The Jews Of England
- Posts: 10519
- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm
The Jews Of England
Douglas Mercer
September 3 2023
The thing the Jews want most is to be normalized; to make it seem like they are just another American in America, or a Frenchman in France, or an Englishman in England. And highly civic minded Americans, Frenchman and Englishman too by the way. Of course in reality they are nothing of the sort, they always having been that infamous nation within the nation, the Fifth Column always seeking to undermine and overthrow the host. But that doesn’t keep the Jews from trying to portray the past in an entirely other light, to depict a long and sturdy history of the Jews in all these countries, as if they had sprung out of the ground itself and not migrated there like swarms of preying locusts. Of course they gloss over the expulsions and the justified violence against them with the blanket word “antisemitism”—but to put the onus on us is bit like a woman who’s had twenty men leave her yet all she can do is complain about men. And this is the background to this big new research project in York where the academic slime supposedly show that the Jews were once part and parcel of the country, Englishman among Englishmen---nothing to see here---and of course they got this new rabbi coming too. Which only goes to show that when the first rabbi shows up or even any Jews it’s time to go on extra high alert and bar the door forever.
“Researchers at the University of York have uncovered an inspiring trove of documents that suggest the city’s Jewish residents lived and worked alongside their Christian neighbors in the early 1200s, mostly in harmony, with a thriving Jewish community, and were among the most important figures in England at the time. The tranche of information dispels myths and challenges preconceptions of what life was like for Jews in the years following the pogrom of 1190, when the city’s entire Jewish community was besieged inside Clifford's Tower at York Castle by an antisemitic mob.”
Here’s the real story. Having just conquered England the Norman Kings needed to borrow money so they sold their birthright for a mess of leeches and hit up the Jews. Being money grubbing traitors the Norman hierarchy protected the Jews and brought them in in numbers and soon they were swarming over the green countryside like ravenous locusts salivating and feeding as they went. Then some Jews like the proverbial skunks at the garden party showed up at the Coronation of Richard I in 1189. Due to the Jew presence at the sacred White ceremony riots ensued and one of the Jew interlopers was killed on his way home. After fires broke out in York Jews were attacked as the cause and soon all the Jews of the city holed up and sought protection from the keeper of the King’s Tower. But this time even royal patronage could not save them nor stave off justice as the proverbial peasants with pitchforks put paid to them and all the Jew debt records were destroyed. Unbelievably for this good deed and yeoman’s work by the yeomans the powers that were imposed fines on these Englishman who did the country such a signal service. And today the Jews (how touching!) plant six pointed daffodils at the site and a memorial plaque stands to lament the near demise of our eternal enemy.
“The tower was burned down by locals after fabricated stories, which came to be known as the blood libel, spread that Jews were guilty of murdering Christian children and using their blood to perform religious rituals. An estimated 150 York Jews were murdered or took their own lives rather than renounce their faith.”
Well, the Jews are experts in the category of “fabricated stories” having in the Holocaust churned out the whopper to end all whoppers but here they are on shaky ground. So horrific is the idea of draining the blood of a White child and drinking it with gefilte fish, such a reversion to near cannibalism and barbarism and savagery is it, the Jews don’t have a hard time convincing people that it’s a tall tale. But anyone who knows the Jews, has studied the Jews, has investigated the Jews, knows that it’s not only possible but highly plausible. Beneath those black robes the bearded cockroaches always carried a blood funnel. And this Clifford Tower Massacre is like the Tulsa Race Massacre, high fodder for Jewish propaganda which will bewitch and mesmerize those who don’t know the whole story and what the Jews or the niggers did to deserve it which they so richly did. Indeed those six-pointed daffodils (just like the star of David!) serve to shovel up another Shoah avant la lettre, before the made-up Shoah was even a gleam in Shlomo’s evil eyes; and of course a Masada as well, which story was also made up to highlight the high dramas and devotion of a people who in reality are cowards and liars.
“Now, archival evidence suggests that after the massacre, not only did some Jews return to York but the community experienced growth and prosperity too. Using documents from the Durham Cathedral Archives, academics have created digital reconstructions of the houses where the York's most prominent Jewish citizens lived and have pinpointed the location of the the city's first synagogue.”
