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David York

Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by David York » Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:08 am

Cosmotheist wrote:Daniel wrote:

It's obvious they read's articles and the works of William Pierce,
but sadly they rarely give credit to the source or pay homage to the author.

True enough, but, at least the "information is getting out there" and that is what really matters.
Those that will actually do their own research, and those are the people the NA values the most,
will discover the NA, and those that have earned the credit that is due for their efforts, in time.
Those may join with us.

What is really and always most important is the actual message
and not ever really the personal messenger.

Best regards,

Yeah that is true, it's just a little frustrating when you see other groups using NA material but at the same time claim to have different approach than the NA and try to do things differently.

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Wade Hampton III » Sun Dec 28, 2014 5:02 pm

DanielOlj79 wrote: Yeah that is true, it's just a little frustrating when you see other groups using NA material but at the same time claim to have different approach than the NA and try to do things differently.
I deeply suspect that most of these other "groups" are frustrated Christian fundies who don't
want to give up their "holy ghost pie" up in the sky or on the back side of the Moon. I know
of at least one Christian fundie here in SC that regularly reads this site, but of course will never
admit to it.

David York

Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by David York » Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:51 pm

Wade Hampton III wrote:
DanielOlj79 wrote: Yeah that is true, it's just a little frustrating when you see other groups using NA material but at the same time claim to have different approach than the NA and try to do things differently.
I deeply suspect that most of these other "groups" are frustrated Christian fundies who don't
want to give up their "holy ghost pie" up in the sky or on the back side of the Moon. I know
of at least one Christian fundie here in SC that regularly reads this site, but of course will never
admit to it.
Some of them are some of them aren't Christians Per Se. But they do tolerate Christians and in my opinion are just in it for the Glory and possibly for money.

One thing I don't understand about racialist Christians, is they realize at some point they've been lied to every day, and they must of had to become aware of what is going on, and they can believe everything as far as the Jewish question and the Race question but they just can't let go of that Christianity. Why is it so hard to believe that Christianity is a Semetic religion not an Aryan religion? The whole bible is chock full of nothing but Jew this and Jew that and Israel this and Israel that. They must have had that faith literally beaten into them when they were young children. Either that or they just don't want to go up against the other big time Christians in their communities or families.


Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Cosmotheist » Sun Dec 28, 2014 7:07 pm

Daniel wrote:

The whole bible is chock full of nothing but Jew this and Jew that and Israel this and Israel that. They must have had that faith literally beaten into them when they were young children. Either that or they just don't want to go up against the other big time Christians in their communities or families.

It was "beaten into them when they were young children", and of and by which, I would just call "child abuse". :D
However, as "adults", that is really no valid excuse. Yes, it is mostly just "intellectual and moral cowardice" in
not ever going against the "social pressures" of their own family and their own friends and others in ones own

It is just the "herd instinct" that all those without any "backbone" and/or any actual "Personal Integrity" nor any
true "independence of thought", just can't resist. These are all of the masses that Dr. Pierce had called "amoral"
and that would do only whatever their "perceived leaders" thought was "acceptable and the norm" or and all and
if and whether it was really "moral or not". "Political Correctness" is the "perfect psychological tool" that is used
to keep any such "lemmings" and "sheep" all within the corrals and pens the "Usual Suspects" want them to be in
before these too are all eventually "led" to be kosher-slaughtered and/or to be "racially-mixed" out of existence.

Best regards,


David York

Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by David York » Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:13 pm

Cosmotheist wrote:Daniel wrote:

The whole bible is chock full of nothing but Jew this and Jew that and Israel this and Israel that. They must have had that faith literally beaten into them when they were young children. Either that or they just don't want to go up against the other big time Christians in their communities or families.

It was "beaten into them when they were young children", and of and by which, I would just call "child abuse". :D
However, as "adults", that is really no valid excuse. Yes, it is mostly just "intellectual and moral cowardice" in
not ever going against the "social pressures" of their own family and their own friends and others in ones own

It is just the "herd instinct" that all those without any "backbone" and/or any actual "Personal Integrity" nor any
true "independence of thought", just can't resist. These are all of the masses that Dr. Pierce had called "amoral"
and that would do only whatever their "perceived leaders" thought was "acceptable and the norm" or and all and
if and whether it was really "moral or not". "Political Correctness" is the "perfect psychological tool" that is used
to keep any such "lemmings" and "sheep" all within the corrals and pens the "Usual Suspects" want them to be in
before these too are all eventually "led" to be kosher-slaughtered and/or to be "racially-mixed" out of existence.

