Shekels For Jews

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4563
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Shekels For Jews

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:11 am

Douglas Mercer
March 1 2024

Everyone who’s paying attention knows that the Jews are the greediest bastards on the planet and there are no end of instances to illustrate it. For examples in late January 2024 in Jew York State the homely governor bragged about another windfall for the crooked nose wrongdoers. You would think that nearly owning the planet would be enough for the bloodsucking parasites but if you thought that you thought wrong. No amount of shekels in their big Jew bag could ever be enough for the termites and if they can humiliate us in the process, well, then so much the better for them.

“Governor Kathy Hochul today announced that the New York State Department of Financial Services’ Holocaust Claims Processing Office, which assists Holocaust victims and their heirs recover stolen assets, has helped secure and return over $183 million in compensation to victims and their heirs for bank, insurance, and other material losses. Additionally, through this initiative, the Department of Financial Services has facilitated settlements involving over 250 cultural objects since its inception in 1997. With each passing year our living memory of the Holocaust may get further away, but it is imperative that we stand firm in our goal of dispelling antisemitism, Governor Hochul said. Hate has no home in New York – and my administration remains committed to uplifting Holocaust survivors and their families while continuing to honor the memory of the six million lives taken far too soon.”

When they brandish the hate has no home mantra you know they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. But then you will notice that the hod and water carriers for the Jews, those that bow and scrape for the Jews, are always licking their tongues along the bottom of something. And if there is a bigger racket than this restitution for “Nazi crimes” I for one have never seen it. The fact remains that the National Socialists did not steal a thing, they commandeered it. That word (they say) means to take arbitrary or forcible possession of but since my people invented this language (and I am in the process of perfecting it) I figure I am well within my rights to define it any way I want. Let us say that it means rectifying a usurpation or reclaiming what is one’s by one’s birthright, of taking it back from an illegitimate interloper. Is that a bit high handed? You bet it is but what of that? It was Voltaire who in his blameless clairvoyance said he could foresee a time when the Jews would become deadly to the human race; and good old Goethe said were the Jews to be given their rights they would never spare us; and those old guys they knew a thing or two did they not? And for going on two centuries now the Jews have been eating us out of house and home—that is stealing or patrimony. So if the Germans were a bit peremptory about it it’s no reason to shed any saccharine tears. No reason at all.

“Superintendent of Financial Services Adrienne A. Harris said: At DFS, we are committed to honoring survivors and delivering justice to those who suffered through the unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust. The Department will continue working to return these invaluable cultural artifacts and facilitate the restitution of long-lost artworks for Holocaust victims and their families. The Holocaust Claims Processing Office (HCPO) is a unit of the New York State Department of Financial Services. It was created to help Holocaust victims and their heirs recover assets deposited in banks; unpaid proceeds of insurance policies issued by European insurers; and artworks that were lost, looted, or sold under duress.”

Unspeakable? When is the last time the dirty kikes were ever loathe to speak of those “horrors” We have heard time and time again about Mengele sewing feet where hands were (and vice versa!), we have heard the stories of twins being subjected to exotic dyes in their eyes, we have heard about the screams emanating from the closed chambers, and the scratch marks on the walls, we have heard tall and lugubrious tales about a soft rain of ashes falling on townspeople who knew enough not to want to know anymore, we have heard about plunging granny Sarah into sub-freezing water, we have heard about baby skulls being dashed against walls for the amusement of German soldiers, we have heard about 40 pound boxers (phantom weight category!) being pitted against one another for the sly amusement of some languorous SS men, about the shards and shreds and scraps of decomposed Jewish bodies bursting forth from the earth like so many champagne corks, we have heard about eyeballs being flown special delivery to Berlin—you must handle them with care. Of course it’s all trumped up, not a sliver of it really happened. But to say any of it is unspeakable is nonsense: indeed the Jews have pinned every last hope they have on their ability to speak about them without getting fact checked in the public square.

“Under the direction of Superintendent Harris, HCPO has announced the resolution of Nazi Looted Art Claims for four paintings and ten 18th Century Chasubles from the Collection of Johann Bloch, completed the first joint recovery with the Carabinieri for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, and alongside the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK), returned three paintings to the heirs of Dr. Ismar Littmann.”

So now there are more shekels for Jews. It’s Jew York after all, and the Jews run it and lo these decades later they have their henchman in power running interference for them to bring in the haul of cash. It’s really quit alarming if you think about it. Back in the early 1940s the Jews performed one of the greatest tricks of prestidigitation of all time, shanghaiing America into fighting their war for them; and then casting themselves before the world as the victim of it rather than the perpetrator. And no shekel ever goes unturned for the Jews and in the spirit of being picayune over what was never an issue to begin with they henpeck the world into coughing and ponying up even more. Because the Jews cannot leave not well enough alone, they push and they push and they never let up in their wheedling and their crying. Indeed they will never let up in such until the world tells them what the world should have told them a long time ago: get lost Jews, good riddance, go pound sand. Because as everyone know the Jews are a menace to the White race and always will be until they are put in their place, until they are relegated to that famous ash heap of World History. And when those metaphorical ashes rain down on the townspeople all will leap for joy.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4563
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Shekels For Jews

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:12 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4563
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Shekels For Jews

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:17 am


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