Changing The Day

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
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Changing The Day

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 5:56 pm

Douglas Mercer
January 30 2023

In Australia they are now decrying "invasion day"--no, not that invasion day (every day right now), not the one where the Asians and the Africans and the Indians pore in like a flood--not that invasion, no one can decry that one with impunity. No, it's the other invasion day they are up in arms about. The one when the White man came to the Australian continent and brought culture and civilization, everything that the ones who do the decrying enjoy without reserve.

They have taken the part of the notorious and embarrassing four foot pathetic monster who is the cul-de- sac of nature. The stunted aboriginals with their gargoyle faces and their matted hair and wicked odors and their grub eating habits make our negros look like geniuses. And I'm sure you've noticed that our negroes are not geniuses. The aboriginals were surrounded by water but had no boats, they are throwbacks, anachronisms, the very bottom of nature's barrel.

But now they are the heroes of the day--Invasion Day. Whites in Australia let their hearts bleed for them. And they take their part at the expense of their own and give way. Anyone with two good eyes in their heads can see that this shall not end well.


They used to have a White Australia Policy it was bold and unabashed because, well, Australia was a White country, no mystery there. No more of course, they took the Australian National Flag down from that bridge in Sydney Harbor and ceremoniously hoisted the Aboriginal one, giving it pride of place. They spray paint the statues of Captain Cook and they pull those statues down, and now they are thinking of getting rid of the day to honor the founding of Australia by the White man. It's good to remember that those Polynesians savages at first thought that Cook was a god. And then they ate him.

"On January 26, 1788 the British First Fleet, led by Arthur Phillip, sails into Port Jackson (Sydney Harbor) to establish Sydney, the first permanent European settlement in Australia."

And a great day it was. It was Australia Day. It was late (around 1994) when the Australians got around to celebrating this day, but it was a great and a good thing, it celebrates the founding, it ties people to their ancestors in a real way and lets everyone know where they stood. Now Australians, especially young Australians are turning their back on those ancestors. And a more shameful sight is scarcely to be seen. This Great Day has barely lasted more than a quarter of a century and not it's nearly on its way out the door.

That didn't last long.

"Only a few years ago, on Australia Day, you would have found Kaitlyn decked out in flag-adorned regalia and poolside with a beer and barbecue sausage, proudly celebrating the holiday like millions of others. I used to host parties, I used to be really into it, the 24-year-old tells the BBC. But Kaitlyn is now part of a growing cohort of young Australians and others who are shunning the national day."

Shunning the day she is, she's one of those young White Australians who are turning their back on their own history, their own heritage, their own ancestors, and their own people. She took a class you see and was told her forebears were the epitome of evil so no celebrating the coming of the White man to Australia for her--no way.

"The date - 26 January - is the anniversary of the 1788 landing of Britain's First Fleet, which began the era of colonization was also when Indigenous people began being oppressed - massacred, dispossessed of their lands and cut off from their culture. Some argue Australia Day is an opportunity to reflect on and rejoice in what Australia has become today, despite that history. But others say it is a day of mourning, and its celebration is offensive and hurtful."

The West has gone in to mourning for itself--but it's a fake mourning for they don't wear solemn suits of black but deck themselves out in all the colors of the rainbow. And what it really is is a moral panic and a spiritual contagion. Nowhere else today or in the history of the world has one ever seen the like. Countries like China and Iran have their dissidents but that's different----those are people who simply dislike their government, they are not going on a thoroughgoing root and branch decimation about everything about their country's history, heritage and past. What is happening in Western Europe and America, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, is totally unprecedented, it's a country going to war with itself, and purging itself of every tradition, belief, and memory that was minted before the anti-racist fashions of five minutes ago came to the fore.

Suffice it to say it shall not end well, this novel experiment.

"Kaitlyn says she was never taught that perspective at school in Queensland. But as the debate gained prominence in recent years, she began seeking out more information. And as she learned, she became increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of honoring the day. Kaitlyn hasn't celebrated Australia Day for years - and on Thursday, she won't observe it at all. The IT worker has asked her manager to work and take another day off instead."

What a miserable harpy. She was a great Australian once, easily celebrating her country in a free and open manner. Then the worm in the apple struck and she got infected with the "sympathy gene" for the aboriginals and you can be sure there were no dearth of sources that were more than happy to fill her head with not only nonsense but criminal nonsense. She's drunk the ideological poison to the dregs. More than likely she's lost to us forever now.


