Discovering Whiteness

Douglas Mercer
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Discovering Whiteness

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:25 pm

Douglas Mercer
August 6 2023

In the book Drawing The Global Color Line the authors assert that a book from 1893 was the first to propose that despite its apparent awesome superiority the White world was actually in grave and mortal danger. The book in question was National Life And Character by Charles Pearson and it is said that the book caused an international sensation.

“Pearson's book caused a shock because it challenged the conventional wisdom about Western expansion, progress and triumph. Pearson argued that the Black and Yellow races were in the ascendant, as they were powered by population increase and, in the case of the Chinese, industrial capacity. He argued the white race, under the impact of declining birth rates and state socialism, had become stationary. Colonized and otherwise subordinated peoples would soon escape relations of tutelage and become self-governing states active on the world stage. Pearson was a prophet of decolonization and was immediately seen as such, with great attention paid to his theme of the white man under siege.”

The near universal belief at the time was that the White man’s position in the world was unassailable. The idea that a horde of race rabble could overtake us was deemed ludicrous. Yes the Japanese monkey had aped the White man’s techniques and was on the march and the folly of having drawn them in to the world was becoming apparent; China had 400 million people who could live on a bowl of rice a day, live twenty to a flop house, and work himself to the bone; everywhere in the East along both sides of the Pacific the Asians were emigrating in droves; Pearson himself was an English transplant to Australia and he saw the inundation of the pig tailed coolies and noted the alarm they occasioned in the White man; he also observed that the best among the Whites were beginning to breed at lesser rates; and in his epochal and prescient book he predicted that the colored world’s inevitable rise would humiliate the White race; that the White race would be “elbowed and hustled and thrust aside.” To say the least this was against the grain of the thought of the time. But within a decade of the book’s publication the unthinkable happened: a colored people defeated a White people in war. The telling anecdote was that a group of European observers witnessed the Japanese parading defeated Russian prisoners past them; it is said that at that moment each of the observers felt shame at the sight; and that they did not then feel themselves French, or German, or English—but White. If only that visceral feeling of White racial solidarity had lasted the debacle would never have occurred.
It’s not true that Person was the first to be pessimistic about the White man’s future. In 1879 Wilhelm Marr said the Whites had already lost the war with Jews before all but a few new even knew it had started. To be fair he was being facetious but the point was taken. And long before Pearson’s book appeared Arthur Gobineau raised the alarm bell in the night. Gobineau had been toiling in the vineyards of White racial consciousness since the middle of the nineteenth century and, as such, is the Godfather of White Race thinking. His book The Inequality Of The Human Races (1856) posited the White ideal, that history springs only from contact with the White race, that Whites were the pinnacle of human development. But he also believed that the pure strain of Whiteness was already being bled and bred out through useless wars and miscegenation, and that by these means the best of the White brood and blood had already been depleted. For him the French Revolution was a battle between the purest of Whites and the less pure, with the latter ascending by killing. In a meeting between two titans Gobineau met Wagner in Rome in the mid 1870s and then a few years before Wagner’s death he spent five weeks at Wahnfried. According to Cosmia the two would stay up all night loudly arguing. Gobineau once again said that the White blood was already tainted beyond recognition or repair, our best blood sapped of its strength. Wagner argued in favor of a Christianity purged of the Jewish spirit. Gobineau said the only hope was to overthrow Christianity altogether. It’s safe to say that in that dispute Wagner got the short end of the stick.

It might seem strange that at the apex of White race’s expansion doubts began to be sowed about its future. But with success often comes surcease, and the Whites had taught other races. And it is always in times of distress that knowledge comes and the hope of solidarity. It was during this period of White greatness and White anxiety that Whiteness was discovered. This was the necessary key to Whites becoming self-conscious of their cosmic purpose; but the learning curve had been steep and the question now is did the knowledge come in time.

Around about 1910 an uppity negro named WEB DuBois sarcastically noted that all around the world White men were discovering that they were White. He said it to scoff but he spoke truer than he knew. And what was happening was a crucial turning point in the history of the White race and indeed cosmic time; something far beyond the ken of a haughty and ignorant spook. All around the world the White race was taking stock of itself. Closer contact with the lower races made the Whites stand out to themselves in sharp relief. The Asians were beginning to invade the colonial offshoots which led to the White Australia Policy and the popular slogan: White Canada Forever. What was happening was an epochal shift. Prior to that the White race had existed in the innocence of race, a kind of racial solipsism. But now by the sharp contrast between us and the other races true self-knowledge beckoned. We had always been White in ourselves but now we could be White for ourselves. The universe is in the process of coming to know itself, of becoming self-conscious. As the vanguard race we were always going to be at the tip of this spear. What we were learning was nothing less than our destiny as the bearers of life which was always our mission. It turned out the learning curve was steep, practically vertical. Indeed, no sooner than some among us found out who we are than we were mortally threatened. No one ever said nature was not a stern taskmaster which employs draconian measures. No sooner did we come to know ourselves than our destiny was gravely cast in doubt. No sooner did we awake to who we are than we awoke to our peril. But then becoming who you are is never easy, and the ordeal, if survived, leads to ever newer heights. The question is always did we learn in time. For in the matter of race it’s always a race against time.

