Black Bishop

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Douglas Mercer
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Black Bishop

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed May 17, 2023 2:39 pm

Douglas Mercer
May 17 2023

Did you know that the Bishop of Hippo was a monkey? Did you know that the most famous theologian in history was a big lipped ape? If not perhaps it’s because you luckily have not been soaked and marinated in anti-racist literature and propaganda. But it’s the newest big thing among them, they take every White man in history and make him “black like them,” the Kings and the Queens and Vikings and the British Aristocrats, and the composers—did you know Beethoven was black? Every one they colonize as colored. Since they’ve already turned no less a person that Jesus Of Nazareth into a bicycle kicking Mexican border crosser (the son of God is not illegal!) it’s now high time they start on the icons of the church. And that’s about the long and the short of the story how against all common sense the Bishop Of Hippo became a monkey. To Carthage then he came? Nah, he went all the way in to the ghetto and became a kinky haired hooligan.

“St. Augustine was an African man. For many years, I didn’t appreciate the magnitude of this because his African identity was usually muted in favor of describing him as a North African citizen of the Roman Empire with a distinct emphasis on North and Empire. Consequently, emphasizing that St. Augustine was North African allows him, especially in the United States, to be racially coded as white.”

Here’s how you know he wasn’t black irrespective of this tomfoolery. Despite his poor ideology Augustine could write like a dream; and perhaps in the long centuries from Tacitus to Dante he was one of the world’s most formidable minds. That he chose to employ it in the service to an illusion is regrettable; but no black man (ever) has put forth the literature that he did. They just like it that they can attach the word “African” to him; that and a brand new portrait making him look like a cross between Uncle Remus and Desmond Tutu clinches and cinches their case (they think as they hope no one thinks about it too hard). But really the way the blacks scour the past to find even the most remote foothold on a personality or time period is really sad. Indeed, given the paucity of their achievements 28 days for black history is precisely 28 days too many.

“Villanova University, one of two Augustinian higher education institutions in the United States, seeks to shift the narrative around St. Augustine through its ongoing commitment to become an anti-racist institution. An initiative that promises to be hugely consequential for Villanova came to fruition on November 3, 2022, when the university’s president, Augustinian Father Peter Donohue, unveiled a newly commissioned portrait of St. Augustine. Now part of the university’s permanent art collection, An Unlikely Aquilegia: North African Saint of Hippo was created by Texas-based artist, Vernon Adams.”

This Vernon Adams is a black man (naturally) and a mediocre artist at best (even more naturally). From a cursory glance at his record it seems he is a self branded “visionary” who paints black people on a very lucrative basis. Artists such as he have totally hit the jackpot. In ordinary times their meager talent would have put them in bread lines or on government rolls, or in warehouse on the wrong side of the tracks, but in the post Floyd era they are insanely in demand. The America of today seems to have great need of putting up black statues to replace the White one that have come down, so they do the one of the slave, or of Emmett Till’s mother, or of somebody with a fist in the air, or just a comb for an afro, or a big turd that looks like genitalia to represent Martin Rapist King; and the painter gets to paint the Gay Mulatto and his hulking “wife”, or Nat Turner slaughtering White babies; and now a supposedly Catholic university has defiled itself with a Adams painting of Augustine that looks like what a rhesus monkey would have looked like had he been a mitered holy man.

“This painting invites a new conversation around St. Augustine. In the context of long-standing and lingering consequences of slavery and colonialism, this artwork invites us all into conversation around what it means for the Catholic Church to have an African man as one of its greatest writers and thinkers.”

They really push the envelope on the straining of credulity don’t they? Just because you are born in a stable doesn’t mean you are horse, and just because you were born in Africa doesn’t make you a black man—but the sub-Saharans want everyone to close their eyes real tight, and self lobotomize and begin to think that Augustine was not just a hitta and not just a drilla but was a hit and a drilla. He was the silverback intellectual, shucked and jived and shuffled, abandoned his kids, ate collared greens, watermelon and chicken, went on frequent crime sprees, and ruined the property values of anywhere he went. Yes, the Bishop was blacker than your hat and as black as sin itslef, and had a submental IQ, wasn’t too good at readin’ and writin’, said aks instead of ask, had low impulse control, had a rap sheet longer than his arm, and when asked how many angels can dance on the head of a pin scratched his fuzzy wuzzy head and said “dang, this philosophizin’ be hard.”

“Depicting St. Augustine as a Black man actively decenters whiteness and demands that we all recognize what it means for the church, the academy, and the world to acknowledge the depth and breadth of the intellectual and cultural gifts Africa has given the world. Centuries of slavery and colonialism not only robbed the African continent of so many of its treasures, but also robbed Africa of credit for those treasures. By racially coding St. Augustine as white, he became one of those treasures for which Africa was not given due credit. This painting compels us to think of St. Augustine as an African man and render to Africa that which is Africa’s.”

The cultural gifts that Africa has given to the world? And what prey tell are those? Outside of silverbacks on the silver screen (Wakanda, etc.) what would they exactly be? Crime? Rape? Mayhem? Ruining neighborhoods ? Bitches and hos rap? Black face? Golliwogs? The lawn jockey? The noose? Rat infested ghettos? It certainly isn’t high art or nuclear physics or cold fusion, that’s for sure. And listen, no White man should be in any all fired hurry to claim Augustine as one of our own. He put forth a tragically influential theology based on tortured sin and guilt, and as such waylaid us and deflected us from our path. He chucked the Roman outlook to become a tormented soul, giving up a noble world view for a mess of nothing. But still to see the negros cast about for historical scraps in every sphere to prop up their self esteem would be downright amusing if it weren’t so much believed—and as such so insidious.

“Perhaps the most moving response came from Augustinian Father John Abubakar—a visiting professor at Villanova. Father Abubakar, who is originally from Nigeria and the former Provincial of the Augustinian Province of Nigeria, visited my office to see the painting up close. Almost immediately after I removed the cover he said, His nose is like mine. He is African.”

He’s got your lips too sir, and the nappy hair; so colossal is the distortion that one says what is Augustine to this image or this image to Augustine? Nothing at all. But now they have the brown Jesus, the black and the queer Jesus, now that they ransack our history and poach our heroes, and appropriate our culture and claim it it as their own (the White man stole it you see and covered up the theft). Now they laughably have a black Cleopatra (though Marc Antony never shacked up with a darkie), they have a black Emperor Severus, they have a whole horde of blacks running around Roman England. And now they have the Bishop of Hippo as an orangutan. This all of course is the real black face, the defacing of our people for nefarious purposes, ever since they darkened our door and blackened our good name.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Black Bishop

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu May 18, 2023 4:54 am

Holy Congoid, Batman. All it takes is a Negro with a brush and some paints to turn a White man black. ... e-matters/
A colored fantasy
A colored fantasy
'Saint' Augustine.png (1.24 MiB) Viewed 308 times
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Black Bishop

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu May 18, 2023 5:09 am

Let's compare the two queens: one being an ancient rendition sculpted, the other is a product of Jewish Hollyweird and Congoid 'experts' in the employ of Jews as noted here at this Jewish propaganda source: ... ntroversy/
Was she this?
Was she this?
Cleo the Cracka.png (83.5 KiB) Viewed 303 times
Or was she that?
Or was she that?
Cleo for real for real.png (815.05 KiB) Viewed 303 times
Jews: always seeking to confuse and change history, especially if it's anti-White.
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Douglas Mercer
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Re: Black Bishop

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:54 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4538
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Black Bishop

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:55 am


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