Post DNA testing information here.


Post DNA testing information here.

Post by permela » Thu May 04, 2017 2:23 am

If looking at the mulatto below sickens you, and you have any descendants, they will probably look and behave like her kind a few generations from now, and live in a world that resembles sub-Saharan Africa or Mexico at best.
ImageIf savages make it impossible for civilization to exist, the population of the earth will decline to what is was before our Aryan ancestors became the first farmers, and created the first civilization, about twenty thousand years ago.

What can you do about it? Have an autosomal DNA test, and don't marry anyone who has not done so too. Teach your children to do likewise, and how to determine a person's ancestry by taking a careful look at them.

If we try to do our best, enough of the Aryan race may still exist a few centuries from now for it to recolonize the earth, and start civilization all over again, as the Kebaran and Natufian ancestors of Aryans did about twenty thousand years ago.

Jewish liars of course will want to claim credit for being the first farmers and creating the first civilization even though Semites did not exist in the Fertile Crescent until they began to holocaust our Aryan ancestors about six thousand years ago.
"HG J is found in greatest concentration in the Southwestern Arabian Peninsula. Migration from Arabia into the Fertile Crescent has been a constant pattern of human movement in the Middle East since antiquity. As such, the Arabian peninsula has long been accepted as the original Semitic Urheimat by a majority of scholars. Older theories positing Mesopotamia as the Semitic homeland were severely undermined by the identification of the non-Semitic Sumerian culture in Mesopotamia in the late 19th century..."
See this Wikipedia censored quote at ... 2#Homeland

You can read more about our Aryan ancestors at and

The image above shows where Natufian farmers created the first civilization.
The Epipaleolithic Natufian culture /nəˈtuːfiən/[1] existed from around 12,500 to 9,500 BC in the Levant, a region in the Eastern Mediterranean. It was unusual in that it supported a sedentary or semi-sedentary population even before the introduction of agriculture. The Natufian communities may be the ancestors of the builders of the first Neolithic settlements of the region, which may have been the earliest in the world.[citation needed] Natufians founded Jericho which may be the oldest city in the world. Some evidence suggests deliberate cultivation of cereals, specifically rye, by the Natufian culture, at Tell Abu Hureyra, the site of earliest evidence of agriculture in the world.[2] Generally, though, Natufians exploited wild cereals.
ImageThis image shows where in Africa Semites lived before they migrated across the Mandeb straits to Arabia in order to graze their herds. Semite savages eventually came into contact with the Aryan civilization that had expanded from Ancient Canaan after the invention of irrigation made farming in Mesopotamia possible. After the Semitic herdsmen and terrorists enslaved the Aryan farmers, they became numerous enough to conquer the rest of the Fertile Crescent. The Egyptians called these Semitic herdsmen HYKSOS.

Hyksos herdsmen conquered Egyptian farmers about four thousand years ago, at the same time that the nomadic Hebrew herdsman named Abraham settled in Egypt (co-incidentally?).

The lies that the ancient Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews are similar to the lies and claims that Jews have told about what happened to them during the World War II (the Holocaust story did not exist until the 1970s).

Criminals who are as intelligent as Jews usually claim that they are the victims instead of the perpetuators of the crimes that they themselves commit, and nearly all Aryans are sadly trusting and stupid enough to believe them. :lol:

What is more sickening is that so many Aryans slavishly worship as Jew, and become totally incoherent whenever someone tries to tell them the truth about their religion, or even to quote from their own Bible. These Aryan Christians often claim that Jesus was an Aryan, and that Aryans wrote the Bible.

Anyone who is intelligent enough to understand and read the disgusting Bible is probably intelligent enough to understand that it was written by savages for savages, instead of by Aryans, most of whom have a conscience, and are too civilized to be capable of imagining what and how Jews think.

Civilized people and other domesticated animals can not compete with their savage cousins unless they are segregated from them.


Post DNA testing information here.

Post by permela » Wed May 10, 2017 2:41 pm

I posted some information about a great DNA test sale below.

I want all people to have DNA tests so that they will know who their ancestors were, and to breed only with their own kind, regardless of whether or not they think that the Aryan race/civilization is worth saving. Some of our test results will show that 100% of our ancestors were Europeans, and even from northern Europe. The more aware of their ancestry people are, the more likely they will be proud of it enough to marry someone of their own race.

I recommend DNA testing because I am horrified by any miscegenation, since I know that it can never be undone, and that it is cumulative, and because I believe that having one's DNA tested is the best way in which to determine who one's ancestors were.

