the Williams River basin. When you climb to the highest point in the area, Bald Knob, the view is spectacular but you can see how much water is being moved down the mountains.

I was chatting with the owner of a local grocery and the owner of a large farm which borders the top of the NA property. The farmer has a weather station midway up the mountain which recorded 7 inches of rain the past ten days. I believe it.

I live in the house at the gate. Up our hollow, my immediate neighbor had so much water flowing down the stream we share it looks like water began to flow over his concrete flood walls. That's a lot of water. It might be more than fell during the "500 year flood" last June which killed over 20 people in the county. My neighbor drove by me this week with a pick-up truck full of sand so I assume he is having someone build his wall higher -- smart. If we had another rain like last week right now...it would be bad.

I like rereading old BULLETIN Commentaries by Dr. pierce. On ADV and in NV magazine Dr. Pierce was writing/talking to potential recruits, to the thinking public and to Our enemies. In the BULLETIN he was talking to us. There's a difference in tone.

One of things people don't consider when thinking of this place is that it didn't happen overnight. Dr. Pierce was ALWAYS trying to get more staff, more money, more resources, more of everything. It wasn't easy for him up here, especially in the beginning. And, it wasn't easy for him at the end. He had nut job ex-staffers living up the road who openly talked of murdering him, he had brought people he thought would be helpful who were more interested in drama and personal conflicts. He had 17 staffers and half of them weren't doing the things they should have been doing and he only had himself as a manager. As Dr. Pierce used to say "if you've got people, you've got problems."

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Why More Progress Isn't Made

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Jun 02, 2017 11:25 pm

As I recall, the member's handbook had a section regarding bequests upon one's passing. The McCorkle estate issue sure opened my eyes to what the Jews will do to keep those last wishes from being fulfilled---and the wretched courts' corruption in helping them accomplish that ignoble task. Yet still it is a good idea to help us all help our race accomplish the creator's purpose.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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White Man 1
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Re: Why More Progress Isn't Made

Post by White Man 1 » Sat Jun 03, 2017 10:04 am

Page 141 of the Membership Handbook
Every member should take the necessary steps now to ensure that his own commitment to a White future will not end with his death.
Dr. McKorkill arranged for it... Will you?

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Will Williams
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Re: Why More Progress Isn't Made

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:52 am

White Man 1 wrote:$1000 a month and a chance to work alongside Dr. Pierce? Count me in!
Ha! That's the way I felt when WLP invited me to come to WV and work with him. I sort of felt like I should be paying him for the two years of my trying to pick his brain -- sort of like how Frank Lloyd Wright's students paid to work hard for him, paying him for the privilege and hoping some of their master's genius for architecture might rub off on them. http://franklloydwright.org/

My salary was $900 per month (back a couple of years before WLP wrote this piece). I was given a $100 per month raise when I married. That was enough then; It would be nice if we could pay staffers that today. We will be able to pay that and more eventually.

...I could have proved to [the consumer addict] eventually that not only is it possible to live on $1,000 a month, but that many of the mountain folk who reside in the vicinity of the National Office actually raise families on less income than that. But that would have been like persuading a heroin addict that life is possible without heroin. It can be done, but to what avail? A consumer addict is no more likely to break his money habit voluntarily than a heroin addict is to break his drug habit. Verily, I say unto you: it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle...
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: Why More Progress Isn't Made

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jun 03, 2017 12:04 pm

David Pringle wrote:...These are the kind of environments where girls as young as 13 have children by their uncles or brothers then put them up for adoption which inflicts these botched creations on the rest of us. Beginning a lifetime of government assistance of some kind or another. The kind of botched individual who hides behind the Internet because he's incapable of standing up to other men face-to-face. The kind of guy that, if he did have a chance to stand up for himself, would instead choose to run and hide behind a 90 year old woman's skirt. Standing his ground like a man, even though it might mean a beat down, would never be an option for him. These are the kind of creatures being produced in the cities, luckily many of them don't breed...
I've known unstable people like that. You describe the type well. I knew one who fits your profile of a constitutional loser to a T.
...That's a lot of water. It might be more than fell during the "500 year flood" last June which killed over 20 people in the county.
I heard it was 22 dead, but in adjoining Greenbrier County, not Pocahontas. That was a lot of water. People shouldn't build in flood plains.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

David Pringle

Re: Why More Progress Isn't Made

Post by David Pringle » Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:53 pm

...That's a lot of water. It might be more than fell during the "500 year flood" last June which killed over 20 people in the county.

I heard it was 22 dead, but in adjoining Greenbrier County, not Pocahontas. That was a lot of water. People shouldn't build in flood plains.
23 across the entire state.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Why More Progress Isn't Made

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Nov 16, 2018 2:12 am

Keep up the outreach efforts, members! With each White man or woman we contact with our message, the potential exists to turn them in to a supporter or member. As Dr. Pierce had once advised, if each of us recruited just one member per year, our membership would double.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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