Conservatives For The Invasion

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4698
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Conservatives For The Invasion

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 7:27 am

Douglas Mercer
June 5 2022

When the epitaph of America is written it will say this was a people who loved freedom but they loved cheap labor more

Not too long ago George W. Bush came out with his big pean to the immigrant with his big coffee table book of his child like paintings of these foreign interlopers. This Bush was a border governor, he spoke Spanish, and his sister-in-law was a Mexican.

None of those things will ever bode well for White people.

Now his "team" is out in full force and is pushing hard to make the millions of beaners who work illegally on our farms paid up American Citizens just like you. Better than you really, because you are White. Without these foreign squatters we could not feed ourselves is the cry that goes out.

It never occurs to them that if there is even a chance that we would rely on filthy spics to feed ourselves something has gone horribly wrong.

Horribly wrong.

And if I have to give up strawberries and in exchange I can get rid of 30 million beaners I'll take my chances. And don't forget if we deport them all that's 30 million or much more less mouths to feed. And rent will go down, traffic will ease up, crowding will cease, and crime will go down, emergency rooms and hospitals will be easier to access, and the White birth rate will go up. All those are financial bonanzas.

Plus we won't have to listen to their abominable chicken music or press 1 for English. And unless you are unlucky enough to live near negros the chances your daughter will be raped will plummet to zero.

And realistically if it took us fifty years to get in to this mess we can spend a decade getting out of it.

It's worth it. We're worth it.

And nothing is worse than 30 millions beaners. Surely I don't' have to convince anyone of that.

But trust me, we'd be just fine without them. With them it will be race chaos as far as the eye can see. Let's deport them all in their millions and see if we can get food on the table.

I'll bet we can.


But the Bush "team" and their pro-business capitalist cronies see it differently. They want the population to skyrocket to upwards of one billion and for all to be citizens. They think it's compassionate conservatism, a thousand points of light, but it's really suicidal conservatism and the dawn of a dark age. Or more succinctly, just plain suicide.

"Former officials who worked in the George W. Bush administration are calling on Republicans and Democrats to provide amnesty for illegal aliens, suggesting the policy is vital to the future of the American economy."

First off my guess is this goes nowhere. Even that Ag Whore who may be the next Speaker of the House (Kevin McCarthy) knows that "amnesty" is about as popular with his base as their son marrying a herpes ridden Tijuana whore who just contracted the monkeypox. After lo these many years they are getting the message. They don't like the message, in fact they despise it, but they are getting it.

Thank the gods for small favors.

"Chuck Conner, Bush’s former agriculture secretary, and Douglas Baker, Bush’s former senior director for border and transportation security policy, are lobbying lawmakers to back the Farm Workforce Modernization Act — an amnesty that would give green cards to as many as 2.1 million illegal aliens who work on United States farms."

Right, it's going to stop there. These conservative big wigs won't be happy until every wetback in the land is stamped as a bona fide American. There's a reason Trump called his proposed giveaway to the burrito eaters The American Dream Plan. When it comes to the American Dream they are suckers for it. When they think of Juan and Maria citing that pledge they get weepy. They won't be happy until Mariachi music floods the airwaves in every rural backwater.

An asylum of the nations! La Cucaracha!

"Last year, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbied lawmakers to pass the farm amnesty, stating that the policy is critically important to the business community. The Chamber this year has lobbied for a plan that would double legal immigration levels and give amnesty to most of the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal alien population."

Remember when Trump talked tough on immigration in 2016 and the Chamber Of Commerce went berserk? Mass immigration is a transfer of wealth from the working class to investors and they know it and like it. And they don't want it to stop.

Nothing more need be said.


These New World Order stooges never let up. Any crisis is an excuse to race swamp the White race. Food shortages loom, the specter of empty shelves hovers, a war in Ukraine. Why, it's odd how everything works to their purposes. Got no baby formula? Well, Putin is to blame, and we'll just have to bring in more Squatemalans!

On the Fox News Website two Bush stooges with Anglo names ring the alarm bell that if we don't make citizens of all the Mexicans who are here and if we don't bring in ever more Mexicans in unending number Americans will starve faster than Jews at Treblinka.

The bios read like rap sheets:

"Douglas Baker served as the Special Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Senior Director for Border and Transportation Security Policy in President George W. Bush’s Administration. He is a principal with Baker Global Advisory, a member of the Council on National Security and Immigration, and a member of the Texas Farm Bureau."

"Chuck Conner is the president of the National Council of Farmers Cooperatives. He previously served as the Acting Secretary of Agriculture in President George W. Bush’s Administration."

They go on to run massive interference for the New World Order/Great Reset. They want to scare you into giving up your dreams of an even remotely Whtie nation, or the possibility of a separate nation of Whites, and they try to pluck your heartstrings in to feeling sorry for Hector. But in reality they are only lining their own pockets and the Jews for whom they work in an ongoing hostile takeover of a once proud nation.

"The United States' food security is being tested. Our farmers are struggling with an unprecedented labor shortage, droughts and extreme weather conditions, and now a war in Ukraine. All these factors are creating a shortage of essential supplies, such as fertilizer, feed for animals, and water, which is limiting production capacity, which in turn, is driving up prices for consumers at the grocery store."

