Dutch Cleanser

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Dutch Cleanser

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 2:50 am

Douglas Mercer
February 8 2022

Now they are cleansing the Dutch.

Near the end of his most famous book Scott Fitzgerald offered this paean to them:

"And as the moon rose higher the inessential houses began to melt away until gradually I became aware of the old island here that flowered once for Dutch sailors' eyes - a fresh, green breast of the new world."

What a time that must have been to be alive, what promise. Now it's Jews and negros and Puerto Ricans and other race riff raff that have inherited it.

And the Dutch are being cleansed.

So much for "our posterity."

They say the White man bought the enchanted island of Manhattan from some Indians for a measly 24 dollars. This joke has for a long time become a byword for how stupid those Indians were and how smart the White man was.

But who's laughing now?

When you see the snot nosed and sniveling and malevolent maggots who rule the island now you have to wonder who really got rooked.

And you have to wonder too if we can give it back. Should we be able to we won't even ask for the 24 dollars in return.

The whole island is an international albatross run by Jews, hung around our necks.


My assumption is the Collegiate School in New York City is one of those legacy institutions created by White people that has gone to seed after it was taken over by lily livered White people who cravenly cower to the coloreds and the Jews. You can bet being White there is not in fashion and being a self-respecting White person is anathema and probably unheard of. If you're White you had better be anti-White if saving your skin is all you are about; not your people, but your own skin.

"Collegiate School is an independent school for boys in New York City. It claims to be the oldest school in the United States. It is located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. It is ranked as one of the best private schools in the United States. In 2020–2021, tuition fees totaled $55,900 per year."

55K per year. That's a couple of hundred dollars paid for each time they say the White man is evil. And we know who's getting rooked on that deal.

"The mascot is a cheerful Dutchman in 18th-century dress, carrying a cane and sporting a wooden leg. It's generally assumed to be a representation of historically one-legged Peter Stuyvesant, the last Dutch governor of the New Amsterdam colony, which is what New York was called in 1628."

No more, they've cut the legs out from under the image of Stuyvesant. He was as you can imagine (wait for it!) a racist. And he wasn't all the crazy about Jews either. And in our current time of brainless subversion that simply will not do. So the image that all take to be that of Stuyvesant is coming down, they are replacing it with a non-descript colonial figure. You better believe that one won't make it long either. Eventually it will be an ape like figure with only the barest pretense (if that) of being human. They'd make it a hook nosed rodent like figure but even they know that would be a little too on the nose.

Anything White, anything European, anything from the great past, symbols, words, statues, myths, stories, novels, mascots, paintings, building names, even signs on the side of the road, all of it must be erased, eradicated and cleansed from the record. To anyone paying even a modicum of attention it appears that the criminals are removing all the evidence from the scene of the crime. In the great rainbow future that they have planned they want Whiteness to be nothing more than a rumor---and then not even that.

"Elite Manhattan Collegiate School scrubbed religious references from its motto and seal and diluted its Dutchman mascot logo after spending three years studying the issue including with a 17-person task force that released a 407-page report on the matter."

You heard that correctly. Seventeen human maggots spent three years and turned out a turgid turd-like 400 plus page opus which concluded little more than White people must go. Now we know where that 55K a year is going, right into the pocket of the maggots. Or maybe those seventeen maggots are so rich they volunteered, in which case the 55K will go to different maggots.

"Founded in 1628 during the Dutch reign in New York, Collegiate removed the A.D. from the founding date on its seal because of its religious overtones and adopted a new motto that eliminated a reference to God. The motto and seal, which had A.D. - Year of our Lord- were also considered to be potentially offensive."

They are not quite yet bold enough to put AF for After Floyd in place of AD but soon they will enough. Which will be appropriate given that if you believe the propaganda surrounding that banana eating ape he spent his hallowed earthly time wandering around the desert in sandals and a robe, cleansing the lepers, healing the sick, curing the halt, raising the dead, preaching a doctrine of universal love and taking on the big wigs in the temple.

"Backers argued that the school was in need of updating its symbols to better reflect the times."

This is of course a rank example of the disease known as Current Yearism---as in how can anyone be so viciously racist, it's 2022 after all, as if the year had anything to do with the fact that negros are, always have been, and always will be, a pestiferous lot that drains societies like rancid succubi.

Apparently they took an initial poll and it turned out that a lot of the students kind of liked the old pegged legged guy, he had that fighting spirit and all. But then they told them that old peg leg was a guilty of horrible wrong think, he didn't treat negros with the courtesy and respect that is their due, and he thought Jews would destroy any society they touched with their greasy fingers.

That is, they told them that those old guy knew a thing or two.

"The positive outlooked changed, however, when they were then informed of the history of Peter Stuyvesant and his ties to slavery and anti-Semitism."

Heaven forbid!

For crying out loud did he love his own race too?