Back in 1976 there were surely a lot of academic Marxists, black liberationists, and no dearth of nefarious Jews lurking about. But there was no juggernaut of subversion yet; or there was but it still had to hide behind a mask of civic responsibility--the mid 1960s Civil Rights Act and Immigration Act, though massively revolutionary, still has to present themselves a civically responsible; but no one was ranting in the public square that the White man was evil or needed a bullet in his head, or that America was rotten to the core, except and the fringes and margins. And so the Bicentennial was an unabashed and uncomplicated affair, an outpouring of celebration, the tall ships entered New York Harbor. No one hunkered around the Liberty Bell shouting the Founders were racist, or that anyone had an invisible knapsack, or that racism was in our DNA. Or if there was he was on an egg crate but now the guy on the egg crate is pumped into the living room of the average American on the daily. The Jews are not going to make that mistake again.

"A campaign to change the date has been growing momentum in Australia. Many public figures - from Tasmanian Premier Jeremy Rockliff to actor Chris Hemsworth and pioneering Indigenous cricketer Jason Gillespie - have advocated for a different day and several councils have moved their citizenship ceremonies, traditionally held on 26 January, to other days."

Citizenship ceremonies--well there you have it, right? The whole system is so shot through with corruption and rot that they think it is a celebration of Australia's founding to consecrate race aliens as new citizens and everyone gets teary and dewy eyed about the new Australians. Back in the day when the Chinese coolies were flooding in some noble and stalwart men put up an impenetrable barrier and created White Australia, now the Whites in Australia are in retreat, and they celebrate their demise. On Australia they should round up some aliens and send them packing.

"The Victorian state government this year cancelled its annual Australia Day parade. More employers - like supermarket giant Woolworths and telecoms company Telstra - are giving staff the option to work and take another day off instead. Retailer Kmart has stopped selling Australia Day merchandise."

In the 1920s Adolf Hitler said that capitalism and communism were the same thing, just two sides of the same Jew coin. At the time people laughed at him saying that "everyone knew" that capitalism and communism were mortal enemies, that communism was trying to overthrow capitalism and vice versa. Since then scores of books have quoted Hitler's statement that capitalism and communism are the same and claim that it shows how muddled his thinking was because "everyone knows" that capitalism and communism are the polar opposites. But a hundred years after he made his statement Hitler has been proved right for all time, and his critics are shown to be either Jews or Jewish lackeys--and dead wrong as always. And you can be sure that capital in Australia will get on their high horses and pound Australia Day--and White Australians while they're at it--into oblivion.

"And annual Invasion Day or Survival Day protests are growing. Recent polls indicate about a third of Australians support changing the date, and fewer people are holding celebrations on 26 January each year. For under-35s, support for moving Australia Day is even stronger - about 50."

"Opposition to the day has been steadily building over recent years, something the pollsters actually agree on. In 2019, 40% of respondents confirmed they would be doing something special to mark the day; fast forward a mere four years, and that national pride has shrunk to 29%."

Over time the ancestral ties fall into disrepair and are attenuated; the constant barrage of slander and lies are hurled at the ancestors and the weak-willed descendants believe them like fools. The fall is precipitous and is plummeting. Soon the number of people who are willing to say to say a good word about Whites and Australia and White Australia will be that ten percent, that irreducible rump who resists all forms of reconstruction. Much hangs on them holding fast.

"Australia's previous conservative government - in power from 2013 until last year - consistently rejected calls to change the date.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says his Labor government has no plans to move it either, although he has relaxed rules which forced councils and public service staff to mark the day."

Give it time, give it time. When those number flow downward and changing the date become overwhelmingly popular, they'll do it. They'll cut the great past off at the knees. They will be embarking on an unprecedented endeavor, an attempt to live without the past. This experiment will fail.

"The response from Australian politicians has frustrated 24-year-old Jarrah Brailey. And so a few years ago, the small business founder decided to simply change the date herself. Her team works on 26 January, in solidarity with Aboriginal people. It cost absolutely zero dollars and it was as easy as sending out a message to my team letting them know, she says. Not only are her 10 staff supportive of the decision, they're proud of it, she says."

The lady could not be more wrong, the cost cannot be counted in dollars and cents, the White heritage is a rare and precious heirloom that cannot be cashed out, and the cost of losing it is infinite.

