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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Grimork » Thu Apr 08, 2021 7:50 pm

It's interesting you bring this up, Wolf. As I just arrived at the article about Solzhenitsyn in the Best of Attack and National Vanguard Tabloid, it said:
The course of the disease in the West has been different than in Russia. Here liberalism has quite thoroughly obliterated all the old values, but then, instead of leading us promptly into communism, has lingered on and on.

Unfortunately, the West has probably suffered greater spiritual damage from its long cohabitation with communism’s pimping little sister than Russia has suffered from a half-century of communism itself.

Indeed, Solzhenitsyn may have had just that deep meaning in mind when he shouted to the Western newsmen, “You are worse than the KGB!” ... -liberals/

I think what you say is true, all this time living under communism has taught Russians to be smart and steel their-selves in private and to teach their children to be wary of the ruling class. Americans on the other hand have been eating the hidden poison for so long and have no idea what's really coming and they're not prepared for the snare in the field. I am hopeful that the Jews have overplayed their hand with all the open-chaos and people are still strong enough to resist when the time comes.

Do you ever think about moving to the USA? I know it's no paradise, but.. It seems less dangerous for the layman than Russia, I mean if you can dodge the indoctrination that is.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Wolf Stoner » Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:01 pm

Continuation of the discussion under the article “Russia Warns of Anti-White ‘Aggression’ in US”. Answer to Halen

"In this case, my ethnic background doesn’t mean anything. I am taking a racially objective view, not restricted by narrow nationalistic viewpoints.
Enough to say that the white population numbers are in a freefall in Russia; Russia is being flooded with non-White migration and immigration of all sorts; any legal pro-White activity is practically impossible in today’s Russia (punished by heavy fines and imprisonments).
Mr. Putin is a murderous thug, truly a Tcheka-KGB man who personally sponsored laws in Russia against Anti-semitism.
To finish the moral portrait of Mr. Putin, the Red Army, “the army of rapists” is his favorite and under his personal legal protection against any crititism. This speaks volumes"

Your assessment is right. These are the hard facts of Russian reality. The ethnic Russians are replaced with Asians under pretext of “economical expediency”. But in the same time I should point out to the fact that the current Kremlin rulers are not viciously anti-Russian or anti-white. They are simply a band of criminals whose only interest is the self-enrichment. They have no ideology. But to support their power they resort to an ideological cocktail of communism, civic nationalism, Orthodoxy and old Russian imperialism. It looks both funny, pitiable and tragic in the same time. Funny, because it is impossible not to laugh when you see their uncouth attempts to lump together Stalinism, Orthodoxy, tsarism and liberal Marxism into one mix and to present it as a new “Russian national idea”. “National”, certainly, in civic definition of this word, because any attempts of putting ethnic content to this word are promptly punished by law enforcement agencies. Pitiable, because, looking at the poverty of Russian population, at the decrepit conditions of Russian cities and industry, at the overall despondency among people, the fake optimist slogans and speeches of the state officials look too incongruous; everything in Russia is as a bad joke, particularly its “Victory in the Great Patriotic War” celebrations. Hundreds of thousands of Russian people seek their food in garbage containers but the state continues to push propaganda about how we all had been saved from the devilish Germans who wanted to annihilate all of us. And the simple observation of the Russian reality puts the question: if this is the victory, then, how should look a defeat? But more and more Russians start to understand that this “victory” was, actually, a defeat. And this is why the modern Russian reality is tragic. Russians are forced to celebrate their own racial, ethnic and cultural defeat as the happiest of all events that had ever taken place. The victory frenzy is pushed down each man’s throat; it is imposed by all means and through all channels; you simply can’t escape its reach. Each post-envelope, each shop, governmental office, school, hospital, literally each utility pole are decorated with big and small banners dedicated to the “victory against Nazism”. “60th anniversary of the Great Victory”, “65th anniversary of the Great Victory”, “70th anniversary of the Great Victory”, “75th anniversary of the Great Victory” and now the preparation to the coming “80th anniversary of the Great Victory”. Tens of thousands of cars belonging to various state agencies are obligatory decorated with those slogans. The whole duration of the Putin’s rule is a continuous celebration of the “Victory”. For sure, it has taken a mass psychiatric dimension. All normal people in Russia are disgusted with this insanity.
In regard to Lavrov’s remark I can say, that it was the long-standing KGB practice to incite internal strife in the “enemy countries” from all points. They are interested mainly in undermining USA as such, through all available channels. Kremlin is happy with the current events in USA and it always promoted the narrative about “oppressed negroes” who were unjustly treated by the “cruel white American racists”. This fairy-tale is the continuation of the old Soviet propaganda. But seeing the nascent white backlash against the leftist chaos, Kremlin tries to use this trend too, as they used LGBT question to attract masses of American conservatives to become sympathizers of Putin’s Russia. It is the adroit KGB-style; they are not averse to use any dirty clothes and to rummage through any stinking garbage dumps. Maybe, some members of the Russian establishment are really troubled by the social disintegration in the West, because many of their relatives live there and the bulk of their property and financial assets are there too. Therefore, they would not be happy to see USA transforming into big Somalia. But the dominant feelings of the ruling elite in Russia is indifference. They don’t care about such things as race, nation or anything outside of their immediate financial concerns. Most probably the Lavrov’s statement was targeted at American conservative auditory. It doesn’t take a genius to calculate that such a remark would produce very favorable impression on the white Americans; and Kremlin urgently needs the favorable attitude among western auditory, especially now. Therefore, it was a clever political move to improve Russia’s image among significant part of western population. But in the same time, Lavrov adroitly hedged his bet by affirming the same basic Marxist ideas about “racial equality” and “combating racism”. Tucker Carlson regularly says the same platitudes.
But, certainly, these remarks of Lavrov are pleasantly surprising among the modern insanity; any contradictions to the totalitarian-liberal propaganda are welcome. In the last few years (actually, since Putin’s Munich speech in 2007) Russian officials and celebrities sometimes say things that are deemed unacceptable according to the modern politcorrect standards. For example, couple of months ago the most important pro-Putin TV anchor in Russia, Vladimir Soloviev, said the following phrase: “Actually, Hitler was a brave man, as an individual he was an honest and incorruptible; he fought in the First World War and was highly appreciated by other soldiers and officers” (not literal quote). He said it in response to some of his colleagues comparing Navalnii to Nazis. Soloviev pointed out that Navalnii is a coward that dodged obligatory military service, thief and traitor, serving to foreign intelligence agencies; therefore, any comparisons with Nazis, who were patriots of their country, are unacceptable. This outburst of Soloviev was really remarkable, particularly taking into account that he is a Jew. But he is a mouthpiece of the Kremlin and wouldn’t allow himself to say something that was not approved by his masters. Very interesting trend. The very same day as Soloviev said those words, the whole “liberal” media in Russia exploded with indignation and condemnation. According to them everything and everyone that have connection to the Third Reich are evil and can’t have any laudable qualities. This insane world view is the hallmark of all “liberals” throughout the world.
There is yet one fact that should be put on the other side of the scale: about a year or two ago Putin decriminalized swastika. Before it, the very fact of public display of swastika was considered as criminal offense that entailed up to two years in prison. By the way, this “anti-extremism” law was introduced in 2002; since then thousands of people were sentenced under its provisions, including hundreds of those whose only crime consisted of publishing historic photos and pictures where swastika was visible. Seeing that it goes too far, the system decided to modify the law. In the new amended version the law stipulates that display of swastika is punishable only when it is intended to glorify Nazism; in cases when it is displayed in context of presentation of historical materials or as cultural attribute, it cannot be considered as crime. The definitions of Russian laws are, as usual, very vague and leave wide room for interpretations. But since then the system really diminished its pressure in this particular question. It doesn’t mean that Kremlin suddenly started to be our ally, far from it, but we should evaluate events from all sides and note all seemingly irrelevant details. The main concern of the Kremlin now are those who try to compete for power; and nationalists, being disorganized and suppressed, are not a danger in this regard; the system now concerned most of all about “liberals” who for many years were given free hand and accrued significant political strength. The system now can see that the crowds gathered by liberals are far more violent, unruly and hateful toward law-enforcement. Since 2011 up to now on many occasions “liberals” provoked mass disturbances with fistfights with police. “Liberal” leaders openly call for killing of policemen and express in most colorful language their desire to see Putin in the same place with Ghaddafi, Husein or Milosevic. This reality somewhat awakened the system toward the real danger. Nationalists newer presented a problem for social order, never attacked policemen and never called for killing state officials; on the contrary, all Russian nationalist organizations in 1990es and 2000es tried to establish working relationship with law-enforcement agencies. It was successful before some people at the top decided that it is unacceptable. Then the word came down to smash the whole movement by all available means. It was done, but now Kremlin can see that the real danger comes from an absolutely different corner. I suppose that this realization has partly influenced the recent change in attitudes. Now, liberals in Russia have more chances to be charged with “extremism” than nationalists. It is impossible to predict where all this meandering would come to. History teaches us that the most unexpected turns could happen. It is even possible that, if finding itself under mortal danger, the system could even try to recreate nationalist movement on its terms as a counterweight against liberals; or, on the contrary the persecution could increase as a preventive measure. There are too many variables in this equation. Only careful analysis of events can give a handle on what is going to happen.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Wolf Stoner » Sat Apr 10, 2021 6:54 am

Grimork wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 7:50 pm
It's interesting you bring this up, Wolf. As I just arrived at the article about Solzhenitsyn in the Best of Attack and National Vanguard Tabloid, it said:
The course of the disease in the West has been different than in Russia. Here liberalism has quite thoroughly obliterated all the old values, but then, instead of leading us promptly into communism, has lingered on and on.

Unfortunately, the West has probably suffered greater spiritual damage from its long cohabitation with communism’s pimping little sister than Russia has suffered from a half-century of communism itself.

Indeed, Solzhenitsyn may have had just that deep meaning in mind when he shouted to the Western newsmen, “You are worse than the KGB!” ... -liberals/

I think what you say is true, all this time living under communism has taught Russians to be smart and steel their-selves in private and to teach their children to be wary of the ruling class. Americans on the other hand have been eating the hidden poison for so long and have no idea what's really coming and they're not prepared for the snare in the field. I am hopeful that the Jews have overplayed their hand with all the open-chaos and people are still strong enough to resist when the time comes.