Crisis! So we have to ratify the invasion. There is a possibility of food shortages so let's not do a thoroughgoing cleansing of our country, a resettlement of accounts, let's just being in more Mexicans as a stop gap measure until we need to bring in more Mexicans still as another stop gap measure in never ending series of stop gap measures. Putin is to blame anyway so let's sow race chaos.

"Our national security is tied to our ability to feed ourselves. As former officials who served in the Bush administration, we see an urgent need to address the labor shortage in the agricultural industry by fixing our immigration system...That would allow farmworkers to contribute to the economy free from uncertainty and fear and keep food on the tables of America’s families at lower costs."

American can't feed itself? It make us sound like old timers in a rest home drooling and missing our mouth with the fork which, unfortunately, is a little too near the mark. America fed itself for centuries without the help of beaners---but now? All of sudden it's crucial, we'll be skin and bones, look like Rwandan Refugees or a Super Model on a three day coke binge, staggering through the cities. And why exactly are these lackeys so concerned about the illegal aliens and their fear and uncertainty? Because they want to make them feel right at home--in our home.

"Last year, the House of Representatives passed the Farm Workforce Modernization Act on a bipartisan basis. The bill was a compromise solution that would permit undocumented farmworkers to earn legal status through continued employment in the agricultural sector and would make critical reforms to the H-2A agricultural guest worker program, including streamlining the application process, and allowing for year-round temporary agricultural workers."

This has White race suicide written all over it, it's always the far left and the business interests in cahoots in one big combine. What compromise? Sounds to me they are simply giving away the store, everything for the criminal mestizo, everything for the fat cat Wall Street denizen, everything for the one world enthusiast--but we go begging.

Does Bill Gates have Toltecs on his farms? Maybe someone should raid it and find out.

"Hundreds of groups representing the agricultural industry, including the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, the Western Growers Association, AmericanHort, and the National Milk Producers Federation, farmworkers’ unions and organizations, and Democratic and Republican lawmakers worked hard to forge a bipartisan compromise to make these reforms to our immigration system. It’s now up to the Senate, under the leadership of Senators Michael Bennett, D-Colo., and Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, to improve upon those negotiations and bring a bipartisan agricultural workforce solution across the finish line."

It's good that they included a long list of the criminals so when it's time to round them up we won't have to look that hard to find them. Our elites use the government as their personal plaything for their own sordid interests.

They certainly don't have our good in mind.

"America’s food supply depends on foreign-born workers."

Yikes! What happened to autarky, sovereignty, self sufficiently , independence, the can do spirit? We need low rent ranchera aficionados to feed us? We are pitiful helpless giants? We come from a long line of half, hearty, and healthy heroes who made deserts bloom and a cornucopia out of nothing and all of a sudden we're like bag ladies on the street looking for a hand out? All that just because no El Salvadoran teenager isn't picking fruit in the California Valley?

Staggeringly hard to credit.

I don't believe it for a second but if it's true we might as well hang it up.

"Ninety percent of dairy farmworkers are undocumented. Forty-nine percent of our nation’s 2.5 million farmworkers do not have legal status, even though most have been working and contributing to the agricultural economy for years and even decades. They do difficult, skilled jobs, all while living in fear of deportation. These essential workers kept food on America’s tables during the pandemic and we owe them an opportunity to continue earning legal status and citizenship to stabilize their lives while helping our economy by addressing the labor shortage and supply chain issues that contribute to inflation."

We owe them? Ha! What do we owe? We owe them swift kick in their backside as we close the doors on them forever. And that's if they're lucky. We actually owe them a lot more that that but we'll be busy giving the 30 million plus others what they deserve.

In the bunker Hitler told his friends you'll always regret being kind. Nothing since that time has shown him to be wrong.

"Doing nothing is not an option. Despite offering nearly twice the going wages, a farmer in central California had to let his strawberry fields go to waste because he couldn’t find workers to tend and pick the berries. In Wisconsin, a husband and wife shelved plans to expand their vegetable farm to six acres and stuck with the three acres they could manage on their own. Stories like these repeat themselves across the country."

Boo hoo! If it's strawberries or a crime free town I'll take the latter with no hesitation. And who wants to do nothing? We have big plans afoot involving caravans heading south and cattle cares moving at all times.

"Providing legal status and reforms to our agricultural guest worker program is a win for everyone. Producers would be able to retain and find experienced and skilled workers to harvest their crops and care for their animals. Workers would be able to join in the American Dream, provide a better life for their children, and travel back to their home countries to visit family without the fear of being denied re-entry into the U.S."

This is the anti-parade of horrible, the rosy scenario. Juan and Maria get to traipse back and forth across the border with no fear of "le migre" and Big Ag gets to continue to rake in the dough. It reminds me that in that leaked speech uber harridan and witch Hilary Clinton said she wanted a massive free trade zone from the Artic Circle to Tierra Del Fuego, a soulless zone where goods and people could circulate freely. And recently the President Of Mexico put on the table the merging of America and Mexico in to a giant superstate with open borders. The question is if this latter proposal became reality how would we tell the difference?