Best regards,

Yeah I think that fear of hell is a powerful thing if you teach it to children from an early age. I will say this though, there are some Christians that are good people, and I would even go as far as saying that the average White Christian is probably more moral, and longer suffering than the average White atheist. That is not to say though that long-suffering and self sacrifice is necessarily a virtue, it could be a sign of stupidity that a opportunistic person might take advantage of. But the problem is that they are fundamentally misguided.

If they are not being given a dose of Political Correctness at home through the television, then they are getting a dose of it at their Church, where like it or not, they are teaching multiculturalism, and will lead to their ultimate destruction if they don't reject their teachings. They may be a little more principled than the extreme leftists, but I wouldn't be surprised if someday soon openly gay priests will be allowed to preach the Word of god. But even if they stay the way they are right now they are still leading Whites to to their destruction, as they do allow non-whites to become priests.

And you are are right, most of people will look up only to other Christians, and follow others that believe in their faith, so they are lemmings whether they know it or not. I don't think they are consciously being lemmings, I think they are sub-conscious lemmings. They are more or less authoritarian but their authority is Jesus Christ, and since Jesus is not alive today, then they will follow anyone who can best make Christianity feel like it's the right thing to believe in. You are right it is moral cowardice to not stand up to this, but I think it's mostly intellectual cowardice, because all someone really has to do is look at the bible and see that the whole thing was written around Israel. How can anyone believe that the people in the bible were even white? The protagonists were first and foremost Jews. If you go to Church as an adult I don't understand how you can sit through this mindless drivel about the tribes of Israel and believes it has something to do with them. I think this is the reason why kids usually fall asleep or get distracted in Church because it is so boring. Maybe they have more wisdom than their parents do.

Yeah so anyone who wants to walk away from the Church probably won't go through much peer pressure. All you have to do is stop going. The hard part is to get that faith out of your mind and overcome that brainwashing. It probably won't even happen for some people ever, or it may take them some time. But I think anyone who can't see through it is just either not being honest with themselves, or are not intellectually capable of thinking for themselves.


Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Cosmotheist » Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:32 am

Daniel wrote:

If you go to Church as an adult I don't understand how you can sit through this mindless drivel about the tribes of Israel and believes it has something to do with them. I think this is the reason why kids usually fall asleep or get distracted in Church because it is so boring. Maybe they have more wisdom than their parents do.

Yes, the kids "do have more wisdom than their parents do",
and most especially, if they get the "gist" of a "classic tale"
by Hans Christian Andersen-"The Emperors New Clothes".

"The Emperor gave each of the swindlers a cross to wear in his buttonhole,
and the title of "Sir Weaver."

It seems that Mr. Andersen may really have been a hidden one of us!

Best regards,


L.G. Morgan

Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by L.G. Morgan » Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:35 pm

Patriotic group formed to defend Russia against pro-democracy protesters
Anti-Maidan pledges to fight any attempts to bring Russians to streets to protest against government
A new group of “patriots” have vowed to defend Russia against pro-democracy protesters who “threaten its constitution”, using violent means if necessary. The group, which calls itself anti-Maidan, said on Thursday it would fight any attempts to bring Russians on to the streets to protest against the government. Its name is a reference to the Maidan protests in Kiev last year that eventually led to the toppling of former Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovych.

“All street movements and colour revolutions lead to blood. Women, children and old people suffer first,” said Dmitry Sablin, previously a long-standing MP from President Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party, who recently became a senator in Russia’s upper house of parliament.

“It is not acceptable for the minority to force its will upon the majority, as happened in Ukraine,” he added. “Under the slogan of fighting for democracy there is instead total fear, total propaganda, and no freedom.”

Sablin was joined at the launch of anti-Maidan by Russian nationalist politicians, a female ultimate-fighting champion and “The Surgeon”, leader of a biker gang known as the Night Wolves. The group said it would open up membership to anyone who was interested in joining.

“Decisions should be made in Moscow and not in Washington or Brussels,” said Nikolai Starikov, a nationalist writer and marginal politician. All the group insisted that the west had used pro-democracy activists to conquer Ukraine, both during the 2004 Orange Revolution and in last year’s Maidan protests, and was now looking to Russia.

“The ‘orange beast’ is sharpening its teeth and looking to Russia,” said The Surgeon, whose real name is Alexander Zaldostanov. He suggested an alternate name for the anti-Maidan group could be “Death to faggots”, without explaining why.

