Maus Goes Up The Smokestack

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Douglas Mercer
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Maus Goes Up The Smokestack

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 2:52 am

Douglas Mercer
February 6 2022

It looks like book banning is back in fashion and here's hoping against hope that book burning is coming hard on its heels. They've 86'd the maudlin Maus and I say good on them. But conservatives being conservatives they mau maued Maus for all the wrong reasons, the real reason that child-like book should not be near White children is that it gives a false picture of the cats--the cats were the good guys. The cats were the ones saving the other cats and they were saving them not from mice but plague carrying rats. Now that would be one hell of a comic book. It wouldn't win a special Pulitzer but it would convey hard won and important information and, as such, would be priceless.

Maus is a puerile book that is shoving Jew lies down the throats of White children and is doing so in a "cute" way by cartoon. I remember when the debate happened as to whether graphic novels could be just as good as novels. And even though novels are no great shakes these days the answer is no, they cannot, unless you are a nation of illiterate pigs.

A healthy rash and spate of book banning is underway across America, it's not up to National Socialist conflagration levels but it's a start.

"Book banning is back. Texas State Representative Matt Krause recently put more than 800 books on a watch list, many of them dealing with LGBTQ issues."

A watch list isn't going to cut it. You have to cut the heart out of their degeneracy. Don't monitor the situation--act. There is nothing conservative about book burning. It's an act of revolutionary racial nationalism.

"Then an Oklahoma state senator filed a bill to ban books that address sexual perversion from school libraries."

This of course is just common sense lawmaking, who would want sexual perversion in libraries outside of sexual perverts? And there of course lies the problem, that's a question that answers itself.

Among the books that have been banned is that weak take down of the patriarchy The Handmaids Tale, and several books that were winners of the Coretta Scott King Awards. These "awards" are given annually to "outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values," and they should be banned and burned for that alone just on spec. And the book Heather Has Two Mommies has been kiboshed yet again though it must be said the fact that she only has two by now seems quaint.

Another book that has been banned is Gender Queer the description of which is "through illustrations and tender writing, this graphic memoir follows the nonbinary author’s journey of self-discovery. It explores issues of sexuality and gender, especially in illustrations depicting oral sex" which shows it should not be banned or burned but blown to pieces. And then the remnants should be exorcised by that priest Mel Gibson's Dad used to frequent.

"Across the country, individuals and conservative groups are attempting to ban books with unprecedented frequency."

Well the degeneracy and immorality and demoralization caused by sexual fetishist enthusiasts is unprecedented, and the response must be too. It's too bad this effort is led by conservatives, you know they'll trim and hem and haw in the end and get nothing done but toss red meat to their constituents.

"In the first four months of the current school year alone, parents and community members in almost 100 school districts across Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin submitted 75 formal requests to ban books from libraries. Only one such request was filed during the same period last year. Ban attempts in Texas have particularly targeted young adult books that document the experiences of Black and LGBTQ people."

The pace is being picked up. It's a race, the degeneracy flies off the presses, and some decent people try to whack it down but it's game of whack a mole, no sooner do you put one back in its festering bolt hole than five more pop up with unsavory scatological and fetishistic imagery, but what can you but keep on going?

The Jew Heinrich Heine said once you burn books you end up burning people and he ought to know.


Art Spiegelman was born Itzhak Avraham ben Zeev Spiegelman-which is about as Jewy as it gets.

Art Spiegelman's parents were Polish Jews.

His father was born Zeev Spiegelman, with the Hebrew name Zeev ben Avraham which is about as Jewy as it gets.

And now this talentless pervert hack who created the execrable Maus has been elevated to godhood.

Spiegelman in German means mirror man which is ironic because no Jew has ever looked in a mirror though they love to hold the mirror up to the White world to point out what they claim to be foibles, flaws, and evil---but which is really just a people wanting to survive.

The Cabbage Patch Kids was that wildly popular doll from the 1980s. It was perceived universally as White and wholesome. Naturally a Jew could not stand that. So this Spiegelman character co-created "Garbage Pail Kids" which were billed as having "some comical abnormality or deformity."

Trust me, by now no one laughing you filthy Jew.

Normal and healthy parodied as abnormal and deformed---a jew in a nutshell.

We'll put in on their headstones.

"In 1971, after several visits, Spiegelman moved to San Francisco and became a part of the countercultural underground comix movement that had been developing there."

Underground, countercultural, and San Francisco reeks of days old urine, cigarette smoke, cheap and tawdry porn stores, odd dudes milling about in trench coats, and furtive doings in private stalls. The long haired Jew bastard must have felt right at home amidst all the unsavory seediness.

