Breaking The Nordic Spell

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
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Breaking The Nordic Spell

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:00 pm

Douglas Mercer
January 11 2023

When he first drove up the winding roads to see the Redwoods Madison Grant was dismayed to see a long line of logging vehicles passing him the other way carrying the trees out. When he got to the forest he was overawed by it, saying that he was in Nature's Cathedral. Soon he was in the office of the governor of the state of California telling him to use eminent domain to take the Redwoods over--but logging interests dissuaded the governor from doing that. Then Grant met with the President telling him to make it a National Park--but nothing doing. Not deterred in the slightest Grant tapped into his vast network of the wealthy New York elite and soon was buying stand after stand of the forest. When he was done he was back in the governor's office and gave him the deeds ceding it all to the state. And so was born the California Park System.

"Born in 1865 to a wealthy family in New York City, Grant was a lawyer who traveled in elite circles, and was a friend to several presidents, including Teddy Roosevelt. His obituary, published in the New York Times in 1937, describes his larger-than-life persona as a big game enthusiast, an organizer of the American Bison Society, originator of one of the finest park systems in this country, an author of many books and a eugenicist of note.”

His was a time when the America elite was fully on board with this being a White Country, they were serious men after all, and when the White elite was tightly networked and cohesive and pulled together as an interlocking directorate on behalf of the country. Grant was an indefatigable man with his hand in innumerable endeavors and was known to say that no problem big or small could not be solved with the correct letterhead. The country was so safe, sound, and sane then because the people at the top had our back.

"He was also known for co-founding the Save the Redwoods League, which still exists today. Grant also helped to found the Bronx Zoo and is credited as a pioneer of the field of wildlife management."

More than that: Grant has a leading role in saving the following from extinction: elephants of Africa, chinchillas of South America, gorillas of the Congo, ibex of Spain, mountain zebras of South Africa, elephant seals of Mexico, giant sable antelopes of Angola, nyalas of Ethiopia, white rhinos of Sudan, wisents of Poland, and several species of whale.

"Grant made an outstanding contribution to our legacy of wild things. He had the prestige and breadth of experience that gave him entrée to the offices of influential men. His standard of sportsmanship did much to save the big mammals of North America."

He was also instrumental in creating Denali National Park, Olympic National Park, and Glacier National park, and saving the Everglades.

"Gentleman sportsmen such as Grant are the very bone and sinew of wildlife preservation. these are the men who have done the most to put on our statute books the laws that have so far saved our American game from total annihilation."

In a word he was a preservationist of nature; and yet that's not what he's famous for. Not at all. There was one other thing Grant wanted to save: The White race. And for that the ruling elite will never forgive him.


Modern American White Nationalism can be said to have been born on a bison hunt. Grant and his friend Teddy Roosevelt and the other members of the Boone and Crockett Club were what came to be known as aristocratic big game hunters. They were in awe of the beauty of their prey and gave the hunted the respect they deserved. They were appalled by so called market hunters who were only after profits. They thus were instrumental in placing limits on hunting in order to save the big mammals. But they quickly noticed that when the check of human hunting was removed the population of the game proliferated and caused its own problems. Thus was modern wildlife management was born. The idea became that you had to cull the herd for the good of the herd and the good of the ecosystem. A potent idea for sure, and one that it did not take them long to apply to that other great mammal of the North American continent, and the one they cared most about: the White race. And so modern American eugenics was born.

"However, his obsession with preservation did not stop with the environment and wildlife. Grant took his knowledge about nature and conservation and applied it to human beings, said Dr. Rebecca Erbelding, historian at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. To preserve the Nordic race he writes: Man has the choice of two methods of race improvement. He can breed from the best or he can eliminate the worst by segregation or sterilization.”

Eugenics was the common belief of all sections of elite opinion at the time. People were waking up to the new perils posed by the colored world and by the dysgenic effects of massive societal wealth. In giving the High Court imprimatur to forced sterilization a Supreme Court justice could casually comment that three generations of imbeciles were enough. People became deeply committed to the notion of race betterment and believed that such a movement had come just in time.

Grant summarized his thoughts in his immortal and highly influential book The Passing Of The Great Race. In it he said that his generation had seen through the lies of the dogma that all men are created equal. He sounded the alarm that this belief in equality had placed the White race in grave danger; and that it was time that White Society began to regenerate itself before it was too late.