Zaldostanov has been given awards by the Kremlin for his patriotic work and has frequently been pictured with Putin. A biker show put on by the Night Wolves in Crimea after the peninsula was annexed last year portrayed Ukrainians as fascists and was shown on Russian state television.

The anti-Maidan group claims it has no funding from any official or other sources, and is purely an “initiative group” formed by like-minded citizens. It said that in future any “small costs” incurred would probably be covered by donations, and stressed it was acting independently of the state. However, the fact it held a press conference at a state news agency and was filmed by Russian state television suggests at the least implicit backing from authorities.

There was a vagueness about what activities the anti-Maidan activists would engage in, but they said they would begin on Thursday evening at a protest in support of opposition politician Alexei Navalny. The anti-corruption blogger and fierce Putin critic was given a suspended jail sentence late last year in a case widely believed to be political. His brother was jailed for three-and-a-half years. The anti-Maidan group said it would attempt to stop Navalny’s supporters from “behaving badly” at their protests.

“Personally I am a fan of the civilised, democratic intelligent way of deciding conflicts, but if we need to take up weapons then of course I will be ready,” said Yulia Bereznikova, the ultimate fighting champion.

Sablin said there was no great risk of a “coloured revolution” in Russia for now, but that it was important to act quickly to avoid the risk growing.

“Maidan in Kiev did not appear just like that. Everyone was paid, everyone was paid to be there, was paid for every stone that was thrown, for every bottle thrown,” said Sablin, echoing a frequently repeated Russian claim, for which there is no evidence. “We need to strangle all these all at the start.” ... protesters

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Will Williams
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:01 pm

My wife who is from Russia has been enjoying Dr. Pierce's ADVs in her native language and telling her Russian family and friends to watch: ... lyam-pirs/

When I was in Russia in 1992 I recruited two Russian National Alliance members; one was a journalist in a major newspaper, the other a Lt. Colonel in the Russian army. American members sponsored them because $10 per month represented a major portion of their incomes at the time.
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Will Williams
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:10 am

Trolling Russia
Israel Shamir
January 19, 2015

Israel Shamir is a Russian-born Jew and Israeli citizen. He often has interesting things to say.

The edifice of world post-1991 order is collapsing right now before our eyes. President Putin’s decision to give a miss to the Auschwitz pilgrimage, right after his absence in Paris at the Charlie festival, gave it the last shove. It was good clean fun to troll Russia, as long as it stayed the course. Not anymore. Russia broke the rules.

Until now, Russia, like a country bumpkin in Eton, tried to belong. It attended the gathering of the grandees where it was shunned, paid its dues to European bodies that condemned it, patiently suffered ceaseless hectoring of the great powers and irritating baiting of East European small-timers alike. But something broke down. The lad does not want to belong anymore; he picked up his stuff and went home – just when they needed him to knee in Auschwitz.

Auschwitz gathering is an annual Canossa of Western leaders where they bewail their historic failure to protect the Jews and swear their perennial obedience to them. This is a more important religious rite of our times, the One Ring to rule them all, established in 2001, when the Judeo-American empire had reached the pinnacle of its power. The Russian leader had duly attended the events. This year, they will have to do without him. Israeli ministers already have expressed their deep dissatisfaction for this was Russia’s Red Army that saved the Jews in Auschwitz, after all. Russia’s absence will turn the Holocaust memorial day into a parochial, West-only, event. Worse, Russia’s place will be taken by Ukraine, ruled by unrepentant heirs to Hitler’s Bandera.

This comes after the French ‘Charlie’ demo, also spurned by Russia. The West hinted that Russia’s sins would be forgiven, up to a point, if she joined, first the demo, and later, the planned anti-terrorist coalition, but Russia did not take the bait. This was a visible change, for previously, Russian leaders eagerly participated in joint events and voted for West-sponsored resolutions. In 2001, Putin fully supported George Bush’s War on Terrorism in the UN and on the ground. As recently as 2011, Russia agreed with sanctions against North Korea and Iran. As for coming for a demonstration, the Russians could always be relied upon. This time, the Russians did not come, except for the token presence of the foreign minister Mr. Lavrov. This indomitable successor of Mr. Nyet left the event almost immediately and went – to pray in the Russian church, in a counter-demonstration, of sorts, against Charlie. By going to the church, he declared that he is not Charlie.

