Bellyaching For Blacks

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Douglas Mercer
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Bellyaching For Blacks

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 2:49 am

Douglas Mercer
February 10 2022

That banana eating criminal George Floyd is at it again, his long and "sacred" memory has got his fellow apes Cori and Corey, Bush and Booker, two blacks, to bellyache for blacks. The man is feminine, the women is masculine. The man is obviously gay and fake dated a Hollywood actress to disguise it. The woman is a "veteran" of Ferguson, the one where they concocted that "hands up don't shoot" narrative out of thin air.
Safe to say this is not a pair to draw to.

And that was one expensive banana was it not?

And now they are bellyaching about blacks. Apparently they think that blacks who violate our sovereignty are treated worse than Mexicans who violate our sovereignty. The real question is: why are they violating our sovereignty? And the second question is: who cares? First off it's likely not even true, for the overwhelming part illegal aliens are given the royal treatment and catered to and given lawyers and put up in nice hotels on the White man's dime. And even if it is true, that blacks are treated worse than the wet backs, the answer is to treat the wet backs worse, not the other way around.

Treat them all equally I say. Strike terror in their hearts and drive them back to their own countries with extreme prejudice.

Not an inch or a quarter given.

Of course White men in power would never dream of such a thing, they'll bellyache for blacks as well.

They say a liberal is someone who won't take his own side in an argument. A liberal maggot is a White person who won't take his own race's side in a civilizational struggle.

You see a lot of them in these latter days, and it's always later than you think.


We all saw those uplifting and refreshing photographs of those heroic men on horseback driving those negros with lariats and whips. It was heartening and harkened back to a better time when the White man was in the saddle. Naturally our enemies were appalled by this throwback display of "toxic masculinity," the images that were flashed across the world of strong and unapologetic men on horseback defending their country from black invaders flashed them back to their fever dreams of the past when the White man strode the planet like a colossus, and trampled the coloreds underfoot.

Those were the days.

The dementia patient in the White House said those men needed to be investigated and they would "pay." You can see why they were so outraged. Those images were images that seemed to be designed to trigger them in their deepest and most vulnerable places: images of heroism and righteous, organized violence.

Far from being investigated those men should be lionized and have medals pinned on them, should be given Presidential Medals Of Freedom. Whatever honors we have should be theirs.

But now Cori and Corey, Bush and Booker, want to have the book thrown at them. They say those images of those poor blacks being driven and whipped and chased by White men reminded them of negro slavery in this country.

But Calhoun told us that slavery, far from being a necessary evil, was a positive good.

Have we forgotten already?


When those Haitians massed on our border you'd think our leaders would have been alarmed but they are liberals and will never take our side. They are liberal maggots in that they will do anything they can to take the side of black invaders who are overturning a White homeland. If you didn't know any better you'd think they think those black invaders have every right to be in our country, and we have no right stop them.

"Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) are among a group of over 100 Democrats calling on President Biden to address and review the treatment of Black migrants within the United States' immigration system."

Cori and Corey, Booker and Bush, the one is a man who acts like a woman the other is a woman who looks like a man. And they want the President of the United States to abrogate his duties and do something for those black invaders who were massed at our borders.

"On February 16 2022 Democratic lawmakers wrote a letter to the President in which they said Black migrants were facing disparate and often inhumane treatment within the immigration enforcement process, pointing specifically to Haitian migrants as an example."

Whenever you hear the word disparate cock your Browning.

And cock it quick.

It's bad enough we have to worry about the wet backs but now we have to worry about the negros. Everyone knows the trouble caused by those from Mexico and Central America but in many respects this is a walk in the park compared to what is looming on the horizon from immigrant spooks.

If only it made you want to lock your doors but the time for that is past; it makes you want to pick up stakes and move deep in to the hinterland.

"Roughly 4.6 million, or one-in-ten, black people in the U.S. were born in a different country as of 2019, up from 3% in 1980. By 2060, the U.S. Census Bureau projects that this number will increase to 9.5 million, or more than double the current level."