Take a look at that Jew bastard and tell me I'm wrong.

Now he's the culture, were the counterculture. They gave him a special Pulitzer.

"Some of the comix he produced during this period include The Compleat Mr. Infinity (1970), a ten-page booklet of explicit comic strips, and The Viper Vicar of Vice, Villainy and Vickedenss, a transgressive work."

What you and I call abject filth, scum, garbage, trash, and excrement they call transgressive.

"Spiegelman's work also appeared in underground magazines such as Young Lust, Real Pulp, and Bizarre Sex."

A Jew pervert.

"Spiegelman sought his artistic voice. He also did a number of cartoons for men's magazine, such as Cavalier, The Dude, the Gent."

A Jew pervert.

"In 1972, Justin Green asked Spiegelman to do a three-page strip for the first issue of Funny Animals. He wanted to do one about racism, and at first considered a story with African-Americans as mice and cats taking on the role of the Ku Klux Klan. Instead, he turned to the Holocaust that his parents had survived. He titled the strip Maus and depicted the Jews as mice persecuted by die Katzen, which were Nazis as cats. The narrator related the story to a mouse named Mickey."

Frankly Green sound Jewish. And the cats sound pretty cool.

Story is Spiegelman has a brother who was poisoned by his aunt so he wouldn't have to go to a concentration camp. They'll try to pin that one on Hitler too but she gave him the poison so it's all on the old hag Jew. Funny thing is though that is the extent to which Jews don't want to work, they'd rather poison their nephew than face a hard day's honest labor. And the National Socialists were pretty cool too, so much were they feared that they just had to stomp their jack booted feet and Jews were offing themselves like flies, but whine and wheedle all they will, it was nothing but a sorry own goal.


While the boomers were donning stupid floppy chef hats, wearing aprons that say Kiss The Cook, grilling up nice big juicy steaks, and cashing their Social Security checks to pay for the green fees, Maus got elevated to classic status and its unskilled author to godhead. When the book got banned there were shrieks from Jews and their White fellow travelers, for all of the screaming you'd think grandpa Shlomo just got sent up the smokestack or old Aunt Hannah got melted in a pile of lard to clean the livestock.

When word that Maus got banned went whizzing around the world the wailing went to decibel levels, the entire Jews media was mobilized and the mental thrashing about went on for days as if a member of the family had just died or the world has just ended. Clearly this Maus holds some special and sacred spot in the imagination of those who have succumbed to brain putrefaction. Clearly this Maus is an inexplicably exalted artwork that every Jew and Jew lover burns odd incense to. Clearly this Maus is a totem of tragedy that is revered with awe and hushed tones under every rock from under which Jews slither.

If Shlomo hadn't quite gone up the smokestack the cats were on the prowl and no Jew was safe.

"The postmodern book depicts Germans as cats, Jews as mice, and ethnic Poles as pigs, and took 13 years to create until its completion in 1991. It won a special Pulitzer Prize in 1992 and has gained a reputation as a pivotal work.

Pivotal you see, there was before and there was after. And it is very hard to credit that this took 13 years. The drawing is slapdash and crude, the art amateurism, the tale saccharine and obvious. Hell, Van Gogh produced three works of art today valued at over 4 billion dollars and he did it in a long weekend in the south of France. It seems like someone could have slapped out Maus in a fortnight or at most a couple of months. But 13 years? I assume there was a lot of down time looking at Dude and Gent, and loitering near bathrooms in the Tenderloin.

"Maus" depicts humans in Third Reich-era Europe as animals, with Jews illustrated as mice and Nazis as cats. Cartoonist Art Spiegelman based the book on his father Vladedk Spiegelman, who survived the Auschwitz concentration camp."

Another survivor---looks like those cats weren't always on the prowl.

But mostly Maus is poorly drawn agitprop---it serves the purpose of taking the central myth of our time and making it accessible even to the illiterate and even to children--especially to children. You have cute mice and mean cats, it's like selling candy flavored cigarettes or using Joe Camel to hawk the same to kids---put it in the hands of an average eight year old and he can get the simple message that Germans were bad and Jews, well, Jews were a poor and marginalized lot that everyone is always picking on, the poor little mice! And that simple message is as complex as they ever want this message to get, the simpler and the cruder the better.

"Spiegelman took a genre that many could not see as literature and turned it into a medium that could tell stories in a way no other book could. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then Maus may as well be Proust, because it contains words in the millions in under 300 pages."

It has in common with Proust that both authors were sex perverts and both were Jewish and both are vastly overrated.

