Waging War On Whites

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4458
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Waging War On Whites

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 2:46 am

Douglas Mercer
February 22 2022

The story of Ilhan Omar is the story of a missed opportunity. Her family was prominent on the losing side of a negro war in her homeland of Somalia, and as such her entire family (including her) was slated for death. But the Western World of NGOS and refugee rackets and cucked Christians had to stick their big noses in where they did not belong and they airlifted her family to Kenya where they were in a refugee camp for four years. Then in a truly suicidal move the United States Of America gave her asylum. By her own testimony her first impression of America was that it was "dirty." and after 9/11 her first decision was to for the first time don the hijab which she's been wearing like a gaudy gimmick ever since. So instead of letting history take its natural and rightful course we had to bring her here where she repaid our "kindness" by telling us what America really means, what our values really are, and how we and especially our ancestors have miserably failed to live up to them.
So instead of being dead as a door nail she lectures us about Wounded Knee.

You'd like to call it lesson learned but you know it's not even close to being true.


And now Omar and some other anti-racist demons in a formerly American Congress are trying to put the United States government into overdrive to take us down. You think the government is anti-White now? You aint seen nothing yet! They have all sorts of plans and provisions for our swift demise. If these Democrats get their way the government will go into hyper drive in the anti-White department, and it will have all the institutional heft it needs to whack all us Whites back in to our bolt holes, bolt holes if we're lucky. Should their bill pass the government which now attacks White people through various departments in a somewhat disorganized way will draw all of its power into a single cabinet level position with all kinds of police powers in its hand. It will kind of be like appointing an all powerful Czar of anti-Whiteness or an Ambassador of anti-Whiteness with a direct line to the President and nothing whatsoever to stop them.

Ibram Kendi has suggested calling it the DOA: Department of Anti-Racism, and their ambitions are not moderate or mild.

That means there could be a Secretary Of Anti-Racism?

Can you say Secretary Kendi? Sound far-fetched? So did a Supreme Court Justice named Ketanji not all that long ago.

What a world, what a world, when the country we founded wages a war on Whites.


It's true that the sponsors of this bill are the usual racial rejects, and the chances of it passing at this juncture are not great, it still remains well worth noticing for the scope and audacity and destructiveness of its "vision" if that is not too high sounding word for plain and simple race revenge. It functions today more as marker or a possible harbinger of things to come and where their thoughts are heading. And remember that in 2011 Robin DiAngelo was an out of work midwife with a useless PhD in "multicultural studies" from a second rate college and nine years later the Chairman Of The Joints Chiefs Of Staff was recommending that all troops read her book and she found herself on cuck Jimmy Fallon's show and got him nodding in agreement to her on her assessment that he was White and fragile.

The key sponsors of this poisonous mushroom porridge are Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, Rashida Tlaib, Bennie Thompson, that is the bottom of the barrel race trash looking for some revenge served cold on White people.

Maxine Waters ("Auntie Maxine") is that lunatic who represents a negro ghetto in Southern California but lives in Bevery Hills and was last seen exhorting the population to forcibly harass in pubic anyone to the right of Chairman Mao.

Sometimes all this hatred of our people is enough to make you think Cassandra was a cock-eyed optimist.

And as always with these wild-eyed mental patients money is no object for them whatsoever, they seek to spend it like drunken sailors on shore leave.

"Democrats in Congress have proposed a plan that would declare an unconditional war on racism, and fund it with $70 billion for a new, Cabinet-level Department of Reconciliation (DOR). It demands that the Reconciliation agency be given not less than 10% of the Department of Defense budget, which currently is about $715 billion."

It's like the old shop worn but time honored adage goes: getting driven from the face of the earth doesn't come cheap. Because that 70 billion price tag, should it ever come due, will come from White people in order to destroy White people. You've heard of robbing Peter to pay Paul? Well this is robbing John to kill him which is something else entirely.

"A summary explains the plan is to be declaring unconditional war on racism and invidious discrimination and providing for the establishment of a Cabinet-level Department of Reconciliation charged with eliminating racism and invidious discrimination."

Presumably this unconditional war will require unconditional surrender, it's what led them to burn down Georgia and bomb out Germany. When no quarter is given it's best to give no quarter ourselves--best to accept that we are in a war, a war being waged on Whites, and wage this was ourselves, as Whites.

"The plan likens itself to President Lyndon Johnson’s war on poverty. It adopts the concepts of Critical Race Theory, that ideology that claims America is all racist, is based on racism, and perpetuates racism through society.

