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Re: Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:04 pm
by Benjamin Bice
White Refugees not Allowed in Germany


Genuine war refugees fleeing the conflict in the Ukraine have been denied asylum in Germany in 95 percent of cases (and will, from now on, all be refused that status)—while Angela Merkel’s government admits hundreds of thousands of “war refugees” from all over the nonwhite Middle East without question.


The blatant double standard in favoring nonwhite “war refugees” over whites definitively reveals that the real purpose of Merkel’s policy is not to “help asylum seekers,” but to replace Europeans as quickly as possible.

According to the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper, of the more than 7,000 Ukrainians who applied for asylum in 2014 and 2015, only 5 percent have been granted that status, and all the rest will be sent back to the Ukraine—even though there has been a full-scale war there since April 2014.

The Frankfurter Rundschau said that many of the refugees come directly from the Donbass region war zone, where their houses and livelihoods have been destroyed—identical to the claims made by the “Syrians” currently pouring into Germany.

In addition, many fled rather than be called up for military service, refusing to take part in the war. The paper quoted one Hryhorii Demnychenko, a Ukrainian refugee in Germany, who said that his men who refused to serve in the army faced physical attack.

Other refugees tell of discrimination after their escape from Donetsk in the western Ukraine. They could get neither an apartment or work.

Last week, despite the ongoing conflict, Ukraine was declared a “safe” country by the German government, the Frankfurter Rundschau revealed. This means that from now on, no one from that nation will qualify for asylum in Germany.

This policy is in marked contrast to the German government’s continued hesitation in declaring Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and many sub-Saharan African nations “safe” countries.

The double standards are clear: one set of rules is applied to the Ukraine, where there is a genuine war and genuine refugees—but who are white; and another standard to the nonwhite nations of the Middle East, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa.

* In contract, Russia has officially granted temporary asylum to 248,201 Ukrainians, and Poland has taken in a million Ukrainian war refugees.

Above: Ukrainian refugees arrive in Poland.

Above: Ukrainian refugees arrive in Russia. ... n-germany/

Re: Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:26 am
by Benjamin Bice
Black Woman Attacks Multiple Elderly White Woman, Gets 20-Years in Jail; After Six Months, Black Judge Grants Shock Probation

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi."
-- The mantra of those who believe there's still something left in trying to persevere in the United States of America

The United States of America is irredeemable.

No matter what political force arises, no matter who may stand up and breath life into the Historic American Nation, what once was can never be again.

http://stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspo ... derly.html

Re: Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:43 pm
by Benjamin Bice
Canadian Judge rules White scholarship would threaten “safety of the state”

by Steve Goode • February 23, 2016


Before Dr. Victor Priebe died, he wrote in his will that he wanted his money to be used to set up a scholarship for single, straight, White people who are studying science.

Judge, Alissa Mitchell, has ruled that this will not be allowed because it will according to her, threaten the “safety of the state.”

“Although it is not expressly stated by Dr. Priebe that he subscribed to white supremacist, homophobic and misogynistic views … [the will’s instructions] leave no doubt as to Dr. Priebe’s views,” she said.

Is she going to call him a big mean poopy-pants as well?

“People are allowed to be eccentric,” she said, “It’s fairly stringent, these requirements. It’s the ‘safety’ of the state that (has to be) at risk, and it’s a universally recognized risk, not just that a few people might disagree with what this person is doing.”

Priebe’s will stated that his money should be given to “Caucasian, male, single, heterosexual students,” and to a “hard-working, single Caucasian White girl who is not feminist or lesbian.”

Today in Canada, there are scholarships for non-White women, for American Indians, for Sikhs, and for non-Canadian citizens. But a scholarship specifically for Whites is denied because the elites are anti-White, despite most of them being White themselves.

For example, there was a scholarship in 1990 for White people of British origin, and that was ruled as “discriminatory”.

You see, Canada, like so many formerly White countries, is no longer allowed to remain White. It must become “diverse” and “multicultural” without any democratic choice or discussion, because its elite have decided so.

They’re trying to get rid of the White majority and according to international law, this is a program of White genocide. They can use as many buzzwords as the like, but “diversity” is simply just their code word for White genocide.