You see here is the problem—like the bad penny the Jews keep coming back. On that justly famous list of 109 expulsions are more than a few repeats, which makes you wonder. Makes you wonder why a people who got wise to the Jews and gave them their walking papers turned around and became again gulls on the line for the Jews to reel in. After having seemingly dealt with them forever the people of York back then apparently suffering from a suicidal amnesia or unexampled brain damage, let them traipse right back in to set up shop for their plans of genocide. What they should have done is sent them on a one way no return plan train bound for hell. And set up watchtowers to see if they ever came back, and have provisions for heroic riders to gallop through the city yelling: The Jews are coming! The Jews are coming! should they ever again attempt to darken the door.
“They have also traced how leading figures from the Jewish community cooperated with the senior clergy of York Minster in purchasing the large stone building which became the city’s Guildhall. The public can view digital reconstructions of the houses where key Jewish figures lived in 1210. They include Leo Episcopus, his son-in-law Aaron of York and Aaron’s nephew Josce le Jovene. Leo and Aaron were representatives of the Jewish community of England, and in the 1230s and 1240s the latter was thought to be the richest man in the country. It is likely that Aaron co-operated with the senior clergy of York Minster on a range of civic projects, including the construction of the Five Sisters window - previously known as the Jewish Window - in the Minster itself in exchange for land extending York’s Jewish cemetery.”
This part is all too believable. You have that stock figure of the rich Jew, you have him collaborating with the White elites, and the rich Jew haggling and chiseling and jewing down the White elites with bribe money for more Jewish space. What is hard to believe is that the White leaders could have been so blind and so shortsighted just two decades after the White populace took matters into their own hands by saying good riddance to very bad rubbish. But then again it’s the oldest story in the book, is it not? Indeed it is the story of the book: the White leaders who are badly in need of liquid capital detach themselves from the interests of the nation broadly speaking—and they fall into cahoots with those ravenous wolves in Jewish clothing. And so the cycle of expulsions and stupidity repeats itself ad nauseam and reductio ad absurdum. After all there was a reason it was called the Final Solution. It’s what the Jewish Question finally demands.
“York Synagogue warden Howard Duckworth said: The amount of new information that has been uncovered by the team is truly inspiring. We have discovered a totally new history of Jews in York, which for many years has been overshadowed by the massacre at Clifford's Tower. He added that walking through the city now, people were able to see York with totally different eyes.”
Jewish eyes that is; this round of articles in the Jew media is targeted and the aim is multiple: to remind people of the bad old days when the people of England ran roughshod over the Jews (for no reason whatsoever—they dindu nuffin’!); to remind them that the Jews are just like them, they contribute to the common weal and have the nations’ best interests at heart; and that the Jews have been in England for a long time so they should be accepted as part of the fabric of England's past and future. All of it is course a fairy tale-slash-fish tale but a small matter of veracity never scrupled a Jew.
“York recently welcomed its first resident rabbi since the expulsion of the Jews from England under King Edward I in 1290. Rabbi Dr Elisheva Salamo, has been appointed to serve the York Liberal Jewish Community, with her first formal engagement being the community’s Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services in September 2023. She has also worked as a rabbi, teacher and youth leader in the US, and South Africa, and describes herself as an advocate of interfaith dialogue and social action.”
And if any dullards in the back were wondering what this was all leading up to—this is it. Lately Iceland was “graced” with its first Rabbi ever which if you think about it is like getting your first outbreak of herpes---it is very painful and unlike love it never goes away. No, once these Jews get their hooked noses in under the tent they have their hooks in you. In this case you have one of those social action rabbis akin to those rabbis who went down to the American border earlier this year to welcome the stranger on our behalf though what they were really doing was unleashing a (barely) human plague of (Jewish) biblical proportions. And now this lady rabbi will take her shtick kit she honed and perfected on the mean and marginalized streets of America and South Africa (where racism was once enshrined in the constitution!) and it won’t be long before she is lecturing the English on their racist ways. More, as the magical Mulatto once said, much more needs to be done. And they wonder why 1290 and 1933 always looms.
