Counseling While White

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4458
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Counseling While White

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 08, 2023 4:22 am

Douglas Mercer
April 4 2023

Suffice it to say that in the educational ecosystem the school counselors are not the heaviest hitters, not that the teachers are anything to write home to mother about. From my recollection the lady counselors sat around all day doing their nails, and the men read the sports page, and occasionally they'd bring you in and give you mostly useless pointers on your life. So it makes sense the anti-racist big wigs would target them as they seem to have an inordinate amount of time on their hands. And they don't want a White lady telling a Mexican kid who steals hub caps that maybe he should focus on shop, or the White man to tell the negro who is failing everything that bagging groceries is not a shameful line of work.

California was launched on its irreversible vertiginous nosedive in to being a mixed-race pest hole after the 1994 Save Our State initiative was declared unconstitutional by a Jewish judge. The initiative put forth the should have been anodyne notion that illegal immigrants in the state could not avail themselves of any services, including public schools. But it really was not so innocent at all and packed a tremendous punch, as where are Maria and Juan going to park the brown kids when she goes off to clean toilets in a mid-level hotel and he drives around illegally cutting lawns. From the reception of the bill you would have thought its promoters had urinated openly on that plaque of the poem by that Jewess in the Statue of Liberty and the Jews pulled out all the stops to stop it. And stop it they did.

Now anti-racism is the reigning governmental principle in California, the illegals get schooling, they get drivers licenses, they get free health care, they have no fear of being deported. In fact for all intents and purposes they should remove that bear from the state flag and replace it with a little Mexican kid doing a bicycle kick. And nowhere has this anti-racist mania taken more root than in the state's high schools. These schools used to be the wonder of the world, now they are hothouses for White Genocide.


In order to get to the kids they have to get into the faculty lounge, they have to get those teachers and counselors over on the side of "right thinking" when it comes to the issue of race and the odious nature of White people. Not that it's that hard, teachers from the start are notoriously leftist and anti-White and the graduate education programs are steeped in anti-Whiteness. But just in case one or two of them wandered off the reservation in the face of seeing black and brown kids fail utterly and cause bodily harm and violence they figure a refresher is in order. And anyway, when it comes to killing off the White race they are not above a little repetition.

"The California Association for School Counselors’ (CASC) Social Justice, Equity and Anti-Racism Committee is putting on an 8-week affinity group explicitly offered for white school counselors to explore their privilege. The weekly group will serve as a facilitated group for the counselors to examine their racial identity and increase their anti-racist work at school."

The flyer for this execration bills itself as a facilitated collective space for White counselors. What ts is is a glorified twelve step meeting at which the zombies will say at the beginning: hello. My name is Mud. I have a problem. I'm White. And notice the use of the word "their" in their anti-racist work. The assumption is that every White person has such work, it belongs to them, it is their property, and this collective space will help them explore, expand, and use it. No contrary opinions will be permitted (who wants to be the lone racist in the crowd or the skunk at the garden party?), and they might as well be glugging Kool Aid, for the whole thing will reek of the cult and the dutiful brainwashed will leave knowing exactly what is expected of them and what buzzwords and bromides to use incessantly. And if they every question it they can look at the name tag they were provided that had Mud written on it.

"This school counselors organization should be focusing on getting kids back on track emotionally and academically—not teaching their counselors divisive race ideology, Alex Nester, investigative research fellow for Parents Defending Education (PDE), a parental rights organization said. The term affinity group is just a nice-sounding way to say that you are separating people by race, which is immoral and unconstitutional."

The constitution of all things? What naive faith he has. Remember the Save Our State was deep sixed on a constitutional basis as well, so a fat lot of good that old warhorse has done us; the writer of this is probably one of those dim witted if well-meaning conservatives who at the drop of a tiny hat will be the first to scramble all over everyone to make sure it is known that he is not racist. And for the record there is nothing wrong separating people by race, every move in that direction by the left we should applaud vigorously. But this is not that. There is no separate affinity group for blacks or browns to teach the black and the brown that they are evil, no; it's just the White counselors who are targeted to become witting accomplices in the destruction of their people.

"White school counselors within the state of California are encouraged to attend an online information session on March 30 2023 to discuss the overview of the affinity group and the curriculum, according to a registration form for the event. The affinity group is led by Emily Alvarez, a counselor at Tustin Unified School District and a member of the association’s outreach and engagement committee."

So we have a Mexican lady lecturing White people about how evil White people are. This is akin to those Indian ladies charging a hefty fee for upper class White insect women to host a dinner in which they come clean on their racism, among many tears and heart rending gnashing of teeth. At this event at the door the counselors will empty the contents of their invisible knapsack (the items will be confiscated as contraband and will not be returned), their White privilege will be abjured, White pride will be pilloried, systemic racism will be dismantled, equity will be extolled, anything and everything will be decolonized, and the White counselors will be told to be super solicitous to the browns and the blacks and stinting with the Whites. That being the Jewish working definition of Social Justice.

"The association’s Social Justice, Equity and Anti-Racism Committee works with the CASC’s board of directors to ensure that the association is all-inclusive, equity-minded and anti-racist to serve the diverse student population of California, according to the association website. The committee provides professional development courses for school counselors in the state so they can increase their anti-racist skills."

California is now 40 percent White but in the little grades the number is under 25 percent. These are astonishing numbers from which no good can come. In the end there will be an upper crust of traitorous Whites, Jews, Asians, and Indians living in closed compounds spewing lies from Hollwood and Silicon Valley and these final hives of safety will be surrounded by Greater Mexico. You can see why they mandated that Ethnic Studies class in the once golden state and you can see why they are proselyting and propagandizing the school counselors so they are initiated in the cult of anti-racism. For what used to be a Utopia is now a Dystopia, and the schools want to be in the vanguard of wiping the memories of the storied White past from the face of the earth forever.