No one took to this new tuition in more earnest than the German National Socialists. Indeed, whatever was drastic in their endeavors of upheaval was their belief that the hour was late. Hitler was obsessed by the deterioration of the German blood lines, the degradation of it in the Thirty Years War, the tragic loss in the Great War. To say he was a politician is to miss the point, he was a prophet, and race healer, a biological impresario. He set out to create the ideal conditions not for the new man but the next man: sonnenmenshcen. To do this he knew first of all that a living space and living resources must be secured for all time, when they spoke of a thousand years they were not being glib: it would take that long. Then forthwith all impurities need to be removed from the stream of the race life, all foreign and alien elements needed to be excluded. Hitler said he could do without generals and artists but he had to have doctors. He sterilized the Rhineland bastards, he killed the halt and the lame, he set up eugenics Courts, and then he set about to solve the biggest problem of all: to be rid of the Jews. But even this would not be enough to achieve the Nordic destiny. The German bloodlines themselves needed to be re-purified, what was older than time needed to be as new as tomorrow afternoon. Once sequestered from the hurly burly of race mixing the goals could be in sight. The “Race Pope” Hans Gunther (known colloquially as “Race Gunther”) laid down the blueprint. Picking up where Gobineau left off he wrote books about the precarious state of German race health, noting that the Germans were not pure—but needed to be. The new learning was to be set in motion, the laws of biology applied assiduously. And so they had the ancestral pass which gave the imprimatur to one’s race make up; hereditary and genealogy were obsessed over; the Germans were taught in the little grades about race and how to preserve and grow and nurture it as the education system was overhauled and coordinated along National Socialist lines; at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin the study of genetics was born; the uber elite SS required that an SS man and his wife needed to prove their pure racial heritage stretching back to 1650. Given more time this would have succeeded wonderfully. A self-conscious and self-directed act, with a stunning bureaucracy or race technicians to calibrate and to monitor and implement it, the White man would have finally done the last deed: to take up the reins of evolution for himself and for our destiny---the stars.

We live among the fall out. The first try at eternal glory was a close-run thing but the appointment was missed; the plan aborted and our pure river redirected, we were heading unimpeded straight to the sunny uplands but were suddenly cast down into meandering, strange and muddy tributaries. But nowhere near all is lost. We have many advantages over those stalwart pioneers. First we have the new work of genetics, something which they would have killed or given their eye teeth for. We have seen the pure ground of race, what it is, and know how to manage it and, indeed, create it. We have looked into the interstitial spaces of race and found everything solid and good. Also no longer is Whiteness an undiscovered country but is now a precious heirloom. The inheritors Revilo Oliver and William Pierce pieced together the new learning, codified it, and put it on a sound historical footing, part of our mental store now forever. Our people will not perish from lack of knowledge; only from lack of courage, cunning, and will. The history, heritage, and future of the White race has been mapped. So take heart. The return home is no longer a long one; but can be reached in an instant once the detritus is cleared out. Mixing blood makes it impure and it destroys memory; but we remember who we are now and who we will be, and when the time comes, at is must and as it will, giants will once more walk the earth, and then the ground of our being will be pure flight.

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Will Williams
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Re: Discovering Whiteness

Post by Will Williams » Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:25 pm

Gobineau once again said that the White blood was already tainted beyond recognition or repair, our best blood sapped of its strength. Wagner argued in favor of a Christianity purged of the Jewish spirit. Gobineau said the only hope was to overthrow Christianity altogether. It’s safe to say that in that dispute Wagner got the short end of the stick.

What an excellent essay!! Required reading for all Alliance members.
Also no longer is Whiteness an undiscovered country but is now a precious heirloom. The inheritors Revilo Oliver and William Pierce pieced together the new learning, codified it, and put it on a sound historical footing, part of our mental store now forever. Our people will not perish from lack of knowledge; only from lack of courage, cunning, and will. The history, heritage, and future of the White race has been mapped. So take heart. The return home is no longer a long one; but can be reached in an instant once the detritus is cleared out.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Discovering Whiteness

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:46 am ... education/

Solving this problem will ensure the survival of National Socialism and thereby the survival of our people for all time. The enormous significance of the Jewish Question is recognized today by nearly every member of the German people. A lack of knowledge cost our people a long period of misery.

To spare coming generations this misery, we want German teachers to plant the knowledge of the jew deep in the hearts of our youth from their childhood on. No one among our people should or may grow up without learning the true depravity and danger of the jew.

That requires that the German teacher himself master the racial and Jewish Question. Valuable work is done in educational camps and in the groups of the National Socialist Teachers’ Federation. Experience shows, however, that many teachers are not able to present and explain their knowledge of the racial and Jewish Question in a way that profits our youth for their whole lives. He who devotes an hour a week in his school to the racial and Jewish Question, making it into something of an independent subject, approaches it in an unnatural way.

The knowledge of the racial and Jewish Question must grow organically from the whole curriculum of our schools. Racial science and the jewish question must run like a red thread through education at every level.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Discovering Whiteness

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:50 am ... ineau.html

It turns out that though Gobineau rejected Wagner's syrupy version of Christianity he also rejected Wagner's heroic anti-semitism. Which shows that even among the greats the ideology was muddled until those giants in Germany came along and purified it forever.

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Will Williams
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Re: Discovering Whiteness

Post by Will Williams » Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:49 pm

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:50 am ... ineau.html

It turns out that though Gobineau rejected Wagner's syrupy version of Christianity he also rejected Wagner's heroic anti-semitism. Which shows that even among the greats the ideology was muddled until those giants in Germany came along and purified it forever.
Exactly! Thank you for this excellent article, Mr. Mercer.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Discovering Whiteness

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:03 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Discovering Whiteness

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:05 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Discovering Whiteness

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:06 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Discovering Whiteness

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:09 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Discovering Whiteness

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:09 pm


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