Winter is here: For this we thank our party dear

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Winter is here: For this we thank our party dear

Post by Trenton » Sun Dec 03, 2023 3:22 pm

There was once an old joke in the Soviet Union that went like this: "Winter is over, now spring is here, for this we thank our party dear," satirizing the All Union Communist Party's tendency to claim credit for everything good that happened, while distancing itself from events that negatively impacted people's lives. With Thanksgiving, a somewhat patriotic holiday, now over, I thought I might weigh in on how our governmental system, not merely the Biden or Trump administrations, but the two-(both Jewish)party system as a whole, does the same sort of thing.

If you ask most Americans, specifically the ones who don't currently occupy campus protests, unemployment lines, or public office, Thanksgiving is a holiday which celebrates the arrival, and survival, of our ancestors from the Mayflower. A couple hundred Englishmen whose bloodlines extend to millions of Americans today. This is a holiday of celebration, without a doubt. In fact, while there are indeed the more rabid anti-Whites who gain niche leftist followings by grandstanding about the manifold colonialist evils of Thanksgiving, according to polls conducted this year, some 85% of Americans celebrated the holiday, which is actually an increase from last year.

So how does this tie together? The mono-party apparatus has a penchant for embracing false patriotism, especially around patriotic holidays, in order to maintain the illusion that our puppet masters actually believe in this country. Most government officials "tweeted" boilerplate happy thankgiving messages to the nation, just as they proclaimed the heroism of our veterans on Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. I'm sure many of you will even remember the infamous Fourth of July tweet by President Biden's handlers about how a barbecue cookout was now on average "4 cents cheaper" than the previous year.

However, as you are all no-doubt aware, despite the fat and happy times our overlords indulge in, working-class Whites are languishing in the brig of a sinking ship. Locked in here with us is the superabundance of diverse ne'er do wells who blame us for the sorry state of affairs. As winter descends on the majority of the White world in the coming months, I'd like us all to have a moment of thanks-giving. Thank the Jews for the poison they've put in your blood, the plastics that can now be found in your brain, the murderous criminals stalking your neighborhood, and the impending doom of a great nation.

However, in all seriousness, think of every healthy White person on earth who has lived, lives now, or will live. Think of their unique beauty, their unique strength, their prodigious intellect, their enormous potential. They are what we are fighting for. They give us the strength to weather the storm. Think of yourself, and all that you will do, just by giving your all. Thank you, kinsman.

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