Kikes Say Cheese

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4677
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Kikes Say Cheese

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:08 pm

Douglas Mercer
March 23 2024

Memorializing Jews is more than a cottage industry, it’s an industrial scale enterprise as they scramble to imprint on addled brains the image of that most valuable of commodities, the one that is dwindling by the day: the survivor. In Jewish reckoning the survivor is the mother lode and the meal ticket combined, a person who they say was an eyeball witness to what Adolf Hitler wreaked, they can supposedly report it from firsthand experience all the charnel house horrors committed by whom they preposterously call “Nazis.” They have their paintings of course, and their busts of heads and their virtual reality ghost figures; and now another entrant in this spectral an sorry sweepstakes has arisen, the simplest of them all: photographs. In this instance the “artist” is not required to have the pretense of being an artiste, though she will be called one, she just hits that button and voila!---instant memorialization. And of course big articles on the sites so people oohh and aahh over the profundity of it all but it’s pseudo profundity---a scam and as fake as it gets.

“Of the more than 5 million people who were murdered during the Holocaust, it is estimated that worldwide there are 245,000 remaining survivors. At a time of mounting antisemitism and deniers that the Holocaust ever happened, a New York photographer has set out on a mission to document survivors’ stories. She found 200 of them in and around New York City. The faces of people who lived through a torturous and dark time in world history are now among the archives of photographer Gillian Laub. They are among the remaining survivors of the Holocaust.”

They found old fart and old bat Jews in Jew York City who claim Adolf Hitler once tried to hit them over the head and steal their candy—do tell! A bunch of kikes get hauled from having one foot in the grave and go in front of the camera and smile and say cheese and cry the tears of the simpleton and of course appeal to the simpletons the world over. The mention of “mounting antisemitism” of course is par for the course and de rigueur and requisite but what really would antisemitism do but be mounting? The Jews are not within their rights to complain of racial thinking as they think racially; two can play at that game but the Jews know that if two play the game their chances of winning are not North of zero. But when the camera clicks and the ugly mugs get beamed out over the world on all the Jewish dials and frequencies all the idiotic world will see is a bunch of sad Jews on whom they need to take pity. Take none though, the tears are all contrived.

“They are part of a group of 200 New Yorkers who Laub found for a new photo archive of people who survived the Nazi atrocities of World War II. She said her Live to Tell project is in response to the alarming rise in antisemitism. During a visit to her Manhattan studio, Laub explained: The statistics that 20% of young people think the Holocaust is a myth felt alarming to me, so this project felt urgent. With the help of Jewish organizations, Laub began her search for survivors last year and started recording their images and stories just months ago in her studios in Brooklyn and Manhattan. What inspired me was the hope and resilience and positivity coming from people who have seen the worst. They have really looked evil straight in the eye and they still have hope and love and compassion in their hearts, Laub said."

We’ve looked evil straight in the eye alright and it has a crooked nose and is furiously rubbing its hands. Evil has a tiny hat on its head and evil is hell bent on our destruction; evil of course wants us to have love and compassion for all, especially them; evil preens and pretends that it is a poor beggar put upon by the world, that it is a small people (but eternal!) that has suffered inordinately at the hands of wolf like predators; nothing of course could be further from the truth and a few moments of decent thought shows you that this is the scam of all scams but an amazingly successful one; and these photographs (and the made up stories that invariably accompany them) serve as the linchpin in the Jew ability to hornswoggle the world into mental oblivion and senescence. And those stories, they are tall tales about chambers and chimney and ashes raining down, the fish that got away looms larger with every retelling. What a world as has been said.

“Attached to the photographs she has posted on her Instagram page are quotes from the people who related how they survived when loved ones did not. Dolly Robinovitch was separated from her parents in a concentration camp. She told her chilling story to Laub. She asked: When am I going to see my parents again? The Gestapo guard pointed up to the chimney. Smoke was coming out and he said, See that chimney? That’s where they are."

