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Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:11 am
by Benjamin Bice
Shocking number of white squatter camps in South Africa ... th-africa/

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:22 am
by Benjamin Bice
An Orgy of Violence


“Bullet proof vests in the suburbs; universities trashed; rector’s office petrol bombed; artifacts burnt; farmers murdered; land grabs increase; ‘burn the building and those inside’: ANC Member of Parliament; highway shootings and robberies; 87-year-old bludgeoned in home—twice; restaurateur shot dead; police report 7,000 firearms ‘stolen or missing’; panga attack severs B.Sc. student’s hand: Just another week in blighted South Africa!”

So begins the latest situation report on South Africa issued by the TAU-SA, the oldest agricultural union in South Africa. Founded in 1897, the TAU describes its mission as the promotion of a “productive and safe existence for its members on the land they own,”—an objective, the organization notes, which is currently not achievable.


The situation report, part of the TAU-SA’s international news service, continues:

The ANC and its followers have reverted to type. Violence gets them what they want or what they think they want. The more compromise and concessions given, the more demands are made and more violence ensues. Violence works for the ANC—it always has. It’s a tried and tested recipe that delivers every time. And after the violence, after the lust has been satiated, after the racial hatred has been slaked and the resentment played out, then what?

This question is being asked by many South Africans as they witness yet again the mindless Khmer Rouge-type vandalism that has become the hallmark of many young Africans “demanding” everything under the sun, whether they want it or not. A free-for-all lawlessness has gripped the country: unbridled mayhem has become a modus operandi, and everyone and everything is fair game.

The seeds of this mindless fury were sown many moons ago. Historically the ANC used violence as a means to obtain the political rights which they declare were denied them by the British and later white South Africa. South Africa has been particularly convulsed by revolutionary violence since the early sixties. Late seventies and mid-eighties’ terrorism increased in barbarity and brutality. It was hallmarked by its own particular savagery: the relentless intimidation of blacks who would not join their revolution and a grotesque cruelty which out Mau-Mau’d the Mau Mau. The ANC called it “a people’s war”. It targeted not only policemen and soldiers but also local councilors, “collaborators,” “informers” and all “puppets of the regime”. The aim was to render South Africa ungovernable and to ultimately overthrow all authority. The seeds of violence as an effective political tool were planted.

In 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison, the ANC was unbanned and negotiations began for universal suffrage. To all intents and purposes, the violence should have stopped. Its raison d’etre no longer existed. The demands had been met. Or so we thought.

Violence however intensified. In his book The Secret Revolution, the National Party’s Intelligence chief Neil Barnard tells of how former prime minister P W Botha pleaded with Nelson Mandela to renounce violence as a condition of his release. Mandela refused. He declared that practical negotiations should begin as soon as possible. “Then the momentum of the process will make violence superfluous”. How wrong he was. Or did he know he was offering Botha a pie in the sky?

The rest as they say is history. After Mandela’s February 1990 release, violence increased fourfold. It continued even after the United Democratic Front (the internal wing of the once-banned ANC) was disbanded in August 1991. Some 9,500 people died between February 1990 and April 1994, an average of 300 per month compared to a monthly average of 90 from September 1984 to February 1990.

The use by the UDF of the necklace method of torture and death (where a rubber tire is placed around a person’s neck, filled with petrol and set alight) decreased during the 1986 state of emergency but increased after Mandela was released, and increased further in 1992. Declares John Kane Berman in his book Political Violence in South Africa: “The investment in terror pays off because people learn to behave in ways expected of them”. This tactic harks back to the Soviet KGB and the Gulags.

Terror campaigns against black local authorities were part of an overall strategy to achieve the collapse of apartheid, writes Kane Berman. These campaigns rendered black areas ungovernable and were strategies created by the UDF at its formation in 1983. “In 1990 (after Mandela’s release) the campaigns were stepped up”. (So much for the swindle punted by Mandela to Prime Minister Botha that violence would become “superfluous” once negotiations were under way!)

In a 1990 editorial the black newspaper City Press blamed black youth for their “political immaturity in introducing the necklace method of killing and going on the rampage, stoning and burning houses.” The then secretary general of the ANC, Alfred Nzo, said that “collaborators must be eliminated”. Asked by the Sunday Times of London whether this included necklacing, Nzo nodded emphatically: “If they decide to use necklacing, we support it”.

Not once during his premiership did Nelson Mandela ever condemn necklacing, let alone the relentless violence perpetrated by his supporters. Indeed it was his party’s policy to keep up the violence until power was handed over to the ANC. Few young South Africans who were born after the end of apartheid know the history of this era. They only see the endless puff-piece books on bookstore shelves lauding those who had previously made South Africa practically ungovernable.

The ANC-sanctioned violence of those days against the previous government is being repeated today under an ANC government. It is the same mindless gangsterism. Any chance to go to the streets and tear something apart is taken up with alacrity, whatever the so-called causes.

