Endless Fascination

Douglas Mercer
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Endless Fascination

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:15 pm

Douglas Mercer
June 25 2023

Godwin’s law famously posits that if any online discussion lasts long enough the odds that Adolf Hitler will be mentioned approaches certainty. Why is that? Why the endless fascination? Why is Hitler the hinge of everything? The Jews like to chalk it up to people’s love of horror, to being scared witless as a catharsis, their addiction to things that go bump in the night. But the alleged macabre explains very little when it comes to our Uncle. Is it the art, the uniforms, the cathedrals of light, the buildings, the flags, the salutes, the irreproachable haircuts, the peak aesthetics? It is all that for sure but this does not go to the heart of it. The heart of it is in the inner man, that which everything in National Socialism conspired to mold.

“An auction house in Northern Ireland is selling 10 items connected to Adolf Hitler, triggering protests by a Brussels-based Jewish group that has demanded the sale be canceled. Bloomfield Auctions featured on its website a June 6 2023 auction of a pencil initialed AH that the website says belonged to the German dictator. The pencil was owned and used by Adolf Hitler, given to him by Eva Braun on his 52nd birthday, the website states.”

The fertile and teeming brain of the incomparable visionary Adolf Hitler, what marvels it contained! When he showed up at Bayreuth after being released from Landsberg prison he wrote down his vocation in the guest book as “artist, writer” and surely that is how he saw himself his entire life. With pen or pencil as his sword and shield he wrote the blueprint of the White race. Many White racialist writers of the first half of the 20th Century are remembered: Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Alfred Rosenberg, Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, George Vacher de Lapouge but Hitler—he has pride of place. It was he who wrote the paradigmatic paean to our race: “Everything we admire on this earth today—science and art, technology, and inventions—is only the creative product of a few peoples and originally perhaps one race: the Aryans”. His great book is entirely cogent and unsurpassably eloquent, which is why Jewish scholars and Jewish influenced scholars like a tic invariably refer to his prose as “pedestrian, turgid, repetitious.” Not true of course, far from it. Hitler wrote to Madison Grant that the latter’s book was his bible. But Hitler’s is that for all of us, and always will be so.

“Other Hitler items included what the Belfast-based auction house described as a 1920s personally autographed photo by Adolf Hitler of himself and a small milk jug from Adolf Hitler’s VIP dining wagon emblazoned with the Nazi Eagle symbol. Last year, a watch said to have belonged to Hitler and given to him in 1933 fetched $1.1 million at an auction by Alexander Historical Auctions in Maryland in the United States.”

Lately in Berlin the anti Israel but also anti-racist nincompoop Roger Waters got in hot water by doing his patented “nazi thug” shtick. On stage he dressed up in SS black and fake fired off some machine gun rounds and sang “that one looks Jewish and that one’s a coon, who the hell let this riff raff into the room?” Naturally the entire Jewish media fainted in unison, over in England it is reported that conservative Jew Melanie Phillips had two hemorrhages all by her lonesome. Certainly Waters is no Hitlerite but it only goes to show: when you satirize Adolf Hitler, unless you turn him into the de rigueur monster and slobbering rug chewer of Jewish legend, you only end up making him look cool and cutting edge. It is this paradox that keeps more than few Hebrews up at night.

“Critics of such auctions have argued that, in addition to appealing to fans of Nazism, they offer Nazi leaders celebrity status, adding little to the historical understanding of their actions.”

A few years back in Holland there was an exhibit showing “nazi design.” It was for the dastardly Dutch what the Degenerate Art exhibit was for the National Socialists—an exercise in anathema. But a funny thing happened on the way to this exorcism—the nasty Netherlanders found that people saw the posters for the show and were amazed at their beauty and skill and wanted to flock to it. Perhaps they were not ready for some Dutch Cleanser but they had taken that first step down the noble road. The show was sold out and soon the show’s managers had to ban cell phones in the room—no pictures please, we’re anti-fascists. Which only goes to show if you give people wonderful art in a stalwart cause—they will want to flash it around the world. It is for sure High Voltage—but people can’t help but want to touch it.