Some people who claim to value racial integrity may not care, or want to know, who their ancestors were, and would rather find an excuse not to have their DNA tested, since they are selfish, and fear the results of their own DNA test.

No DNA testing company knows anything about you, e.g., to which race you belong, until after your DNA test has been completed, unless you provide them with that information.

If one DNA testing company claims that all Whites have some Negro ancestry because of its anti-white political agenda, having your DNA tested by all three major DNA testing companies may give you a better indication of who your ancestors really were and to what race they belonged.

My opinion is that the more non-Aryan blood one has, the less Aryan, i.e., civilized, one is likely to behave. I have traveled in both southern and northern Europe and know the difference first hand.

I also know that National Socialist Germany considered a person to be a German citizen if he had only one Jewish grandparent, possibly because it needed to recruit as many soldiers as possible, and that Hitler even had Jewish generals (big mistake). Dr. Pierce seems to have had a slightly higher standard, possibly because he understood that some parts of America have been melting pots.

I am confident that anyone who does business with FTDNA and will be satisfied that he has been treated as fairly as he would by any Aryan or non-Aryan DNA testing company in the world. Each company offers different products, and each has its strong and weak spots.

I am pretty sure that Full Genomes Corp is not owned by a Jew. I have not recommended its tests because they are expensive (and better). See

FTDNA just reduced the cost of it autosomal DNA test from $79 to $69 until Mothers' Day, I suspect because FTDNA has to compete with MyHeritage, which started offering its autosomal DNA test for only $69 a few days ago. You are not likely to see a better price. I doubt that FTDNA would stay in business very long if it charged only $69 for its autosomal test for more than a few days every year. See .

All of these DNA testing companies seem to have sales at the same time, so you may be able to find great bargains at and too. I did not tell anyone about the $69 autosomal DNA test offered by MyHeritage because of the very Jewish way in which it treats its customers.

I have started to recommend 23ANDME too, since it has been behaving less like it was owned by a Jew lately. I doubt that MyHeritage will ever do so.

I recommend that everyone test at all three major DNA testing companies so that their results will be included in as many databases as possible. The more people's DNA results can be compared, the more likely they will be able to achieve their genealogical goals. I am not sure everyone understands this, so please excuse the emphasis. I hope that I will not be edited or reprimanded for shouting (I dare not use all caps).
Will Anyone But Me Ever Read This Post?
If a moderator decides to delete this post for any reason, I hope that he will copy and past my text to me in a private message, so that I can post it elsewhere.

If this post is considered redundant, I hope that it will not be deleted until after the Mothers' Day sale. I do not want to clutter up this board with too many threads about the same topic.

This post is about a cheaper offer than the one that I wrote about previously, and I am afraid that it would not be noticed if I just added it to a previously read topic. I hope that this post will not be deleted because I did not include it in a previous post about a similar topic. I just want to call attention to this lower price by posting it as a new topic instead of one that has already read by everybody.

I love the NA, Dr. Pierce and Kevin Strom, but having my time and benevolence wasted by a moderator is an experience that I want to avoid, even if I have to find another pro-White forum. Any suggestions?

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White Man 1
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Re: Urgent news about a reputable $69 autosomal DNA test sal

Post by White Man 1 » Wed May 10, 2017 6:27 pm

Any suggestions?
I deleted the post you made about one of these DNA testing places. I thought it was redundant, as you had just posted a similar paragraph on a previous thread. When you emailed me asking for a copy of your post, I apologized and explained that the post was no longer available, and that next time there was an issue such as this (you had mentioned that the post was about a separate company), I'd let you know so you could save your work. Is any further suggestion necessary?

As for this post, do you work for the DNA company? You sure are posting and advertising for them pretty hard. I hope you're at least getting a kickback from them.
I love the NA, Dr. Pierce and Kevin Strom
So, why haven't you joined the National Alliance. This is, after all, a forum intended for spreading our ideas, bringing our members together, and recruiting new members. If you love the National Alliance, why not join?


Why I recommend DNA testing.

Post by permela » Thu May 11, 2017 4:23 am

White Man 1 wrote:As for this post, do you work for the DNA company?
No, Never. Nobody has ever paid me a penny via kick back or in any other way for anything related to DNA testing or genetic genealogy.
White Man 1 wrote:You sure are posting and advertising for them pretty hard.
At the risk of being redundant, I meant what I wrote:
I want all people to have DNA tests so that they will know who their ancestors were, and to breed only with their own kind, regardless of whether or not they think that the Aryan race/civilization is worth saving. Some of our test results will show that 100% of our ancestors were Europeans, and even from northern Europe. The more aware of their ancestry people are, the more likely they will be proud of it enough to marry someone of their own race.