That is indeed a good one. Who doesn’t love good Gestapo humor? When one is lolling around Bergen-Belsen with too much time on one’s hand one want to get some good rib tickler and chuckles in. Those tough guys in jack boots were real cards and the loved a good jibe and told one liners like they were headlining in the Catskills. You want to know here you daddy is? You want to know where your mommy is? Well, old Shecky Greenstein and his ugly wife Sarah they are no more little girl, well they are but they have suffered a change into something rich and strange; those now former chosen people (if they were really chosen would not their big God in the sky have saved them?) are now wisps of smoke and they will soon be an evaporating reality. You want to know where old Shlomo is, the one who wheedled down some Germans once? Why he is a clod of earth shooting like out of pop gun out of the soil, rising four feet and then hitting the sacred earth like a soft dud. You want to know where Sarah Lowenstein ended up? Why that bar of soap in the shop, that’s her; and that lampshade you can buy for a couple of marks on the cheap? That’s an old haggard Jew who once chiseled his German renters like the leech he was and counted his money all the way to the Jewish bank. We of course could go on and one endlessly in this vein, about those eyeballs in a Berlin lab that once were Ben David something or other that ogled an underage White girl, and those skeletons that were bleached of their skin were nasty Jewesses who degraded the earth by their presence on it. But this is an old story and you get the point. The Jews lie like the live, they lie like they breathe, and now they say they are living to tell about it. But don’t believe one single word of it; the pictures are the pony and they want to make us their dogs and dead dogs too as they blow their smoke up our chimneys.

“Rabbi Aliza Erber relayed a tale of how she was silenced during the war. She said her first language was mute. She spent her infancy buried in a hole in the forest, Laub said. She didn’t know what language was because her mouth was taped shut so the Nazis wouldn’t hear her. Toby Levy is another survivor who was photographed by Laub. She said she was hidden by two angels, a non-Jewish mother and her son, and she survived because of two angels, Laub said. Anna Malkina survived after being hidden first in a bomb shelter and then by a non-Jewish family. During the photo shoot, Laub said, I asked Anna what gives her hope and how does she get by in dark times, and out of nowhere she burst out singing God Bless America. And she said that’s what makes me happy.”

The Jews are always in the middle of some trauma are they not? That bit about the two angels is suitably suitable to this ongoing pack of lies but what they really mean was two nasty shabbos goys who undermined their own people came to their miserable rescue. Hiding Jewish contraband like that was really a capital offense and can in no manner ever be forgiven. As for the one who spoke “mute”, well mute is not a language it is the absence of language. And all of us who have had the misfortune to hear the Jews speak ad nauseam on any topic (it’s always about Jews) know that shutting their lying mouths is first and foremost on any reasonable agenda. But to waylay too many in the pursuit of this truth they lard on that nonsense of how the Jew broke out into God Bless America like she was that fat oaf Kate Smith or she was dressed us as Uncle Sam singing Yankee Doodle Dandy. But in truth it is suitably suitable as well as nothing is more American (not even mother or apple pie) as Jews whining and moaning and making a mockery of reason, and garnering the sympathy of the fools of this world. It is much more than a cottage industry; it’s an industrial scale enterprise.

“Laub took her project to the streets of New York City last month, projecting the images of the Holocaust survivors on 20 city landmarks, including the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a mammoth undertaking. Laub is proud of what she accomplished. I really wanted to see these people projected large on landmarks where you couldn’t rip down or destroy their image. The projections immortalized them. It’s like their faces were painted on the city, Laub said. Laub is not done yet. Later this year she plans to seek out and document other Holocaust survivors in other cities. Eventually, she plans to go to Israel where nearly half of the world’s remaining survivors live to tell their stories. I never want to forget them Laub said. Photography for me is about immortalizing someone. So this is about keeping these faces and stories alive.”

Ugly Jewish visages projected onto prominent buildings is about the long and the short of it. If they could they would cast these images on Mount Rushmore and on the White House and on the Capitol building and for that matter on every schoolhouse in the country. And then she will traipse to the disgusting unholy land and scoop up the last remaining who says Adolf Hitler once tweaked her small cherubic nose that would in due time grow so hooked and so large. And in the end they will put them all in a family album and package it for the mindless rubles as a coffee table book so when guests come over they can all bow their heads in a horrible obeisance. But in the end the photos will prove to be mortal all too mortal and be sent up in flames as the last Jew smile is wiped off the last Jew face and they are consigned the bonfires of time and sent smoking up the smokestack. Just try to say cheese then kikes and you'll see how it goes.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4677
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Kikes Say Cheese

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:09 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4677
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Kikes Say Cheese

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:10 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4677
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Kikes Say Cheese

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:10 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4677
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Kikes Say Cheese

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:11 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4677
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Kikes Say Cheese

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:11 pm


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