Lyndon Johnson himself fired off one of the first and most egregious salvos in this longstanding war on racism when in 1965 he shanghaied the country's elite to New York City where in an ostentatious ceremony he signed America's Death Warrant by unleashing the rising tide of color on unfortunately unsuspecting White people

As for America being racist, being based on racism, and perpetuating racism it used to be true, is not true anymore, and needs to be true again. A statement like that disqualifies itself--were America a racist country a proposal like a department of anti-racism would never see the light of day. Does a racist country disenfranchise White people? Does a racist country go from 90 percent White to 57 percent White? Does a racist country let Maxine Waters out of cage? No, I didn't think so.

And then comes the laundry list of treason, a group of people who have no affinity for, no fealty to, no liking for, and no historical ties to the formative stock of this country, they open their big black and brown mouths and pipe up. Safe to say in a racist country this would not be permitted:

"Racism and invidious discrimination remain pervasive in our country; Whereas history is replete with examples of victims of racism and invidious discrimination being denied life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; Whereas systemic and institutionalized racism and invidious discrimination exist in virtually all areas of American life, including policing, criminal justice, housing, banking, voting, employment, education, the environment, and health care."

Did they miss anything? They do seem to be rather partial to the word "invidious" which my dictionary defines as "something likely to arouse resentment." Which means this statement qualifies as an invidious statement. As well as unmitigated claptrap. But you can see as the list is long they will leave no stone unturned when they finally are able to totally slither out from underneath their rocks and send the White man scurrying for cover.

"Racism and invidious discrimination are evil and antithetical to the United States Constitution.”

That is obviously not true, there was the 3/5 thing for starters, and even a casual perusal of American History shows definitively that the United States Constitution existed totally comfortably alongside racism for decade upon decade; indeed, even after the negro amendments muddied up the document the United States Constitution existed totally comfortably alongside racism for near to another hundred years; so there is nothing per se in the document which precludes racism, only an invidious interpretation of its contents.

When Ibran X Kendi (the X stand for how his ancestors signed their names) was dreaming up his genocidal cabinet department he pulled out all the stops as well and there's no evidence whatsoever that the current crop of race defectives thinks any differently:

"The DOA would be responsible for preclearing all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate private racist policies when racial inequity surfaces, and monitor public officials for expressions of racist ideas. The DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas."

You see what they want is a clearinghouse department which will rule over all the others, it will be like a Civil Rights Division taken to its extreme, every law that is passed, every policy that is put into effect, every tax initiative, every hand out given, every foreign policy move, every executive order, every school admissions policy, every Court ruling, whether it be local, state, or federal, the ones who make those decisions will have to go hat in hand and with their begging bowl on bended knee to the Secretary of Hate Whitey and then bow and scrape and get it "pre-cleared"; and will have to show that the decision will further subjugate the White man and will give the black and the brown unearned money and advantages. It will be the ministry of anti-racism, and it will be the central loci of the American Republic, and will take an ongoing hammer blow to the ancestors of its founders.

"The bill also invokes the death of George Floyd, claiming the event was a clear indication that it has become necessary for Congress to take decisive, immediate and long-term legislative action to address the elimination of racism and invidious discrimination.”

One negros bites the dust due to a fentanyl overdoes and the next thing you know they are lecturing you about the Trail Of Tears and Wounded Knee, and redlining.

"The bill calls for the establishment of a Cabinet-level Department of Reconciliation charged with ending racism and invidious discrimination, developing and coordinating the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to eliminate racism and invidious discrimination.”

Of course they don't want reconciliation, they don't want peaceful co-existence, they want dominance. And it's an unreconciled truth that "truth and reconciliation" are the big buzzwords of White Genocide. It's the phrase that they used in South African before killing off all those farmers; it's a sinister phrase meant to evoke "the coming to terms with the past" of Germany.

The concept has been assigned to the Committee on the Judiciary and will be taken up with a straight face and the graybeards will hem and haw and they might say it is too soon but let us put a pin in it. Because if it's not an idea whose time has come it's most surely is an idea whose time is coming.

That you can count on as sure as the king is no longer in the counting-house.

That's what those cities in rubble and those ever more frequent incursion into CVS are all about.

They want a DOR alright. But not a Department of Reconciliation.

Rather a Department of Revenge.

Can you say Secretary Omar?

You know when she looks in the mirror that's exactly what she sees even if for the moment she'll just lecture us about Tulsa.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4458
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Waging War On Whites

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:05 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4458
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Waging War On Whites

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:06 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4458
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Waging War On Whites

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:08 pm


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