I recommend DNA testing because I am horrified by any miscegenation, since I know that it can never be undone, and that it is cumulative, and because I believe that having one's DNA tested is the best way in which to determine who one's ancestors were.
I can not imagine why anyone would think that I advocated DNA testing for any other reason.
I wonder why anyone would suspect me of having any other motive for recommending DNA testing. Am I wrong to assume that any genuinely pro-White political organization would promote DNA testing in order to save our race from the very things via which its enemies are trying to destroy it, e.g., via miscegenation? I have probably listened to every Dissident Voices Broadcast that has ever been made, and have never heard the topic of DNA testing for genealogical purposes discussed. I think that I did read something that I interpreted to mean that Dr. Pierce was in favor of genealogical research. Is that correct?

I hope that those who read my posts will accept or reject my opinions, which are honestly, and I hope clearly presented, regardless of whatever unfounded, etc. suspicions or opinions they have about me. I think that I have said everything that needs to be said about the benefits of having one's DNA tested. I doubt that I will ever post anything else about DNA testing again. I was hoping that my posts would encourage others to have their DNA tested. Nobody has thanked me for doing so. I was told that horses can be led to water, but never made to drink, and I would never try to make one do so. I suspect that most people would rather spend their money on necessities like alcohol, tobacco, and other addictive drugs than on a DNA test that would benefit their children and other family members.

I would not waste my time posting my opinions, etc. in this forum if I did not hope that others would benefit from reading them. Please tell me if no one has, so that I can make better use of my time, etc.

I thank the NA and Dr. Pierce for their work, and you for your support of the NA and its mission. I hope that people will always be able to hear your opinions via the Internet, etc. I suspect that more people would join the NA if they weren't afraid that the enemies of our race would use it against them.

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Will Williams
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Re: Why I recommend DNA testing.

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 13, 2017 10:07 am

permela wrote:...I recommend DNA testing because I am horrified by any miscegenation, since I know that it can never be undone, and that it is cumulative, and because I believe that having one's DNA tested is the best way in which to determine who one's ancestors were.[/i]
Many more Whites must share your horror.
and have never heard the topic of DNA testing for genealogical purposes discussed. I think that I did read something that I interpreted to mean that Dr. Pierce was in favor of genealogical research. Is that correct?
That is correct. Do a search at on the word 'eugenics' and eight pages of article come up, including this recent one: ... heritable/
I doubt that I will ever post anything else about DNA testing again. I was hoping that my posts would encourage others to have their DNA tested. Nobody has thanked me for doing so. I was told that horses can be led to water, but never made to drink, and I would never try to make one do so. I suspect that most people would rather spend their money on necessities like alcohol, tobacco, and other addictive drugs than on a DNA test that would benefit their children and other family members.
Thank you. Keep posting about DNA and geneology, permels. WB will even set aside a section in Science & Technology for those subjects, if you wish.

I don't care at this point in Alliance-building what WhiteMan1's DNA test tells us. The fact is, he stepped up and said "Count me in, sir. How can I help?" when others are absent out of fear, or for whatever other excuse they can come up with.

I must admit that I do not read all of your interesting posts. They are usually long and somewhat repetitive, but always well written and obviously very thoughtful.
I suspect that more people would join the NA if they weren't afraid that the enemies of our race would use it against them.
Moral Cowardice. :!:

Permela, it's like our having academia full of otherwise very smart, high IQ professors who lack intellectual honesty when it comes to race and reality: there are plenty of White people who are 100% European, or close to 100%, who feel no responsibility for preservation of their own race, or if they do, have no backbone. They have lost their will to survive as a unique sub-species among competing sub-species. Nature cares not how smart and pretty and inventive her creatures are, only if they will compete and survive.

DNA testing will be used to determine racial "purity," for lack of a better word, but when it is time for that. The NA's program is all about good breeding, eugenics. But right now my focus as Chairman is on fighting off harassment lawsuits, false criminal charges, taking down Internet pirates who steal from us and sell our intellectual property like it is theirs; finding attorneys with enough backbone to fight for NA's interests, and then figure out how to pay them. The National Alliance needs all the help it can get right now!

For you, I will follow your suggestion to purchase that $69 Mothers Day special today and am secure enough in who I am to post the results here when I get them.
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Will Williams
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Re: Why I recommend DNA testing.

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 13, 2017 5:40 pm

Will Williams wrote:... I will follow your suggestion to purchase that $69 Mothers Day special today...
Subtotal $79.00
Order Total $81.95
Bennett Greenspan
President and CEO
An entrepreneur and life-long genealogy enthusiast, Mr. Greenspan founded Family Tree DNA in 1999, turning - dare we say - a hobby into a full-time vocation. Together with Max Blankfeld, they founded in 1997 a website for college-bound students which survived the .COM implosion.

