Tema Okun

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Douglas Mercer
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Tema Okun

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun May 28, 2023 9:12 pm

Douglas Mercer
May 28 2023

Tema Okun—it sounds like one of those Talmudic injunctions you hear about so much like tikkun olam which means to repair the world but in fact is their call to ruin the world. But this is Tema Okun—not tikkun olam—and it seems to go farther, the Tema Okun seems to mean “kill Whitey” and should be said on all their High Holy Days in the basement of the synagogues when no one is looking. But really Tema Okun is not a Jewish call to arms but lives and breathes—Tema Okun is one of those grand old Jewesses of the anti-White movement and of late she’s been coming in to her own.

“In the late 1990s a consultant in the then burgeoning diversity and equity industry named Tema Okun wrote a short paper called White Supremacy Culture. It has bullet points which listed the characteristics of White people followed by the antidote.”

This paper was the mother lode written by a Jewish hen, it was one of the the Ur papers of the anti-White ideology. What it did was say what the quintessence of Whiteness was (hard work, genius, bold spirit) and then crapped all over that quintessence, opining that these were but ruses in a vast hegemonic superstructural system promulgated to ensure that Meshawn, Jose, and Wong Li never could get a decent break. That is, not to put too fine a point on it, Okun served up some hokum.

“But in the past few years, with renewed attention on the racial justice movement, the short article has been used as a weapon within progressive organizations and by the right. As organizational infighting continues, many have used the article as a way to claim that basic elements of organizational life — editing, performance reviews, deadlines, urgency, the written word, perfectionism, etc. — are actually all characteristics of white supremacy culture. The bullet points list some of the characteristics of white supremacy culture, including things like perfectionism, a sense of urgency, defensiveness, worship of the written word, individualism, and objectivity.”

Back in 2011 a lonely nobody odd ball/weirdo midwife named Robin DiAngelo, armed with a nonsensical PhD in “multicultural studies” from a Washington University (similar to what you pull out of the bottom of a crackerjack box), was muttering in the corner about “white fragility.” Her employment prospects were similar to someone with a major in underwater basket weaving and a minor in life sized unicorns; then in 2014 the hands up don’t shoot fairy tale took the country by storm and a middling amount of attention was given to her preposterous theory. Then in 2020 Yahweh parted the waters for her by having a hardened black criminal go up in smoke due to sticking fentanyl up his rectum, and soon her book was selling in the millions, she was yucking it up with Jimmy Fallon, and the Joints Chief Of Staff mandated that all soldiers read the book or it was to the gulag for them and specified that their tents would be downwind from the latrine.

“In the late 2000s, the paper began to be circulated widely in progressive spaces. After George Floyd’s murder, it was everywhere, and it started to morph into something different, often wielded by employees during performance reviews, or when pressed about a deadline, or it was otherwise weaponized in the internal battles that continue to engulf institutions.”

Like DiAngelo this Okun cretin hit the big time with the demise of that banana wielding junkie. Truly, his richly deserved death was when she hit the jackpot and after pulling the handle all the signs were coming up cherries. Okun had written an obscure paper in which she listed the traits of White people, all of them very positive but cast as evil. It’s a slender reed indeed to hang your tiny hat on but in today’s wicked world it skyrocketed her to rock star like fame in our academic dens of iniquity where they sob continually about inequity.

“This article is meant to distinguish the different stages that white people go through as we develop awareness of our relationship to racism. In this stage we think of ourselves as the racial norm in fact we don’t really see ourselves as white because we are the norm and therefore don’t need to be racially described. We have little or no consciousness about our white privilege or other advantages we receive as result of simply being white, we passively absorb subtle messages from the media from books from movies from political and religious leaders and from many adults that white people are generally good and they’re like us and were like them.”

This paper was in the years following its piddling release all but good and buried and was receiving the utter oblivion that it so richly deserved. Indeed by 2010 outside of a small but determined coterie of White Genocide activists no one other than her mother could even recall it and to be truthful even her mother was a bit foggy on the subject. Then George Floyd got what was coming to him and—wham!—she was the belle of the anti-White ball. So don’t give up hope young scholars dedicated to the demise of the White race, you too can be screaming in a rubber room about some newfangled idiocy and one day it some nergo criminal will get gunned down after robbing a store and you will find yourself being courted by Jimmy Fallon. Oprah also will take a keen interest.

“We take in information about racism and discrimination experienced at the same we begin to have an understanding that racism exists and so may feel apologetic towards people of color we may see ourselves as less prejudiced than most other white people which presents an interesting contradiction. We want to be seen as different from and better than the very white group which we don’t acknowledge, We tend to take accusations of racism very personally because we believe that racist thoughts or behaviors require intent.”

The “we” here is not the “royal we” but the “fellow White we” that Jews love so much. They pose as Whites and decry their White privilege and then skedaddle so when the arrows come in they are far away rubbing their greasy hands together in glee that anyone should be so stupid to fall for it. In addition to being a liar Tema Okun is another anti-racism guru who explains in her article From White Racist to White Anti-Racist that there are nine stages White people have to go through to achieve true anti-racism, and that none ever becomes completely non-racist. This is of course smoke and mirrors and a dog and pony show. It’s the bait but here’s the switch: Okun is a Jew who said “I am a Jew. I am a religious Jew. I’ve been a Jew all m life although I was not raised in a Jewish education. In my late 40s I began to study and read and joined a synagogue, I stared a Talmud study group.” Pretending to be a guilty White racist is the motte; actually being a duplicitous Jew is the bailey. But then sophistry and deception is the Jewish bailiwick.

