Math Be Hard

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Douglas Mercer
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Math Be Hard

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed May 10, 2023 11:56 pm

Douglas Mercer
May 10 2023

Mafs be hard! Mafs be racist! Mafs be objective! You don’t need to be a genius (but who knows—maybe it helps) to put two and two together: Jews are pushing an all out assault on the truth, and they and their insidious and sinister ideology are burrowing into the schools. At the top of the list is math, because what better way to preach an amorphous and formless subjectivity where the coloreds speak “their” truth than in the Queen Of the Disciplines? That Newton guy was not so hot, why, back then they had a pot bellied medicine man deep in the Amazon who did spirit trance and was able to count all the way to twenty (after that he had no more fingers and toes so he had to stop). To say that is worthless is just an outdated colonial way of thinking, and valorizes actually getting things done. To hell with that they say, it’s time the kids give up the old ghost of accuracy and precision, and get some canoe paddling done. Sure this promiscuous promulgation of blind ignorance will send everything to hell in a handbasket, but then that’s been the Jew plan all along.

“Two plus two no longer equals four, according to members of the Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA), who consider the equation to be a white-supremacist dog whistle instead of a basic mathematical truth. According to a webinar created by OMCA president Jason To, proponents of math’s political neutrality who use the phrasing 2 + 2 = 4 are engaged in an act of Covert White Supremacy.

Really, at this point what’ not a White Supremacist dog whistle? Certainly anything which fosters an orderly and prosperous society. Being able to sit still, hard work, long time preferences, the ability to wait, getting up early, conscientiousness, honesty, a two parent family, being polite, being on time, being clean, speaking clearly and coherently and grammatically; and of course they are right, these are all niche traits, and acquired tastes born in a small corner of the world: Northern Europe. And the coloreds have no intention and no ability to acquire them, they are morally incontinent and have the attention span of gnats. But the most White Supremacist of all was that fateful injunction: dare to know! Daring to the know the truth is looked at sideways and askance by people who can’t bear to know the truth, especially the truth about them, which is why they all have their own truth. After all if you have two beers and add two more beers what do you get? One drunk negro of course.

“In 2005, the Ontario Liberal government of Premier Dalton McGuinty decided to overhaul provincial math instruction. The new curriculum, known as Discovery Math departed from basic arithmetic learned through repetition, instead encouraging students to invent their own ways of solving math problems. The new curriculum was prefaced with a disclaimer that math has been used to normalize racism and marginalization of non-Eurocentric mathematical knowledges, and a decolonial, anti-racist approach to mathematics education makes visible its historical roots and social constructions. Embedded throughout the proposal were references to anti-racist and anti-oppressive teaching and learning opportunities as well as the colonial contexts of present-day mathematics education.”

Discovery math is that oddest of things: touchy feelie math. Math of course is knows for its imperially glacial and cold impersonality, it is no respecter of mere persons. It exists in its own and timeless sphere and is a notoriously harsh taskmaster. The binary right vs. wrong is more than the coloreds can handle, they claim that the White man used his math (and his science) to cow the blacks in to submission. But instead of contemplating that it might be they who have the problem, they assume as always that it’s the math. They had their voodoo and their head shrinkers and their medicine man and then Whitey comes along and calls that superstition. And they can look at the test scores as well as anyone else, Barquevious can only scratch his nappy head when confronted with the numbers, you have to add them up but that takes work. It’s a lot easier to impugn math itself, to say that it’s just a kind of magic which pulverizes the self esteem of the yellow eyed students. Mafs be hard and mafs be racist. So let it not be a discipline but a free for all where one answer is as good as the next. Blackie flashes a wide toothy grin at that idea.

“A presentation, released in September of last year, features a pyramid of White Supremacy in Math Education. The base includes nebulous examples of what To calls covert white supremacy. The covert forms of white supremacy plaguing mathematical education include Eurocentric math curriculum, Standardized testing, and exhortations such as Just stick to math, I don’t see color in my math class, and Of course math is neutral because 2+2=4.”

Just stick to the math? Hell no they say: just stick it to Whitey. Our insistence on ineluctable truth is what maddens them the most. Which is why all across America the most selective colleges (and all the others as well) are abandoning standardizing testing. After all there in the cold hard glare of the print (black and white again) are the scores which show up their ineptitude. And just as they excuse the criminal by legalizing crime so to they will get rid of disparities in testing outcomes by abolishing the tests. Tests be racist! Answers be racist! Right and wrong is racist! After all we’ve poured trillions of dollars in cash transfers to the blacks, we’ve overhauled our educational system for them, we’ve trained our teachers to be anti-racist, we’ve let the black kids rub elbows in classrooms with our White kids and when it comes to sound knowledge they still cant’ tell shit from shinola or distinguish their ass from a hole in the ground—and that’s with a three day head start. So if nothing can be done just grade “holistically” a word which is Yiddish for blackie gets a break.

“Former OMCA president Heather Theijsmeijer’s social-media history conveys a deep support for OMCA’s view of mathematics as a potentially malign force. In one tweet, Theijsmeijer pointed her followers to commentary by Laurie Rubel, an associate professor of mathematics education, explaining that proponents of 2 + 2 = 4 are grounded in white, Western mathematics that marginalizes other possible values.”