The true background of the ANC is being slowly eliminated from a history whose realities, were they available to present-day South Africa, might explain this mindless mayhem now being perpetrated under the guise of demands for better education, or free housing, or service delivery.

In any sane country, farmers would be cherished. After all, what is more basic than three meals a day? In South Africa, the malice shown towards the commercial farming sector is so patent that it can only be attributed to an illogical animosity and resentment rooted in a huge (but justified) inferiority complex. After all, what sort of agriculture existed before whites arrived in South Africa? The ANC cannot face an “inconvenient truth”, as the movie title says. Can the ANC feed SA’s population of 53 million?

From 1990 to 2015, 1785 farmers were murdered and 3,745 farms were attacked. In January 2016, six farmers were murdered and there were 26 attacks. In many of these cases, the murders can be termed atrocities. Newspaper pages are replete with reports of knifings, hackings with pangas, suffocations, rapes of farmers’ wives and daughters, burning with hot irons, and worse.

In addition to this onslaught, the government tinkers with expropriation legislation, with plans to take 50 per cent of many farms to give to “the workers”, and farmers are burdened with the myriad legislative inhibitions already placed on them. Land grabs have increased as squatters take possession of “unoccupied” land.

South Africa’s endemic violence has affected the SA economy. During the 1960s there was an annual growth rate of 6 per cent. This halved in the 1970s and halved again in the 1980s. In the 1970s, even while facing terrorism, riots and involvement in a border war with the Cubans in Angola, the SA rand was stronger than the US dollar. In Mandela’s first four years as president, the rand lost 80 per cent of its value and more than 2,8 million man days were lost to strikes. The national debt also doubled under Mandela’s presidency.

The ANC has reaped what it has sown.

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:50 am
by Benjamin Bice
They've called WA home for the past four years, but a Zimbabwean couple is facing

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:21 am
by Benjamin Bice
graphic photo’s of farm murders In South Africa ... th-africa/

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:55 am
by Benjamin Bice
Teenager Fatally Attacked in Tokai Forest

By SAPeople - Mar 7, 2016

CAPE TOWN – A young teenager was attacked and killed in Tokai forest on Monday afternoon, according to the local crime watch

A spokesman for crime watch in the nearby neighbourhood of Kirstenhof said on a news report on Tuesday that the 15-year-old girl had gone out with her mother and some other people but had separated from them. Her mother raised the alarm and within a short time at least 50 members of the crime watch were out searching for her.

According to the spokesman, one of the searchers came across the body and that she had been “brutally” murdered. He said he could not go into details, but that the people who saw the body were undergoing counseling. He commended the police for their work on the case, and said they were giving it high priority.

The teen was allegedly a student at Waldorf School in Cape Town.

Capetonian blogger Girl-Unplugged wrote that the teenager was found about 10 metres from the track: “This tragedy leaves us all speechless. Our sore hearts go out to the family, friends and scholars who will grapple with the shocking reality of this heinous crime.”

One of the searchers on Monday said: “The authorities and the local community have rallied and are doing an amazing job.”

Tokai forest – which has over 1,500 trees – is renowned for being a peaceful haven in the southern suburbs of Cape Town. The crime watch spokesman said that there have been several attacks on people recently, as well as muggings.

On their website, Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) advises visitors to their parks to please not walk alone.

TMNP and the South African Police Services (SAPS) had not yet responded, at the time of publishing this post, to queries to confirm details. A police statement is expected in the morning.

Western Cape police spokesperson Andre Traut is reported to have said: “This afternoon the body of a 15-year-old girl was discovered in Dennedal Road, Kirstenhof. The victim was possibly strangled.”

Police are combing the area for clues. No arrests have yet been made. ... th-africa/

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:01 am
by Benjamin Bice
South African Riots - "Protesters" throw petrol bombs, burn and smash

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:31 am
by Benjamin Bice

Room of a 9 year old girl after blacks brutally killed her

March 12, 2016

This room was supposed to be the safety and security any child deserves, instead in South Africa this is the murder scene of a nine year old little girl in her own room.
Is this right? How can anyone live with themselves after they done this to a defenseless little girl? Unfortunately this is the scene in South Africa every day. In fact the ANC government said that there are 49 murders per day on average and that authorities struggle to tackle it. This is an outrageous amount of violence per day.
This brutal family murder in Randfontein is yet another attack against white people in South Africa and this needs to stop!

From 1 January 2016 to 12 March 2016 there have been 64 farm attacks and 17 murders.
The last of these 17 murders where a 9 year old girl and her family. This was the scene where the girl was savagely murdered.
Randfontein family murder. 9 year old girl’s room. (Photo BKA)
Share so that this violence can end. #StopFarmAttacks #StopFarmMurders
Source: Boere Krisis Aksie
South Africa Today – South Africa News

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:44 am
by Benjamin Bice
Rodora family massacre: 4 killed
Police: The killings included the death of a 9-year-old girl. ... -4-killed/

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:49 am
by Benjamin Bice
Husband shot, killed at home
An elderly man died of fatal gunshot wounds in his home last night.