We didn't learn our lesson from the bringing them in the first time. You'd think the horrible struggle we've had with them on our hands and on our lands, the devastation they have cost us, the money they've drained, the White women they have raped, the murders they have committed, the communities they have devastated, would lead us to try to weed out the ones we've got as quickly as possible but the idea of bringing untold millions more should have never occurred to us. But to our leaders more trouble for your average White man doesn't spell trouble for them, it spells opportunity. And what better way to spell trouble for the White man than to import Africans?

Has there ever been a people with a more of a penchant for suicidal mania than that liberal wing of the White man? You see the Europeans went in to Africa and brought the medicine and the know-how and "all the goodwill in the world" and took a stagnant people and exploded their population in a way that they never could have done themselves. Then of course they can't feed themselves because they aren't all that bright, they confusedly scratch their fuzzy heads at the least sign of mental difficulty, their governments have endemic corruption, and then as sure as crime follow negros the off scouring of the exodus falls squarely on us. Hence that one in ten.

It's a story as old as Jews.

And oh yes even though affirmative action and set asides and racial spoils were designed with the ancestors of the so called victims of slavery and Jim Crow exclusively in mind, these new blacks who are likely to be the ancestors of the people who sold people into slavery will as sure as anything be the recipients of the social largesse, no questions asked. And when they pull this fast one they'll act like it's all as right as rain.

Stupid is as stupid does

"Migration from Africa has fueled the bulk of the growth of the Black foreign-born population from 2000 onward. In 2000, roughly 560,000 African-born Black immigrants lived in the U.S. By 2019, that number had more than tripled to over 1.9 million."

And of course Haiti is "little Africa" though in corruption, scum, trash, burning tires, throats slit, kidnapping, gangs, trash, garbage, and unbridled violence it holds more than a candle to it, it is an inhuman bonfire which could burn it down. You see the Haitians made the rookie mistake of massacring the White man en masse, thus in one fell swoop cutting off the hands that fed them (see Calhoun, above) and now they are lucky indeed if they are even the not so proud possessor of a begging bowl. If you look at Haiti from space you can see that its half of the island is totally de-forested, they cut it down to build some fires to roast some corpses when in a time of pinch, or toast some rats, or maybe just to celebrate a foul rite, long time preferences not being a known strength of the negro, inevitably they prefer nothing more than a tight pussy, loose shoes, some easy low handing fruit to pick, and a warm place to shit. And unable to shift for themselves or live by their own devices (stewing in vices as they are) they sift through the garbage hoping for more than a dead rat, and unable to survive on this meager fare the unholy exodus to the White man's land begins. It was this that led to the literal (they are mud people after all) muddying of our river as they camped out, washed their clothes, defecated and urinated, and massed on our borders, where they formed a beachhead, stewing in their filth, and anyone without blinders on could see that this mass of darkness constituted nothing so much as an invading army, they hijacked buses, so of course we let them in instead of clearing them the hell out.

Suicidal is as suicidal does.

"In September 2021, as large numbers of Haitians entered the United States at the Texas border at Del Rio, we saw disturbing images and videos of border patrol agents using horses and horse reins against Black people at the border-who were carrying nothing but food and water."

Disturbing? No, disturbing is when a man on a horse tramples to death protestors against risky and untested experimental vaccines. You see there is a moral calculus our enemies can't comprehend: the vaccine protestors had every right to be there and were standing up for right; the black invaders had no right to be there and were standing up for nothing except their own selves or for nothing; and far from being disturbing those picture of men on mounted horseback at our border were refreshing, heartening, even electrifying, so long has it been since we've seen something of that kind. Indeed, it was a sight for sore eyes. More of that, please said millions of White people as they slowly and consciously clapped.

"For many, this incident conjured images of our country's treatment towards enslaved Black people and highlighted longstanding concerns regarding the disparate treatment of black migrants by immigration enforcement officials."

For the clear-eyed among us it conjured up Camp Of The Saints like images of masses of unarmed invaders morally overawing weak and spineless leaders, it conjured up images of invaders with nothing to lose overrunning a country with everything to lose.

"Biden called the images outrageous in September, adding that he promised that those people will pay. There is an investigation underway right now and there will be consequences."