Do you ever think about moving to the USA? I know it's no paradise, but.. It seems less dangerous for the layman than Russia, I mean if you can dodge the indoctrination that is.
I fully agree with your opinion about situation in the West. Yes, actually, the spiritual damage from cultural Marxism happened to be much greater than from Lenin’s “war communism” and Stalinism. It is because the disease with open symptoms is easier to cure than the undetected one. The depredations of communism in Russia were too obvious for all and people disliked it, even if outwardly compelled to worship it. On the contrary, people in the West for long time perceived the system and dominant Hollywood pop-culture as their own; therefore, the mental virus was able to take deep roots. It is why the actual damage to collective mentality in the West, especially in USA, is greater than in Russia. But now, when the illness surfaced in its all too obvious symptoms and everyone can see it, your society started its upward learning curve in this matter. But before the lessons would be fully learnt, much suffering is to be endured. The first reports about torture of political prisoners in Washington are already surfacing; it is only beginning. The Jewish power always resorts to tortures and all kinds of abuses, because these creatures can’t otherwise. The mask is rapidly falling off for all to see. The ugly Jewish vampire mien, its warmongering bloodthirsty cries, its hate against all who don’t want to be Jewish slaves, everything comes to light. It becomes ever more difficult to prolong the legend about poor, innocent, kind, harmless Jew, who is constantly persecuted for no reason. Any society that allowed this vile tribe to occupy dominant position, is bound to fall; there was no exception anytime in history. The only real talent that these self-chosen vermin have is the ability to destroy any society. Even the USA, the country where they were accepted on the best possible terms and where they gained more than in any other land, they don’t spare. You can’t deal with them as with other nations; they would never abide by any laws or moral obligations; they are destroyers and corrupters by their mental constitution. You can’t reeducate a mosquito into a honey-bee. The destruction of USA would be the greatest example of Jewish role in society for thousands of years to come. I don’t think that USA is going to survive for long. Actually, it is already dead. The existing state shell with its trappings is going to linger for a few decades, but the final collapse is imminent. The illness is incurable. But white Americans should not bewail it; on the contrary, they should be happy about this, because the sooner it collapses the sooner everything comes to its natural place.
In relation to moving into USA. Actually, when I had problems with police, because of my “extremist activities” back in 2003, I considered this possibility. But since then, the situation in America worsened too much, particularly in the last 5 years. I don’t think that now conditions in USA are better than in Russia. The only difference is the level of income. Americans have about 5-10 times more than Russians do for the same work. Everything else is similar – cultural decadence, suppression of free speech, political corruption, enormous and utterly ineffective state structure devouring public funds. Both countries are the “allies” and “victors against Nazism”, therefore, both societies had chosen the path opposite of this of Germany, with all too obvious results. Therefore, to choose between Russia and USA is like choosing between plague and cholera.
We should consider the permanent factors, instead of transitory social circumstances. The constant factor is geography. We should choose places of residence according to the long-term considerations of survival and defensibility of the place. In this regard any isolated islands, narrow peninsulas and places lacking local food and water resources should be discarded. In the same time the places with rich natural resources and too favorable climate are too overpopulated and its land is too overpriced to settle there; and in time of trouble the fighting there will be too fierce and the prospect of survival too small. Therefore, the best places are the ones located deep in the continental landmass – wooded areas with scarce infrastructure and population. These places are good enough for food production, but not particularly attractive for modern people with their excessive demands for comfort. Some of the northern states in USA, Canada and Russia are the best in this regard. Choosing the place to live in, we should consider first of all not the level of income there, but how we can grow food there and how this place can be defended and how you would be able to hide from invaders. These are the primary existential factors. Modern people somehow forgot about them, but the hard reality is going to restore this natural perception.
The actual life is unpredictable. It can even happen that some people from America would need to escape into Russia. Before the liberal-totalitarian state collapses, it is going to commit many crimes and too many people are going to suffer. Therefore, the provisions should be ready for someone to go abroad on short notice. We should study Jewish experience; they always were very adroit in changing places of residence according to changing circumstances. They could rapidly move out of endangered place into the new one. They continue this trend now. This nomadic mobility gives them substantial advantage. Some aspects of this practice should be borrowed.
Our men in Russia too should have a place where to go, if need arises. This scheme would add much strength to the movement. It should be given thought to.
But my overall attitude toward migration as such is negative, particularly permanent migration. People should stay in their place, develop it and defend it, instead of seeking easy life in faraway places. Migration of pioneers into wild territories was laudable and useful phenomenon; it helped to spread overall influence of the White Race. But modern migration of Europeans into other countries is not a good practice. For example, look at Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians went to the West for permanent residence. They have forsaken decent life in their own country in exchange for humiliated position of lowly workforce in foreign lands. To justify it by higher salaries? I don’t think that there is something more valuable than honor and decency.
There is yet one aspect of migration between white countries. At present, when alien non-white hordes are invading our countries, the white migration from Eastern Europe to the West could seem as something positive. But we should take into account the internal differences between various white ethnic groups. For example, the massive influx of Russian Germans (who have too tenuous relation to Germans) in Germany in 1990es created many problems. These people, who were essentially Russians, brought with them too many negative qualities and customs. Their lifestyle was too incompatible with an established orderly life of local Germans. It increased internal tensions in the society. Germans disliked these newcomers. This problem started to diminish only after massive invasion of non-whites in the last few years. In comparison with these savages, the migrants from Russia started to seem like normal white people. Similar problems have risen in all other countries where people from Eastern Europe came. Being of somewhat lower cultural level, these newcomers inevitably provoked negative attitude among local populations. It is a normal reaction. Therefore, any massive transfer of population into area where live other people, even of similar racial origin, is bound to create tension. The full integration of migrants is possible only if the following conditions are satisfied: they are of similar racial origin; they are very few; they are compelled to live in the local social environment. To bring migrants in droves and to allow them to reside in ghettoes where they continue to live like in their own countries, is to invite a social disaster. Even influx of Irish in USA in 19th century had created tensions with Anglo-Americans. Italians created even more problems. It shows that even slight mental differences are bound to be a potent factor that should be taken into account. Yes, race is the primary factor, but ethnic-cultural peculiarities are very important too. There is an internal hierarchy inside the White Race; this fact should be remembered. It would be too preposterous to try to equate Germans with Russians. Yes, there are few Russians that are better than average Germans, but the average cultural-intellectual level of Russian people is substantially lower than this of Germans. There is no insult in this fact, but only a scientific observation. Germans, Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians are the highest tier of the White Race. To understand and to acknowledge this fact is in the common interest of all other European nations. The failure to understand this racial reality brought the disaster of WW2, when Slavs fiercely fought against German domination, missing the simple fact that in case of German victory, they would gain much more, than in case of German defeat. The current European plight is the result of this German defeat. Germans were defeated and all other European nations are suffering as a result. Because you cannot succeed if you dethrone someone who is better than you.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Wolf Stoner » Wed Apr 21, 2021 2:53 pm