“The rabbi, who arrived in the UK this week, said: Helping to rebuild what was once one of England’s most vibrant Jewish communities - and which has such great potential - is an honor and a privilege. I look forward to meeting our current members and anyone with an interest in a Jewish journey. We hope that the whole Jewish community and its allies across the globe will want to help us on the next step of this incredible journey to bring Judaism back to this ancient and most beautiful of cities.”
It is in fact an ancient and beautiful city which is why the Jews have no place there. Because it’s a White city. England recognized this twice but like the evil shekel keeps coming back. May the White race awake to the peril in its midst, the peril always posed by the Jews, and stop this vicious cycle of Jews out, Jews in, Jews out, Jews in, and finally make the circle virtuous. Because you can search high and low but you will never find any other solution to the question of the Jews. For whatever they bandy about in their newspapers the Jews are not and have never been normal Englishmen. In fact they are not normal or English at all. They are Jews which is another kettle of rotten fish entirely.
September 3 2023
The thing the Jews want most is to be normalized; to make it seem like they are just another American in America, or a Frenchman in France, or an Englishman in England. And highly civic minded Americans, Frenchman and Englishman too by the way. Of course in reality they are nothing of the sort, they always having been that infamous nation within the nation, the Fifth Column always seeking to undermine and overthrow the host. But that doesn’t keep the Jews from trying to portray the past in an entirely other light, to depict a long and sturdy history of the Jews in all these countries, as if they had sprung out of the ground itself and not migrated there like swarms of preying locusts. Of course they gloss over the expulsions and the justified violence against them with the blanket word “antisemitism”—but to put the onus on us is bit like a woman who’s had twenty men leave her yet all she can do is complain about men. And this is the background to this big new research project in York where the academic slime supposedly show that the Jews were once part and parcel of the country, Englishman among Englishmen---nothing to see here---and of course they got this new rabbi coming too. Which only goes to show that when the first rabbi shows up or even any Jews it’s time to go on extra high alert and bar the door forever.
“Researchers at the University of York have uncovered an inspiring trove of documents that suggest the city’s Jewish residents lived and worked alongside their Christian neighbors in the early 1200s, mostly in harmony, with a thriving Jewish community, and were among the most important figures in England at the time. The tranche of information dispels myths and challenges preconceptions of what life was like for Jews in the years following the pogrom of 1190, when the city’s entire Jewish community was besieged inside Clifford's Tower at York Castle by an antisemitic mob.”
Here’s the real story. Having just conquered England the Norman Kings needed to borrow money so they sold their birthright for a mess of leeches and hit up the Jews. Being money grubbing traitors the Norman hierarchy protected the Jews and brought them in in numbers and soon they were swarming over the green countryside like ravenous locusts salivating and feeding as they went. Then some Jews like the proverbial skunks at the garden party showed up at the Coronation of Richard I in 1189. Due to the Jew presence at the sacred White ceremony riots ensued and one of the Jew interlopers was killed on his way home. After fires broke out in York Jews were attacked as the cause and soon all the Jews of the city holed up and sought protection from the keeper of the King’s Tower. But this time even royal patronage could not save them nor stave off justice as the proverbial peasants with pitchforks put paid to them and all the Jew debt records were destroyed. Unbelievably for this good deed and yeoman’s work by the yeomans the powers that were imposed fines on these Englishman who did the country such a signal service. And today the Jews (how touching!) plant six pointed daffodils at the site and a memorial plaque stands to lament the near demise of our eternal enemy.
“The tower was burned down by locals after fabricated stories, which came to be known as the blood libel, spread that Jews were guilty of murdering Christian children and using their blood to perform religious rituals. An estimated 150 York Jews were murdered or took their own lives rather than renounce their faith.”
Well, the Jews are experts in the category of “fabricated stories” having in the Holocaust churned out the whopper to end all whoppers but here they are on shaky ground. So horrific is the idea of draining the blood of a White child and drinking it with gefilte fish, such a reversion to near cannibalism and barbarism and savagery is it, the Jews don’t have a hard time convincing people that it’s a tall tale. But anyone who knows the Jews, has studied the Jews, has investigated the Jews, knows that it’s not only possible but highly plausible. Beneath those black robes the bearded cockroaches always carried a blood funnel. And this Clifford Tower Massacre is like the Tulsa Race Massacre, high fodder for Jewish propaganda which will bewitch and mesmerize those who don’t know the whole story and what the Jews or the niggers did to deserve it which they so richly did. Indeed those six-pointed daffodils (just like the star of David!) serve to shovel up another Shoah avant la lettre, before the made-up Shoah was even a gleam in Shlomo’s evil eyes; and of course a Masada as well, which story was also made up to highlight the high dramas and devotion of a people who in reality are cowards and liars.