Notice that when it comes to the poor blacks (who have nothing but food and water the poor souls! who dindu nuffin!) this dementia patient queues up and stand up straight or as straight as he can and straightaway gets his dander up and demands action and action now! People will pay! No more of this defending the homeland malarkey! But oddly, or not oddly at all, the sight of those black illegal aliens doesn't' rouse anything in him except inordinate sympathy and solicitousness, a kind of paternal feelings that the Great White Mother or Father has for his charges who are carrying out the death sentence imposed by Jews on White people and that he is only too happy to facilitate; he sees to it that everything is done for them, the entire apparatus of the state is at their beck and at their call; they certainly won't pay, they are priceless after all, and indeed it will be us paying them for the "privilege" of being replaced.

"They added that they wanted the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security to also do a review of the treatment of black migrants within the immigration system."

Keeping the Department Of Justice busy may not be a bad thing, that will give them less time to target White parents at school board meetings, and less time to track down us White Supremacists for exercising out natural born right of self-defense: but you'd think, in theory, that Homeland Security would have far far better things to do, like, well, securing the homeland. But of course if you think that you'd be very wrong with that Jew in charge of it it's like the proverbial fox and the proverbial hen house and the hens are all mysteriously being eaten one by one. From time to time the vicious Jew Mayorkas let's out a belch and some feathers float from his mouth, and he has made it very clear that under his tutelage his department will have no intention of ever deporting anyone for any reason, unless the brown criminal is caught red handed sodomizing eighteen underage White girls, films it and loads it on to social media, and even that will be a close call. But seventeen? No problem, senor. The welfare office is thataway.

"As a starting point, we recommend the Department of Homeland Security, in concert with the Department of Justice's Executive Office for Immigration Review, conduct a holistic review of the disparate treatment of black migrants throughout our immigration system, make available to the public the results of this review and take steps to remedy disparities at each step of the immigration enforcement process."

Bellyaching for blacks, catering to the blacks, kowtowing for the blacks, bending over backwards (and especially forwards) for the blacks, whatever it takes they must be exalted like Moloch or a Golden Calf to worship. Anyway it's not like there's a border crisis that Homeland Security might want to look into and, who knows, maybe do something about. Hell no they won't, those paper pushers and green eye shade insects will be poring over the record trying to find the least bad thing that was once done to a negro, maybe he got put up in mid quality hotel rather than a luxury one, and that's no way to treat a negro is it? For them what's going on at the border is not a crisis but an opportunity, so they send people who are charged with securing our living space off on errand to bag the black groceries, to make sure that not a single nappy hair on their fuzzy heads is bent out of shape, this is not busy work this is the maleficent work of the liberal world order protecting its preferred pets. Got to keep those negros coming, those White people aren't going to rape and kill themselves! Got to make sure the wave of the future, those black immigrants, those hordes fleeing the dark continent, got to make sure they have a smooth landing space in the land of the formerly free and brave. Get your head back on the chopping block White man, don't think you're going anywhere, make sure the inflow of spooks is not impeded in any way. You might think that Homeland Security had their hands full with those quarter million "attempts" at crossing our border each month, but if you thought that you'd be woefully incorrect, the Jew in charge wants to turn attempts into "successes", from their perspective they have their priorities straight as straight can be and you can be sure it sure as hell isn't you and me.

"It is essential that we recommit ourselves to reversing anti-Black policies, including by adopting a human-rights centered approach to supporting immigrants and people seeking asylum in the United States."

Here's the thing: just being in a black run country is so horrific that a tender hearted idiot could construe it as being a human rights abuse. Hell, just being black is to be in criminally dire straits.

We all recall those Haitian muddying up our river, we all recall them making the mad dash for our land and our money and our women, we all remember them hijacking the buses, and going the gods know where. We were all so used to seeing those wet backs in the river that seeing those black faces wade in like wogs into the Ganges was really rather shocking. But this is the face of the future of illegal immigration. The Mexican won't stop but the black are on their way, a continent full of people who on their own own barely dipped their toes into the water is now exploding into the billions and they are on their way to take their chances with Uncle Sucker. Those phone the White man gave them tell them to like their chances, so weak-willed and spineless have our leaders become.

And just remember that under international asylum rules if anyone comes and knocks on our national door and says "I'm a sodomite" and where I'm from they don't like sodomites, then if we find out that in fact back in the old country they don't like sodomites we then have to let the sodomite in. It make you think that sodomy has become an American value, but either way we're not just bending over backwards for the migrants, we're bending over forward.