Life of a man, as well as the life of the whole nation is determined by great measure by spiritual landmarks he uses to guide his way among uncertainties and dangers of precarious existence.
Everyday life is going on not according to prearranged elaborated plan but proceeds mostly on autopilot. Man doesn’t think about many trifling things he does or about his reactions on events around him. His reactions and most of his activities are guided by a program.
We will not delve into such tricky question as to what is his own share in creating this program and what are shares of society, state and other external factors. Let us assume that this program is determined solely by a man himself and he bears full responsibility for its content.
How this programming happens? In most cases it is not a conscious procedure, in the sense that a man doesn’t understand that by a particular thought or reaction he creates a program for his own mind.
Although human mind functions differently from computers, the basic structure of programming is similar. Human mind functions by using images and emotions as basic building blocks. The sequences of images constitute a logical chain. Sequence of typical reactions to various images constitute a program. Human psychology is a very difficult question; there are too many unknowns. It is impossible to use psychology as a precise science with output strictly bound to initial input. In psychology nothing is certain. Instead of precise calculation psychology can operate only by observation and creating theories fitting these observations. There is no other way of studying this area. You cannot deny anything or confirm anything for sure; everything can be evaluated only with some degree of certainty. The more actual events coincide with theoretic predictions the more credibility this theory gains. But even the best theory remains only an approximation of reality, which means that actual life will be always somewhat different from what is possible to predict. So, I will try to elaborate a psychological theory explaining what is happening in European society in the last decades. I will not deal with multiple particulars and intricacies but instead will try to distill the main component.
The fact that European society is in bad shape need not to be proved. It is too obvious even for laymen. What is needed is the tracing the ultimate cause, the central root of the deep psychological crisis in which the whole European population is now.
Let’s detach all external factors for purity of our psychological analysis. Let’s assume that only internal decision-making is happening.
First, we start with analyzing an abstract individual, mister X. At some point in his life mister X met mister Z. Due to some unknown reason Mister X formed very negative opinion about mister Z; “he is a very bad man, the worst that I ever met”. What does this conclusion mean to the subsequent life of mister X? Is it a simple transitory and meaningless event that would have no bearing on his future, or not?
By asserting (inside his own mind or publicly) that “he is a very bad man” mister X made a program; he associated image of mister Z with notion ‘bad’; from now onward this will be a coupled image; mister Z has become a synonym of word ‘bad’. It has become a new program, which will operate on its own, without conscious noticing.
If mister Z actually is a very bad man (pervert, pugnacious rude drunkard, thief or swindler), this association of his image with the word ‘bad’ will help mister X in subsequent life to evade collisions with such type of people. And not only this. After ascribing word ‘bad’ to a particular image, mister X subconsciously will correct his own personality as to be as different as possible from the image of mister Z. And it is the key of the matter. By ascribing various values and labels to different events and people, a man charts his own life-path. He tends to copy what he evaluates as good and to distance himself from what he considers as bad. Actually, the very meanings of these words ‘good’ and ‘bad’ have no internal universal substance but only relative to the subject that uses them. ‘Good’ is what brings some material or mental advantage to the subject and ‘bad’ is what causes harm and loss to him. Therefore, the same object, physical or spiritual, can be considered as ‘good’ and as ‘bad’ in the same time, depending on who makes evaluation.
So, mister X has ascribed to mister Z the label ‘bad’. It should be noticed that the more emotionally was made this evaluation, the more deeply would be etched this program. The most vivid memories of good or bad things live in man’s mind his whole life. Having associated the particular image with some label, human mind from now onward would use this program automatically in evaluating all other things, events and people. In such a way functions mechanism of self-improvement and mental evolution. A man himself creates these programs that afterwards determine his life. It is very important to understand that actual consciousness has very limited part in influencing man’s decisions and actions, particularly in emergency situations. He acts on autopilot that functions according to those very programs. It is an illusion that we can determine each our action or even thought; to much greater extent they are decided by subconscious analytical process that is guided by a set of those programs, that were created long ago.
But now let’s consider the situation when the initial labeling was incorrect. Continuing with our example, let’s suppose that few very respected people said to mister X that they definitely knew that mister Z is a very bad man; actually, the worst of the sort; and it is better to keep as far from him as possible. If mister X is a gullible man, he would accept those warnings at their face value and would not trouble himself to verify factual foundation of such a negative opinion. In this case mister X’s mind would automatically process the image of mister Z, coupling it with a label “bad”. From now on, all attributes pertaining to this image would be automatically noted as “bad” or at least as something negative.
But what if the accusations against mister Z were wrong, the result of malicious slander aimed at destroying his reputation? What if he is a decent man with a noble character?
Who suffers most because of this slander, mister Z himself or mister X who formed wrong opinion based on false information? Definitely, mister Z would suffer because of this. If slander was spread successfully, he would be denied access to decent society, lose prospects of good employment and as a result suffer financial losses. Unpleasant things but not fatal. If mister Z is a strong man, he would weather out all such troubles and would go forward in even better shape and composure of mind. But what would happen with mister X in the result of his wrong opinion? At first, seems, he would lose nothing at all. Indeed, he only joined the already existing hate ring against an unknown individual who is said to be “very bad” one. “If he is despised by all, then, I too should despise him, because otherwise someone could suppose me to sympathize with him” – thinks mister X and reaching this comforting thought goes on with his quiet life. But he doesn’t even notice how he created a program that from now on would act on its own.
Human mind is able to catch huge amount of information from a single look at other individuals. Few seconds of visual examination are enough to store an unknown number of megabytes of data inside his internal hard drive. Everything is noted: facial traits, composure, style of behavior. We all make this automatic mental evaluation of all persons that we encounter; and in most cases we form almost instant positive or negative opinion. This opinion is always correct; the one that was made before interference of all subsequent external information. But due to ever present social dimension of reality, the first opinion made on purely biological animalistic instincts is almost always modified. After first biological evaluation of an individual we proceed to evaluate his position among other people and material stature, which are mostly influenced by social factors. And these factors could be very arbitrary in modern society. After this, we consult others and gain their opinions about the man in question; so, at the end we form the picture that can be quite different from the initial biological flash-image.
In our case, mister X firmly believed the negative opinions about mister Z and associated his image with the label “bad”. The false reality program is created and starts its own life.
Here lays the crux of the matter. First of all, the process of biological evaluation is immutable. Human mind reads all available information about other people for long-term remembrance. This image is written on the “hard drive” as it is, without any kind of irrelevant social components. The evaluation labels are added afterwards. So, after the label “bad” was attached to this particular image, all other individuals having the attributes of this image would be automatically put into the “bad” file. The mental filter is created.
So, we can already see the first negative side of the initial wrong labeling. From now onward mister X would form mistaken opinions about other individuals; his sense of reality is thus diminished.
But it is the least of the wrongs that would follow. If mister Z in reality a very good person with a set of noble traits, then, all these traits would be attributed in the subconsciousness of mister X as something bad either. And as was already noted, all traits that were labeled “bad” are rooted out and shunned by human mind. So, mister X would behave as differently from mister Z as possible, without even noticing it. The power of subconscious programs is paramount.
So, mister X has charted his life-path. He goes in the opposite direction from mister Z. Every man wants to be “good”, so, he must be as different from “bad” as possible.
But now let’s consider yet another aspect of the same mechanism.
Let’s suppose that the same group of highly respected malicious people had said to mister X in the most hearty and friendly fashion that a certain man Y is a “very good one”, actually, he is “so bright”, “smart”, “trendy” and “cool”. Gullible mister X looks on mister Y, who is a pervert, swindler, plagiarist and a liar, and instead of believing his own biological sense, sees the false reality imposed on him by an influential “friendly” group. “Yes, this mister Y is a very interesting guy, maybe a bit cranky, but it is a sure sign of geniuses; so say all other people, they can’t be all mistaken”. Yet one false program is formed. From now onward not only this particular pervert would be accepted as a “decent man” but all others having the same traits would automatically pass the subconscious filter of mister X and gain his good attitude. And not only this; human mind wants to be “good”, so, it will compel mister X to adopt behavioral traits of “good” people.
We have looked into the mechanism of individual self-programming. The process of social programming is very similar. The superposition of multiple individual opinions and programs form the overall social character. There are some differences in workings of individual mind and collective mind but for now we would not look into them. It is enough to say that if an adroit shadow group gains some backdoor access to the collective ear of social mind, it could easily form any opinion about any question. Society would not even notice the trick. The very moment the inserted opinion takes hold in the recipient’s mind, it is considered as its own; “I think so”, “it is my opinion”, “I reckon that in the best interests of our country…”, “our best ally”, “it is the best singer ever born”, “awesome actor”. This seeming jumble of “opinions” crowds the mind of a successfully infected individual who thinks he is a “free man”, but actually is a slave of false programs, and by extension the slave of the authors of underlying notions for those programs.
The main problem is that a man himself creates those false programs, so he perceives them to be the product of his own. The shadow group that inserts inverted images is not making something contrary to basic programs of human mind, but only diverts its workings into false directions. It is very subtle and can be easily denied; you can’t successfully prosecute such a group because of impossibility of nailing down such accusation. Instead, any attempt even to define such an activity would immediately be confronted with forceful negative reaction from all sides crying about “witch hunt” and “conspiracy theories”. And such an outcry would go not only from this group in question but from many other sides as well, successfully covering trail of the fox. The more this group has inserted false images, the more freely it can operate, because it can rely on them as a smokescreen. Conversely, the more false notions were inserted in the collective social mind the less such society is able to fight against such an enemy, the more it becomes paralyzed and disoriented. At some point the jumble of false notions so covers the mental vision of society that it enters the stage of collective insanity. It can’t defend itself from internal or external enemies, it can’t productively work, it can’t even reproduce itself, it starts to die out. But on the outside everything looks like normal and natural life; and even social death would look like something historically normal; “nations are born, grow, mature and eventually die”. Seems like a very astute notion, but in reality, one of the inserted ones either. People are needed to be conditioned that their nation should die eventually, and, maybe, this eventuality is near (these undertones are popping up from time to time in various “highbrow” programs on BBC and other mainstream media). By the way, ethnos, if defined in racial term, is indestructible. State and social formations through which it manifests itself can rise and fall but the core moving force in the shape of genetic identity of their creators is constant and ever present. So, all those phony pseudo-philosophical mumblings of systemic luminaries about “inevitability of European demise due to changing circumstances” is nothing more than psychological warfare to undermine collective psyche of White Race.
Yes, modern Europe is in a free fall. But we should not confuse the true Europe and European Union; the Europe of Bach, Bruno, Copernicus and the gay-Europe of today. Yes, the gay-Europe is in its death throes, for good. But the Europe that comprises all our spiritual wealth created by our ancestors is indestructible, whatever the wishes and malicious efforts of our enemies.
But how it happened that majority of European population has fallen so low as to become a degenerate crowd walking toward their own destruction? How they abandoned their own great legacy and adopted the lowest standards of behavior akin to apes? When it all started?
The cause of this European degeneracy lays in the same mechanism that was already described. First, an individual or social organism need to adopt a set of false ideas. After this set was accepted as immutable truth, the whole system of new programs starts to operate inside the infected mind. Such an individuum or society starts to swerve more and more from the true evolutionary path and go along the most bizarre trajectory leading nowhere. This journey inevitably ends with a crash. In itself such a crash is a good thing, because yet once undeniably confirms the immutable natural truth, which was abandoned.
Having considered this matter in the most abstract terms, let’s now look how all those mechanisms relate to the world around us. How this abstract theory correlates to reality.
We need to define few basic assumptions that would be accepted as self-evident without discussion. First of all, it is the obvious fact that the modern western society is a decadent one; it is mentally sick beyond any hope of recovery. I don’t think that there is any need to prove that people with tattoos, piercings, smoking dope and engaging in the most repulsive sexual practices are insane. And because this insanity is now accepted as something normal, the whole society needs to be considered as mentally ill to the same degree as those individuals.
The second assumption is that this sharp downward track started around the middle of 20th century, or to be more precise in the fateful year of 1945. It doesn’t mean that before that year everything was normal, far from it. But despite of all ever existing problems the European society was mostly healthy; it was decent by all standards of evaluation. Germans, Englishmen, French, Russians essentially shared the basic ideas of decency and orderly behavior. There was no place for any kind of abnormalities that openly thrive now.
Proceeding from those two basic assumptions we will try to define the mechanism of this rapid transformation from healthy condition toward utter insanity. How and where it all started?
What is insanity? Schopenhauer described it as inability of mind to operate in a real world; loss of correlation between actual external irritants and responses to them. Simply it is situation when a person or society cease to behave rationally. Modern Europe best fits this description. We can trace this insanity as in a mindset of an average mainstream individuum so in a society as a whole. They prefer not to see actual dangers, to live in a fancy world completely divorced from reality; they hate everyone who tries to disperse their surreal fancy mist and to show them hard reality; they call such people “extremists” and “haters”. On the other hand, they love and worship those who give them daily doses of mental narcotics.
But let us return to the year 1945. What had happened back then that turned the world so drastically awry?
The main thing that happened was the substitution of the traditional European perception of war as a conflict between nations that ends in some kind of realignment of power balance. It was always so. This time it was so too, but the victors decided to create totally different impression. Instead of enjoying their status, they wanted something more. They were not satisfied to be simply victors but wanted to be regarded as holy saviors of the world from the absolute evil that threatened the very existence of the whole humanity. A bit too far-fetched pretense for any normal mind, but not to this bunch of allies.
From then onward the huge propagandistic machine started to work, creating a new mythology of this titanic battle of good against evil. Tens of thousands of actors, writers, producers, correspondents, educational workers, politicians were in some way or another employed to perform this paramount task. The most bizarre and sinister monster-mythology started to take shape. The immeasurable resources employed by its creators (USSR and USA) and their global influence guaranteed success of the project. The Myth was so widely and incessantly promoted that there is hardly an individual in the world who would not be acquainted with it, if only in the most rudimentary precepts (sometimes it takes really funny shapes, when stupid people, having no historic knowledge, believe that there were some evil Nazis who baked people alive and made soap of them). This Myth has moved Bible myth to the second place in terms of universal popularity and media circulation. It has taken life of its own. Even if the initial sources of its propagation have stopped suddenly to produce this informational deluge, the Myth would continue to live independently for the simple reason of it being known by so many people; collective mental inertia of society is too portent factor.
But someone can ask: “what it has to do with Europe going mad? Mythology of all kinds always circulated in all societies; it can’t be the cause of collective insanity”.
Yes, if mythology is considered as mythology and not as actual events. But when mythology is forcefully imposed on all people instead of reality, then, it starts to hurt; and it hurts proportionally to incongruity of its content. The more bizarre is the mythology the more damage it does. If it is completely divorced from reality, or even worse, when it is opposite of truth, then, it is bound to produce irreparable damage to the collective psyche of society that was subjected to such an experiment.
Bible mythology too had made substantial damage to European society but its content was never perceived as something real. People only pretended to believe in its actuality but very few really believed that Jesus literally walked on water and raised dead people. Those who went so far as to believe it literally, in most cases had gone mad themselves. So, Christianity is too belonging to the damaging mythology category but its virulence is of much lesser degree than that of WW2 Myth.
People were compelled to believe that the last big war was not a simple war but something principally different. This notion in itself has damaging influence because diverts mind from factual study toward some kind of quasi-religious quest of “good against evil”. So, history is turned into fantasy. By some magic sleight of hands the usual sequence of historic events is interrupted and in its midst inserted the picturesque image of grandiose theatric battle where everything is clear and obvious – villains, heroes, victims, monsters, saints and all this action ends with a magnificent fire-show of couple of nuclear petards; good wins, evil defeated, villains executed and now everyone can live quietly and happily. Sounds somewhat far-fetched? Yes, no one would believe that such trash could be substituted for reality if it wasn’t actually done. Every knowledgeable man conversant in history knows that real events happen differently; history isn’t a fairy-tale with predetermined set of characters and obvious outcome. You cannot reduce even the smallest historic episode to such a simplistic model. Only children or mentally retarded people can believe such things. And here lays the key for understanding of what happens with our society. People were subjected to mental transformation that made them think like mentally retarded individuals. It wasn’t optional but obligatory (if you had openly doubted the official narrative in USSR, you would be put in jail or insane asylum). You were obliged to think in such patterns and to repeat them. Even if you doubted it, it was to be kept as deep inside as possible. But only few people have the ability of independent thinking; absolute majority always accepts dominant narrative. And this dominant narrative was this all-encompassing and all-explaining Myth on which everything else was based. It has become, in essence, the foundational Myth of the whole modern West (USSR and post-Soviet Russia as well). You can’t doubt the foundational Myth; anyone who does is instantly proclaimed an enemy and is cast aside as the most dangerous man in universe. To doubt the WW2 Myth now is like to doubt Christ’s resurrection in medieval Spain. The whole situation is utterly repulsive and offensive to any thinking man; it is travesty of logic and science. From 1945 history ceased to be a science, together with other social sciences.
But history and other social sciences are the areas of interests for a relatively small number of people. How this historic fraud can damage anyone else outside of the circle of professionals in this area? Yes, if it only remained a historic fraud, it would not produce too much damage. But it is much more than this. As it was already said, it is a foundational Myth obligatory for all to acknowledge. You, cannot even graduate from high school without repeating the basic components of this myth. Children from kindergarten are inculcated with it; the whole life, through all informational channels people’s minds are subjected to the aggressive promotion of this Myth. So, even the most apolitical individuals know it by heart and accept its tenets as something given and universally true; it doesn’t even occur to them to doubt it. So, the creators of this system were very successful. But what are the results of this “success” for society at large?
Having adopted the Big Lie as immutable truth, society by its own hands has set itself on the path of collective insanity. If you allow distortion of reality in one aspect, your mind adopts this pattern in dealings with other matters too, without you even noticing it. The program once set continues to work automatically. It is why since 1945 USA constantly engages in further and further fights for “good against evil” throughout the world. Public mind, once inculcated with this insane idea, continued to accept this abnormal pattern as something normal; and not only normal, but as something “holy”; the whole essence of American society has become associated with this insane quest for global “good”. In earlier times any such proposition would be countered with sane voices of opposition but now they were successfully paralyzed by the supreme precedent of WW2. Since then each time some feeble voice had attempted to counter yet another insane endeavor of USA to “bring democracy” in some distant country, it was attacked with “appeasement of evil”, “peace in our time”, “the main historical lesson” avalanche of labels referring to the WW2 pattern of warped perception of reality. So, now it became possible to support any non-sensical policy simply by linking it with the necessity of “defeating the evil”. The public was inured to this trash as something immutable, as something beyond any possibility of criticism; you simply accepted it as it is; the holy Trinity of the modern world.
“But it is the sphere of foreign policy; how it can damage minds of average people whose life is totally unconcerned with such topics?” – some opponent could ask. Yes, maybe it would be true in the age of little kings’ wars of 17-18th centuries when populations at large were mostly unconcerned about what are the causes of yet another strife between their masters. Their life flowed almost unaffected by high politics. But now we live in a totally different environment. Because of universal permeation of information and manifold increase in state’s ability to drive its propaganda, no one can live unaffected by high politics. Everyone is affected in some way or another, even if he doesn’t understand it; and this connection only grows with time. And I mean not only impact of mistaken politics on economy and internal security (grows of debt and retaliatory terrorism against the source of aggressive global policy). These adverse side effects were well elucidated on many occasions by even mainstream scholars. I want to point out on even more dangerous consequence of political insanity.