Re: Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 5:54 am
by Benjamin Bice
Captain Clay Higgins Resigns Because: "I will not kneel to a discredited, wanna-be, black activist that doesn't really have the best interest of his people in mind, who just wants to make a profit."

http://stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspo ... use-i.html

Re: Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:20 am
by Benjamin Bice

Watchdog: Army course 'outrageous, raw racist indoctrination'



Soldiers with the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon, Georgia, were provided a “white privilege” training session that underscored how lucky Caucasians are when compared to blacks and other minorities, according to documents obtained by the government watchdog, Judicial Watch.

A PowerPoint presentation shown to about 400 of the soldiers stationed at Fort Gordon in 2014 included such phrases as: “Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual” and “Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans,” Judicial Watch said.

The ‘Stop Hillary’ campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: ‘Clinton for prosecution, not president’

The training seminar went on to say “powerful sources [are] everywhere” that prevent those of different ethnic backgrounds from feeling similarly valued and appreciated, but “we act as if it doesn’t exist,” the release from Judicial Watch reported.

And the result? A “yawning divide” in income and class, the PowerPoint said.

And as Judicial Watch noted, the course also included a description of a black woman who wasn’t actually aware she was black until she came to America, and discovered “white racism” and the belief the country is “organized according to race.”

Judicial Watch obtained the documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. The PowerPoint was part of an Equal Opportunity Training segment called “Power and Privilege” and included the definition of “race privilege” as something that “gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans or to how white privilege affects them.” That particular slide also included this unattributed quote: “To be white in [America] means not having to think about it.”

Another phrase on the PowerPoint, Judicial Watch found: “Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual regardless of your social class.”

And another: “The trouble we’re in can’t be solved unless the ‘privileged’ make the problem of privilege their problem and do something about it.”

Stars and Stripes reported on the training class shortly after it happened in April of 2014, but only one of the PowerPoint slides was released. A spokesman for the Army said then the presentation wasn’t a sanctioned event.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton issued a sharp rebuke on the presentation.

“Outrageous,” he said, in a written release. “That is the only word to describe this type of raw racist indoctrination. The Obama administration undermines the morale of our military with morally repugnant ‘equal opportunity’ that makes many soldiers feel unwelcome because they are the wrong sex, race, religion or aren’t part of a politically correct group.”

Read more at ... cTeSLfc.99

Re: Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:10 am
by Benjamin Bice
Total Failure of Multiculturalism in Sweden: A Factual Exposition ... weden.html

Re: Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:52 am
by Benjamin Bice
America's First Black Female Attorney General Declares War on Punishing Colored People

Just as Alexander once simply cut the Gordian Knot with his sword, we will one day realize how simply our problems can be fixed.

If we have the will to do it.

Until then, we'll get more of this.[AG Loretta Lynch wants to let nation break law without consequences, NY Post, 3-27-16]:
As New York moves to decriminalize low-level offenses, arguing enforcement is “rigged against communities of color,” other large cities are coming under pressure from the Justice Department to do the same thing.

http://stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspo ... orney.html

Re: Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:53 am
by Benjamin Bice
UK deports White American mother, separating her from her baby, but Muslim men welcome

by Steve Goode • April 11, 2016


The UK Home Office, in charge of immigration, is again showing its anti-White bias by deporting an American mother who started a family with an English man.

English-born Dominic James and his American-born wife Katy have a two year-old daughter who was born in Eastbourne, England.

Katy has lived and worked in Britain since 2003, and has never claim benefits (welfare). The couple have been married for nine years, but she has been separated from her baby daughter after the Home Office deported her back to the US, because the family temporarily moved there in 2009.

Dominic James said “We recently applied for a visa, requesting the Home Office to consider an application for my wife to remain in the UK. We included 15 letters of support, including personal messages from close friends, our doctor, our daughter Madeline’s nursery, our parish priest and bank manager.”

“Our family wrote the stories of how my grandfathers fought and died in the wars for our country, to secure the freedom of their future generations. But it was all to no avail: the Home Office says that my wife can return to the US on her own, leaving me to look after our daughter without her mother.”

“They refused our application on the grounds that breaking a family apart is a reasonable and justifiable decision, even though Madeline’s life will be broken apart.”

“I rue the day I decided to try life in America for a temporary period in 2009 as I had no idea that the UK government would close the door on us and deny us the right to return. All of us who find ourselves unable to live here with our non-EU spouses never expected it; a betrayal of our rights as British citizens, locked out of our own country, exiled for the mistakes made by previous immigration policies.”

“Our life has been on hold since we applied. Their verdict is a great blow to us and will impact the life of all our close family, and especially my daughter.”