Back around 1900 a German scholar was asked what was the future of Mexico. He said Mexico was to be merged into the United States and then the United States would collapse.

That's what they want.

"Politicians who want to deny legal status for decent, hardworking immigrants aren’t serious about finding solutions to our labor crisis. Any immigration solution for the agricultural industry must give workers the chance to get right with the law, commit to continuing doing agricultural work, pass a background check, and pay a penalty."

Must! No choice! Anything else is heartless. You want a country of your own? That means your'e a bigot. And what penalty should one pay for invading a country? Traditionally it is death on entry.

"The bill consists of three key platforms: (1) It would create a pathway to legalization for current unauthorized agricultural workers, including an eventual option to become a lawful permanent resident (LPR). (2) It would reform and modernize the existing H-2A temporary agricultural worker visa program. And (3), it would require all agriculture employers to implement a reformed E-Verify program to ensure their workers are authorized."

Ah, E-Verify, the unicorn of policy proposals, the ever receding oases in the desert, the vanishing chimera and the illusion. It's always the way. A great big "bipartisan omnibus" deal comes down that it going to slash the Gordian Knot once and for all. It's going to amnesty the lot who are here but they promise us it will be the last cohort. Because along with the "good cop" of legalization will come the "bad cop" of enforcement. But the latter never comes. It's what happened to senile Ron Reagan when he got hoodwinked and hornswoggled in 1986. It's what will happen again if we let them.

You want your country back? If they are not asking you for a receipt they are telling you the check is in the mail.


The fact of the matter is we know what the problem is and it's not that we don't have enough Mexicans. The problem is that our elites are addicted to cheap labor like that black guy needs his crack pipe, like those strung out partisans in that semi autonomous zone in Seattle. Why if they could they'd tie off their arm and mainlines it in the public square. The country for them is big ripe fruit and they want to wring as much out of it with as little effort as possible. We know in part why Rome fell---necessity is the mother of invention and they were living off the backs of easy and cheap salve labor so why hustle? Why invent when you can sit on your latifunda and bask and from time to time go in the city to knock off exotic slave boys from god knows where? It's the oldest one in the book. The same with the Spaniards, they had no intention of working, rather they drove their slaves and sired the countless race bastards and half breeds the descendants of which the Bush "team" wants to inundate us with to pick our fruit. And those White men on the Planation were no better, they kept breeding and bringing in blacks for generations while they sipped their mint juleps on the terrace why saying "why, yes Scarlett."

In a milieu like this nothing ingenious gets done.

The same goes for our elites. The know they have a never ending supply of dark-skinned helot slave labor in their little brown brothers from the Global South. So instead of investing in automation and technology to being in the food they just being in more of them. It's a twofer for them, it's easier and also it hastens the eradication of their mortal enemy: the average White man. That's why capital investment in farm technology is at an all time low.

The fact is if we deported the fifty million illegal aliens in our country overnight our economy would grind to a halt. That should tell you something. That kind of cataclysm is what it will take for people to learn that you should never rely on the malevolence of strangers. But to say we can't get the deportations rolling and begin the process of automating our farms is lunacy. Of course we can. Will it take us a decade to extricate ourselves from the criminal policies of the last half century? Probably. But there is no time like the present. It's worth it. We're worth it.

For if the epitaph of America is ever written it will say this was a people who loved freedom but they loved cheap labor more.

But let's not let them write it.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4698
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Conservatives For The Invasion

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:48 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4698
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Conservatives For The Invasion

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:48 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4698
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Conservatives For The Invasion

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:49 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4698
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Conservatives For The Invasion

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:52 am


Supremely White
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Re: Conservatives For The Invasion

Post by Supremely White » Fri Oct 06, 2023 10:35 pm

Before BLM, there was a common wisecrack about how one would never be so happy to see a nigger after being in an area full of spics. It seemed sorta true at the time, but after BLM, I won’t even try giving any benefit of the doubt to the Uncle Toms, let alone the rest of them. It’s gotten really scary out there.

So called cheap labor has other very high costs, as mentioned in the article. Own property near the beaners? Look at how your property tax bill is itemized. A huge chunk goes to one of the hospitals, where they go and birth their many anchor babies. They don’t pay their hospital bill when they go in for the sniffles and whatever, so the property taxes go to subsidize it. Another huge chunk goes to the school district the property is in, and ESL and bilingual teachers hike those costs up. But I don’t have kids…tough! But I’m not even a teacher…tough! But I haven’t been to school in ages…tough! Even if you have nothing to do with schools whatsoever, you’re still on the hook to finance their operations.
Okay, so you rent, but it gets hiked every so often, so the landlord’s property taxes get passed onto the tenants.

And those schools have law enforcement hanging around, and they don’t work for free, because the brown and black kids need cops at their schools. Juvie gets more inmates and that doesn’t pay for itself. Gang task forces don’t pay for themselves. WIC, EBT/SNAP/food stamps, AFDC/welfare…because being unwed doesn’t stop them from multiplying. The police have to hire more personnel, more police stations, bigger prisons, courts have more backlog, ad infinitum. Ad nauseam.
Hitler was right.

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