Avotaynu Online

A Call for a Genetic Census of the Jewish People
by Bennett Greenspan

Over the past decade, genetic testing has become widely adopted by the genealogical community to confirming or disproving family relationships among individuals for whom there was insufficient documentary evidence. Until the past few years, genealogical testing was limited to examining mitochondria and the Y chromosome among males. The Y studies were probative of a direct male-male line, and a mitochondrial study illuminated a direct female-female line, but they did not aid in evaluating relationships in the numerous other lineages carried by any particular individual and only rarely helped establish how closely two people were related to one another...

[Ed. Note: Due to the significance that we attach to this subject, we have taken the unusual step of publishing this article simultaneously both online and in our separate print publication AVOTAYNU.]

More from this Jew, here: ... sh-people/
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O.J.'s daughter, exactly what Jews want all Aryans to become

Post by permela » Mon May 29, 2017 1:59 pm

Here's O.J.'s daughter, exactly what Jews want all Aryans to become. Did she inherit an evil smile and jungle hair from her father, and straighten and bleach it because she wants people to think she's really just a nice white girl with a tan, like her bewildered and confused looking gold-digger mother? If wolf/dog hybrids can not be blamed for being as dangerous as wolves in sheep's clothing, why lock them up? If they are allowed to run wild and to compete for survival, they will evolve into a race that is as savage and impoverished as the Negroes of South Africa. Will all future generations of Americans soon look and behave like mulattoes, and be as stupid and easy for Jews to herd and enslave as White Christians have been?

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Will Williams
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Re: O.J.'s daughter, exactly what Jews want all Aryans to be

Post by Will Williams » Wed May 31, 2017 12:11 pm

permela wrote:Here's O.J.'s daughter...
The disgusting Simpson union produced a nappy-headed mongrel pup named Sydney, who wasn't a blonde at all.

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White Man 1
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Re: Urgent news about a reputable $69 autosomal DNA test sal

Post by White Man 1 » Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:05 am

permela wrote:Written 6/6/2017
$69 Autosomal DNA Test On Sale Until 6/18/2017 Father's Day
During the next approximately two weeks, both men and women who click here: ... 9e48140afa can order a $69 test from FTDNA that provides information about their racial origins and from which of their sixth, etc. great grandparents they and some of their more or less distant cousins inherited some the same DNA. One may also do so by telephoning FTDNA at 713-868-1438 Monday - Thursday 9 am to 4:30 pm CST or Friday 9 am to noon.

Men who are interested in their agnatic ancestry can have Y-chromosome (Y-DNA) tests. Big Y and individual SNP tests are the only Y-DNA test that I recommend. I do not recommend any STR tests above the Y-12 level.

Unfortunately, FTDNA does not allow one to order a Big Y and other SNP tests unless one first purchases at least a $59.00 Y-DNA12 STR test.

Anyone who thinks that this post violates this forum's rules, etc. is free to delete either this post or my previous, almost identical message about this same topic during FTDNA's Mother's Day sale. This may be less of a problem if a separate category for this topic is created, as Mr. Williams suggested.
Moved from a different thread.

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Will Williams
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Re: Why I recommend DNA testing.

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:50 am

Will Williams wrote:
permela wrote:...I recommend DNA testing because I am horrified by any miscegenation, since I know that it can never be undone, and that it is cumulative, and because I believe that having one's DNA tested is the best way in which to determine who one's ancestors were.[/i]
For you, I will follow your suggestion to purchase that $69 Mothers Day special today and am secure enough in who I am to post the results here when I get them.
OK, received results from the DNA test I took:

Ethnic Makeup Percentage
African 0%
South Central Africa 0%
East Central Africa 0%
West Africa 0%
New World 0%
North and Central America 0%
South America 0%
Central/South Asian 0%
Central Asia 0%
Oceania 0%
South Central Asia 0%
East Asian 0%
Northeast Asia 0%
Siberia 0%
Southeast Asia 0%
Middle Eastern 0%
Asia Minor 0%
East Middle East 0%
North Africa 0%
West Middle East 0%
European 99%
British Isles 84%

East Europe 0%
Finland 0%
Scandinavia 11%
Southeast Europe 4%

Iberia 0%
West and Central Europe 0%
Jewish Diaspora 0%
Ashkenazi 0%

Not sure what the missing 1% of my ethnic makeup is. My mother said I was part monkey, the way I was always climbing something. :lol:
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