And as a mind numbingly simplistic user-friendly, and kid-friendly book it should never have seen the light of day in any Whtie country. They say the Russians would make bombs that looked like toys in Afghanistan so kids would pick them up and blow themselves to pieces. I have no idea if that is true or not but Maus---it comes packaged has a cartoon but the impact of an IED.

Any number of putatively well researched tomes cannot have its effect to the masses.

Which is what the crying and the caterwauling was all about.

"American cartoonist Art Spiegelman published the first and second installments of Maus in 1986 and 1991, respectively. (Chapters first appeared in serial form in the comic anthology Raw in 1980.) In the nonfiction work, Spiegelman blends art, autobiography and history to relate the wartime experiences of his Polish Jewish parents, who survived imprisonment in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp."

Not as American as apple pie and mom, of that you can be sure, nothing as healthy and wholesome as that. These people with their obsessions and lurid phantasmagoria in their heads, their fake visions of barbed wire and charnel houses, of showers and ovens and flames and their wistfulness at grandma swirling to the heavens in wisps of smoke, why if it weren't so tragic in its effects one would laugh one's head right off.


"The school board of McMinn County, Tennessee, just banned Maus, Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer Prize–winning graphic memoir about the Holocaust. Officials said that they didn’t object to teaching about genocide, but that the book’s profanity, nudity, violence, and depiction of suicide made it too adult-oriented for use in our schools."

This of course misses the point. Were all those things absent from this noxious book, or rendered more subtly, the book should still be banned, burned, and blown to pieces and driven from the face of the earth. It is worse than outright filth, worse than that; it is undistilled mind poison and it is poison delivered in cartoon from, so children and even adults who would never take up anything by Elie Wisel might thumb through it pages and get the everlasting message:

Mice good; cats bad.

Which has it exactly backwards.

"In early January, a ten-member school board in McMinn County, Tennessee, voted unanimously to ban Maus a graphic novel about the Holocaust, from its eighth-grade curriculum."

You see though the banned word has been bandied and ballyhooed about it is not really accurate. A ban would be prohibiting its sale within a certain jurisdiction. What they did was only to remove it from a curriculum so it is not taught which is something quite different. But banned is the one they go with. It is much more lurid and phantasmagoric.

"It shows people hanging, it shows them killing kids, why does the educational system promote this kind of stuff? It is not wise or healthy, School Board Member Tony Allman said about the book, which was part of the district’s eighth-grade English language arts curriculum."

"The Tennessee school board emphasized in the minutes that they did not object to teaching about the Holocaust but some were concerned the work was not age-appropriate."

See, that's just it. They remove the book but straightaway they stand up as straight as they can, which is on their knees, and pledge undying allegiance to the Holocaust myth. Objecting to that would be a bridge too far, and they don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. So the pros and cons on this one are on the same side, they just differ in how to poison young White children, not whether or not they should be so poisoned. And that is a difference with no distinction whatsoever.

"News of the McMinn County School Board's unanimous vote to remove Maus from its curriculum — and replace it with something else — earlier this month made headlines last week as the world was preparing to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day."

Was the world really preparing for it? Elite snobs and nobs the world over certainly were but the world?--I doubt it. First off outside of Western Europe and America and Evangelical morons most of the world knows the Jews and hates the Jews. And the average man on the street has likely been indoctrinated and warned enough to know not to say a bad word about the Jews, or anything at all about them, but he certainly wasn't preparing for it. So this hoopla over this day is thin topsoil---at best.

As specified this removal sparked universal outrage among the thin upper crust who, controlling the media lock stock and barrel, made it it seem like a veritable cascade of outrage and moral umbrage when in fact there was none.

"Some nudity shows Jews—depicted in the book as mice (their German oppressors are drawn as cats)—stripped naked before their murder. Hiding these images from children purposefully ignores the mechanized gruesomeness of the Holocaust."

And if you have wonder what the art poor Art Spiegelman has done in the past quarter century since dropping this turd on the world it has been nothing of note--he was a one trick Jew. So when he got his five seconds of almost posthumous fame they wheeled out his rotting corpse and let fly with the invectives about the rubes and the hayseeds who had the temerity to show less that the requisite reverence for his stinking pile.

"Journalists pulled its author, Art Spiegelman on primetime television to denounce the powers-that-be in McMinn County."

As if jews are not the powers that be. Some local school board members in small McMinn county are probably clueless as to the monstrous lie of the Holocaust but wanted to protect their children from what they can sense (sense mind you) is bad and degenerate and all of a sudden they become the powers that be, and this from a guy who is lionized for having created a base cartoon drawn in a simplistic crayon like fashion? And who for his trouble got to draw for the New Yorker and gets trotted out whenever someone questions the Six Megillion? No, sir, you are the power that is though soon enough you and your kind won't be the powers that are.