“Karl Bennett, managing director of Bloomfield Auctions, said: The importance of Hitler’s engraved personal pencil lies in the fact that it helps to unravel a hidden piece of history, giving a unique insight into Hitler’s personal relationships, which he scrupulously kept hidden from the public eye. Rabbi Menachem Margolin disputed this view in a letter that he sent Bennett Wednesday, urging him to withdraw the sale.”

You always hear (in the Jewish controlled media) the “Nazis plundered art” canard; but no one plundered a greater store of knowledge and culture than America. Not only did we go to the moon powered by National Socialist know how but the economic boom of the 1950s was fueled by what was pilfered from the Berlin Post office where the patents were kept. But no storehouse of high art is more closely guarded than the National Socialist Art kept hidden under Jewish lock and key in a climate controlled obscure warehouse at Fort Belvoir in Northern Virginia. This, safe to say, is the mother lode. They have it all, that painting of Hitler as a crusader that a crude GI lanced in the eye with a bayonet (his grandchildren have mixed race kids); water colors by our Uncle; and great works by Emil Scheibe and Otto Hoyer. Should they ever open it to public it would be the event of the season or century. It would be SRO and tickets would go like hotcakes, and this galls the Jews. But safe to say we “lowly” White American taxpayers will never get within shouting distance of it. Indeed, a gab poster recently wrote to the bad people at the Fort and was told sincerely that the only ones allowed in are scholars or journalists. These have of course the kosher certification of obedience, and can be trusted to describe it as “kitsch.” They don’t want anyone to be stirred by the higher things.

“The auction was part of a macabre trade in items belonging to mass murderers, the motives of those buying them are unknown and may glorify the actions of the Nazis, and lastly, their trade is an insult to the millions who perished, the few survivors left, and to Jews everywhere, Margolin wrote.”

Not macabre; fascinating. After the war the Allies handed the copyright of Mein Kampf to the Bavarian government. The book was banned in Germany, and in 2016 the copyright expired. It was then that an edition of the book was finally published in Germany by an auxiliary of the government. When the book appeared it was heavily annotated and had footnotes and scholarly apparatus that were longer than the original text. This was their way of hemming it in with Jewish lies and saying, in effect: High Voltage, Don't Touch!

“Much of Hitler’s personal appeal during his dictatorship derived from his carefully constructed identity as the father of the German nation, who rejected personal connection in favor of loyalty to his country. This love token of a personalized pencil from Eva on his birthday helps reveal the deception behind Hitler’s public facade.”

The Jews could have chosen to let it rest but they had to make Hitler the icon of the ages. This will have proven in the end to have been a mistake. For when people eventually begin to get a good long look at him they like what they see, even if at first it’s in spite of themselves. For he touches the very well springs inside of people and elicits our deepest longings. People respond to the peak aesthetics for sure; the beauty and the adornment of the ages. But more than that: people see in him the whole, the hale, the hearty, and the healthy. And as our mixed race sewer collects more and more s*** of the world his stock will rise and rise. Perhaps unwillingly at first, and then cautiously, but finally with the whole heart more and more people will see that he, and he alone, had the Rosetta stone solution to all that ails us. And they will flock under his banner.

As a coda it’s best to turn to Ernst von Salomon writing about the time of struggle; he could be talking of tomorrow afternoon:

“At that time it appeared that, in every discussion, there was someone there, a silent guest, not entirely visible, though he dominated the discussion, setting out the themes, describing the methods, defining the directions. And the name of this silent guest was Adolf Hitler.”

It’s not Godwin’s law but a deeper law of a higher order. Because it’s a truth soon to be universally recognized that when one begins to think one begins to think about Adolf Hitler. And he won’t be silent for much longer; his voice will rise and rise in his inimitable crescendo upon crescendo until we enter the sanctuary of White Paradise intoxicated with fire.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Endless Fascination

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:46 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Endless Fascination

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:47 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Endless Fascination

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:47 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Endless Fascination

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:48 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Endless Fascination

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:49 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Endless Fascination

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:51 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Endless Fascination

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:51 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Endless Fascination

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:51 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
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Re: Endless Fascination

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:53 pm


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