Last September, we saw the anti-White agenda on display again when a 14 year-old Ukrainian Orphan girl was being deported, despite her English adoptive parents begging not to send her back to her war-torn country.

Meanwhile, Britain, a White Christian country, has plenty of room for “thousands” (David Cameron’s words) of “Syrian” men that Brown Muslim countries aren’t interested in helping.

You see, even though Britain may have a Conservative government, but they, like a Liberal or Labour government also want to “diversify” the country.

Whether left-wing or right-wing, those in the top parts of society are aiming to destroy White majority countries by mixing us with non-White people.

If this was done to any other group on the planet, Tibetans for example, it would be called genocide, and only an evil psychopath would support such an agenda.

However, we are living in a world where White genocide is not only acceptable but desirable, and to publicly oppose this agenda can get you in trouble with the law, in some countries.

Fortunately, it is perfectly legal to call them out and say “diversity” is just a code word for White genocide – they can’t take that from us. ... n-welcome/

Re: Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:15 am
by Benjamin Bice
English School is attacked by government inspectors for being too White

by Steve Goode • April 27, 2016


A school in the town of Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, England, has been downgraded because it didn’t have enough pictures of non-White people on the walls and didn’t preach about multiculturalism.

Ofsted, a government organization which inspects schools, is upset that the Town and Country Kiddies Nursery (Kindergarten) is primarily teaching kids about English culture.

The Ofsted report said that “[The School] Staff do not provide enough opportunities for children to develop a strong sense of belonging at the nursery and to learn about people who are different to themselves.”

The school was rated as “outstanding“, but now it has been downgraded to just “good.”

The town of Market Rasen is 97% White, and England and Wales is 86% White. So you can see why parents of children who attend the school have called it out as “politically correct nonsense.”

One anonymous mother said “Just because the majority of the kids are white shouldn’t be used as a stick to beat the nursery with.”

“The nursery does an excellent job, the atmosphere is inclusive and the staff break their backs to help every kid. This Ofsted report is a kick in the face for them and is yet another example of political correct nonsense.”

Clare Worrell, another mother said “I do not know one ethnic minority family in Market Rasen. How can the school be classed as not ethnically diverse when there’s no call for it?”

“There’s only White people around here. It’s a great nursery and they shouldn’t be penalised for this.”

In 2014, another English school in Lincolnshire was also downgraded because according to the Ofsted report, children were “not immersed daily with cultures you might find in a city-based environment.”

These ‘politically correct’ social justice warriors are just very petty people inside. They’ve literally got nothing better to do than complain about there being too many pictures of White people on a wall. Pathetic.

But if you want to understand where this political correctness agenda comes from, you have to go higher up than the middlemen.

The elite class (not necessarily the rich) have decided that being White is a sin, and that’s why many traditionally White countries have had their borders opened up to mass non-White immigration.

The rapefugee invasion of Europe is just the latest attempts at the elite trying to open the borders to all that lovely “diversity” (which they themselves refuse to live around).

Their goal is to get rid of majority White countries. Everyone has their own opinion of what this is, but according to the highest international laws, this is legally, a program of White genocide.

The people who support this are accessories to the White genocide agenda espoused by the elite. ... too-white/

Re: Black/Non-White Institutional Racism

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 11:53 pm
by Benjamin Bice
PAC Tells White Men Not to Run for Office

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | May 5, 2016 11:45am ET


A new political action committee has been created to guilt white men into ending their political ambitions because they’re white men.

Colorado Public Radio reports the "Can You Not" PAC was created by two white male Democratic activists, Jack Teter and Kyle Huelsman.

According to PAC’s website, the goal of the Colorado-based "Can You Not" PAC is to “dis/empower and dis/incline people in positions of privilege, specifically straight white men, from ambitions of running for office in progressive urban districts. “

“We challenge brogressives and others to reject any notion that they are uniquely qualified or positioned to seek political office in districts that don’t need them. As well-represented white dudes, we feel it is our obligation to know when to shut up and Not.”

The PAC founders are adamant they are “100% serious!”

“We plan to give a handful of Democratic endorsements and (dis)endorsements before the June primaries and November election,” they explain.

Huelsman told Colorado Public Radio, “We're pushing back against the notion that looking like a Ken doll makes you uniquely qualified to run for office.”

MSNBC reports the PAC has already raised $1,200 in its first 24 hours. ... run-office