"Spiegelman said decision is not good for their children, even if they think it is."

The vile Jews knows better. When the Jews think he knows what good for the children run for your life with your little ones, he has some candy he thinks his good go them too and he'll be asking them if they want some.

"Speaking with CNBCs Dan Mangan last week, 73-year-old Spiegelman condemned the board’s decision as Orwellian. The artist and his supporters argue that the Tennessee officials’ decision amounts to censorship of Holocaust history and a violation of students’ First Amendment right to free speech."

A Jew kvetching about violations of free speech? Just try to get a book on the curriculum which outlines the 2000 plus years of Jewish predation? Try to get the high schools to have children read Alfred Rosenberg's The Track Of The Jews Through The Ages. And then we'll see if this toad-like Jew raises the specter and banner of free speech aloft and rails like a champion against censorship. Why, were anyone were to do such a thing this poisonous mushroom would be screaming anti-semitism faster than a Jew makes a beeline for the bagels at the kosher deli. And nothing could be more Orwellian than foisting a "well documented" tranche of lies on unsuspecting public and peddling it as the moral tales of the millenia.

You know?

“This is disturbing imagery. But you know what? It’s disturbing history.”

Take a look at this loathsome Jews and tell me what is disturbing.

And of course then all of the usual suspects cam out from their mouse holds and blew their shofars in pain and in horror that Maus was getting sent down the rat hole.

"The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, The Anti-Defamation League, and the NAACP and other groups have criticized the ban, noting the important role the book — which was originally published in serial form beginning in the 1980s — plays in teaching students about the Holocaust."

"Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, which does not play a role in McMinn County, noted the timing of the news on Twitter. Weingarten, who is Jewish, pointed out that Thursday is International Holocaust Remembrance Day."

The "who is Jewish" is superfluous, take one look at that hag and she's got the map of unholy Zion written all over here ugly face.

“Yes it is uncomfortable to talk about genocide, but it is our history and educating about it helps us not repeat this horror.”

In fact talking about "the Jewish genocide" is their comfort zone, is home cooking of comfort food, are they ever any happier when they are retailing the stories of the horror upon horrors that were never heaped on their people? When they are in this mode they are like the cat who got not the mice, but the canary. When they wheedle, wail, and whine about it they are in their wheelhouse.

"The schoolboard could've checked with their book-banning predecessor, Vladimir Putin. He made the Russian edition of Maus illegal in 2015 (also with good intentions — banning swastikas) and the small publisher sold out immediately and has had to reprint repeatedly."

The great Wolf Stoner told us that Putin was no friend to the White man, and Wolf Stoner was right.


And of course no sooner did Maus get shoved in the oven than all and sundry came of the woodwork and began to White Knight for the Jews, even as Jews tittered inaudibly at the dunderheads and the dupes.

"Others are making an effort to help the community grapple with the lessons of Maus and what its removal from the curriculum represents."

"Widespread outcry sparked by the ban has led to increased demand for the book. Public interest spiked last week, according to google trends ushering in a new wave of sales that pushed Maus to the top of Amazon’s history and graphic novel categories."

By widespread outcry they mean Jews who live in New York City, or anti-White White teachers, librarians and booksellers who, when they show their malevolent faces in these situations, show that we're not always sending our best.

"Author Nancy Levine posted a note on Twitter that she said was from the public library, saying it had received many offers to purchase Maus and expects to see several copies arriving in the coming days."

Levine did you say?

"Spiegelman told CNBC that his lecture agent is trying to coordinate a public Zoom event for the McMinn County area, in which he will talk and take questions about Maus with local citizens (hopefully teachers, students, clergy, etc.) in the next couple weeks."

Better stick to teacher, students, and clergy, if you go very far down the roster from that you're going to get a lot of people wondering what the funny looking Jew the gods know where is doing sticking his big hooked nose into what is obviously none of his business.

"In the meantime, St. Paul's Episcopal Church in McMinn County is planning to hold a discussion event of its own on Thursday."

If there is a White person or a White cause that the Episcopal church hasn't sold out I for one have never heard about it. The Episcopal church used to be the high church of the American elites, and it still is, which is about as low as you can go.

"Demand for the book has skyrocketed since the school board vote, with it rising to Amazon's bestseller list

What kind of a Jew simp would you have to be to learn that Maus got turned into a bar of soap and immediately go online and shell out an Andy Jackson on that propagandist crap? When I learned about it the first thing I did was type in "Maus." And truth to tell you're always appalled by what you learn.