You know it’s funny but one area where the blacks become good with numbers is when it comes to the reparations. Of course they are not really good, how hard is it to say millions, billions, and trillions. Every time you turn on a screen you see some negro in a dashiki and kente cloth colored hat taking about the rep-a-mar-ations---to get his money he won’t get no edu-ma-cation but reparations, this is a sweet deal. It’s a lot more than he can count up on his fingers and toes—counting is hard! Counting is racist!—but Gavin-Ma-Newsom taught him the word trillions. And it’s true you see the negros traipse one by one to the podium at the task force on giving away the store to the blacks, and they all say: we owed money---lot’s more—millions to all of us. Redlining and all that. Emmett Till. Of course California is billions in debt but that won’t stop blacks getting blood from the turnip---who cares if it doesn’t add up. Adding is not only hard—it’s racist.

That’s certainly what they are saying in Canada.

“Rubel argued that supporters of math’s political neutrality were oblivious to a deeper point: It’s about truth: who holds the truth, who decides what is true, and how open we are as a society to multiple truths. Although Rubel acknowledged the equation literally equals four, the statement is used as a kind of basic truth & way to ridicule many critiques of mathematics as white and as western and as exclusionary.”

Thanks for the bone she tosses us—of course it’s true---but though truth is true it’s also racist and excludes a lot of other things that—though they are not true---they make the coloreds fell good, and the colored feeling good is the raison d’etre of our current society. You see truth is anathema to them because it’s not inclusive, it excludes all the things that are not true—and those are the things which make the coloreds feel good. So if Laqueesha says two plus two is five—they don’t want the black always scandalously high self esteem to take a hit so they’ll pat her on the weave and say yes five, that’s right. This is what is known in their literature as “marginalized knowledges” and in case you have not pored over their mind numbing and turgid tomes marginalized knowledges are not knowledge at all, but things some snake charming shaman in the Amazon who dipped into the ayahuasca said in a trance state, something about how the constituent parts of the universe are really green turtles. Of course he has leeches clinging to his legs and one of his eyes is cloudy and wonky but that won’t stop them from ooohing and ahhing over him and proudly saying: Sir Isaac Who?

“The group, according to its website, aims to bring together a network of radical educators who are transforming classrooms across the world. HRP’s goals include ending dehumanizing practices such as grading and radically reducing homework. Members of the group strive to entrench social justice as a cornerstone to educational success while demanding anti-racist, inclusive spaces and adopting critical pedagogy.”

This is like Montessori schools for negros and Montessori schools for negros won’t work. Not for them the devil may care free spiritedness of the proto hippies, nothing will really work for them by if anything will even a little it’s an iron discipline, rigorous supervision, and unrelenting punishment to curb his outlandish aggression. Giving the black child free reign is a mistake, if he is free to do as he pleases he’ll soon be thieving, macking on the White girls in class, or planning crimes with his friends, but you can be sure learning is not on the cards. But they say that grading and testing dehumanizes the black the black child (which of course assumes he is human to begin with) because when he sees the big fat f’s over and over he might get a little down in the mouth. And nothing breaks their hearts more than a little negro who is down in mouth, he’s black and he should be proud—no matter if he doesn’t know anything, he’ll just walk into reparations anyway so why should he buckles down?

“A similar sentiment was expressed by To, whose position as Toronto’s coordinator of secondary mathematics makes him one of the most influential educational figures in Canada shaping math instruction. The impulse behind antiracist math, To explained, is to lift the veil of objectivity surrounding the subject. Now we can start interrogating some of the dangers of how mathematics has been practiced and how it’s used.”

So they are going to lift the veil of objectivity are they? Good luck with that. Of course nothing succeeds like objectivity, accuracy, and precision. In fact it’s the only thing that ever can. When you lift the veil of objectivity don’t expect rainbow rose petals to fly out; instead you will find rotting maggots, malarial swamps, you will find plans going down, surgeries botched, trains derailed, roads cracking, and bridges collapsing. You get rid of math, you get rid of science, it will take less than no time for the South Africanization of America, when the power is always out, and the blacks loot, rape, and riot, and burn tires in the night to keep the lights on.

“Indigenous Knowledge Systems, an educational movement to incorporate Native practices into public schooling, has become another trendy topic among proponents of this new radical approach to education. Numerous OMCA social-media posts in recent months have highlighted the group’s embrace of such programming, including a ritzy getaway to the Hockley Valley Resort, where members can pay up to $300 per night to learn about Indigenous Knowledge System. A British Columbia teaching resource on the subject instructs kindergarten teachers to build the skill of estimating reasonably by using Indigenous measuring techniques in daily life (e.g. seaweed drying and baling). Middle-schoolers are asked to practice two-step equations featuring integers and constants by using spirit canoe journey calculations.”

It is of course difficult to take this serious until you realize that it is deadly serious which is as serious as you can get. To say the cucks in Canada are going to kill the golden goose is to say the least of it. They are going to poison the seed corn so the regenerative native intelligence that is supposed to keep us afloat and propel us forward will be bogged down in a dysgenic and dystopian nightmare. The say that much less than half of Canadian sixth graders can meet math standards; but that troubles them not, indeed it cheers them on as this mental destruction is their unstated but obvious goal. In the face of such abysmal failure they continue to send out these anti-racist messages, that math is fascist, that rarefied knowledge is colonial domination. So don’t be surprised when that promised trip to the stars becomes a canoe ride through mucked up and filthy waters; if you impugn knowledge all you’ll get is idiocy and ignorance; when the time comes if anyone points this out and says you do the math on that there will be no one left who can.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Math Be Hard

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu May 11, 2023 9:04 am

If truth-seeking and upward striving math is "White supremacy," then the 'touchy-feely' math must be it's opposite --- a totally useless thing that practices a race to the bottom morally and dead ends with nihilism. How Semitic.
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Douglas Mercer
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Re: Math Be Hard

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:58 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Math Be Hard

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:58 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Math Be Hard

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:59 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Math Be Hard

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:59 am


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