"A continent away, another individual took notice: Adolf Hitler, who owned a German translation of Grant’s book. In Hitler’s Private Library, Dr. Timothy W. Ryback explains the deep impression The Passing of the Great Race left on Hitler: Here Hitler found unbridled racist sentiment to equal anything he could muster, advanced by a man who was a graduate of Yale with a law degree from Columbia and had been assigned by the U.S. government to determine its quotas on foreign immigration. Ryback adds that Hitler’s speeches throughout the 1920s and 1930s have allusions to Grant."

Grant took his idea and used that famous letterhead to spearhead the movement for immigration restriction. The wider public was being alerted to the fact that if the gates did not close the founding stock of heritage Americans would be inundated and so perish. Shuttling between his home in New York and Washington DC Grant was instrumental in getting the 1924 National Origins Act passed.

It was during this time that Grant crossed fatal swords with his nemesis Franz Boas. The Jew Boas was a believer in the equality of man. He dismissed the notion of race, and was alarmed by the notion of White Supremacy. He also set about to transform the discipline of Anthropology from what it had always been and in Grant's opinion should remain (the study of the races of man) in to the study of "cultures" all of which were of course equal. Grant ridiculed this new conception of Anthropology as the "study of pottery shards." The two were soon in an epochal battle of ideas which turned out to be the hinge of fate.

At the time Grant swept everything before him and from the perspective of the time had seemed to triumph over Boas. Eugenic thinking was wildly popular and immigration restriction was the order of the day. But from out perspective it appears that Grant's side had a weakness and we know that (in the short run) it lost. He and the men who promoted the ideas of a regenerated White race were that noblest of things: gentleman scholars. They formed no part of large academic institutions; they had no students; they left no intellectual heirs. But from his "prestigious" perch at Columbia Boas sent out his students/minions all across the country to found and lead Anthropology Departments. It's not hyperbole to say that by the 1950s elite American schools' humanities and social sciences departments were Boasian, ie. Jewish: integrationist and anti-racist. Grant's name on the other hand was mud.

One sees that beginning of this with the fate of his second great book The Conquest Of A Continent (1935) a book about the racial history of America. Whereas nineteen years earlier his first book had met with wide acclaim and wide readership and influence among the elites the reception of this second book was more muted, not least because the Jews managed a none too subtle pressure campaign against it. The tide was clearly turning; nearly a century later it has turned.


As we well know of course Grant moved on from the environment and the charismatic megafauna to the greatest mammal of them all, one he believed was on the verge of extinction: the White Race. As far as his reputation currently stands it proved to be his undoing. But in the end we shall vindicate this martyr.

When the State of California "reexamines its past" you had best watch your back; you can be sure they think they are rummaging around in the closet getting rid of skeletons; but what they are really doing is cutting down the former greatness to their own current size, which is small and scant. When they say they are reexamining the past they mean they are looking into Chinese Exclusion, the LA Chinese Massacre, Operation Wetback, restrictive covenants and the like; when they say the are reexamining the past they don't mean they are looking into how the Save Our State Initiative might have saved the state; no way. When California reexamines its past you had best watch your back or reach for your Browning: because the likes of Madison Grant don't stand a chance.

"Keeping with a nationwide effort to remove monuments that have long honored racist figures, California State Parks officials recently removed a 1948 memorial honoring Madison Grant in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park. The large stone monument was removed during a small ceremony June 15 2021 in an effort to create a more inclusive and equitable park system."

Just so we are clear this is the man who gave birth to this park system and now the mutant and illegitimate offspring are committing parricide. And 1948 is an interesting year for this stone monument to have been placed. After the world "learned" that Hitler had forever discredited racial feeling and racial thinking the reputations of Grant and his protegee Lothrop Stoddard went in to eclipse. Whereas in the 1920s and the 1930s both were stalwarts of the literary and intellectual ruling elite; both had free access to book publishing and magazines and were esteemed and respected writers and public figures. After the war both became persona non grata, falling off the public's radar as if they were now the red headed stepchildren of history. Yet the state of California saw nothing incongruent in honoring the man to whom they owed so much. And so the giant boulder stood for seven plus decades standing as a testimony to the great and unapparelled work of the man.

"While Grant was hailed as one of the leading conservationists of his day as one of three founders of Save the Redwoods League, he was also known for promoting racist, anti-Asian, eugenicist and anti-miscegenation laws."