“Now, archival evidence suggests that after the massacre, not only did some Jews return to York but the community experienced growth and prosperity too. Using documents from the Durham Cathedral Archives, academics have created digital reconstructions of the houses where the York's most prominent Jewish citizens lived and have pinpointed the location of the the city's first synagogue.”
You see here is the problem—like the bad penny the Jews keep coming back. On that justly famous list of 109 expulsions are more than a few repeats, which makes you wonder. Makes you wonder why a people who got wise to the Jews and gave them their walking papers turned around and became again gulls on the line for the Jews to reel in. After having seemingly dealt with them forever the people of York back then apparently suffering from a suicidal amnesia or unexampled brain damage, let them traipse right back in to set up shop for their plans of genocide. What they should have done is sent them on a one way no return plan train bound for hell. And set up watchtowers to see if they ever came back, and have provisions for heroic riders to gallop through the city yelling: The Jews are coming! The Jews are coming! should they ever again attempt to darken the door.
“They have also traced how leading figures from the Jewish community cooperated with the senior clergy of York Minster in purchasing the large stone building which became the city’s Guildhall. The public can view digital reconstructions of the houses where key Jewish figures lived in 1210. They include Leo Episcopus, his son-in-law Aaron of York and Aaron’s nephew Josce le Jovene. Leo and Aaron were representatives of the Jewish community of England, and in the 1230s and 1240s the latter was thought to be the richest man in the country. It is likely that Aaron co-operated with the senior clergy of York Minster on a range of civic projects, including the construction of the Five Sisters window - previously known as the Jewish Window - in the Minster itself in exchange for land extending York’s Jewish cemetery.”
This part is all too believable. You have that stock figure of the rich Jew, you have him collaborating with the White elites, and the rich Jew haggling and chiseling and jewing down the White elites with bribe money for more Jewish space. What is hard to believe is that the White leaders could have been so blind and so shortsighted just two decades after the White populace took matters into their own hands by saying good riddance to very bad rubbish. But then again it’s the oldest story in the book, is it not? Indeed it is the story of the book: the White leaders who are badly in need of liquid capital detach themselves from the interests of the nation broadly speaking—and they fall into cahoots with those ravenous wolves in Jewish clothing. And so the cycle of expulsions and stupidity repeats itself ad nauseam and reductio ad absurdum. After all there was a reason it was called the Final Solution. It’s what the Jewish Question finally demands.
“York Synagogue warden Howard Duckworth said: The amount of new information that has been uncovered by the team is truly inspiring. We have discovered a totally new history of Jews in York, which for many years has been overshadowed by the massacre at Clifford's Tower. He added that walking through the city now, people were able to see York with totally different eyes.”
Jewish eyes that is; this round of articles in the Jew media is targeted and the aim is multiple: to remind people of the bad old days when the people of England ran roughshod over the Jews (for no reason whatsoever—they dindu nuffin’!); to remind them that the Jews are just like them, they contribute to the common weal and have the nations’ best interests at heart; and that the Jews have been in England for a long time so they should be accepted as part of the fabric of England's past and future. All of it is course a fairy tale-slash-fish tale but a small matter of veracity never scrupled a Jew.
“York recently welcomed its first resident rabbi since the expulsion of the Jews from England under King Edward I in 1290. Rabbi Dr Elisheva Salamo, has been appointed to serve the York Liberal Jewish Community, with her first formal engagement being the community’s Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services in September 2023. She has also worked as a rabbi, teacher and youth leader in the US, and South Africa, and describes herself as an advocate of interfaith dialogue and social action.”