Peter Stuyvesant was one of those men who was out there in the Western Hemisphere early and often, roaming the seas to plant the flag of the White man. Their legendary stories are always salutary, always inspiring. It's why they hate them so much, they were heroes and men, neither of which they are and neither of which they can abide.

"The old mascot is believed to be Peter Stuyvesant, the last Dutch governor of New Amsterdam, an anti-Semite."

"Born in the Netherlands in 1592, Peter Stuyvesant was the son of a clergyman who was appointed to director-general of New Amsterdam in 1646."

His claim to fame was that he ruled the soon to be New York City when it was still the fresh green breast of the New World, and he ruled it with an iron hand and kept out Jews which was an auspicious start. But prior to that he had a pre-career as a royal adventurer throughout the Caribbean.

"In 1635 he joined the Dutch West India Company in Brazil, where he remained for nine years. The Dutch West India Company was a privately owned enterprise that promoted trade and settlement in the New World, the European term for the Americas. Then, in 1643, Stuyvesant was appointed governor of Dutch possessions in Curaçao."

Apparently he was an authoritarian and colorful figure who lost a leg in a battle, buried it, and whose prosthetic leg was known as his silver leg because he decorated it with many adornments. His time as the ruler of Manhattan was marked by a burgeoning population (from 2000 to 8000), and a flourishing expansion of housing and trade.

He also prohibited the sale of alcohol and weapons to Native Americans.

Wise man.

"He was intolerant of other religions, prohibiting Jewish and Catholics from settling in the colony and placing meeting restrictions on Lutherans and Quakers. He was a strict follower of the Reformed Church and had little tolerance for liberal (free-thinking) religious views."

So Manhattan got a good start with keeping out the Jews but has gone downhill ever since. Apparently Stuyvesant's authoritarianism did not sit well with everyone and when the English came his people did not follow him in defense; but the switch from the Dutch to the English was a peaceful one, as befits a change among the same people,

"He promoted friendly relations with English settlements, but his harsh, dictatorial rule proved to be his downfall."

When New Amsterdam became New York the shift was seamless and smoooth.

"New settlers from Holland would be admitted, and Dutch inheritance laws would be respected. In fact, many New Netherland citizens felt they were better off under English rule than they had been under Stuyvesant. Within a short time New Netherland was renamed New York, and New Amsterdam became New York City.

After returning to his homeland Stuyvesant even moved back to Manhattan in retirement.

"He lived there until his death in 1672, and was buried under the chapel he had built on his farm. The chapel is still standing in Manhattan, and it is now known as St. Mark's Episcopal Church. In 1922 the two hundred fiftieth anniversary of Stuyvesant's death was commemorated at the church."

Anyone want to go over-under on how long until they dig it up?


But the likes of Peter Stuyvesant are now longer in fashion, they have all of them become the prime targets of a revenge play put on by their inferiors. It's an assault on the heroic image by people who can dream of nothing better than a culture and a civilization composed of slaves.

One objector to the eighty-sixing of the image of Stuyvesant missed the point entirely: "Schools are spending time on issues that optically look good for the times but are inconsequential.”

Clearly this is the kind of naïve person who one day will get run over in the middle of the road and never know what hit him. Were this a one-off thing we could shrug it off as the mania of few misfits; but what it is is another piece of a larger mosaic of madness which, taken all together comprises the biggest threat that the White race has ever known since it made its way out of the Eurasian steppes, the slow ebbing away of everything we value. The consequences of this are tremendous, it's where the heart of the battle is being waged and the hill you want to die on is the hill on which you find yourself.

One Manhattan Upper West Side liberal maggot with two children at the school said: "The mascot is not welcoming to a diverse group. We have to be neutral. We live in a multi-cultural city with different religions, and if it’s offensive to even one group of people, then remove it."

That's the lowest common denominator theory of social policy, and of course the notion that what is being done is in any way "neutral" is flabbergastingly laughable. It is being done by people who are brazenly partial only to themselves. Under the false pretenses of "fairness and justice" they proceed to make their revenge fantasies a reality.

"The 394-year-old Collegiate School issued a 407-page report on its winking Dutchman mascot and 'Unless God, then in vain' motto. The school's History and Symbols Task Force recommended the mascot, motto and seal be changed because they could be considered potentially offensive."

A History And Symbols Task Force is about as ominous as it gets. It is like a permanent tribunal with a world historical and symbolic gun pointed at our heads, symbolic for the moment. It's like a show trial always in session that has a shotgun eternally aimed at the head of every White man of that past who had the courage to defend his own. It's a never ending committee that will ensure that every last remnant of the great White past is torn down until nothing is left of us.