For the Charlie Hebdo magazine was (and probably is) explicitly anti-Christian as well as anti-Muslim. One finds on its pages some very obnoxious cartoons offending the Virgin and Christ, as well as the pope and the Church. (They never offend Jews, somehow).

A Russian blogger who’s been exposed to this magazine for the first time, wrote on his page: I am ashamed that the bastards were dealt with by Muslims, not by Christians. This was quite a common feeling in Moscow these days. The Russians could not believe that such smut could be published and defended as a right of free speech. People planned a demo against the Charlie, but City Hall forbade it.
Remember, a few years ago, the Pussy Riot have profaned the St Saviour of Moscow like Femen did in some great European cathedrals, from Notre Dame de Paris to Strasbourg. The Russian government did not wait for vigilante justice to be meted upon the viragos, but sent them for up to two years of prison. At the same time, the Russian criminal law has been changed to include ‘sacrilege’ among ordinary crimes, by general consent. The Russians do feel about their faith more strongly than the EC rulers prescribe.

In Charlie’s France, Hollande’s regime frogmarched the unwilling people into a quite unnecessary gay marriage law, notwithstanding one-million-strong protest demonstrations by Catholics. Femen despoiling the churches were never punished; but a church warden who tried to prevent that, was heavily fined. France has a long anti-Christian tradition, usually described as “laic”, and its grand anti-Church coalition of Atheists, Huguenots and Jews coalesced in Dreyfus Affair days. Thus Lavrov’s escape to the church was a counter-demonstration, saying: Russia is for Christ, and Russia is not against Muslims.

While the present western regime is anti-Christian and anti-Muslim, it is pro-Jewish to an extent that defies a rational explanation. France had sent thousands of soldiers and policemen to defend Jewish institutions, though this defence antagonises their neighbours. While Charlie are glorified for insulting Christians and Muslims, Dieudonné has been sent to jail (just for a day, but with great fanfare) for annoying Jews. Actually, Charlie Hebdo dismissed a journalist for one sentence allegedly disrespectful for Jews. This unfairness is a source of aggravation: Muslims were laughed out of court when they complained against particularly vile Charlie’s cartoons, but Jews almost always win when they go to the court against their denigrators. (Full disclosure: I was also sued by LICRA, the French Jewish body, while my French publisher was devastated by their legal attacks).

The Russians don’t comprehend the Western infatuation with Jews, for Russian Jews have been well assimilated and integrated in general society. The narrative of Holocaust is not popular in Russia for one simple reason: so many Russians from every ethnic background lost their lives in the war, that there is no reason to single out Jews as supreme victims. Millions died at the siege of Leningrad; Belarus lost a quarter of its population. More importantly, Russians feel no guilt regarding Jews: they treated them fairly and saved them from the Nazis. For them, the Holocaust is a Western narrative, as foreign as JeSuisCharlie. With drifting of Russia out of Western consensus, there is no reason to maintain it.

This does not mean the Jews are discriminated against. The Jews of Russia are doing very well, thank you, without Holocaust worship: they occupy the highest positions in the Forbes list of Russia’s rich, with a combined capital of $122 billion, while all rich ethnic Russians own only $165 billion, according to the Jewish-owned source. Jews run the most celebrated media shows in prime time on the state TV; they publish newspapers; they have full and unlimited access to Putin and his ministers; they usually have their way when they want to get a plot of land for their communal purposes. And anti-Semitic propaganda is punishable by law – like anti-Christian or anti-Muslim abuse, but even more severely.

Still, it is impossible to imagine a Russian journalist getting sack like CNN anchor Jim Clancy or BBC’s Tim Willcox for upsetting a Jew or speaking against Israel.

Russia preserves its plurality, diversity and freedom of opinion. The pro-Western Russian media – Novaya Gazeta of oligarch Lebedev, the owner of the British newspaper Independent – carries the JeSuis slogan and speaks of the Holocaust, as well as demands to restore Crimea to the Ukraine. But the vast majority of Russians do support their President, and his civilizational choice. He expressed it when he went to midnight Christmas mass in a small village church in far-away province, together with orphans and refugees from the Ukraine. And he expressed it by refusing to go to Auschwitz.

Neither willingly nor easily did Russia break ranks. Putin tried to take Western baiting in his stride: be it Olympic games, Syria confrontation, gender politics, Georgian border, even Crimea-related sanctions. The open economic warfare was a game-changer. Russia felt attacked by falling oil prices, by rouble trouble, by credit downgrading. These developments are considered an act of hostility, rather than the result of “the hidden hand of the market”.