Society as a whole is taught to accept something irrational and illogical as true; it is taught to throw out traditional European logical process in analyzing any matter and to accept some kind of emotionally driven revelatory mantra of “saving the world from evil”. This pattern becomes not only a political blueprint but the prevalent modus operandi for everyday life of these same unconcerned commoners. It is the main quality of the human mind; it copies patterns and projects them on other dimensions. If it is possible to dispense with logic in foreign politics, why should be it kept in dealing with family problems? Why should a man oppose legalization of abortions or narcotics or perversions if it is a part of this universal drive for “global good”? Everyone now subconsciously knows that if he opposes anything emanating from the oracles of “good”, then, you are promptly accused of being “fascist” and “white supremacist”. Yes, these magic words can decide everything nowadays. These are holy incantations of the modern inquisition. Anyone accused of these “most grave crimes” is liable for social exorcism and banishment for life from all social institutions. The very logic has become the attribute of “white supremacism” because the moment you start ask logical questions you stumble on the total incongruity of the whole governing pattern. And this pattern is something that is most guarded by the supreme oracles of “democracy”. You can’t rely on logic in criticizing them; truth is no defense, as it was shown on many occasions. So, in a period of few decades the western society has reached condition of collective insanity; it is a new normal.
Is there any cure from this malaise? None for those who are already infected; people who adopted this pattern of anti-logic are mostly beyond salvation. You can’t simply abandon mental patterns; they are etched on subconscious level. Here in Russia it is most evident. At least 30% of Russians deem Stalin as a positive figure and mourn demise of USSR; any attempt to reason with them is utterly futile; they are impervious to logic or even common sense; at best you are ignored, at worst the most violent reactions could be provoked. People affected by these false patterns are ready to fight for them and to physically annihilate all irritants doubting their delusions.
In the West people were subjected to somewhat different mode of psychological inculcation but the long-term outcome is very similar. People in USSR were driven into this coral at the gunpoint; people in the West were carefully goaded in the same coral from its other side; but now we find ourselves in the same place, with, maybe, slightly different state trappings and superficial ideological rhetoric. The main outcome is that people in their majority were reprogrammed beyond repair. Only the most strong-willed and mentally sound have retained their inborn ability for logical mental process. These few are the ones whom the system fears most. They are those whom oracles of “democracy” want to annihilate using all available means. And these few are the ones on whom the only hope for salvation is rested. The whole mass of others is doomed, if left alone with their new masters.
I don’t intend to go deeper in the above defined problem; it is too spacious topic. Here I want to concentrate on the limited task of tracing the underlying mental deviations that are the roots of all big social negative transformations. Mental processes are the source of all other events, so, to really understand what happens, we need, first, to dissect them and to dig to the initial root.
Human mind operates mostly by replicating patterns. This is the main mode of studying and acquiring new skills. Children are taught mathematics in school mostly by presenting to them multiple examples of detailed solutions of various tasks. Step by step child starts to discern logical sequence and grasps the underlying pattern. The more able is a pupil the better he can do it. In the same way children are copying behavioral patterns of adults. It is a natural subconscious mechanism of mental development. It is why the quality of teachers is very important. The better the quality of teachers and other adults surrounding a child the better his chances of acquiring good patterns of behavior and models of social interactions. It is why people always cared to provide the best possible social environment for their children. And it is why the worst nightmare for any parents is when their child has joined a “bad company”. So, people always understood the paramount importance of social environment because it has immediate impact on setting the mental patterns. Right and orderly examples were always valued as the main prerequisite for balanced development of children.
Are we deviating too much from the topic? Maybe, but here is the connection. If instead of true patterns you start to teach children the false ones, what would happen with them? Let’s suppose that instead of known mathematical and physical laws children were taught magical tricks of Harry Potter. How it would impact society after couple of decades of such an experiment? Such a society would simply lose all its technologies because there would be no one able to understand and develop them. Some kind of Zimbabwesation would take place. It is too clear for all, therefore, none in his right senses would demand abolishing of mathematics and physics lessons.
But somehow people think that what is impossible with precise sciences they can freely do with social sciences. They think that if they substitute history by fairy-tales about demons and heroes, it would serve well for society; it would somewhat “humanize” it. But in reality, happens something opposite. Instead of “humanization” society rapidly moves toward utter collective insanity with all concomitant results. But are there any cause-effect relations between those two phenomena? It could be easily asserted that one has nothing to do with the other. What distortion of history has to do with growing moral depravity, fall of social order and lowering of intellectual standards? Yes, to prove some assertion in the field of social sciences is much harder than in mathematics. Here we can’t rely on some iron-cast theorems that elucidate the topic from all sides. Instead, we are compelled to rely more on internal sense of logic, like migrating birds relying on their inner compass on lengthy journey. Any thoughtful man can sense that there is some relation between modern social decadence and the way social sciences are taught in the last decades. There has to be a relationship. It is not the question of whether but to what extent; how strongly correlated one phenomenon with the other?
I suppose that there is a very strong correlation. If two-three generations of people were raised from their childhood in the informational atmosphere of pervasive historical falsehood, then, they must have adopted this type of mental pattern as something crucial. They were inured to this doublethink and institutionalized lie. And as we know human mind copies patterns. So, people raised in mental atmosphere where lie is normalized and elevated to the status of holiness, cannot but become liars themselves. And they would lie not only about the historical events in question but on all occasions if it suits their ends; they have learnt the pattern; you can lie your way up the social ladder. We can see this exercise in lie skills in modern American society. All politicians on all levels are liars and they compete with each other by throwing all forms of lies and slander against each other; they slander on foreign nations, they lie about distant and recent history, they distort reality in all possible directions, they reached perfection in this vile “science” of falsehood; it is the only “science” that is thriving in USA now. The Empire of Lies. But society cannot live on such a precarious foundation. Yes, a man can lie his way up the social ladder but society cannot lie up its way up among the real world of hard competition with other nations. In the natural world you need to have real worth in order to succeed; there you cannot pay by illicit currency of falsehoods; there you need to present hard cash of intelligence, courage, honesty and self-discipline; something that is in utter deficit in the modern West. It rapidly loses competitive struggle with all other centers of power and we can explain why. In stark contrast to the systemic “historians” and “political scientists” we would not ask stupid rhetorical questions like “what is happening with our society?”, “what are the causes?” and “where it leads to?” We know precise answers to these questions; the answers that no single “expert” would dare even to mention inside his own mind because of fear to enrage his paymaster.
People of Europe and USA were taught to accept lies, to practice lies, to distort reality and to make excuses to any state-sanctioned crime by concocting yet another good-sounding lie. And how such a society would function in the long run? How such people are going to live with each other? Are they going to be honest and law-abiding family men of good character? Or something opposite? The answer we can see all around us.
But, again, how to connect two so seemingly different phenomena? What has a dishonest husband to do with the state agency engaging in illegal narcotics trade? Is there any connection? Most people would say there is none. But I would say there is. This man was raised in the atmosphere of universal falsehood and his mind is permeated by it. So, why should he stop at lying to his own wife if his own government constantly lies to its own citizens? Is there no correlation? I think the correlation is too obvious. If lie is normalized in one aspect of life it becomes an established pattern on which others start to operate; it has the effect of infectious disease. And you cannot stop this pandemic as long as the initial lies continue to operate and paid obeisance to. You cannot stop criminal foreign wars as long as the underlying strategy is in place; and this strategy is based on the false historic narrative of the last century. So, we can clearly see that all present-day American problems are rooted in those utterly distorted historic events of 80 years ago. And as long as this Big Lie is continued to reign supreme in people’s minds there will be no salvation for white Americans and Europeans. This lie like cancer destroys not only their historic perspective but the whole thinking process, the very ability of logical evaluation of events. The false pattern once set, continues its deadly work of mass mental destruction. Having lost the ability to see the true historical picture, people lost the vision of present day reality around them, they lost the true existential pattern of their race, their culture and even their own family; they are lost among the poisonous dreams concocted by venomous Hollywood magicians who hold the whole society under their spell. And there is no salvation without destroying the foundational falsehood of this Empire of Lies. Only those who can see through all these lies and who are able to understand the true picture, will have the chance to survive; all others are doomed to utter humiliation, dispossession, loss of civil rights and very painful death. There is no other way for those who lost their racial pattern.
I want to repeat the main essence of this matter. When you ascribe label “good” for something, your mind automatically starts copying the attributes of this object. And on the contrary, when you ascribe label “bad” for a man or some social formation, your mind automatically throws out everything that has even slightest connection with this phenomenon. Human mind endeavors to be perfect and “good”; it abhors to be “bad”.
So, when Germany was labeled to be the most evil country that ever existed, people who believed this narration automatically started to shun everything that has some connection with Germany. In USSR for a few years after WW2 even Beethoven’s music was banned. Wagner’s music was banned even longer. It was all “fascist” in the eyes of Soviet rulers. But beside official bans there is yet more powerful factor, which is the public perception. If something is considered as “bad” or “dangerous for public good”, then, people shun it by their own volition. But even this factor is not the main problem.
What is most important is the subconscious filter which is established by such all-round vilification of a particular country and nation. After having sucked with mother’s milk the idea that Germany is bad and all Germans are latent baby-killers, people subconsciously tend to be as different as possible from those “monsters”. And who are those “monsters”? In reality they were the most diligent, hardworking, intelligent, honest, morally upright and courageous nation among Europeans. They were the essence of Europe; there is no Europe without them; there is no European culture without them; there is no science without them, there is no high spirituality without them. So, what is happening when you declare this primary source to be the “worst evil that ever existed”? The answer is very simple and too obvious. You simply lose all those traits that are mostly associated with those “monsters”. It is not a conscious choice but automatic reaction of our deep subconscious computer. We program it ourselves but afterward it steers our life’s course in a very authoritarian way. We can’t simply overrule it on a particular occasion when it suits us. We act on autopilot according to the unbending commands of this internal computer. It is why the question of self-programming is so important. Everyone knows that wrongly raised dog is a fool for life; but somehow this truth fails to be noticed when people are considered. Actually, the mechanism is the same.
Three generations of white people were raised on the idea that Germans are “bad”. And what is the result? Absolute majority of modern whites lack those above-mentioned traits that were most associated with Germans. And on the contrary, for many decades Europeans were told that Africans are very good but unjustly persecuted and maltreated. African-inspired culture patterns were promoted by all possible means. And what we can see? Modern whites tend to express more African-style behavior than German-style. Modern whites more resemble Africans in their life attitudes. The same promiscuous unruly behavior, unconcern about public issues, absolute lack of social responsibility, violent reactions to slightest irritants, lack of long-term planning. How to explain this transformation? The answer is too obvious. These people simply had become “good” and rooted out everything that has slightest association with “evil”. They had perfectly executed the unofficial social demand. The Big Lie has made its supreme work.
Finally, few words about the “most evil man”. If asked the question “who was the worst man in history” almost all modern Europeans would name the same man. Is it strange? Where from such unanimity? Maybe because it is true and people come independently to the same conclusion? Simple logic speaks against it. There cannot be such unanimity of opinions on its own. If left to decide by their own judgement people always come to very different conclusions. Strong unanimity happens when there is the synchronizing force behind it. In case of European society, it is the whole state system that standardized educational approach toward the question of WW2. Any deviation from this state-sanctioned course is not only frowned upon but severely punished by law. So, the answer to the question “who was the worst man in history” don’t suppose to have options but by its very formulation presupposes the only one “right” answer. The whole modern educational system is built for the sole purpose to drive this “right answer” into each head. Yes, it is built for this; not to teach mathematics; mathematics is optional; but to have the “right answer” to the key question is obligatory.
What is the psychological result of this rape of logic and abolishing of mental freedom? First and foremost is the sharp fall in ability to think, instead of mechanical repetition of what is “right”. But we touch even greater result of this vilification.
Having studied carefully and at depth, everyone can reach the conclusion that the politician in question was the most honest one among all other politicians of the century. Totally uncorrupted, absolutely devoted to his nation, morally upright, hard-working, diligent, personally courageous, sensitive to other people’s problems, long-term oriented, gifted in many aspects, self-educated to the extent that the range of his knowledge far surpassed the curriculum of the best world universities. He was the self-made man; no one socially raised him; he raised through all obstacles by his own means with providence being his only benefactor. The unique man in all respects. None of the contemporary politicians of the world could be compared even closely with this man. Even the best example of human greatness that lived more than century before him fades when compared with this man. The frequency of appearance of such unique individuals is comparable to the frequency of supernova phenomenon. Such exceptional men are born to be the supreme examples to others and to serve as spiritual landmarks for many generations. These men are given by providence very sparingly. They are the real prophets. They know the higher truth from the very beginning of their life; they bear the torch of Natural Law their whole life and they live for all, not for themselves. They don’t need us to accept them, because they are great by themselves even without us. But we need to accept them because it is the only way to rise up above low pattern of life. We need to copy the patterns they set, we need to study their work, we need to follow the path they had shown us, because it is the only path that Nature wants us to follow.
Such men are born to be beacons for others, to set templates of noble behavior, to strengthen highest ideals.
But what happens with people if they were persuaded to turn away from these national beacons? What would happen with them if these beacons were presented as something evil and abhorrent?
Certainly, people would not accept such slander in usual situations. They would chase out anyone who tried to smear national heroes. But if the nation was conquered, subjugated, humiliated and reprogrammed, then, everything becomes possible. The wildest dreams of the enemy are realized because there is no one to oppose him. And common people are helpless before this perverted executioner who wants to exterminate them by using the most elaborate scheme. Instead of killing all members of a particular nation, the enemy decides to turn its populace against its own spiritual beacons, against own culture and against its best representatives. The enemy knows perfectly well, that any nation deprived of its nobility and its culture ceases to be a nation and reduces to a drove of cattle, which could be either used for menial work or slaughtered altogether at leisure. The enemy made this experiment in Russia but to repeat it in European and American social circumstances was impossible. So, they decided to use the psychological warfare aimed at destruction of national spirit. And the first thing was to smear national and racial symbols. It was the first and the most important part of the plan. When it was accomplished and common people believed all those lies about their best heroes, the process of self-destruction started to work. Now the enemy didn’t need even to interfere much in the process; the program was set in motion in each mainstream head. The mental virus has gained life of its own; Europeans started their own destruction. First, they abandoned traditional way of life, then started to pursue “fashion”; then the plague of “sexual revolution” spiritually decimated white populace of the West. Narcotics, alcohol, promiscuity, pointless unfocused lifestyle, materialistic outlook; all these factors, the multiple heads of the same dragon, devoured white race, teared it apart and trampled down. So, at the end of this process hardly 1 percent of white population can be reckoned as spiritually and physically healthy. The enemy almost achieved his goal; the white race spiritually is almost destroyed. Almost, but not all; the hard-core minority remains. Those, who didn’t accept the enemy lies and didn’t believe a single word of the vile enemy about our racial heroes, about our heroic history and our most sublime culture. The enemy understands that this core is impossible to eliminate by psychological warfare, so they try to use all available judicial measures to prosecute such people. They use all possible subterfuges - lies, slander, pressure on state agencies, but all in vain. The only net result of their vile efforts is yet further hardening of this hard core. The struggle has entered into the most uncompromising stage; everyone knows that there will be no quarter given, no POW taken. The enemy had committed such tremendous and unimaginable crimes that, if understood by laymen, there will be the wildest purge that ever occurred; each rat would be found and teared to pieces. The enemy understands it and tries to accelerate the final stage of liquidation of white race. They try to prevent the inevitable backlash; they try to kill off all white people, to exterminate the whole race by preventing them to be born in the first place. And even if some whites are yet born, the enemy makes all possible things to transform those children into moral and physical cripples, to make imbeciles of them and to sterilize them before they would be able to procreate. The enemy intentions are all too clear for those who are able to think, but for others these are nothing more than “conspiracy theories”. Yes, it is a conspiracy, the most vicious and all-encompassing conspiracy that had ever taken place. We are witnessing the fruition of this conspiracy of more than one hundred years old (and based on a set of conspiratorial teachings of at least two thousand years).
Is there any salvation? Could something be saved? What is to be done by those who don’t want to succumb before these planetary vermin?
The first step is to cleanse own mind. It is impossible to resist the enemy if your own head is full of poisonous trash that was put there precisely for your eventual destruction. Everything that was taught in school, shown on TV, said by “respectable people”, should be revisited and thoroughly analyzed anew. All those vile myths on which enemy power is based should be mercilessly thrown out of your own mind. White people should stop parroting alien slogans and ideas; they should stop celebrating victories above their own race; they should stop paying obeisance to the monuments of their racial enemies. It is laughable when humiliated white Americans (Russians, Englishmen, French to the same degree) continue to repeat the hackneyed propagandistic trash about “victory against Nazi-Germany”, “we saved the world from fascism”, “liberation of Europe”, “defense of democracy and human rights”, “we are the nation of immigrants”. When white American presidents compete with each other in praising communist negro of being the “human rights activist and leader of civil rights movement”, the only sensation that it evokes in healthy white people is utter disgust. The only sensation that such behavior can evoke among non-whites is the strong impression of seeing a defeated race, of fallen enemy pleading to be pardoned. And the only reaction of non-white crowd to such contemptible behavior is to jump on the half-dead body of their former masters and to mercilessly tear it, beat it, devour it with wild cries of exuberant joy; the most wild and impossible dream has come true; they, the half-beasts, now the masters of people and can dictate the terms of the future world.
It is enough to have even average mental abilities to see these logical connections. But the white zombie-crowd don’t see them. The Harvard-educated Anglo-Saxon elite repeats this trash that is a death sentence as to their nation, so to themselves, because who would allow them to remain in their present position if their own people are defeated and subjugated? The total insanity reigns among American whites. Yes, many millions of them understand that something is woefully wrong, but their mental perception is too limited to look deeper; they dig too shallow; they praise “good old times of Reagan” and the seeming paradise of 1950es, without understanding that their racial fall happened in full force already back then. The fall that started long ago and was sealed by the conclusion of WW2. The war when White Race lost. It is the key; without understanding this simple question there is no salvation. All those who continue to mumble in their stupidity about “good war” and “our glorious grandfathers”, should be mercilessly cast aside and given to the non-white crowds for fun. Let them live in the world for which their forefathers fought. But we need totally different world; the world that was built by countless generations of our ancestors up to the last century, when everything was subverted. We need our symbols and our heroes; we need our culture and our traditions; we need to cleanse our life from all alien things and thoughts. But the first step in this return to sanity is to accept the glorious man, who fought for our race, who sacrificed everything he had for our chance to exist; the best man that ever stood at the helm of supreme power and who for the first time in modern world proclaimed racial interests as the main priority of his state policy. He fought to the end; his army successfully fought against multi-million hordes that swarmed into Europe from all sides; and he and his nation fell under the dirty feet of those rustic wild hordes; he was defeated militarily but won spiritually. His opponents are a laughing stock for posterity but he has become a religious symbol of the best part of White Race. Those who accept him – would have the opportunity to survive; those who reject him - doomed to disappear under the feet of savages. There is no middle ground.