Why, just recently on Netflix they put on a three part "in-depth" series called Everything Is Going To Be All White in which various uppity negros and other racial flotsam and jetsam mocked and insulted and vilified White people from the pulpit of the Jew media. One frizzy haired negress even had the gall to allege that it is White people who are killing black people when anyone paying even the remotest attention knows it's the other way around but that didn't stop this frizzy haired negress from considering herself the possessor of the moral high ground when what she really has is shit for brains. The series is billed as being a celebration of black history in which the issue of race is explored by "people of color." The only thing positive to say about such cultural vomit is that they are creating a wealth of evidence which can easily be used as exhibits in their forthcoming trials.

"The task force was made up of students, board of trustee members and others in the Collegiate School community. Some notable members include Regina Lasko, the wife of David Letterman, and sports media investor John Kosner."

All the swells came out, all of high society gathered in a confab of a Task Force hell bent on stripping away the last vestiges of historical America. The roster of the Task Force reads like a Who's Who in high society treason, or like a small glimpse into the upper crust social register of anti-Whiteness. It was probably a plum assignment, the recipients of the nod could say at the next party that they were party to the utter destruction of America, it was just a logo and a motto they'd say, a small thing, but if they all just keep chipping away the whole thing will one day come completely crashing down.

We'll pick them all up in the first wave of arrests and the docks will be swelling to bursting with the swells when the trials begin.

"After reviewing the report for two years, the 394-year-old institution refashioned its mascot last week to avoid feelings of excessive Eurocentrism."

Can there be too much Europe? That of course is the question that answers itself.

"The school's motto was also altered to Wisdom, Community, Kindness."

A kindness that kills

"It's the latest incident of NYC's elite schools going woke after several schools, like The Spence School and Grace Church School, openly supported the Black Lives Matter protests last year. Through our outreach, the task force quickly discovered that Collegiate's symbols are flashpoints on charged topics such as race, religion and gender."

These places are the hollowed out remnants of a vanished upper class Whiteness. These schools are the echoes of a class of White people which prefigured the present collapse by many generations. At the highest reaches of society they had long since left the issues and concerns of their White cousins, and went directly into treason. From the perch of money and clout and influence they could afford (so they thought) to distance themselves from the concerns of race. Looking down their long noses they fashioned the fashionable opinions of the day, the liberation and the worship of the negro, the elevation of the Jews, the welcoming of the offscouring of the whole world and, most deadly, the denigration of White people. From their day to this these upper class deracinated Whites are the worst traitors of all. Traitors first, enemies second.

And these ostensibly high toned idiots are the worst traitors of all, people who have long since given up on their own people to cast their lots with the race enemy.

"The History and Symbols Taske Force believes that its most consequential contribution is in having modeled potential ways to incorporate all voices to address these challenging conversations through direct engagement and facilitated dialogue."

Just so you know "dialogue" is their preferred euphemism for when they shove whatever they want in terms of policy down White people's throats. Certainly in Manhattan, and in all big cities, and increasingly all across America, there is no dialogue at all, it's a monomania to destroy Whiteness, and our voices are not among that "all"

Of course it was never in doubt but we can see what the motive power behind getting the ball rolling against Stuyvesant was: no surprise or shocker at all--it's Jews.

It always is, without cease of fail.

"In 2017, Jewish protestors called on then-Mayor Bill de Blasio to remove Stuyvesant from all city property.

Jews simply can't stand it that anyone is honored in the country they have taken over, if anyone is honored who has not got flat on their bellies before them:

"Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the head of the Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center, told the New York Post that Peter Stuyvesant was an extreme racist who targeted Jews and other minorities including Catholics and energetically tried to prohibit them from settling in then New Amsterdam."

Put up more and more statutes of him is what we should do. More statues and more honor: get rid of the guilt and get back to the glory.

Some day soon in a town near you.

"New York, of all American cities, which boasts such important Jewish history and claims such a present day vibrant Jewish community, should take the lead in denouncing Stuyvesant's bigotry."

Imagine a Jew free New York. Imagine a Jew free America.

It will be a fresh green breast of a new and a better world.

Our world at last.

But instead we get this tripe:

"To combat the institutional and other racism that pervades so much of our society."

In the current climate men like Peter Stuyvesant don't stand a chance.


According to Revilo P Oliver in the 1930s the product "Dutch Cleanser" became a wry synonym for what society needed, a Ceasar like figure who would clean out the Augean Stables, who would rid society of its human excrement and effluvia, who would eradicate the vermin and plague ridden rodents that plague us to no end. He indicated that such a figure, would he come along, would enjoy widespread support, that his iron fist would be quite popular with the broad section of society tired of the trash and the garbage that has been infiltrating our country for far too long.

"A Dutch Cleanser who would as efficiently deal with the malodorous and ever-spreading corruption of our society."

And so it would. Given that they are now cleansing the Dutch it's time for some old Dutch Cleanser. It's a product that chases the dirt.

It says so right on the label.

And when the time comes the filth will be washed away and it will no longer us who's getting rooked.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Dutch Cleanser

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:55 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Dutch Cleanser

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:55 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Dutch Cleanser

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:56 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4638
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Dutch Cleanser

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:57 pm


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