"The 23-year-old wants the date changed - he says it is akin to having a national holiday to mark the beginning of a genocide. Far from a celebration, however, opponents of the holiday regard it as a day of mourning; they think it marks nothing less than the beginning of colonization, and the dispossession, oppression, and murder of Australia’s indigenous people."

By the 500th Anniversary of Columbus' landing (1992) the Jews had got their act together. By that year innumerable students had been Howard Zinnified by that author's turgid tome, the one that claimed that all of the works of the White man are evil and that not only is no respect due to the America Past only churlish abuse and outright hatred should be hurled toward it. In the event the event came off but was marred by the backbiting of the Jews and the blacks and the Indians. Wherever some ships came in to celebrate the first White footfall in the New World there was little Inidan Chief I'm Always Drunk paddling furiously in a canoe alongside it. A canoe? What will they think of next. Nothing it turns out.

"The flipside to this is Greens senator and indigenous rights campaigner, Lidia Thorpe, who took the opportunity of the Invasion Day protest to declare: This is a war. They are still killing us. They are still killing our babies. What do we have to celebrate in our country? The protestors carried placards with phrases like Australia racist since 1788 and No pride in genocide."

This malodorous lady is right about one thing: it is war. We should treat it as such. Indeed, had it been war from the beginning it would have been war to the knife, and a war for extermination. Had they killed those babies way back when rather than dressing up the brown tots in suits and a bow tie and tried to teach them the rule of the Saxons there would be no problem today, the war would have been won; and no Aboriginal flag would even exist let alone disgrace the beautiful bridge that spans Sydney Harbor. No protestors would be out calling for the White man's head, and the statues of Captain Cook, far from being in cold storage, or besmirched with blood red paint, would stand tall and high and proud all over a White country. And that Kaitlyn person we met before could have a joyous Australia day and not have become a shameful person who dishonored her ancestors.

"Across the Western world, young people appear to be struggling to fill the hole historically occupied by national pride. Most of their energies now appear directed into ever-more ludicrous demonstrations of public self-flagellation."

If we have an equivalent of Australia Day--a kind of America day--it was that day in late 1620 when the Pilgrims made landfall at Plymouth Rock. Back in 1820 no less a person than the great Daniel Webster made an oration at the Plymouth site. In 1920 the Mayflower was looked at as a messenger of good will for the nation, and a reminder that God has not forgotten the United States. Beautiful monuments were erected, and noble principles embodied by the Mayflower Pilgrims were foremost in speeches, plays, parades and presentations. Today many of these sentiments and values are looked at with skepticism and even contempt. Indeed, in 2020 instead of joyous celebrations of our Glorious beginnings we got George Floyd. As far as what should have been a year long itinerary of remembrance we got nothing. No parades, no speeches, no panegyrics, nothing. The Jews have trained too many of our people not even to go there, not even to try. For the Jews want us to believe that every day is Indigenous People's Day---Invasion Day.


Whoever is elected President in 2024 will have a great and solemn duty incumbent upon him--to prepare for an execute the grandest Holiday of them all, the 250th of the founding of America.

"So it is disturbing to observe that for an increasing number of Australians, Down Under appears to be a source of shame rather than pride. Rather predictably, this week’s Australia Day celebrations were mired by protest. There were calls, not just to change the date of Invasion Day or Survival Day as the rebrands have it, but demands to abolish the Celebration of genocide."

When the National Socialist took over Goering said that his thinking would not be crippled by judicial thinking, that he had no concern for justice and his mission was to exterminate, nothing more. He had it right. For History is no more a Criminal Court than life is for the weak. But you can be sure whoever leads it the celebrations in 2026 will be more than marred by protestors, will be more than contested. There will be an all-out assault on the Founding and on the people who founded America: the White race. But one day we will have a new day, and one that we will secure and celebrate for all time: Survival Day. And it will celebrate our survival thought gauntlet we are presently in. The tall ships will return, and that's one day we will never change.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Changing The Day

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 11, 2023 8:07 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Changing The Day

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 11, 2023 8:08 am


Supremely White
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Re: Changing The Day

Post by Supremely White » Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:41 am

Sadly, we Yanks know that the real Australians went there to establish the nation in order to get released from the English debtor’s prison. Do you suppose Australians aren’t taught that basic history of the founding of their country?
Hitler was right.

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