There is a funny custom among high-brow public to exclaim in amazement “how such a cultured nation could fall to such barbarity? How the people that brought up so many famous scientists, musicians, writers, philosophers could become the breeding ground to such bloody maniacs who provoked a world war and committed such horrific crimes?” And these seemingly intelligent people shake heads in a concocted puzzlement, but in reality, they are not interested in the matter at all. They simply say what is expected of them. They didn’t invest even a minute of their own unpaid free time in investigating the matter; they are too preoccupied with their private mundane affairs and, first of all, with how much they would be paid by the supreme masters. So, the main task for them is to please those masters by any means. The historic truth and honesty do not feature in this equation at all. How many times we heard this nonsense about “cultured nation that turned out to be so barbarous”. This misnomer is recycled constantly in various forms. And mainstream buffoons repeat it without logical analysis of their own.
This false dichotomy about “cultured-barbarous” nation was cooked by the same vile creatures who created the original slander about the war. They are compelled to reckon with the obvious German superiority in all intellectual areas; people throughout the world had known that Germans are the supreme as in science and technology, so in arts of all kinds (music first of all). The eternal enemy needed somehow to explain this contradiction between obvious reality and their slanderous picture of this nation, so they invented this false dichotomy that now repeat almost every high-brow buffoon from university pulpit or from behind microphone of TV presenter.
But in reality, there is no such dichotomy. Germans are well rounded nation with all social aspects proportionately developed. One part perfectly fits another. High level of scientific thought corresponded to high level of technology and industry. Highly developed technology and industry in their turn corresponded to the high level of development in weapons and military thought. At the end of 19th century Germans were supreme almost in all aspects requiring high intelligence. Highly developed spirituality and high moral standards linked to high achievements in music, literature and philosophy. So, any thoughtful person can see this wholesomeness of this nation; its perfectly balanced development. Germans were not brought to the summit of world politics by a whim of nature (like Mongols were), but instead they worked their way up by diligent endeavors in all spheres of human thought. They were the most fitting nation to pretend for global domination. No other nation could have more justified natural rights to aspire for such position. But although Germans had all moral rights for such ambitions, they actually didn’t have any. Even before Great War, when Germany actively developed its colonial empire, it did it for utilitarian purposes of providing its population with food and its industry with raw materials. German imperial government didn’t plan to subvert British empire and to take its place (as British propaganda said to its own population). The Great War was provoked entirely by aggressive ambitions of France, Britain and some minor pugnacious players on Balkans.
The Second World War has yet less German part in its conception. Germany wanted only return of its ethnic territories that were teared out of its national body by greedy victors in Great War. But the same aggressive world players, plus some new ones, used these natural German aspirations as pretext to unleash the new world war. They declared the start of the German-Polish war to be the start of the world war, which is obvious nonsense. Germany didn’t start the world war, it started war with Poland, but Britain declared war on Germany thereby starting the world war. So, the simple analysis of facts undeniably shows that Britain is the main initiator of WW2. But this fact is held in shadow, as if it has no importance. The same is with all other inconvenient facts.
Looking without bias at WW2 events, we would find that there were no abnormalities or anything monstrous in German policy in this period; German government behaved like any other European government. It even exercised excessive restraint hoping to pacify belligerent opponents, but it didn’t help. Germany under National-Socialist rule was a true Germany, not some barbarous aberration that is now falsely depicted by media and fake-historians. National-Socialism was the natural development of all previous centuries of evolution of German society. The NS government was a traditional one, it didn’t practice any fashionable hollow ideas or entertained wild projects (like it was in USSR under the rule of genuine bloody maniacs). German rulers acted like all their predecessors did; there was no inconsistencies or monstrosities; only common sense. And this beacon of logic and common sense is presented now as something absolutely evil! And what would you expect from society nurtured up on such a lie?! It is bound to move in the opposite direction of this that traditional Germany followed. The modern people are bound to be unruly, lazy, uninterested in high culture, lacking ability in sciences, cowardly, immoral, promiscuous, unreliable, hysteric, mentally unstable, prone to all kinds of vices. All traits opposite to the ones possessed by German nation on the pick of its greatness. Now you can see the natural logic of events. Any individual or a group of people achieve conditions to which they aspire and move away from the ones they abhor. It is very simple; if you board the train bound to New-York, you arrive to New-York after some time. So, if the whole world boarded the train with too obvious sign “Marxism”, so, after some time it arrived to the place of destination. Yes, it happened to be not something that majority imagined it to be, but it is another matter. And on the contrary, modern people for decades vilified Germany, so, they finally reached the shape when they effectively expunged all those traits that “bloody Germans” possessed. Everything is perfectly rounded and fits into the natural picture. And if someone happened to be surprised with the final results of his own choice, so it is only the too obvious sign of his profound stupidity. The bright European people had known long ago what would come out of this neo-Marxist pseudo-liberal experiment; they warned people, but almost no one listened; so, when those warnings came to be true, who are to be blamed? The stupid mainstream crowd is in disarray now; they start to see that they were swindled and fooled by their post-WW2 leaders. But they still cannot believe that essentially everything that they were told for decades is a flagrant lie, nothing but lie, and that the real purpose of their rulers was not to serve their nations but to prepare their final annihilation. This understanding only starts to dawn on some people, but this truth is too hard to swallow for the majority crowd. So, they continue to entertain some new wild illusions about “make America great again”, “build the wall”, libertarianism, “rule of law”, constitution, “first and second amendments”, “founding fathers” and similar hollow trash having nothing to do with today’s hard reality.
But there are only two ways. Either to understand the whole scheme and acknowledge that you and your parents lived according to wrong precepts and moved in the wrong direction or to continue in this direction up to your own destruction. It seems that majority of mainstream crowd is unable for such major mental undertaking. Brain of an average human being is too puny to bear such an overload. So, be it as it should. The Nature, after all, don’t bother about quantity but only about quality. It needs constant upgrades and survival of the fittest; and fittest are those who understand reality better. Those who lose this eternal competition, are bound to be swept out. The supreme law of Nature.