This of course boggles their very little minds; how could a man such as this (they ask as they furrow their brows) who was so dedicated to preserving the natural world, who had worked tirelessly in promoting such a noble cause, at the same time be a purveyor of unbridled hate and White Supremacy? Of course, there is no contradiction here, the contradiction is simply a hobgoblin of their small intellects. The only race interested in the natural world is the White race; other races are garbage who spew garbage. It was Hitler who was interested in deep ecology, it was the wandervogel who were the hippies of their time in their attempt to return to a non-urban paradise. And the White race, as nature's gold standard, also infinitely deserves to be preserved. For Grant the idea that the two would be in tension would have seemed absurd on its face.

“Grant wrote a book called The Passing of the Great Race that was, at its time, seen as the leading authority on trying to use science to prove that certain people were superior. The book ended up being picked up by Adolf Hitler, who called it his Bible, said Marnin Robbins, spokesperson for California State Parks. The crazy thing is that he was also very much responsible for helping to protect many of the remaining old-growth redwoods that we have left today."

Of course it's not crazy at all you fool; and the fact that they think so shows how blinkered and benighted they are. These parks are the patrimony and priceless heirloom of the White race; if the numbers tip even more as they are slated to do will an even more massively non-White California give a hoot about the parks? Will it cherish and conserve them? Hell no they won't, they'll us them as their personal scratch paper though what they write will be illegible. You can see how the dark-skinned immigrants who come into California bring their filthy habits of littering and polluting. Indeed the Sierra Club for a long time was at least somewhat restrictionist; then a Jew gave the millions and they threw in the towel.

"Over the last several years, Robbins said California State Parks and Save the Redwoods League have discussed how to address problematic historic memorials and outdated interpretive exhibits related to the founders of the Save the Redwoods League found in several state parks in Northern California. In 2020, California State Parks received a letter signed by more than 200 academics calling for the removal of the Grant memorial. The scholars also presented their letter to the Council of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, which passed a resolution of support."

The ever present "interpretive" exhibits" where the nudniks nudge the public into rightthink. You've got to hold the public's hand and tell them that the White man is evil. Contextualize it if you need to, or just remove it, place it in cold storage where it will rust away for eternity, or just melt it down. But out in view of the people you need to say that California is state that welcomes all, that considers everyone equal, maybe that "warm-hearted" message will make people forget they live in a place that is home to hundreds of languages (all of them sounding like a hammer blow to your head), has become a typhus ridden favela, and is erasing everything that occurred before the death of George Floyd. It's what those 200 anti- racist scholars are hoping for as they live in the gilded confines of a still leafy university town.

“The effort was launched, at least in part, due to the killing of George Floyd (last summer) which sparked a whole national conversation about our country’s fraught history with race as well as current issues around racial prejudice, Robbins said. The Reexamining Our Past Initiative was kind of launched to really reassess the names of features and monuments in our Parks’ system and to assess whether they need to be changed in one way or another.”

George Floyd as watershed, no article on the assault against White history and culture is complete without it. The Jews sent out the memo which read "the effort to (insert specific removal of something White here) was born amid the furor over the death of George Floyd caused by White Supremacy." The Jews then say you can tailor it to the specific anti-White needs of the moment but the sentence got passed around and copied and pasted into hundreds if not thousands of articles. In this way everyone knows that the death of George Floyd was the straw that broke the camel's back which was why once they realized what it meant the Jews were rubbing their greasy hands together each time they saw the footage.

"North Coast Redwoods District’s superintendent Victor Bjelajac acknowledged Grant’s conservation efforts but said the district fully rejects his racist ideology and is committed to creating a park system for all people, regardless of race, creed or ethnicity. The Madison Grant Memorial has stood in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park for three-quarters of a century. It is long overdue that we remove it.”

This is what you get when they reexamine the past; it's the infamous coming to terms with the past the liberal insects of America imported from Germany, it's the disgusting truth and reconciliation committees imported from South Africa in which truth is jettisoned and they want no part of reconciliation, as neither should we. This is just reconstruction write large, the purging and severing of the White past until it is at best a rumor and soon will be consigned to oblivion itself.

"Save the Redwoods League publicly acknowledged and disavowed the racist beliefs of the organization’s three founders — Grant, John C. Merriam and Henry Fairfield Osborn--in September 2020. We collaborated with our partners on the new sign in order to help explain why the rock was removed and provide a fuller accounting of Grant’s legacy."

