Racist Health Crisis

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4536
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Racist Health Crisis

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed May 31, 2023 9:25 pm

Douglas Mercer
May 31 2023

When Europe was White we produced marvels of medicine and health burgeoned, White life spans were lengthened, and everything was coming up roses. It’s sufficient to say that racism was not a problem, indeed no one had ever heard of such a weird word. But now when our young White girls get raped and chopped up and put in a suitcase; when migrant gangs roam the streets of our cities visiting mayhem on us; when well over half the crime is due to the migrants, far outstripping then numerical presence; now there is a health crisis all right: the migrants. But the green eyeshade crowd at the universities, grown fat off at the public trough, try to cover this up. And their cover story is the opposite of the truth: that White racism is the public health crisis. If they have their way this will the official view of the European Union. And the chances are good that when the Brussels bureaucrats have a moment or two break from bringing in the colored migrants at break neck speed they’ll put their rubber stamp on the idea, so that all hell will break loose even faster.

“A network of European health organizations and parliamentarians is calling for the European Commission to explicitly recognize racism as a key factor that can negatively affect people’s health, and to prioritize the issue for research funding. It’s about time, says Sarah Hamed, a sociologist at Uppsala University in Sweden who researches racism in health care. Racism should be seen as a public-health issue.”

Sociology is a Jewish discipline through and through. It’s a fake academic exercise meant to dredge up oppression and “hate” and stick it in the eye of the dominant culture (ie, White people.) And now in what used to be uber White Sweden (the White country nonpareil) they have a mud person trying to stand up straight and lecture the White people about how racist they are; and how much stress it’s causing the mud people. She’s obviously a White Genocide activist perpetrating a shake down by means of shame and vilifications. Sweden had barely any rapes at all until her racial kin came crawling in; and rape is very bad for one’s health.

“There is increasing attention paid to the arrival of migrants from outside the EU region to the European countries. Healthcare that is universally and equably accessible needs to be provided for these migrants throughout the range of national contexts and in response to complex and evolving individual needs. It is important to look at the evidence available on provision and access to healthcare for migrants to identify barriers to accessing healthcare and better plan necessary changes.”

The increasing attention paid to this non-issue emanates from her and her fellow co-conspirators in the academy; they’ve built a pipeline in the groves of academe where they churn out alarming sounding monographs, and get it peer reviewed, and then the media can feed of it and publicize it and pretty soon the normal Swen thinks there is really something going on. Hamed has co-authored papers with the inauspicious titles of “Racism In European Healthcare: Structural Violence And Beyond,” “The Invisibility of Racism” and (shocker!) “Researching Racism In Swedish Health Care.” There seems to be a theme emerging here; migrants who hail from countries where they’d be lucky if an albino bone witch doctor didn’t cut off a limb, or where medicine beyond using cow dung is unknown, come to Europe and are quick to bark and snipe if they are not afforded the premium plan. And Hamed sits atop the pyramid watching the money roll in which gives her an enlarged platform to beg for more.

“Some 30 organizations and 3 members of the European Parliament co-signed a statement to the European Commission, presented in Luxembourg on April 19 2023, calling for it to name racism as a health determinant in legislative and policy documents. The statement calls for increased support by the commission for data collection and research aimed at investigating and addressing the harms to health that racism can cause.”

That is the criminal professors and professional bellyachers are petitioning to make their line of work official. They know once they get the green eyeshade crowed in the globalist capitol to sign on the dotted line the spigots of Euros will drench them in gold. Not that they are doing too shabby now, indeed they are already making a killing milking us bone dry. Bu when the imprimatur of the euro trash at the apex of the tyrannical conglomerate endorses them it means they can appeal to an unppealable and unappeasable source; before the ink is even dry they will go with their hats in hand and their begging bowls to the various governments that make up the New World Order superstate and their requests can no longer be denied.

“But most studies on the health impacts of racism are conducted in the United States. Unlike the United States and the United Kingdom, many European Union nations don’t routinely collect health or other data disaggregated by race and ethnicity, making such research challenging to conduct.”

Trust me when they cry “racism” mere data won’t matter. It’s racism after all. Who’s for that other than us? And once they get the green light from Brussels they’ll begin disaggregating by race on a cosmic scale and then they’ll cook the books to make it look bad for Whitey. No doubt in reality the health outcomes for an Afghani goat herder/rapist or a bone conjuror from the sub-Sahara won’t be as good as the average White man from Dusseldorf anyway but they’ll magnify it all out of proportion. And then they’ll blame the guy in Dusseldorf for the results, results which will be fake but will be considered quite damning.

“Hamed thinks that research in her field would benefit from targeted funding and calls for studies explicitly focused on racism. Research that she and her colleagues conducted on racism in Swedish health care was funded as part of a specific call from the Swedish Research Council for projects on racism and discrimination.”

I bet she does. She writes half of them, the ill gotten gain and proceeds line her pockets and keeps her lights on. What a scam this is. But whatever lucrative and remunerative boondoggle and racket it is for the “practitioners” what it is at bottom is another plank in the Jewish campaign for White Genocide. It morally bleeds the White man dry by attempting to buffalo him into believing he is somehow “bad”; and then bleeds him dry from his coffers to weaken him further. It’s a masochistic game whereby you set up foreigners to call you evil names and then get to pay for the privilege.

“Anti-racism should be considered a mainstream part of EU health policy, says Gemen. The EU has dedicated 5.8 billion to a seven-year public-health program called EU4Health, but he points out that neither racism nor discrimination were mentioned in the EU regulation that established the program in 2021. He and his colleagues at the European Public Health Alliance are advocating increased and more explicit prioritization of the issue of racism as part of a public consultation for the program’s 2024 work plan.”

The next one won’t be so reticent when it comes to the anti-White hatred. The people in charge of Europe won’t deny their calls but will fulfill them to the letter. So-called racism as a public health crisis is the new big thing afer all, it’s a form of reparations by another name. Anything and everything will be done to get the cash flowing from we Whites to the coloreds, and no one in authority of late has ever been chary of getting the marquee word racism into official documents. Sarah Hamed and the rest of the malefactors are riding the crest of a wave, the migrants are streaming in by foot, by plane, and by boats, and it looks like all of them will get the kind of top dollar health care they never even dreamed about when in the savannah or amidst the detritus and filth where they came from.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4536
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Racist Health Crisis

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:25 pm


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