And if any dullards in the back were wondering what this was all leading up to—this is it. Lately Iceland was “graced” with its first Rabbi ever which if you think about it is like getting your first outbreak of herpes---it is very painful and unlike love it never goes away. No, once these Jews get their hooked noses in under the tent they have their hooks in you. In this case you have one of those social action rabbis akin to those rabbis who went down to the American border earlier this year to welcome the stranger on our behalf though what they were really doing was unleashing a (barely) human plague of (Jewish) biblical proportions. And now this lady rabbi will take her shtick kit she honed and perfected on the mean and marginalized streets of America and South Africa (where racism was once enshrined in the constitution!) and it won’t be long before she is lecturing the English on their racist ways. More, as the magical Mulatto once said, much more needs to be done. And they wonder why 1290 and 1933 always looms.
“The rabbi, who arrived in the UK this week, said: Helping to rebuild what was once one of England’s most vibrant Jewish communities - and which has such great potential - is an honor and a privilege. I look forward to meeting our current members and anyone with an interest in a Jewish journey. We hope that the whole Jewish community and its allies across the globe will want to help us on the next step of this incredible journey to bring Judaism back to this ancient and most beautiful of cities.”
It is in fact an ancient and beautiful city which is why the Jews have no place there. Because it’s a White city. England recognized this twice but like the evil shekel keeps coming back. May the White race awake to the peril in its midst, the peril always posed by the Jews, and stop this vicious cycle of Jews out, Jews in, Jews out, Jews in, and finally make the circle virtuous. Because you can search high and low but you will never find any other solution to the question of the Jews. For whatever they bandy about in their newspapers the Jews are not and have never been normal Englishmen. In fact they are not normal or English at all. They are Jews which is another kettle of rotten fish entirely.
- Posts: 10519
- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm
Re: The Jews Of England
England’s Jewish Population: After the Norman Conquest of 1066, a number of Jews came to England from Rouen in France. The early Norman kings needed to borrow money to build castles and secure their kingdom, but money-lending was forbidden to Christians. It was, however, permitted to Jews. These French-speaking Jews were protected by the Crown, and in time established communities in most of the principal cities of England. In the later 12th century, members of the Jewish community in Lincoln settled in York.
- Posts: 10519
- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm
Re: The Jews Of England
"Researchers have created digital reconstructions of the houses where the York's most prominent Jewish residents lived."

- Posts: 10519
- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm
Re: The Jews Of England
The city of York is to welcome its first resident rabbi since the expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290 under King Edward I.

- Posts: 10519
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Re: The Jews Of England
"1190 was to see one of the worst riots followed by a massacre to ever occur in York, all centered around the tower. An angry mob gathered with the purpose of eradicating Jews within the city. Fearing for their lives a number of Jewish people took shelter, gathering inside the safety and strong walls of York Castle’s keep. Sadly, as tensions rose the people trapped within the keep were forced to choose between taking their own lives or surrendering to the angry mob who would then kill them. The choice was made and fire was set to the tower. This was a way to destroy the bodies within and avoid them being left open to mutilation by the mob. Most of those within the tower actually chose to take their own lives to avoid burning, while some surrendered to the mob only to then be murdered. The end result of this tragedy was that around 150 Jewish people lost their lives."

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- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm
Re: The Jews Of England
"Volunteers helping to plant daffodil bulbs at Clifford's Tower in the pouring rain (Image: English Heritage)"

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Re: The Jews Of England
"The site of one of the worst antisemitic attacks in British history held a Chanukah ceremony for the first time ever. 800 years after around 150 Jews died at Clifford's Tower in York, the site hosted the religious event on the evening of Sunday December 18 2022."

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Re: The Jews Of England
"An anti-Semitic portrayal of Jewish money-lenders from a 13th-century manuscript. William I brought Jewish merchants to England in the 11th century as they were able to lend money to the Crown, whereas Christians were forbidden to do so."

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Re: The Jews Of England
Inside the tower, trust between the Jews and the keeper broke down, and when he left the tower on other business, they refused to allow him back in. They had now challenged the king’s authority, and troops joined the mob outside, where they were pelted with stones from the castle walls by the besieged Jews.

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- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm
Re: The Jews Of England
Daffodils were planted around the base of Clifford’s Tower to commemorate the massacre.