March 8, 2016


Chantelle Fourie

Casper died in the main bedroom last night (7 March).
An elderly man was shot and killed in his home in Pannall Street, Mindalore at around midnight last night, 7 March.

The man was identified as Casper van der Westhuizen (68) who was gunned down in his bedroom after he tried to stop his wife from inspecting the loud noise that woke them up.

Casper had just woken when the armed robbers approached them in their bedroom.

Isabella van der Westhuizen told the News this morning that her husband was shot once when he fell to the floor, and presumably bled to death. She said that he had not even physically confronted the intruders when the shot was fired.

Casper’s neighbour and friend of 34 years, Tony de Lange, said he was a kind man who never lost his temper.

“He probably didn’t even say one mean thing to them last night. I think if they had instead told him to give over his valuables he would have gladly let them have it,” he said.
Isabella said she woke up “to the sound of them throwing out and breaking the dining room window.”


The intruders broke the dining room window with a large rock.

Three cellphones, Isabella’s ID, a stereo set and the television were stolen. This was the second time in 30 years living in Mindalore that the Van der Westhuizen family’s house was broken into. The first incident happened no more than two years ago.

Although Isabella could not identify how many suspects had entered their home, neighbours say that after they heard the gunshots they saw about four people leave in a black Audi parked in front of the house.

Isabella said Sector 9 Community Policing Forum members tried to resuscitate Casper when they arrived at the house, but to no avail. Later the police and the pathology services arrived to investigate the scene.


Blood stained floors in the home of Isabella and her deceased husband.

Surrounded by friends and family, Isabella tearfully remembered what Casper told her the previous night: “We don’t know when our time will come.”

The News has contacted the police for comment and will update its readers as soon as more information comes to light.

Casper leaves behind his wife and 13 brothers and sisters. ... =hootsuite

Re: News From Southern Africa

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:30 am
by Benjamin Bice
His father lay dying in a pool of blood. The little boy's last words were . . .

Image -- One-year-old Dean watched as his bloodied father stumbled into the bedroom.

Nico Ras, 31, had been attacked in his home by eight savage Africans.

“Pappa eina [Daddy ouch],” the boy said to his father.

Ras later died at a Petroria hospital.

The murder underscores the racist hate that has embraced South Africa.

Ironically, Ras was one-year-old when South Africa's apartheid government fell to a one-party "democracy." Still, cultural Marxism spins the perpetual myth that the white founders of the nation are to blame for the nation's failures.

In reality, Dutch settlers found the region void of human habitation, save a few tribesmen known as the Khoisan. Europeans introduced aboriginals to advanced Western technology, transforming the vast wilderness into a marvel of innovation.

The prosperity of South Africa attracted sub-Saharan Africans by the millions. By the mid-20th century the nation was overwhelmed by descendants of black immigrants. Today the black population still enjoys the luxuries of Western enhancements.

Few blacks in South Africa appreciate the prosperity begotten by their white benefactors. Prodded by Marxist propaganda, many blacks actually hate the white minority and treat them with disdain.

Nico Ras is the latest of thousands of white South Africans who has perished as the nation regresses to the norm.

For more informaton, google the search term South Africa Farm Murders, then click on images.


When Nico Ras went into his bedroom, his 1-year-old son saw his bloodied form and knew his father was hurt.

“Pappa eina [Daddy ouch],” little Dean said to his 31-year-old father.

Ras’s last words to his wife, Antoinette, were: “Honey, I love you.” He later died in Kalafong Hospital.

He had been shot twice in the stomach and once in the back, Netwerk24 reported on Monday.

The incident occurred on Friday night when eight armed suspects broke into a house on a smallholding in Kameeldrift West, Pretoria. Three families live in the house. Nico and JJ Venter were shot in the attack.

Antoinette said the attackers first hit Venter and his fiancée, Marlice Jacobs, in their room at about 23:00.

Jacobs was starting to doze off and the couple’s 4-year-old daughter, Abigail, was asleep when Venter saw the gang through the bedroom window.

"Here, liefie. Here, liefie. Hier is die kak nou [Lord, love. Lord, love. Here is the shit now],” screamed Venter. He grabbed a knife while Jacobs hid Abigail behind the bedroom door.

Meanwhile, Nico was standing outside smoking. The gang beat him with the butt of a handgun.

Jacobs said there were many shots, more than 20. She said the assailants tried to enter the room when they heard Venter trying to call the police.

They shot Venter twice in his back. The attackers then tried to break down the bedroom door while firing several shots into the room.

The gang then moved onto the Ras family. While the injured Nico was lying outside on the grass, one of the attackers broke a window and climbed inside.

Antoinette grabbed her pepper spray and began spraying him. The attacker, armed with a screwdriver, then ran off with the others.

Among the items stolen were Nico and Antoinette’s cellphones. Jacobs believes the gang came “to kill. They didn’t come to steal”.

Police spokesperson Captain Thomas Mufumadi, said the police found five handguns and a 9mm. No one has yet been arrested. ... blood.html