Whistling Dixie In The Graveyard

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 10604
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Whistling Dixie In The Graveyard

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:54 pm

Douglas Mercer

So the formerly great American Southern state of Georgia is now sending a Black and a Jew to the United States Senate. Yet another sign of the end of the Old America. Blacks and Jews together destroyed the real South — and now they reap the benefits. Funny how that works out.

If this is the New South, I want no part of it.

Of course the Black and the Jew ran against two of the most pathetic excuses for White people you can imagine. The woman was a scammer and the man was an establishment lackey and a dullard. Neither one of them would ever have the guts and decency to put in a good word or two for our race. And $2,000 checks for the people? Hell no, peasants, that’s “creeping socialism.” Plus we need that money to lavish on what we really love, Jews and Israel and Jews. Did we mention Jews?

Whatever else Trump did (it wasn’t much, at least much to the good), he showed the entire world the kinds of policies which would command large majorities of the American people. He did this in 2016. Put a lid on immigration, end the wars, get a good public health care program, attack big Pharma, build infrastructure, stop the trade imbalance, cut Wall Street down to size. You know, National Socialism Lite. You don’t want to scare people all at once (maybe).

But then Trump hired Jews to run the money, and Ruling Class dolts like Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer to run politics. He was a sheep in wolf’s clothing; he spoke loudly and wielded a small stick.

No one in world history ever blew it as big as he did.

Now you have the likes of Josh Hawley and Marco Rubio genuflecting in the direction of populism, saying they’ll “take on” Big Tech, build the middle class again, or create “common good capitalism.” Trust these two boy wonders about as far as you can throw their bank stock portfolios and ADL merit badges, which isn’t far. It’s good to see that the base has at least a modicum of influence over what the leaders say, but in the end said leaders don’t believe a word they are saying. They just go with whatever way they think the wind is blowing, carefully calculating each lie and two-step — until they decide it’s safe to sell you out.

The GOP is now defunct, and has been for a while. And GOP Delenda Est.

The Lesson

And for the color-blind conservatives in the back row, there is a simple lesson in all this. Thirty years back, Georgia was 75 percent White and reliably red. Didn’t do us any good, though — as we just got embarrassingly lame White men rather than Blacks and Jews.

Now Georgia is 50 percent White and falling rapidly — and here’s the Black, here’s the Jew. It’s not more complicated than that. So all those years back, when you were shilling for Israel, low taxes for the rich, “limited government,” and the rest of the kill-the-average-American program, you should have been listening to us.

That is, your policy should have been to Keep It White.

And soon you’re going to be looking down the barrel of a gun called Stacey Abrams. She’s that big fat purple-bottomed baboon who’s about to rule you.

So get with it, conservative cucks. If you want to survive in any form, keep it as White as you can; start dispersing those $5000 checks to people who deserve a return of all the wealth the vultures have stolen from them for a hundred years; and, starting yesterday, dispense with the corporate book-licking, the abject worship of non-Whites, and obedience to Jews.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 10604
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Whistling Dixie In The Graveyard

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:54 pm


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