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Will Williams
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Thu May 13, 2021 10:40 am

I've moved this that Jim Mathias posted in WWII History to here. It's not particularly "good news from United Russia," but Wolf Stoner's comment below the article and Jim's comment is "Real News From Russia," compared to what Americans are fed from and other Jew-controlled mainstream media.

In America, VE Day (Victory in Europe) is celebrated each year on 8 May. The parallel annual fratricidal celebration is different from that of the U.S.'s Soviet Allies in WWII, but the never-ending anti-German propaganda is much the same.

--- ... li=BBnb7Kz
Putin tells Red Square parade that Nazi ideas persist
1 hr ago {9May 2021}

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin marked the anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe with a speech warning that Nazi beliefs remain strong.

Speaking to the annual military parade on Moscow's Red Square, Putin on Sunday decried “attempts to rewrite history, to justify traitors and criminals, on whose hands lies the blood of hundreds of thousands of peaceful people.”

“Unfortunately, many of the ideologies of the Nazis, those who were obsessed with the delusional theory of their exclusiveness, are again trying to be put into service,” he said, without citing specifics.

The parade, whose format varies little from year to year, included more than 190 military vehicles traversing the square, ranging from the renowned WWII-era T-34 tank to the hulking eight-axle Yars mobile ICBM launchers.

The anniversary of Nazi Germany's defeat, which Russia calls Victory Day, is the country's most significant secular holiday. commemorating the Red Army's military feats and the vast suffering of civilians. About 27 million Soviet soldiers and civilians are estimated to have died in the war.

[Jim Mathias's comment:]
Feeling helpless before the power of an idea that no amount of tanks, troops, and missiles can crush, Vlad? Why is this idea so persistent that it just will not go away? Is your fear springing from the the fact you cannot completely control the thoughts of men? Or is it due to the power of truth and that you may be living a lie?

Re: Putin worries about
an idea he can't crush

Post by Wolf Stoner » Thu May 13, 2021 7:42 am

Thank you very much for this comment. I fully support your vision. Since about 2005 Kremlin started to revive the Stalinist version of WW2. From then onward the level of insanity in Russia in regard to WW2 has grown exponentially. The whole state propaganda apparatus, huge amount of money is employed in brainwashing population and instilling in their minds the most incongruous and grotesque anti-reality about WW2.

The Russian mainstream buffoons really believe that Hitler was a mad maniac that wanted to conquer the whole world and to kill all people except Germans. Germans burned innocent people in ovens alive, shot children for fun, raped women and plundered everything of value. They burned all Russian villages and towns for mere malice. In short, Germans are the incarnation of all evils that ever existed in the world. All Russians must believe this nonsense, and many really believe it. The level of collective insanity among Russians has reached such a point when it is useless to try to cure them. 50 to 80% of Russians are beyond repair; their minds are too derailed to be able to perceive reality as it is; they live in their own imaginary world that was created for them by the Kremlin manipulators. This insanity is fueled by huge amounts of consumed alcohol; the system actively encourages alcoholism among Russians, because it is one of the most reliable tools of keeping population docile and in mental darkness. 9th of may is one of the most alcoholic days of the year.

According to public belief, everyone in this day must drink a glass of vodka to commemorate “our great victory against fascism”. The streets of Russian cities are swarming with drunken men and even women who are barely able to stand on their feet. And in this subhuman condition, unable even to say something intelligible, they cry victory slogans and curse “fascists”. Exceptionally disgusting picture.

Looking at this obnoxious theatre each year, I have a mixed feeling of contempt, vengefulness and satisfaction. Contempt, because these subhuman “victors” don’t deserve anything else; vengefulness, because they yet haven’t paid for the crimes of their “glorious” red rapist-robber army; satisfaction, because they are now in such a position that their very cries about victory sound like a bad joke. There are literally examples of drunken vagabonds lying in stinking puddles along roads, unable to rise, but crying something about victory and “we can repeat”. Yes, this slogan “we can repeat” was intentionally introduced by Kremlin’s political technologists about 2014; they intended it to be a thinly veiled threat against Ukraine and Baltic states.

I can write much more about this insanity, but all words are powerless to relate the actual reality; you really need to be present to feel this sheer madness. There is nothing more awful than a dying society that cries about its imaginary greatness.
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu May 13, 2021 2:52 pm

As Aryan society has been nearly extinguished in America, Mr. Stoner's words ring true regarding the ugly realities we face. Those "leaders" and other puppets of the jews, as well as Jews with mens rea of what they're doing, do appear to fear us still. And not just by their words, like those of Putin, but by their actions. Pro-Whites, "supremacists" as we're called, are now Public Enemy #1 with tools of repression and tyranny being deployed targeting us. European and Russian governments are further along in actual acts of state terror aimed at us, but the effect is the same: demonize Whites, then destroy us.

Truly, our only hope is to gather what few we are to protect and grow our genes and to keep alive the best works of our wise men. To outlive the Putins and their propagandized masses of useful idiots is the short term goal of our time.
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu May 13, 2021 3:03 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Thu May 13, 2021 10:40 am
I've moved this that Jim Mathias posted in WWII History to here. It's not particularly "good news from United Russia," but Wolf Stoner's comment below the article and Jim's comment is "Real News From Russia," compared to what Americans are fed from and other Jew-controlled mainstream media.
Will, my thought in creating the new thread was that this didn't meet the headline's "Good News" standard, my post certainly wasn't good news. Also, the headline I created was intended to attract some NV readers and open up a search engine set of keywords to attract others here as well.

