Blood Law

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Douglas Mercer
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Blood Law

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Jan 28, 2024 3:42 pm

Douglas Mercer
January 28 2024

A little over a decade ago the phrase “Tiger Mother” came in to prominence. It was Amy Chua who wrote a book about it, about parents who are highly invested in their children and push them relentlessly to ascend to great heights. Much different than the worry wart “helicopter parent” who simply hovers over the child (and thus renders the child helpless), the Tiger Mother is rather a stern task mistress who sets the expectations high and lets the child know that he or she must act accordingly. This value set highlights the divergence between traditionalist Asian Societies and the unfortunately degraded White Societies which were spawned by the multiple social revolutions which infected them in the 1960s.

After all it was Benjamin Spock who along with Freud and methamphetamine became the rage of American Mothers in the 1950s. What did Spock tell those mothers who raised those children in the flush of a prosperity the likes of which the world had never known? Permissive parenting was his “contribution” to the world’s conversation. Permissive parenting? Surely something has gone awry here; surely the folks who crossed the land on wagon trains if they had ever had a snake oil salesman who peddled something as preposterous as permissive parenting would have looked at him as if he had no eyes. And they would have straightaway put him in a strait jacket and straight into the rubber room. For surely they would not have let him go anywhere near the children lest like a pied piper he corrupt and lead them astray.

But let him go near them they surely did. Spock converted to psychoanalysis and socialism and wrote Baby And Child Care which was one of the bestselling books of the 20th Century. Unlike Mein Kampf it did much harm, more than Gender Trouble or How To Be An Anti-Racist though these latter two are still nagging at the entrails of White Society as we speak. What foul nonsense was peddled in it? The nonsense of the ages of course, the foul offspring of money and victory---those stakes in the heart. It taught parents to be flexible and affectionate with their children, to be permissive. This was the worst advice that anyone had given anyone since that wandering philosopher long ago told us to love our enemies. Indeed it is the same advice. It is to teach to be careless in the face of life, to love rather than to teach and demand and command. What did this advice spawn? It spawned that famous generation “lost in space” which was given the social capital and noble heritage piled up by the hard work of the centuries and who squandered it by fucking in the mud. Or at least this is what I have gleaned from my admittedly cursory review of the relevant texts of history.

The phrase Tiger Mother stems from the notion of the Lioness and her cubs. The Lioness sends a message to the world: you fuck with my cubs and I fuck with you. You fuck with my cubs and I rip your face off. Then she asks: any questions? Because unlike human beings who have so distanced themselves from reality by sweet words of nothing the Lioness knows that the blood that flows in her cubs is her blood and the blood of her own mother and her mother’s mother and so on. And without philosophy she knows what human beings used to know in their bones: all that matters is sending that blood into the far future. The Tiger Mother may be a pale imitation of the noble Lioness but she knows in her heart what the Lioness knows: her children are her pride. And though she will be too inhibited to say it she knows what the Lioness knows: if there has to be blood bath, well, then let’s have it right now.

Himmler knew it. The National Socialist knew deep in their bones that everything was slipping away and they made a mad grab to once and for all solve the problems of living. At first it was triage. They did not try to dispel the placebo of Christianity from the old and the doddering. Let the oldster go to his death thinking a dead Jew was going to save them, let them live out their golden years in the misty haze of liturgy and incense and words in red letters. But the young were always a different story for them. No permissive parenting stalked their hearts, no affection and love interfered with their pedagogy when it came to the youth. No, they instituted a regime which would have made a Tiger Mother cower at its hardness. For the National Socialists had a long-term project to wean the German people of the hangover of Jewish Religion. Love had to go, pity had to go, and the law of the blood had to reign. The law of the blood realizes that the words of the gods are inscribed in genetics, inscribed not in our hearts but in our DNA. The law of the blood is red in tooth and claw, the law of the blood strips away the fairy dust and reduces this thing called life to its essential binary: kill or be killed. That is the Germans knew what the Lioness knew: if there has to be a blood bath let’s have it now. Indeed they knew more: that there has to be a blood bath and so it’s always best to immediately turn on the spigot, wade into it, and let yourself be cleansed by its life-giving balm.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
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Re: Blood Law

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Jan 28, 2024 3:43 pm


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Will Williams
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Re: Blood Law

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:00 pm

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 3:42 pm
Douglas Mercer
January 28 2024
After all it was Benjamin Spock who along with Freud and methamphetamine became the rage of American Mothers in the 1950s. What did Spock tell those mothers who raised those children in the flush of a prosperity the likes of which the world had never known? Permissive parenting was his “contribution” to the world’s conversation. Permissive parenting?
Another great piece, Mr. Mercer. My parents paid no attention to the Jew Spock in the 1950s and spanked the Williams boys regularly when we were out of line.



Advice from these two about corporal punishment:
Don't beat the shit out of your kids; feed them harsh laxatives
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Re: Blood Law

Post by fluxmaster » Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:33 am

Although we can perhaps learn something from Chinese Tiger Mothers, I wouldn't follow the Asian approach too closely, as it turns out soulless automatons who lack a higher purpose. We need to do things the White way, not the Asian way. This video shows the results of doing it the Chinese way. It is not something we should want for ourselves.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Blood Law

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Jan 30, 2024 10:55 am

fluxmaster wrote:
Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:33 am
Although we can perhaps learn something from Chinese Tiger Mothers, I wouldn't follow the Asian approach too closely, as it turns out soulless automatons who lack a higher purpose.
You missed the point. Here is the nutshell of Mr. Mercer's essay:
For the National Socialists had a long-term project to wean the German people of the hangover of Jewish Religion. Love had to go, pity had to go, and the law of the blood had to reign.

We Cosmotheists do likewise, and have our own program of the National Alliance as an outgrowth of the concept imparted above.
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