Russians love conspiracia, as James Bond used to say. They do not believe in chance, coincidence nor natural occurrences, and are likely to consider a falling meteorite or an earthquake – a result of hostile American action, let alone a fall in the rouble/dollar exchange rate. They could be right, too, though it is hard to prove.

Regarding oil price fall, the jury is out. Some say this action by Saudis is aimed at American fracking companies, or alternatively it’s a Saudi-American plot against Russia. However, the price of oil is not formed by supply-demand, but by financial instruments, futures and derivatives. This virtual demand-and-supply is much bigger than the real one. When hedge funds stopped to buy oil futures, price downturn became unavoidable, but were the funds directed by politicians, or did they act so as Quantitative Easing ended?

The steep fall of the rouble could be connected to oil price downturn, but not necessarily so. The rouble is not involved in oil price forming. It could be an action by a very big financial institution. Soros broke the back of British pound in 1991; Korean won, Thai bath and Malaysian ringgit suffered similar fate in 1998. In each case, the attacked country lost about 40% of its GDP. It is possible that Russia was attacked by financial weapons directed from New York.
The European punitive sanctions forbade long-term cheap credit to Russian companies. The Russian state does not need loans, but Russian companies do. Combination of these factors put a squeeze on Russian pockets. The rating agencies kept downgrading Russian rating to almost junk level, for political reasons, I was told. As they were deprived of credit, state companies began to hoard dollars to pay later their debts, and they refrained from converting their huge profits to roubles, as they did until now. The rouble fell drastically, probably much lower than it had to.

This is not pinpoint sanctions aimed at Putin’s friends. This is a full-blown war. If the initiators expected Russians to be mad at Putin, they miscalculated. The Russian public is angry with the American organisers of the economical warfare, not with its own government. The pro-Western opposition tried to demonstrate against Putin, but very few people joined them.

Ordinary Russians kept a stiff upper lip. They did not notice the sanctions until the rouble staggered, and even then they shopped like mad rather than protested. In the face of shrinking money, they did not buy salt and sugar, as their grandparents would have. Their battle cry against hogging was “Do not take more than two Lexus cars per family, leave something for others!”

Perhaps, the invisible financiers went too far. Instead of being cowed, the Russians are preparing for a real long war, as they and their ancestors have historically fought – and won. It is not like they have a choice: though Americans insist Russia should join their War-on-Terrorism-II, they do not intend to relinquish sanctions.

The Russians do not know how to deal with a financial attack. Without capital restrictions, Russia will be cleaned out. Russian Central bank and Treasury people are strict monetarists, capital restrictions are anathema for them. Putin, being a liberal himself, apparently trusts them. Capital flight has taken huge proportions. Unless Russia uses the measures successfully tried by Mohammad Mahathir of Malaysia, it will continue. At present, however, we do not see sign of change.

This could be the incentive for Putin to advance in Ukraine. If the Russians do not know how to shuffle futures and derivatives, they are expert in armour movements and tank battles. Kiev regime is also spoiling for a fight, apparently pushed by the American neocons. It is possible that the US will get more than what it bargained for in the Ukraine.

One can be certain that Russians will not support the Middle Eastern crusade of NATO, as this military action was prepared at the Charlie demo in Paris. It is far from clear who killed the cartoonists, but Paris and Washington intend to use it for reigniting war in the Middle East. This time, Russia will be in opposition, and probably will use it as an opportunity to change the uncomfortable standoff in the Ukraine. Thus supporters of peace in the Middle East have a good reason to back Russia.
--- ... el-shamir/
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Wade Hampton III
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Re: US Troops In Ukraine!

Post by Wade Hampton III » Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:08 pm

NTS posted....

Yes, NATO involvement in the Ukraine civil war is bad enough
and considering that EVERY single NATO nation has come out and
flat out said that their forces are absolutely not in Ukraine
right now which is a lie of course, I do suspect that the United
States is also directly involved in the Ukraine civil war without
the approval of the American public..... And lo and behold, we
have these two short videos right here that shows proof positive
that American forces are definitely in the eastern Ukrainian
provincial city of Mariupol..The first video is especially telling,
where a Russia Today news crew catches up with one of the Ukrainian
"fighters" and they are shocked to see that this Ukrainian soldier
is actually a US soldier! First, Here are those short videos,
and you can clearly hear in the first video where the "soldier"
response to the question by the reporter is in clear American
English.... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:

http://www.northerntruthseeker.blogspot ... diers.html