However, if all news regarding Russia is wanted in this "Good News" thread, I'll see to it that it does.
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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Mon May 17, 2021 4:24 am

The extended reply to the commentaries under the article “The War on Whites” on The Occidental Observer site. ... st-novels/
After reading last commentaries by Troy Vilhelmson, the whole question ceased to be something abstract, because some personal chord was struck. Too often I had encountered such skunks like mister Vilhelmson; therefore, I feel obliged to write an extended reply.
Yes, this whole situation with this article about Covington is absolutely disgraceful, particularly the commentaries by Troy Vilhelmson. And what is most outrageous is that after throwing this piece of dirt, they closed comments; this tactic is more appropriate to the kosher journalists than to nationalists. At least, it is far from European knights’ standards of behavior.
The fact that anyone brings writings from SPLC as a proof of anything is in itself a disgrace, whatever the motives and circumstances. This person with the name Troy Vilhelmson, by using the dirt dossier from SPLC, automatically denies himself any right to be counted among nationalists; therefore, his opinion should be valued not more than the opinions of any schumers, pelosis or greenblatts.
Here I want to deliberate about the meaning of reputation. What it is and what it means and why people attach too much value to this immaterial and indefinable notion. Sometimes they are even committing suicides when their “honest name” was sullied. Schopenhauer wrote well about the related topic of personal honor and its social perception.
To sully someone’s reputation is the favorite method of struggle in “peaceful” society; it allows to annihilate an enemy without committing actual violence. And if used skillfully, this method is more effective than anything else. It is the most preferable method in “democratic” societies, where the outright killing and imprisoning is problematic. But totalitarian states use it too; there the targeted person is sullied publicly and afterward annihilated physically (Moscow show trials are the text-book examples of the method).
Because as yet the western countries continue to preserve an appearance of “democracies”, they are compelled to adhere mostly to the destruction of reputations of the systems’ opponents.
This method is too effective and too powerful to desire something else. It allows to hold the whole society in obedience. Absolute majority of people are too scared to have their “honest name” to be smeared, that they are ready to remain silent and to bow before anyone. They don’t dare to speak against even after their own children are raped and killed, because they fear to be accused of being hateful or racist. Some years ago, a father of the brutally killed white girl had expressed his strong condemnation against all those who “use this tragedy for inflaming interracial hatred”. This contemptible creature feared for his “good name” too; he feared so much that was ready to exchange the life of his own daughter for the ethereal benefit of being considered “morally right”. Sometimes people are ready to fall to the abysmal depths of moral depravity for the sake of preserving their upright public image. Most people in Congress belong to this category.
Yes, public image, reputation, always played very important role in a life of any person. People are social beings and the opinions of others about them are too important to ignore. The mutual interdependence in society compels people to reckon with what other people think. If any particular person is universally despised by everyone around him, his life opportunities automatically diminish to the lowest value. Such a person is bound to be at the social bottom. The fear of such outcome compels people to care about their public reputations. But sometimes this care goes too far and transforms into mania of being “morally right” and always on the right side of any dispute. Here lays the main root of everything that is going on in USA now. The mainstream public is held hostage to their own fear of loosing good reputation. The enemy knows this mechanism all too well; and the enemy is ready to use this tool to the utmost.
But there are some people on the other side of this screen. Those whose reputations were destroyed beyond repair and whose social prospects in life are non-existent. These people have nothing to fear about in terms of “good name” and reputation.
I can speak on behalf of this social layer because I belong there. And all my ancestors in the last hundred years too were among this social stratum of outcasts. They had nothing, neither in terms of material possessions nor in terms of public respect. They survived at the social bottom of Soviet society and everyone above them felt free to spit on them. Most of my male relatives were in prisons and labor camps; my grandfather was a “repeat offender” with three terms in prison. He kept his personal honor, but didn’t care about what the cattle around him thought about him; he was quick to punch anyone who dared to insult him. Actually, all three sentences were related to his thrashing some scoundrels. Actually, he wasn’t a criminal; the Soviet society punished him for being too courageous and too honorable in the true sense of these words. The systemic worms hate such people, because they produce too stark a contrast with the worms themselves. Some other of my relatives were put in jail for “illegal possession of guns”, for “resisting authorities”, for “hoarding agricultural products” and other “awful crimes”.
The net result was that at the time I was born, the whole family reputation was sullied beyond repair. I was perceived by everybody around me as “yet another hereditary criminal”. My inherited reputation followed me from kindergarten. Actually, I had no need to do anything to be called a “bandits’ litter”. I have heard this label for so many times, that it stopped to produce any impression on me. The insults and unwarranted humiliation had become a part of my life in Soviet/Russian society. Initially it hurts, but after some time you become accustomed and perceive it as given operational environment. After having acquired the understanding that there are no social prospects for you and that the whole system is stacked against you, the new psychological freedom starts to dawn in your mind. When you have no reputation to lose, you are free to think and to do everything that you deem right and appropriate. The usual social sanctions stop to impress you. You don’t perceive the system as a source of moral authority but only as a predator that you should avoid. After this mental transformation, the whole life changes. You acquire the unprecedented mental freedom and clear vision of the actual world around you. You don’t seek examples to follow by looking at the mainstream buffoons around you, but go your own way. When combined with extensive reading of serious literature, this lifestyle is bound to produce results far exceeding anything around you. Therefore, starting from the point of absolute disadvantage and social humiliation, eventually, you arrive at something much greater than any of your enemies could imagine.
Almost all worthy people, in some way or another, came through this path of social ostracism, either voluntary or compulsory. You cannot transcend the mainstream stupidity without first being alienated from this mainstream crowd. In essence, it is some kind of entrance exam that Nature itself is arranges for those who have the inborn abilities of being above the mainstream cattle. Therefore, having such abilities, you are bound to be alienated from society. The social intuitive conformism (herd mentality) doesn’t tolerate any dissent. Any independent mind is sure to have problems with bipedal animals around him. Therefore, social alienation is the necessary part of an evolution of any worthy individual. This alienation and “bad reputation” are the badge of honor, not a disgrace. It is not something we should be ashamed about but to be proud of. Yes, we are different, because we are above. It isn’t our wishful thinking, but the natural stratification. This stratification has nothing to do with the social positions inside the system. Any social system produces the very imperfect stratification based on an arbitrary set of qualities. But the natural stratification has absolute value. Those who were endowed by Nature with superior qualities, don’t need to confirm it by any superficial means; they don’t need for others to acknowledge this superiority. Even if everyone else denies it, it exists all the same. Even if all people on the Earth would curse Hitler as the Devil incarnate, he, all the same, will remain the most honest and courageous politician of the millennium. Any smear is effective only among some group of bipedal creatures; it has no absolute value. The reality remains as it is. If some people want to be delusional, let them be.
I have already said that from the fairly early age I was put into circumstances that inoculated me from ascribing too much value to the public opinions. I was always “bad” according to the people around me. And this helped greatly in my discovering of the truth about WW2. I was fairly openminded and in the same time lacked fear of being considered “bad”, because I already was “bad”; therefore, I had nothing to lose. Even more, I was always suspicious about people with too clean reputations. From multiple examples I could see that these are either nonentities or outright scoundrels. To be the laudable one in the eyes of the vile system, you need to be either too harmless (which is equal to useless) or too vile, that the system could use you in its nefarious business. There are, certainly, few exceptions of the really good people who are endowed with great natural talents and in the same time have good social reputations. But this is possible only if the area of activity of these persons lays far outside of social sciences. But in most cases in the modern world the impeccable reputation is the surest mark of a scoundrel. And vice versa, the more dirt was piled on someone the more probability that it is a worthy man. The dead dog is not kicked, as proverb goes. If the system tries to stomp out you, it means that you really matter. The useless and cowardly ones are favored by the system.
I don’t trust people who have no problems with law; how is it possible in the present circumstances? You need to be either too carefool or too insignificant to remain outside of the radar scanner of the predator-state. In most cases the second is true. If you are honest, upright and moral in the true sense of these words, you are bound to have troubles with the system.
The most widespread trick, when someone’s personality is targeted for smearing, is to pile as much dirt as possible and for this dirt to be as stinking as possible. Therefore, the enemies try to employ accusations of the most lowly kind. Their task is to produce a repulsive effect for everyone around. People tend to instinctively distance themselves from someone “so depraved” and “immoral”. It works perfectly with mainstream society. But we, the seasoned NS, should be fully inoculated against these dirty tricks. We know too well how the system works and how public perceptions are manipulated.
But the enemies don’t know the difference. Their methods were established to be effective against the majority; they don’t have the ability to differentiate. Therefore, when dear mister Troy Wilhelmson tries to smear Kevin Alfred Strom with the whole dirty set of accusations (which he considers as being a bombshell), he thinks that it is sure to annihilate the target. But dear mister Wilhelmson, maybe your calculations were right, but you forgot to factor the nature of the audience of the site. Yes, there are some recently awakened mainstream stray dogs who, maybe, would be impressed by the whole set of SPLC accusations, but it is sure to produce opposite effect on the true nationalists. Even more, the fact that someone tries to smear a nationalist leader, using enemy propaganda, is sure to have consequences for this person, even if not immediately. It is the same as to use official USSR writings to pile up dirt on the Germany’s WW2-era leaders. Those who do it, should be put beyond the pale of the nationalist movement. I think, that the best place to apply his abilities for mister Troy Wilhelmson is to enroll into SPLC or ADL as an expert; they need Shabbos goyim to do unsavory work; he would be much more appropriate there than among nationalists.
We should take these issues more seriously. If anyone directly or indirectly by his actions or words plays into enemies’ hands, he should receive his due. Imagine, if some Palestinian now would vilify some Hamas leaders using the dossiers originating from Israel, how would he be dealt with? Yes, he would be dealt with according to the unwritten laws of honor. Our struggle is not less fierce than the one going on in Palestine; therefore, the consequences for the scoundrels playing into enemy hands should be equally potent. People should start to understand that words are not something that could be spitted around like sunflower seeds’ shells.
There are men who dedicated their life for the interests of our race; they are the symbols of our movement. Any attack on them is the attack on all nationalists and the attack on nationalists is the attack on the whole race. You can disagree with them about something but you can’t vilify them. I don’t accept some ideas expressed by David Duke but it never occurred to me to rummage through his basket with dirty clothes, seeking something incriminating. I don’t even care whether there is something on him or not; it doesn’t matter; he spreads the racial message throughout the world and he keeps movement going for many years. And if anyone dares to say something disrespectful about him, it automatically puts this person among our enemies. You can’t vilify David Duke and to be a nationalist in the same time; one excludes another. Even Duke’s Christianity doesn’t matter, because it doesn’t hamper his accentuation of the racial message.
William Luther Pierce was able to work out the best formula for the long-term success. The combination of politics, philosophy and religion allows to elevate the racial message to the qualitatively new level, even in comparison with NS movement of 1930-40es. The work of Dr Pierce and his followers has paramount importance to the survival of our race. They bring forward the seeds of our future greatness. They are far ahead of all other parties and groups of nationalist orientation. The National Alliance focuses on the distant future, whereas all others live by election cycles and await changes from some new conservative buffoons aspiring to the White House. National Alliance is the real spiritual force of our race and the enemy fears it more than any vociferous nationalist group, like NJP. It is why the piling up of any available dirt is of paramount importance to the enemy. And anyone who helps enemy in this regard, consciously or not, should be held accountable.
But the dirty vilification techniques against nationalists have limited effect. Our auditory are the people whose biography is far from the golden standard of the State Department applicants. Almost all nationalists have had some troubles with the system and really belong to the socially disadvantaged stratum (You are disadvantaged if you are denied substantial part of your civil rights only because of your worldview). In essence, our position is not better than this of Palestinians; we too live on the occupied territories and are deprived of any real possibility of organizing our own state. We are persecuted in the same way and with the same brutality. In such a system to have a good public reputation is synonymous to be a traitor. Is it possible to be a good Palestinian and in the same time to have positive dossier in Israeli law-enforcement database? Certainly not. Only snitches have positive dossiers there. This example helps to put everything in its proper place. We need to realign our own perception of reality. We are at war, like Palestinians. Therefore, any troubles about our public image automatically evaporate. Certainly, we are the enemies of the system; it cannot be otherwise, because the system is the enemy of the White Race. And we should not care what mainstream sheep thinks about us. They are not able for proper thinking process in the first place, therefore, why to be troubled what is going on in their pumpkin-heads stuffed with Hollywood trash? They would follow anyone who is stronger than them; anyone who is able to impose his will and who would provide fodder and dwelling for them. To reckon with their opinions is similar to asking a goat what he thinks about Keppler’s Laws. The cattle should be ordered, not asked.
I want to share my personal experience about smearing attacks against me. The most common method of vilification is to take some real fact and to present it in the most unfavorable light. By doing this the attacker easily avoids the accusation of being slanderous.
After being exposed as a “fascist” (because of criminal prosecution against me for “extremist activities” and “illegal possession of guns”), I was in a state of permanent cold war with some part of local community. The town where I lived had substantial Jewish diaspora (few hundreds from population of 45 thousand); and many of those Jews occupied prominent positions. Beside this factor, there are plenty of communists who are even more ardent to vilify someone with nationalist views. Because all my “extremist activity” consisted only of sticking leaflets and occasional painting of NS symbols and my arsenal consisted only of two old double-barrel shotguns, the court meted me a suspended sentence. I was forbidden to change the place of residence and obliged to visit periodically the district police station. This incident gave pretext to some malicious people to open a smear campaign with the ultimate goal being my total social ostracism. All their endeavors were mostly in vain, because I was already alienated to such an extent that additional slander couldn’t inflict much damage.
The malicious flock in the town spread slanders against me for years. Couple of years later an especially brutal murder happened in the city; two young girls were raped and killed by someone. The whole community was shocked; police roamed along the streets seeking any clues; TV, radio and newspaper appeals were made to the public to assist in the manhunt. Couple of days later a police car drove to my house and three detectives in plain clothes with grim facial expressions ordered me to drive with them to police station. After arriving there, I was given the usual round of interrogations by different detectives – where I was at such and such time, whether I knew such and such people, place of work, acquaintances and so on. One detective played a hackneyed trick of surprising me with a phrase: “we know that you were at the house where the murders happened; we have a witness; it is better for you to say everything”. They say it and look at the impression produced on the suspect. Seems that my unconcerned and questioning look didn’t correspond to the expected reaction. After a few hours of this grilling and after taking a blood sample, I was released. In a few days’ time the real culprits were found. Later I was able to find out why I happened to be among suspects. Four phone calls were received by police identifying me as the most probable perpetrator. Russian police heavily relies on informants from among population. Even one such call is usually enough to make a trouble for you, but when multiple sources point out in the same direction, police is sure to react, even if there is no hard evidence. One of the detectives later said to me the following: “we asked the informant – ‘why do you think that it was him?’. ‘Only fascists could do such an atrocity and he is a fascist’” – was the answer of the informant. Undeniable reasoning; you can’t dispute with such specimens.
The interesting thing about this story is that even years later some scoundrels continued to spread rumors that “he was somehow involved in those murders but evaded justice”. The malicious people somehow omit the distinction between being involved and being falsely accused. They always use all such incidents to smear you further for many years to come.
Later I was able to find out that there were few especially active malefactors who for years tried to incite everyone to make some harm to me – to break windows; to burn my house, to beat up me or even kill. The funniest thing about those scoundrels is that they themselves never attempted to do anything of this but only tried to incite others. Having failed to enroll volunteers to this “noble” cause, they were compelled to limit their efforts to spreading the usual set of slander, including the rumors of sexual perversions. Yes, it is their mainstay, be it in Russia or USA. They don’t care if the reality totally contradicts their slander; their tactic is to pile up everything in hope that something would stick. I suppose, we all had to endure it in some way or another. After years of such silent war, you become indifferent to such stuff but in the same time you acquire the unbending determination to resist and to repay with interest.