His legacy is of course vast and wide. He is the father of us all. At a time when it seemed to all intents and purposes that the White race was fully in the saddle he honed in on the massive threats which faced it. He first of all lauded the White race for its unparalleled accomplishments; and then said that it had an Achilles heel, it's sense of fairness, its official belief in equality; he incorporated the notion of the Darwinian struggle for survival into his thinking and noted that the world that was being created was not suited to the White race with its innate sense of gentlemanliness and adventure and unlimited frontiers. He said it was an urban world of squalor which suited our enemies, most particularly Jews. And most of all he raised the alarm at a time when many thought it was alarmist; but he turned out to be totally correct which is why his reputation (despite what you read) is growing now and will grow to great proportions in the future: out future. The only one which is worth anything.

“For example, Founder’s Grove was named after the three founders of the Save the Redwoods League and they were all involved in the eugenics movement, not just Grant. At this point in time, we don’t have plans of changing the name of the grove, although it could happen in the future. However, we did install a new interpretive sign to give a more detailed accounting of who these people were."

Who these people were? They were paragons and heroes, a part of the last (so far) generation of unabashed White pride. Who these people were will be long remembered after the liberal larvae do finally remove their names, which they will. But eventually their destructive spirit will be removed in turn.


In the debates surrounding the 1924 National Origins Act Franz Boas had a keen interest and played a large role behind the scenes in opposing it. But it was another Jew named Emmanul Celler who was the one who thundered (as much a puny Jew could thunder) against the bill on the house floor. He called Grant's signature idea (Nordicism) a myth. And he said the Nordic spell needed to be breaking. Because of course all men were equal as the rot went.

"The large stone monument was removed by an excavator during a small ceremony on June 15 2021, attended by California State Parks and National Park Service leaders, history scholars, and representatives of the Yurok Tribe and Save the Redwoods League. The ceremony focused on both acknowledging the past while creating a more inclusive and equitable park system for the future."

And so it went. Another monument to the great race. Removed and smashed for all we know. And watched over by vermin professors, gutless bureaucrats, and Indians. Watching such a sad and sordid spectacle one could be forgiven for thinking the great race was passing.

“California State Parks and our partners recognize the dark truth behind some of the 20th century’s most prominent conservationists, including League founder Madison Grant. A new interpretive sign welcoming to people of all backgrounds, races and ethnicities will be installed in place of Grant’s former memorial later this summer.

That is he is now a prophet without honor.

"One of the groups he pits against this Nordic ideal are Jews, and he is particularly concerned about Jewish immigrants. In his book he describes them as a threat: The man of the old stock is being crowded out of many country districts by these foreigners just as he is to-day being literally driven off the streets of New York City by the swarms of Polish Jews.”

On the night that the National Origins Act passed Grant was in New York. When word came of its passing he was exultant and said we had now gotten rid of our Jews. Sadly, of course, he spoke too soon. The Jews were still here and though they had to lay somewhat low for a time they would emerge soon enough to secure the passing of our race. Franz Boas dropped dead in 1941 while giving a lecture in New York City; but little Manny Celler would lay in wait for 41 years, harboring his grievances, until in 1965 he finally was able to give a mortal blow the Great Race. Or at least that was and is the plan.

"However, Grant's racist legacy and pseudoscience remains, and appears today as replacement theory, the false idea that immigrants or minorities are conspiring with Jews to replace white America."

Seer that he was Grant saw the shape of things to come, and predicted in outline the idea that his posthumous reputation would suffer a sea change for the worse. Before his death in 1937 and seeing events unfold in National Socialist Germany he said that eventually the Jews would tar himself and his colleagues with what was happening in Germany. After all he said they had been working so closely with biologists and race scientists associated with the German Government. True as the day he spoke, at the Nuremberg Trials much was made of the connection between German and American racial scientific thinkers in the 1920s and the 1930s. It was fitting then that at the infamous Doctors Trial in 1947 defendant Karl Brandt entered The Passing Of The Great Race into the trial as Exhibit 151. So in the end both Brandt and Grant had kept the faith. A faith that has yet to die, as the Nordic spell can never be broken, will always cast its magic spell.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Breaking The Nordic Spell

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:16 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Breaking The Nordic Spell

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:16 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Breaking The Nordic Spell

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:17 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Breaking The Nordic Spell

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:18 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Breaking The Nordic Spell

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:18 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Breaking The Nordic Spell

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:20 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Breaking The Nordic Spell

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:20 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Breaking The Nordic Spell

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:22 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
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Re: Breaking The Nordic Spell

Post by Douglas Mercer » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:23 pm


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