"Reading Maus as a teenager opened my eyes. When I bought my comic book store, I decided that I would always make sure it had copies of Maus in stock."

"Ryan Higgins, the owner of the Comics Conspiracy store in Sunnyvale, California said that he would donate up to 100 copies of The Complete Maus to any family in McMinn County, where a school board voted last month to remove the Pulitzer Prize-winning book from an eighth grade language arts curriculum."

This Higgins fellow is an in the tank Jew lover.

Families should band together and get the books and then publicly consign them to the flames all the while burning an effigy of Spiegelman.

Let that Higgins fellow chew on that for a while.

"Maus now appears to be in even greater demand, and online sales are skyrocketing, and multiple bookstores are giving away free copies to students."

"Fairytales Bookstore and More in Nashville is partnering with school librarians to give away free copies of Maus to local students, and patrons are encouraged to donate to the cause at a discounted price."

How appropriate that Fairytales Bookstore has got into the act of promulgating and promoting the biggest fairy tale of them all.

"We thought this would be a local support to help a magnificent piece of literature stay in the hands of students in the McMinn county. But this has become a global priority!"

No time to waste you know. After all those children's minds aren't going to poison themselves.


"The actual images of the Holocaust are the most graphic, nightmare-inducing images in the world. Why take Maus out of the curriculum when it makes this horror more teachable to a wider and younger audience?"

This of course is the bottom line, it is atrocity propaganda of the lowest order, it is gratuitous and mercenary in its intent. They want those piles of corpses and those emaciated bodies always to be in front of the world, they want to show serious people walking through those showers and choking up at the thought of it, they want pictures of children behind barbed wire always to be in the mind's eye, they want those sinister and vicious blond-haired beasts always to be stalking one's imagination.

Those cats might as well be panthers streamlined for killing; and those cuddly mice they couldn't never hurt a fly.

"I was 12 when the second volume of Maus was published, and I read both volumes in one long afternoon. It was the first graphic novel I had read, and like many 12-year-olds I was just starting to think of myself as a person able to have independent ideas and opinions. The very fact of Maus, the fact that I could hold in my hand something so simple and yet complicated, changed the way I thought about how we tell stories."

It changes the way people think about the Jews.

When you want to perpetrate a boondoggle of world historical proportions, when you want to blind and bamboozle a people, you always start with the children.

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Re: Maus Goes Up The Smokestack

Post by Supremely White » Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:16 am

I was at the library last week, and they have a rack of “banned books “. The sign on the shelf had “Maus” in it’s offerings, but it wasn’t there. In fact, most of those books were assigned reading at school back in my day, when we had to walk 10 miles in 2’ deep snow, uphill, both ways.
The shelf also had Anne Frank, which I was hoping would be the Japanese author’s debunked version that’s sold in the Cosmotheist bookstore, but no, it was the original. The one my class and I had to read in 2nd or 3rd grade…not too long after I even learned to read at all, in first grade. The schools get them while they’re young. So Anne Frank is supposedly a banned book now? Great! I guess more people have watched Europa: The Last Battle, or got a hold of the Japanese author’s version of it.
Hitler was right.

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Will Williams
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Re: Maus Goes Up The Smokestack

Post by Will Williams » Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:17 pm

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 2:52 am
Douglas Mercer
February 6 2022
Underground, countercultural, and San Francisco reeks of days old urine, cigarette smoke, cheap and tawdry porn stores, odd dudes milling about in trench coats, and furtive doings in private stalls. The long haired Jew bastard must have felt right at home amidst all the unsavory seediness.

Take a look at that Jew bastard and tell me I'm wrong.
Itzhak Avraham ben Zeev Spiegelman... Ugh!

"The schoolboard could've checked with their book-banning predecessor, Vladimir Putin. He made the Russian edition of Maus illegal in 2015 (also with good intentions — banning swastikas) and the small publisher sold out immediately and has had to reprint repeatedly."

The great Wolf Stoner told us that Putin was no friend to the White man, and Wolf Stoner was right.


It's tough sometimes being right when so many say you are wrong. But right Wolf was. Putin banned that subversive Jew's Pulitzer Prize-winning trash, but for the wrong reason. Fact! :D
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Maus Goes Up The Smokestack

Post by Wolf Stoner » Thu Sep 07, 2023 3:02 am

The last disgusting thing from Putin:
It seems that the whole world competes in being pleasant to Jews and Putin is definitely the champion in this Jew ass-licking contest.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Maus Goes Up The Smokestack

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:50 pm


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