"Many said the administration’s response was rooted in racial bias."

Please, the Biden Administration loves the negroes, it's true that at the height of it when everyone saw the dark invaders looming down there like hungry apes they said a few things about sending them back; but then when the average American went back to drinking his sugary soda and viewing sportsballs they let them all in in broad daylight;

"The administration did allow more than 8,900 Haitians into the country between September and December to appear in immigration court and request asylum."

And just so you know "requesting asylum" is meaningless because they get released into our interior and then never show up for those court dates which work on the "honor system" and people who grew up foraging for dead rats in urine soaked alleys are not know for a high sense of honor.

Just send out the word that at the border we are shooting to kill and after a few of those dead bodies in the desert are beamed around the world those quarter million attempts on our border each month will dwindle to nice round zero.

No negros, no wet backs, no nada.

Let them chew on that for a while. Do it live so one and all can see the jackals and desert predators tear away at the bodies.

"Several of the lawmakers on Wednesday suggested that the use of the public health justification was in conflict with the president’s agenda on promoting racial justice.

So this gets down to it: "promoting racial justice" has that high sounding ring to it, a ring meant to appeal to you average normiecon. But what racial justice means in plain King's English is the end of the White race, you know they've thought this out and that's what they mean but as much as they'd like to the global elitists know they can't say "let's put an end to the White race", that's too risky as of yet so they speak in codes and winks and nods.

The shame of it is there are only two people who know as yet how to decipher these codes: Jews and White Nationalists.

That is for our side we are the only men in the arena.

So the blacks will not only be let in and catered to and kowtowed to and all the rest, they'll but put up and we'll be put out and we will pay for it.

Any questions?

That's what racial justice means.

“Our country has a long history of inhumane treatment of Black migrants, which is particularly evident in the historic mistreatment of Haitians. In 1981, the United States began interdicting Haitian refugees in the high seas and over the course of the next decade sent some 25,000 asylum seekers back to an island suffering under the rule of brutal U.S.-backed dictatorships."

Yes, right around the time of the Marial Boat Lift, we all remember that, when communists sent their criminals and lunatics on boats toward the Sunshine State, jsut around then 25,000 "asylum seekers" meaning criminals and lunatics from Haiti made the journey too.

We shouldn't have done anything so lofty as "interdicting" them. We should have sunk their boats.

"In 1991, the first Bush Administration opened a detention camp in Guantanamo Bay for over 300 HIV-positive Haitian men, women and children, including those who were possibly exposed to HIV/AIDS. This policy was challenged in court and resulted in a settlement requiring the resettlement of those detained in the United States."

Who wouldn't want AIDS ridden negroes living next door. Heck, they'll infect your daughter with the dread disease and all they'll ask in return is not to prosecute them when they bash her skull in. Who wants to lay odds that there were a boatload of Jews among those who challenged that in court?


So now they are bellyaching for blacks, telling the poor sob stories of their plight at the border. This of course is just one of the many nation wrecking fall outs of that incident in Minnesota after which million of White people lost their minds and cast in their lots irretrievably with the Jews and their demon workers

At one point before he died a policeman remarked that to George Floyd that he was foaming at the mouth and Floyd said "yes, I've been hooping." One incurious journalist supposed that meant he had been playing basketball, when what hooping really refer to is the fact that Floyd had been sticking drug up his ass, and the reasons drug addicts stick drug up their ass it that absent a needle that it the fastest way for the drugs to take effect.

More of his kind are now coming.

You see I can tell you the entire history of America is less than ten seconds. It goes like this:

George Floyd passed a bad Andy Jackson and as a result million of his race kin trash from Africa will one day be able to pass a bad Harriet Tubman. Cori and Corey, those two legislative apes, they will insist on it.

In retrospect we should have given George Floyd that banana for free.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Bellyaching For Blacks

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:46 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Bellyaching For Blacks

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:47 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Bellyaching For Blacks

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:47 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Bellyaching For Blacks

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:48 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Bellyaching For Blacks

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:50 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Bellyaching For Blacks

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:51 pm


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Jim Mathias
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Re: Bellyaching For Blacks

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:51 pm

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:51 pm
If you feed them, they will breed.
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