Life Goes On

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7591
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Life Goes On

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:16 pm

Douglas Mercer
October 24 2024

William Pierce saw more deeply into the nature of life than any other thinker of modern times—Kevin Alfred Strom

Elan Vital (or vital force or life force) is a term coined by the French philosopher Henri Bergson in his 1907 book Creative Evolution in which he addresses the question of self-organization, self-creation, and morphogenesis (a biological process which causes an organism to develop). It comprises a postulated explanation for the evolution and development of organisms which Bergson identified with consciousness and life and the intuitive experience of the flow of an inner time.

Robert S. Griffin, in his biography of Dr. William Pierce (The Fame Of A Dead Man’s Deeds) gives insight into George Bernard Shaw’s play, Man and Superman, its central character, Don Juan, and its influence on Cosmotheism, which Dr. Pierce acknowledged: As Don Juan speaks of it, Life is an entity unto itself, a separate being of sorts. According to Don Juan, Life, or the Life Force, this entity, this being, has monumentally important purposes: to become aware of itself and understand itself, and to realize itself, that is to say, become the finest version of what it truly is and then become a finer one still. He refers to Life’s continuing (life goes on) effort not only to maintain itself, but to achieve higher and higher organization and more complete self-consciousness. Don Juan refers to the full achievement of these ends of life as the attainment of godhead.

Vijnana (Sanskrit) is translated as consciousness, life, or mind. The term vijnana is mentioned in many early Upanishads, where it has been translated by terms such as understanding, knowledge, and intelligence. In the Pali Canon the vinnana is one of three overlapping Pali terms used to refer to life, the others being manas and citta.

The Life Force philosophy of George Bernard Shaw is the chief structural principle in his plays; it provides the basic dramatic conflict, pitting the forces of creative evolution against those of blind instinct, stagnation and destruction. Stated briefly, the Life Force is a universal impulse whose purpose is to attain ever higher levels of self-consciousness. The Life Force is powerful; it can create the forms of life necessary to its purposes and it can transform itself into ever higher and more perfect states of being.

Lebensphilosophie (German) meaning life philosophy was a dominant philosophical movement of German-speaking countries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which had developed out of German Romanticism. Lebensphilosophie emphasized the meaning, value and purpose of life as the foremost focus of philosophy. Its central theme was that an understanding of life can only be apprehended by life itself, and from within life itself. Lebensphilosophie criticized both mechanistic and materialist approaches to science and philosophy and as such has also been referred to as the German vitalist movement. Vitality in this sense is understood as part of a biocentric philosophical movement, biocentrism meaning: centered on life alone.

In qualitative phenomenological research, lived experience refers to the first-hand involvement or direct experiences and choices of a given person, and the knowledge that they gain from it, as opposed to the knowledge a given person gains from second-hand or mediated source. In phenomenological research, lived experiences are the main object of study, and its sole focal point is life itself.

Life : file

Anyone who tells you they know what life is does not know what life is, this is an axiom which requires no corollary.

Biological science is illogical nonsense.

Hanging on for dear life, not on your life, you bet your life, get a life, larger than life, life-sized, take your life in your hands, breathe life into something, take on a life of its own, the time of your life.

Very famously Adolf Hitler wanted living space for the German people and National Socialism is applied biology. Hitler said he could do without generals and poets but he absolutely needed doctors.

Lebensborn means fount of life.

They say that Paul McCartney was in a London Bar and he met this fellow who whenever Paul would say something to him would reply: obla di obla da. Thinking it a rather odd elocution Paul asked him what he meant but when he did the fellow merely repeated the phrase as if it was the one phrase which could define or explain itself. Over the course of the night Paul noticed that this phrase was standard issue for the man and whether someone said something was good, or bad, or that they had to leave, or they commented on anything whatsoever he would simply repeat the phrase. After thinking about it for a while Paul came up with his own meaning for the phrase though, surely, had he proffered this interpretation to the man the man would have simply said: obla di obla da. The meaning that Paul ascribed to it was quite simple: life goes on, as if it were some kind of riddle, or enigma, or a Zen koan: life goes on. Because it is simply willy nilly and with caprice what life does, life's intrinsic nature is to go on, it has an inner compulsion to go on, it is programmed to go on, it goes on, there has never been a time when life has not gone on and life is going on right now and there will never be a time when life is not going on. Indeed, no one has ever seen life not go on, because going on is simply what life does, it is not its essential trait, it is its only trait: life goes on. And if anyone ever asks you what is meant by the phrase life goes on simply say life goes on, for it is a self-explicating set of words, that is it is an axiom which requires no corollary. That is life goes on—and on and on and on ad infinitum—and does to by definition.



The world Da appears three times near the end of The Wasteland, a poem which ends by saying: Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7591
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Life Goes On

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:28 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Life Goes On

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:30 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Life Goes On

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:31 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Life Goes On

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:31 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Life Goes On

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:32 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Life Goes On

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:33 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Life Goes On

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:33 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Life Goes On

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:36 pm

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7591
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Re: Life Goes On

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 24, 2024 10:43 pm


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