“This is a list of characteristics of white supremacy culture that show up in our organizations. White Culture is powerful precisely because it is so present and at the same time so very difficult to name or identify. The characteristics listed below are damaging because they are used as norms and standards without being proactively named or chosen by the group. They are damaging because they promote white supremacy thinking. Because we all live in a white supremacy culture. Some of these White Supremacist attributed are: perfectionism, a sense of urgency, wanting measurable goals, values writing skills, thinks there is one right way to do things, engages in linear and logical thinking.”

This was the foul nest of her far reaching fame; she made a list of what White people were like and most normal people were like: hey, that’s great, it sounds like paradise. Rising early, early to bed, hard work, vigilance, temperance, circumspection, politeness, honesty: what’s not to like? Well, they hate it. They go on to make vast and copious lists of all the great things about being White and then turn on a dime and say it’s evil. Okun’s paper was the progenitor of all the madness, the Smithsonian cribbed from her when they put out the list of “Whiteness” characteristics they said were sinister (long time preferences etc), and then had to take it down due to backlash. Yes, sir, Okun’s paper is the paper that launched a thousand lunatic articles about bad whites and their horrible conscientiousness.

“White dominant culture has such deep levels of denial and is behind disconnection from ourselves and other people. White supremacy is a project of psychic conditioning and toxic belonging. White supremacy is a project of colonization - a project of appropriating a place or domain for one's use. White supremacy colonizes our minds, our bodies, our psyches, our spirits, our emotions as well as the land and the water and the sky and the air we breathe. White supremacy tells us who has value, who doesn't, what has value, what doesn't in ways that reinforce a racial hierarchy of power and control that dis-eases and destroys all it touches. We are decolonizing ourselves - our minds, our bodies, our psyches, our spirits, our emotions, our work, our homes, and the land, water, sky, and air.”

If they really want to decolonize themselves, if they really want to racially purify themselves, if they want to be rid of the contagion of Whiteness, if they really want to put on the hazmat suits to protect themselves of the virus of Whiteness then they really should go all the way and whole hog and get the hell out of our countries. No sane man in his right White mind would shed a tear if the door should happen to hit them on their way out.

“White supremacy culture is the widespread ideology baked into the beliefs, values, norms, and standards of our groups, our communities, our towns, our states, our nation, teaching us both overtly and covertly that whiteness holds value, whiteness is value. It teaches us that Blackness is not only valueless but also dangerous and threatening. It teaches us that Indigenous people and communities no longer exist even as we violate treaties, land rights, and humanity. It teaches us that people south of the border are illegal. It teaches us that Arabs are Muslim and that Muslim is terrorist. It teaches us that people of Chinese and Japanese descent are both indistinguishable and threatening as the reason for Covid. It pits other races and racial groups against each other while always defining them as inferior to the white group."

Actually it does teach us all that (except the garbage about treaties and land rights) but it has not taught than in public in a widespread way in a lot more than a month of Sundays. Blacks are valueless, wetbacks illegal, a Muslim is always about to blow off his johnson by that bomb in his underwear, the Indians are drunkards, and the gooks? Well, they are supposed to be the model minority, but before we let them take over any more we should force them to model their brand of drone like robotics some place else. The fact is that once White Supremacy did a lot more than stalk the land; it ruled the land, and it inculcated in every White person the racial necessity to be jealous of their liberties, to be tenacious in the protection of their rights, to be vicious in the protection of their race; but this learning has gone out of style and the likes of Tema Okun’s hokum is the thing that rules the roost nowadays.

“We are all swimming in the waters of white supremacy culture. Because white supremacy culture is the water we swim in, we inevitably internalize the messages about what this culture believes, values, and considers normal. We absorb these messages as individuals and as a collective. As a result, white supremacy culture shapes how we think and act, how we make decisions and behave. As a result, white supremacy culture reminds us over and over again, sometimes out loud, sometimes in a whisper, that white is right and that there is a right kind of white.”

White is right, every White man in his right White mind knows it. But the fallout from this paper, and others like it, is mendacious and pervasive. Old Ben Franklin said early to bed and early to rise etc. But then he was one of those old White guys who they target. And across the nation you see the jettisoning of standardized tests, you see schools where no one can read, and a quadratic equation might as well be an undeciphered Rosetta Stone. You see excellence pilloried from pillar to post, and you see greatness laid low. You see what makes the White race great demeaned and attacked. All of this is in keeping with the Protocols essential message to hollow out the White world until like a termite ridden house it falls of its own accord. Which is why when out of the glare in their secret alcoves where the blood rituals occur and the life spirit of the Whites is drained and the High Priest or or the Rabbi ascends they all repeat after him: Tema Okun, Tema Okun—kill the White man, kill the White man, kill the White man.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Tema Okun

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue May 30, 2023 4:21 pm

What Mr. Mercer appears to be describing here, this anti-White blather penned by a Jew, may be found here. https://www.dismantlingracism.org/uploa ... ulture.pdf

Mr. Mercer may have been citing other sources, but what is written here does seem to be at the crux of the matter. In any event, this is some sick scheiss.
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Douglas Mercer
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Re: Tema Okun

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:20 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Tema Okun

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:20 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Tema Okun

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:20 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Tema Okun

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:21 pm


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