Invaders On The Dole

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4677
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Invaders On The Dole

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:42 pm

Douglas Mercer
April 28 2024

Open up your wallets White man the marauders are present and they have multiple kids in tow and they got needs. Those babies shit around the clock and they soil themselves and no migrant baby ever once cleaned its own self. Indeed, there are five fundamental laws of the universe, Newton’s three laws of motion, shit runs downhill, and no dirty migrant child ever once cleaned his own backside. And should a propagandist for the Jews ever try to hoodwink me and tell me that in the 13.4 billion years that the universe has been present they once saw the latter two things I will know they are lying. But if for some odd reason I happen upon a babe in the woods and a real ingénue who claims such I will tell her that I want to sell her some ocean front property in Arizona and I’ll toss the Brooklyn Bridge into the deal just because I’m a good guy. But whatever the evil ones say we know it’s true. These migrants spit out evil spawn like overheated pez dispensers. And in order to keep those babies shorts a whiter shade of pale they will stick a blood funnel in our hearts in order to get the cold hard cash to make it so. Of course they have some Rube Goldberg explanation that the plan to load up (load up!) the pre-paid (pre-paid!) debit cards with massive amounts of money to dispense to the invaders is a real cost cutting measure. As if you could lose money on each unit and make it up in volume. Of course to anyone who believes that I’d tell them that I once saw a nigger who was decent and civilized; and I once saw a wetback who was not making demands.

“The Adams administration launched its program (March 2024) to give prepaid debit cards to New York City migrants this week — two months after inking a controversial no-bid $53 million contract for the deal. Staffers with the New Jersey company, Mobility Capital Finance, handed out eight preloaded Mastercards at the Roosevelt Hotel on Monday as part of its pilot program that will expand to 115 cards by next week, according to a City Hall spokesperson.”

Ah the privileges of membership, eh? What’s not to like it you are a migrant? Not only have they broken the most primal law of a people they have been put up in grand style, fawned over, turned into sympathetic heroes, but now they get paid for their signal lack of trouble. Not only has the dam broken but the bank is broken as well. A people who invite in invaders and let them run roughshod over the country is miserable enough; but one who gets the outlandish idea to pay them for doing so is something yet again. Oh they will preload that big fat card alright but they won’t stop there. When that card has been blown through faster than a nigger runs from work the wetbacks and assorted other race trash and human losers who are the unwarranted recipients of this crazy largesse will get on their high horse of universal rights and screams the primal scream of the Global South: more! Or because the notion of learning English is horror filled to them: mas! And the powers that be will dig into your life savings once more and begin to pinch, they will pinch until your shoes pinch. There will be no limit to the reloads as it will be an avalanche and rolling giveaway. Not only is your house their house, and your country their country but your money is their money. Anything short of that is settler colonialism and racism. If you don’t believe it plant yourself in any lecture hall in any university in this country and they will disabuse you of your illusion and tell it to you straight.

“The one-year deal came under fire after The Post first revealed the contract was inked without a typical bidding process. The program could be a boon for the tech start-up, giving it the potential to net $1.8 million by taking a cut of the funds loaded onto each Mastercard, according to the contract. The administration scaled back the original plan, which would have loaded up the cards with a month’s worth of money for food and baby supplies. Cash will now need to be replenished each week. A family with two parents and kids under five will receive about $350 a week.”

You can see how one hand washes the other and how the backs gets reciprocally scratched. The powers that be in the “government” for sure are friends with these financial leeches and they are mutually consensual parasites feasting off of what they hope will soon be our carcasses. If they can give a “boon” to their co-conspirators, if they can give their cronies a “cut” they surely will and you can see that they have. This is beyond corruption, this is gang land warfare on everything we hold dear, the fruits of our labor and our life. Apparently they had an “optics” problem and they had to revise the original plan which was to just lard the money in all at once, but that is just a ridiculous game of three card monte (now you see it now you lose) and sleight of hand. When the time comes and the few who objected are staring at their mobile devices again having forgot all about their dudgeon, they will just push a button and down will come the rain of money and the criminal aliens will be set up fat in pig heaven once again. As you go to work every morning you must feel like more than a bit of a sucker for you have now become the indentured servant of border hoppers, that is you work for them, they are your boss and they get the vig added on to their unearned cards right off the bat. It’s more than an upside-down world we live in now, it’s that promised land of Jesus where the first are last and the last are first, and the lawless have inherited the earth. Sure, in the end a system such as this is unsustainable, untenable and insupportable. But when the feces hits the fan and all is leveled to the nth degree and rubble and wasteland is all you see the invaders will have a cardinal advantage over us. While we will be appalled at the utter devastation that has been visited upon us they will take it in stride, shrug their shoulders, and settle in for an unearned siesta, will adhere strictly to their most primal genetic inheritance, the philosophy of “manana” and all things being equal finally, will feel themselves right at home.

“The city is launching a pilot program that will provide migrants with prepaid debit cards to buy only food and baby supplies, according to a spokesperson for the mayor. Participants will be allowed to shop with the cards at bodegas, grocery stores, supermarkets and convenience stores. The goal is to cut costs, officials said. Those in the program are signing an affidavit saying they’re only going to use it on food, baby supplies and hygiene supplies.”

Honest Injun! They are going to trust these criminals to have integrity when in fact you can’t trust them as far as you can throw them; and as far as you can throw them is to throw them out. Just so you know we are putting interlopers and trespassers on the honor system, we are taking them at their word, and the idea that they would lie through their sombreros and their teeth apparently never occurs to the powers that are. Or it does and they simply don’t care. No way that a migrants would buy come cerveza or a bauble with the money, no way, they are like George Washington himself and they never tell a lie. And it won’t take long for the average citizen to know this for when they see said invaders they will also smell them, they will smell the smell of frijoles in the air and know that whatever else they are spending the money on it for sure is not hygiene products. You can tell that when you get a whiff of the women who think their main erogenous zone is a no-go zone when it comes to cleaning as the metaphorical stench of thousands of dead sailors at the bottom of the ocean wafts through the city. But all kidding aside (and this is a deadly serious issue, one not to be trifled with) things are getting so bad that only the most draconian and extreme measures will work. No more remain in Mexico policy but a send them the hell back to Mexico policy is what needs to be on the cards. An army at the border trained to shoot on sight, and a no more nonsense policy all around. It is our country after all and we have a right to it. And it is our money and we have a right to that as well. That such things that even a simpleton is able to understand need to be articulated and are taken to be radical and revolutionary is a shame; but need to be said they do. And acted upon. For the time draws near and as they used to inscribe on Roman sun dials to catch the unwary person trying to ascertain the time: it’s later than you think.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4677
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Invaders On The Dole

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:43 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4677
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Invaders On The Dole

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:43 pm


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