It seems that California is was not the first to hop on the let's get the counselors to hate on Whitey bandwagon. Some peaches in the Peach State got there first and with a vengeance.

"In 2022, a Georgia State University professor and an Atlanta Public School teacher hosted a White School Counselors Virtual Summer Affinity Group to teach about anti-racist practices. The training used an Anti-Racism Every Day White Folks Workbook adapted for school counselors to help participants unlearn their white supremacy."

So folksy! White folks---here's the beginning of this handbook, and you can be sure their intent is nothing so congenial:

"Many White folks are trying to figure out how to make a practice of anti-racism. Many people are reading, studying, posting, donating, and protesting trying to do the right thing. In speaking with White folks who are early in their anti-racist identity development......."

They are just taking baby steps! So much to learn! Siting the foot of the wise black and brown masters (the Jew ringleader fades into the background) they begin their earnest journey on the road to supplication and obsequiousness. It will be hard for them, there will be many tears and false starts, but so long as they never lose sight of the fact that they are racist and that being a racist is the worst thing in the world there is always hope. The blacks and the browns (and the Jewish ringleader fading in to the background) will be patronizing and condescending but will remind them that the anti-racist journey is a long and hard one (no corner cutting for you Whitey!), and always consists of two step forwards and one step backwards, but sacrificing the honor of your ancestors on the altar of a fallacious figment and fad is totally worth it.

"The Social Justice, Equity and Anti-Racism Committee makes recommendations to the CASC Board of Directors and works at having an Association that is balanced, all-inclusive, equity-minded, and anti-racist, with an overall goal of addressing the needs of California’s diverse student population. The committee is composed of diverse representatives of CASC."

It is important to remember that words such as inclusive and equity (like diversity and justice) have become terms of art. That is the normal denotations and connotations of these word have long since gone by the board and have been rendered obsolete. They now have specific, narrow and niche meanings, understood only by the initiated, so much have the new meanings been divorced from the everyday meanings of the words. A good rule of thumb is that each of these words means, more or less, kill the White man. We need to train White people that every time they hear the word privilege they hear kill the White man, and every time they hear word anti-racism they hear kill the White man.

The California counselors have the anti-racist bullet points down pat:

Increase diversity in CASC's membership and leadership by making recommendations on recruitment, retention, and outreach efforts.

Increase all members’ awareness of racism, equity and diversity issues that impact historically underserved educators and students.

Provide recommendations on relevant professional learning and resources for CASC's leaders and members that focuses on building capacity in anti-racist, socially just, and equal ways

Apparently there has been a rash of this in the schools which is understandable. Outside of media and finance (and probably even more important) is the education of the young. In fact if you can control the education of a country for fifty years of so you can get people to believe in anything. Which of course is why so many of us are heading to the hills and homeschooling our children.

"The proposed affinity group follows other instances of attempted anti-racist training focusing on White privilege in educational contexts, including a 2020 incident involving San Diego-area schools that reportedly offered professional development for teachers to undergo training focused on White privilege and Los Angeles-area schools reportedly training teachers that merit and individualism are rooted in Whiteness."

You best believe they are. Not only that but so are hard work, diligence, vigilance, conscientiousness, inventiveness, thrift, industry, and all the key ingredients to success. The blacks act like saying this is a slur because they avoid a hard day's work like a vampire avoids the light or like the ghetto Jew avoided water. Of course White people have taken the "expressive individualism" far too far and we need to dial that back massively if we want to prevail in the future, differing times having differing needs.

School Counselors are encouraged to:

Uphold CA PPS Standards which include education on the historical, generational, and institutional trauma that has been endured and recognize that BIPOC continue to experience trauma daily.

Examine internal biases, acknowledge blindspots, and challenge themselves to learn from those around them.

Serve as change agents of social justice who are uniquely positioned to address and prevent these inequities experienced by students throughout their formative educational journey

Remain informed and engaged in issues of injustice, racism, oppression and violations of human rights by stepping into the discomfort of this conversation

Provide tiered mental health supports for Black students disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and systemic racism

Advocate for change in policies, practices, and procedures that have historically marginalized and oppressed groups resulting in injustice, bias, institutional racism, and achievement and discipline gaps

Support families and staff by providing them with tools to integrate topics of race, diversity, equity and social justice into their everyday practice

Provide a data-driven, comprehensive developmental school counseling program that addresses race, White privilege, anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion.

They have a battle plan alright. And why not? The future is theirs if we don't quash this trash quickly. But meanwhile California is gearing up for the final onslaught. Back in 2016 Jerry Brown signed a White Cleansing bill which required every High School student in California to take what they euphemistically called an "Ethnic Studies" class but which in reality was Jewish one world propaganda aimed at the head of every White person in the state.

"California needs more ethnic studies teachers, quickly. Under the new law, passed in 2021, high schools must begin offering ethnic studies courses in the 2025-26 school year, and students in the class of 2030 will be the first ones subject to the graduation requirement. As many high schools expand their course offerings ahead of schedule, universities are grappling with how to best prepare the next generation of teachers."

By the next decade every Californian will be steeped in the theories of Jewish Howard Zinn, they will have learned that the Wagon Trains and the overland treks were evil, that the 49ers were evil, that the Chinese Exclusion Act was evil, that the Mexican War was evil, the Missions were evil, that prior to the White man's arrival the West Coast of this continent was peopled by innocent and peace loving red men who lived at one with nature in an unspoiled paradise. And for those poor White kids in the 2030s who have to suffer under this educational regime of garbage and degradation those school counselors will be no help at all.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4458
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Counseling While White

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Oct 13, 2023 10:07 pm


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