SOME SAY Anti-Vaxx Movement Funded by Jews.

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Re: SOME SAY Anti-Vaxx Movement Funded by Jews.

Post by fluxmaster » Sun Aug 22, 2021 12:38 am

The Covid vaccine is not a traditional vaccine but an mRNA vaccine. I don't pretend to know enough about the subject to comment on it intelligently, but there are significant reports of adverse effects from the vaccine, and the disease itself is not that dangerous. I myself haven't taken the mRNA vaccine and won't be taking it.

Shocking New Study Reveals Covid ‘Vaccines’ Do Permanent Damage to 62% of Recipients
Did you know the Moderna Covid-19 “vaccine’ contains 40 trillion mRNA molecules in each injection? How about the fact that only a quarter of those mRNA molecules remain in the recipient’s arm with the rest being transported to other parts of the body, including vulnerable areas like the brain, heart, and lungs? Neither of these facts have been shared by Big Pharma, though they’re well aware of them.

Dr. Charles Hoffe has taken great pains to conduct and distribute the results of a study on the spike proteins being created by many of the so-called vaccines as well as the spike proteins being directly transmitted through the remaining vaccines. Conducting the study was difficult as it required more than the basic tests doctors normally administer on patients. But getting the information from the study out to the people has proven to be even more difficult than doing the study itself.

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Will Williams
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Re: Anti-Vaxx Movement Funded by Jews.

Post by Will Williams » Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:54 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:08 pm
Mr. Sims nailed the current Plannedemic today, here: ... bandwagon/

Come Governments, Come Pharma, Come Media —
Jump on the Covid Lies Bandwagon!

4 DECEMBER, 2020

by David Sims

COVID-19 is NOT the “killer disease” that it is being hyped up to be. Yes, it is possible for people who already have one foot in the grave to die from COVID-19, just as they might also die if they catch the flu. Very old people are at risk. Sickly people are at risk. But aside from these exceptions, many people could get infected with the coronavirus, go through the entire period of incubation and immune response and recovery — and never even know that they had any serious illness.

The death toll from COVID-19 has been inflated by dishonest statistical methods that blame COVID-19 in any instance where someone having the infection died — even if the actual cause of death was an automobile accident or cancer.

The mainstream media have been thoroughly false on the subject of COVID-19, adding needlessly, even maliciously, to the public’s fear of the disease.

Politicians have capitalized on this fear, using COVID-19 as an excuse to increase their powers at the expense of freedom.

Pharmaceutical corporations have capitalized on the fear-mongering, in a bid to gain endless profits from selling rushed-to-market, possibly unsafe, vaccines. In league with the corrupted politicians in the government, Big Pharma is trying to get laws passed that make getting their vaccine mandatory, or at least required as a condition for someone to have a viable economic life.

The COVID-19 disease has been used by hostile foreign powers, in league (again) with corrupted politicians in Western countries, to lock down the economies of those countries. A sufficiently long and thorough lockdown can trigger another Great Depression, in which people can actually starve to death. A lockdown of less severity can nevertheless drive small businesses into bankruptcy, while those too-big-to-fail Big Businesses gain the benefit of reduced competition.

That’s what is going on.
That's what our Mr. Sims said ws going on with vaccines a year ago. He revisits the subject a year later with more that makes sense: ... ment-49573

A LARGE study done in the UK showed that the covid vaccine doesn’t significantly reduce your chance of being infected with coronavirus, nor does it significantly reduce your risk of infecting other people, if you are yourself infected. What it does is reduce the symptoms of covid, if you are someone who would otherwise have symptoms (trouble breathing, etc.).

However, there are two important points to consider:

1. With very few exceptions, covid is severely symptomatic only in very elderly people or people with pre-existing serious health problems. Most people who are young or in middle age, and who are in reasonably good health, typically do not show symptoms when they have covid.

2. The effectiveness of the vaccine declines sharply with time. About a month after a person gets the jab, the effectiveness with which the mRNA suppresses symptoms of covid is about 85%. But four months later, it’s down to 50%, and it just keeps getting weaker.

But the vaccine itself causes problems. For one thing, the mRNA from the Pfizer vaccine migrates away from the injection site (only about 25% of it stays put), enters your lymphatic system, and then gets into your bloodstream. As the mRNA passes through your capillaries, it gets taken up by the capillary walls and spike proteins begin appearing on the inner surface of those walls.

As platelet cells move through the narrow strictures of the capillaries, they contact the walls that have been roughened by the spike proteins, which ruptures the platelets and spills their fibrinogen into the cytoplasm. This is what begins the blood clots, which in turn cause several of the side effects from the vaccine.

Among the side effects caused by this process are swelling of the heart, strokes, and the condition where patches of skin begin falling off the body. There has been some speculation that sterility may also be a side effect of the covid vaccine.

How long it takes the wandering mRNA to cause side effects with these spike proteins might vary. Some people might get some sort of reaction within a few days. In other people, trouble might not show up for several years. It will be a while before the long term consequences of the Biden administration’s rash vaccine mandates will become reasonably well understood.
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Re: SOME SAY Anti-Vaxx Movement Funded by Jews.

Post by ZNULL » Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:22 am

I have suggestions that thanks to the anti-Axis, the Jews are simply trying to replace the right-wing movement and direct public consciousness in the right direction. Anti-Vaxers are too suspicious for the "simple" guys. also anti-Vax is 70% Christian
You often hear nonsense from these anti-Axer Christians about the extermination of the human race.

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