Anti-Jew crime in London: overhearing Hebrew, mob assaults 3 Israelis

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Anti-Jew crime in London: overhearing Hebrew, mob assaults 3 Israelis

Post by JohnUbele » Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:55 am

"...Three Israelis were the victims of an antisemitic attack in London's West End on Saturday after their assailants overheard them speak Hebrew.

The victims, two men and a woman in their 20s, told Israeli journalist Elad Simchayoff they were accosted by a large group of young men who identified them as Israelis.

"They heard us talking and said, 'are you Jewish?'" The female victim, identified by her first name Tehilla, replied "yes, I’m Jewish", which led the assailants to start chanting "Free Palestine and ____ Jews".

The men then started assaulting them, causing head injuries to the men.

"I tried to stop them and stood in front as I was sure they would never hit a woman", Tehilla told Simchayoff, "They couldn’t care less, they hit me as well"..."

Source: ... -in-london

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