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Will Williams
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Re: Russian News

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jun 03, 2021 4:27 pm

I used portions of Wolf's 17 May comment here plus part of a comment he'd made at NV in the May NA BULLETIN that was mailed yesterday. On the topic of Russian News Wolf gave this summary of life in Russia for the past 30 or so years - not news so much but history: ... trategies/

Wolf Stoner
Reply to
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman Under Pierce's "White Zion" part one)
1 June, 2021 2:44 pm
Yes, the situation in 1990es in Russia was very difficult. It was on the verge of total breakdown. To say more correctly, it was the artificial destruction of the economic system with the purpose of buying up all assets at token prices by the tiny group of the most adroit thieves.

It was some kind of silent genocide; many millions of people died prematurely due to unbearable conditions of life (utter poverty, collapse of established social relations, loss of work, alcoholism, drug addiction). In the same time the Jewish criminals enjoyed unwarranted prosperity and yet again danced on Russian bones.

Since 2000 the situation has improved in terms of standards of living. At least there are fewer people who go hungry. But the overall downfall of ethnic Russians didn’t stop. The population share of ethnic Russians constantly decreases; the income level of ethnic Russians is lower than among people from other ethnic groups with similar educational level. Russians are denied the right for self-identification. All other national groups can have explicitly ethnic organizations, but Russians cannot. Actually, there was a court decision confirming the ban on establishing Russian political organizations. The Putin’s system tries to reestablish some kind of late Soviet empire and continues the same anti-Russian internal policy. It tries to obliterate natural ethnic differences and to deny Russians any rights for self-identification. It brings crowds of migrants under pretext of providing industry with work force. The narrative is promoted that migrants are doing the work that Russians don’t want to do. It is an outright lie. Actually, migrants are earning more or at least equal with Russian workers in the same industries. Being united in diasporas, migrants have great advantage and are able to catch the most lucrative shares of Russian job-market. The same is in the area of small business.

Actually, the acute shortage of goods was in the last years of USSR (1989-91). Almost all essential goods were rationed; huge queues were the constant feature of all grocery stores. After the collapse of USSR at the end of 1991, the government stopped to regulate prices. All restrictions on imports were rescinded. The internal market was flooded with all kinds of goods but for exorbitant prices. The new class of profiteers had emerged that prospered on the overall social misery. Salaries were not paid for months, plants and factories were closed in everywhere, people were sacked in droves; hyperinflation destroyed all savings. The sense of desperation dominated society. The years of 1992-1993 were the most difficult. In the years 1994-2000 the crisis went into more stable stage and people started to adapt gradually to the new social conditions.

In 1999 Putin was placed on the throne; first as prime-minster, and in 2000 elected as president. The new government somewhat changed the overall economic disbalance; greater part of the economic revenue started to go for salaries than for private profit of the owners. The income level started to grow rapidly. The standards of living increased substantially in the years 2002-2008. This process was undermined somewhat by the 2008 global crisis; the growth of income had somewhat decreased, but continued all the same up to 2014. After this, the neo-imperial ambitions of the Kremlin had driven it into the Ukrainian adventure with the detrimental consequences to the economy.

Since then, the income growth has stopped; salaries froze almost in all sectors of the economy; and in later years the actual income started to decrease, because of the creeping inflation. The level of dissatisfaction among population started to grow. But the system decided to compensate the lowering standards of living by aggressive neo-Soviet propaganda about “our great victory against fascism” and “neo-Nazis killing babies in Ukraine”. The populace is constantly stuffed with this trash from all media sources. The system tries to divert people’s attention from the real internal problems caused by this system itself.

Altai mountains are very beautiful. I was there once. I lived in the opposite corner of the region, on the flatland, 400 kilometers from the mountains. Here is the typical landscape of this place.
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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Fri Jun 04, 2021 6:23 pm

My commentary under the article "Explaining Some of What Arman Teaches". ... n-teaches/

Excellent set of ideas. Everything of what is written in this article can be corroborated with facts. This is the main method of proving or disproving any theory. The absolute mental and spiritual superiority of White People is an undeniable fact. And this is the main reason why we are hated so much. You can be forgiven anything, except your superiority.

The only idea that I am not sure about is this “to live and let live”. It sounds well and it is very attractive and seemingly moral. But the hard reality of life in most cases denies this noble idea to be realized. Hitler too wanted to live and let live others, he didn’t want to conquer anyone, or to impose his will on other nations. But the circumstances denied him this noble course; instead, he was compelled to go along the war path. I suppose that the Nature itself compels people to engage into harsh competition. We can crave peace but Nature all the same would compel us to fight. It is the mechanism of evolution and eternal renewal.

The idea “to live and let live” is good when applied to relations between different species, whose interests either don’t overlap or even mutually beneficial. It is the existential principle of an ecosystem with all its real diversity and interdependence. But the relations between the competing subspecies is subject to the completely different set of rules. Here, on the contrary, each group is programmed by Nature to try to deny the opponent his very possibility to exist. Such competitors are put onto common turf for the only reason to fight for it and to reach the ultimate judgement of Nature. It is utterly irrelevant whether we like this reality or not. The only question that Nature is interested in is whether we are fit to remain or not.

I doubt that any peaceful equilibrium could be reached with non-white masses. Maybe, in the past, when they were yet only savages and lived semi-animal life, it was possible to leave them as part of fauna. But now, when they were spoiled by civilization and were inculcated with the false idea of equality, there is no peaceful way out. The non-whites not only lost their respect of White People, but think themselves as equal or even better than White People. There is simply no common ground for any peaceful coexistence. Either they annihilate us or we defeat them. And in case of their defeat, it would be too foolish to allow the remaining seeds of this threat.

I have no malice against non-whites, but having some understanding of the supreme logic of Nature, compels me to suppose that the ultimate outcome would lead to the monoracial Planet. There is no other way. This planet is too small and too precious to continue it to be the battleground of too incompatible groups of people. It is impossible to know the time-frame of these changes, but the essence is immutable, whether it happens in a hundred years or in ten thousand years’ time. But this outcome can’t be reached by mixing all groups together; it is the most stupid and unnatural idea ever conceived by men. The Planet will be the ultimate prize for the winners. And victories are gained not by negotiations, unifications and miscegenation but by fighting. There is no way around. This harsh fact should not be widely spoken about, but it should be clearly understood inside our community. Because futile hopes for peace are the most dangerous sentiments that can destroy any society. Not peace but fight is preparing Nature for us and we should readily accept this destiny with respect and gratitude for this honor of being the most favored children of Nature.

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