Semitism in SoCal

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White Man 1
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Re: Semitism in SoCal

Post by White Man 1 » Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:06 pm

N-S, we could use some commentary or context for these links.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Semitism in SoCal

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Mar 30, 2017 10:38 pm

White Man 1 wrote:N-S, we could use some commentary or context for these links.
Let me help out here, White Man.

After watching perhaps 3 minutes of the approximately 12 minute video, it appears to be a montage of clips of mestizos both "legal" and "illegal" making statements on the theme of "Reconquista."

These mestizos were from various walks of life, some were government officials, some were street demonstrators, a few thugs offering violence to the camera operators filming them, men, women, children, older people and so on. All preaching defiance to Trump, "White supremacist" groups, and anyone opposed to their agenda of taking over Texas, California, Florida, etc.

The resolve shown by these people was noted, but I detected an element of fear. Fear that Whitey might yet show some courage and organize and kick them the hell out of America, perhaps? They might not know it consciously, but unconsciously they may realize that a sleeping giant is awakening and they're working up their courage for the fight.

The question for Whites is this: do you have the fight in you?
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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White Man 1
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Re: Semitism in SoCal

Post by White Man 1 » Sun Apr 02, 2017 8:09 pm

There is definitely fear here. it seems to be a common theme with these "reconquistidor" types. They start out like a cornered animal and don't seem to get any better.

[email protected]

Re: Semitism in SoCal

Post by [email protected] » Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:00 pm

Jim, I have the fight in me so to speak, but I am a middle aged guy raising two young kids...I don't have the energy of my twenty five year old self ! I think there is an element of fear in the mestizos as well....I'm from Minneapolis and people see that and think "Fargo" - like we aren't very smart and just take our beatings like a bunch of bosses. What I sensed from your recent post here is the "Awakening a Sleeping Giant" and that's EXACTLY what my friends and I talk far there are rumblings beneath the surface, but nothing yet beyond our talk.....but man, how different it is seeing burkas instead of bikinis around the lakes :o ....we have a lot of Sams here these days.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Semitism in SoCal

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:59 pm

[email protected] wrote:Jim, I have the fight in me so to speak, but I am a middle aged guy raising two young kids...I don't have the energy of my twenty five year old self ! I think there is an element of fear in the mestizos as well....I'm from Minneapolis and people see that and think "Fargo" - like we aren't very smart and just take our beatings like a bunch of bosses. What I sensed from your recent post here is the "Awakening a Sleeping Giant" and that's EXACTLY what my friends and I talk far there are rumblings beneath the surface, but nothing yet beyond our talk.....but man, how different it is seeing burkas instead of bikinis around the lakes :o ....we have a lot of Sams here these days.
Well plunderusa, I belong to the National Alliance and when I speak of "fighting" it is in the sense of alliance building, consciousness raising with our own people, and contributing in any other way possible to our cause. The idea here to build ourselves up in terms of ability to reach out to all our people and get them with us on some fundamental concepts (such as a Whites-only homeland as one example) and to spread our influence on these concepts as far as we can. Ultimately we want to be back in control of our destiny instead of subject to the genocidal masters we have now for the purposes of attaining our long term goals.

I'm in Davenport, Iowa doing what I can on my own initiative when I'm not taking care of supporting myself and there are many many ways of contributing that require a little energy. I get tired too, but do understand what you mean about having two small kids around to wear you down! That said, let me list a few things supporters and members can do:
1. Download and print a few flyers and hand them to friends, family, and any White believed to be receptive to our message. Cost? Very minimal in resources and time.
2. Contribute any sum of money to the national office to keep websites like this one up--along with other efforts the people there are contributing to.
3. Educate yourself, then others. I believe at the website is a flyer on recommended reading. If you'd like, I can forward this information on to you. There's also CDs with some highly informative speeches which are important towards understanding who we are and what we're about available for singles or groups of people to listen to. A booklet called "Building A New White World" is also highly recommended here.
4. Be the "eyes and ears" of the goings on in your community that are relevant to our people (news and other information qualifies here) and pass the information along. For example, if you happened to find out about a rabbi who just spray painted his synagogue in your area with a swastika attempting to perpetrate a hoax crime, I'd be willing to bet some of our writers would love to have first hand sources of this information.
5. Do you have specialized knowledge of any particular profession or craft? Making this knowledge available to us can't be too taxing on the old body.. ;)
6. Have more White children and teach them about our purpose in life! Probably the most important thing we can do....
7. There is so much more, perhaps someone else can help me fill out this list! I can't think of anything else right now.

To give you an idea of how I contribute, I am a local distributor for some of the books I mentioned the National Alliance publishes. On occasion I'll impersonally distribute flyers door to door or windshield wiper to windshield wiper. When a gun show comes to town, I'll rent a table and stock it with books, flyers, and so on and do personal sales. I do send donations, along with a report of the previous month's activity to the national office on a continuing basis. Here and there I participate in discussions with people who may be or are definitely receptive to our message and show them that they too can help us all take responsibility for the future of our people when we combine our individual strengths to the greater whole by participating in various activities in an organized fashion.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

David Pringle

Re: Semitism in SoCal

Post by David Pringle » Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:39 am

Great post Jim!

Downloading fliers and distributing them in whatever way best suits you is a great way of spreading the Alliance's message. I once had a friend of mine who was traveling in Atlanta call me after he found a National Alliance business card at a phone booth. You never know who will find it. Many will be thrown in the trash. Luckily we aren't looking for the many we are looking for the best.

I grew up in Southern California until High School. The change in demographics is striking. I drove by the elementary school I attended as a child -- not a single White playing in the school yard. With no new homes built in the area this same elementary school had to add a second floor to make room for almost double the student body.

Even with this invasion California has more non-hispanic Whites than any other state and in the past had the largest number of National Alliance members. I predict this will happen again in the future. When the rot of the System is in your face every day -- all day, when you personally know other Whites who have been robbed, raped, murdered or driven out of their neighborhood by non-Whites the message of the National Alliance sinks in much faster.

Mestizos and Negros are like Hyenas -- brave and bold when they have numbers. When they don't they pray on the weak. I've spent years living around both groups which is one of the reasons I was glad to move to the mountains of West Virginia last year.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Semitism in SoCal

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:12 am

Thank you, David. Your description of California and the Whites that are still there seem apt as here and there I read the news accounts, comment sections, forums in places like craigslist, and other bits and pieces of information from those Whites and get the impression they're forced to be racially conscious.

On the other hand, the experience-based racial education that came with being around hordes of non-whites did not happen to me until I moved to the Chicago area where I saw first hand the realities of race denied me in Iowa. Once, I applied for an entry level position on the maintenance staff at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratories in Batavia, Ill and was told flat out that due to the high numbers of White scientific staff there, the government administrators had to "affirmatively act" to bring racial equality when hiring --and therefore, get lost kid. But after several years of that, while in my mid-20s, was I receptive to the Cosmotheist point of view? Not yet!

That day came 10 years later when I was reading the local (Quad Cities) newsrag and became disgusted at how managed towards a certain viewpoint it really was and began looking around for sources of information (remember, this was at the dawn of the internet age) and discovered someone had placed an ad in that same newspaper for "free politically incorrect book catalog" to any who wanted one. Being as "Politically Incorrect" as anyone else on this planet I had to check this out!

This turned out to be an NVB book catalog--a very influential document in and of itself.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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