Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Douglas Mercer
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Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:53 pm

Douglas Mercer
December 8 2021

When you see those five foot brown weirdos manning the red kettle dressed up like a mutant Sgt. Peppers don't drop your dimes in the drum. Don't feed the beast of Red Kettle anti-racism. That's right, the Salvation Army, that Christian military force created by cranks in late 19th Century London has gone full anti-racist. They want all their White Christian flock, and you too, to get on their knees and begin saying they are sorry. Sorry for being White. And sorry for being racist.

"The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination."

Apparently Jesus was a big anti-racist himself, he wandered the desert in sandals preaching White Privilege, told people to put down their invisible knapsack and follow him.

Who knew?

"The guide Let's Talk About Racism was released in April and created by the Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission. It is meant to provide internal dialogue on the issue of racism among members of the Salvation Army."

That's right, they've put out a guide on how not to be a racist. It mainly states that White people are evil, have always been evil, and will always be evil. And when people tell you they want to have a dialogue or a conversation you can be sure they want nothing of the kind. They want to browbeat you with their bullshit until you are so bludgeoned that they think you may want to give up. But then what would you expect from an organization created in an all White city that now has a full blown International Social Justice Commission. As a White person you know that when you hear the words Social Justice you're about to get hosed.

Don't put nickel in that drum.

"The Salvation Army wants its white donors to give it more than just money this Christmas season. Its leadership is also demanding they apologize for being racist."

Demanding, mind you.

The guide lists as "resources" the anti-White cretins Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, which is sort of like scraping the bottom of the barrel, collecting all the scum therein, and dressing it up as a field guide on how White people can hate themselves.

"While many Salvationists have acted firmly and courageously against racism, The Salvation Army acknowledges with regret, that Salvationists have sometimes shared in the sins of racism and conformed to economic, organizational and social pressures that perpetuate racism,"

"Racism can be so entrenched in institutions and culture that people can unintentionally and unwittingly perpetuate racial division."

They peddle this piffle with a straight face; they want their troops to put around the necks that placard that says "I'm White and I'm Sorry." They want you to get on your knees like that other Christian sniveler, Dan Cathy, of Chick-fil-a, and shine some negro shoes. If possible when you shine those negro shoes they want you to look up at him with a toothy grin and say "how was that massa?" That is, they want you to exist in state of perpetual mortification in the public square and in private as well. Your sin for which you should wear this ever grating hair shirt and whip and flagellate yourself forever in order to rid yourself of this moral contagion and pollution? Why, being White of course. It's the sin of sins though it must be remarked that until the last fifty years or so no one ever in a million years thought or even remotely suspected that racism is a sin. It's one of those things that they invented in the past five minutes and try to palm and pass off as an eternal truth.

Don't put a nickel in the drum. Give it instead to a drunken bum. As long as that bum is White.

And of course they allude to the newest dogma of systemic racism which replaced the old dogma of institutional racism which took over from plain racism which itself which supplanted unadorned White pride, so we've been descending the master staircase to the dark and dirty basement for quite some time now. All of these bogus buzzwords from these moral exhibitionists just show they need from time to time to spruce up their bullshit with some allegedly impressive sounding jargon culled from the dark corners of academia.

They regret to say.

We don't regret that we'll never put another nickel in that drum

Red-kettle racism can go hang itself.

"There is an urgent need for Christians to evaluate racist attitudes and practices in light of our faith."

No time to waste! Have a family? A job? An avocation? Drop it now, everything must fall before this, this is the number one problem in the country and it demands urgent attention.

"The guide asks salvationists to apologize for their racism, stating it is necessary if we want to move towards racial reconciliation."

First off the idea that the other side (ie, the black/brown side) wants any form of racial reconciliation is ludicrous. They want revenge. These Salvationists so-called want the reconciliation to be all one way, they want us to disarm unilaterally, to give, and give up, everything, and let the slaughter begin.

"The guide says White culture has challenges it needs to overcome, including denial of racism, defensiveness about race, and states that White Americans need to stop trying to be colorblind."

White culture has challenges alright. First and foremost among these challenges is that we have freaks like those who run the Salvation Army in our way telling too many of our people that it's all their fault. And then we have the blacks and browns whose obvious inability to attain the level of White Civilization is a tremendously deleterious handicap. It's too bad because our real challenge should be traveling into deep space, but it looks like that has been put on hold indefinitely. The compelling need of the adventurous White spirit, that is not urgent, no, not at all; what is passing new frontier after new frontier compared to ensuring diversity and coming to terms with the past?

"For instance, devout Christians devise well-intentioned Sunday school curriculum that only uses white photography and imagery,"

"The truth is that The Salvation Army believes that racism is fundamentally incompatible with Christianity, and we are called to work toward a world where all people are loved, accepted, and valued. Our positional statement on racism makes this clear.

Then it's time to send this Christianity packing. Long past time really. The world is not big enough for both of them and between one and the other is an easy choice. They can take their red kettle with them and get those mutant weirdos dressed up like mentally retarded Sgt. Peppers out of here too.

And please tell them to stop ringing that damn bell.

"Active officers in the Salvation Army's western territory were trained in matters of racial equity in a compulsory manner in January."

"As we anticipate having courageous conversations about race please join me in working toward a world in which all people feel included, valued and loved on Earth just as they are in heaven."

What utter garbage this is-- of course there's nothing at all courageous about the conversation they want us to have. It is pure conformism. It's the status quo, it's the popular thing. If you want courageous look up the collected works of Dr. William Pierce. That's one conversation about racism I'd love to have. I'd drop some big bills in that drum.

Suffice it to say they don't have the courage for that one.


Of course they deny they've gone completely around the bend on some new-fangled theories, they say that every bit of justification for for hating White people is right there in the Bible in bright red letters.

"Cohen said The Salvation Army has in no way changed its views or adopted any new ideology, like Critical Race Theory."

Cohen? Did you say Cohen?

Yes, they did.

"We believe that, as God loves us all, so we should all love one another. In terms of racism, two such guides have been prepared through the International Social Justice Commission" said Cohen.

Yes, sir, the external communications manager for the Salvation Army is named Joseph Cohen. Because what anti-White army would be complete without a Jewish mouthpiece. What would an organization created in London by White people be without a Jew crafting its propaganda? Jew for Jesus, hell---this is a Jew for the hatred of the White race.

What could possibly go wrong other than everything?

"The Salvation Army’s asserts Christianity is institutionally racist, calling for white Christians to repent and offer a sincere apology to blacks for being antagonistic to black people or the culture, values and interests of the black community.”

What universe do they find themselves in? In case they haven't noticed mainline Christianity, Catholic or Protestant, has for some time now exalted the negros on a pedestal, lionized them as long suffering martyrs, put their needs first. Far from being institutionally racist it is institutionally anti-racist. Hell, when that negro George Floyd got the life choked out of him the Church leadership all across the board turned him into the very model of Jesus Christ, and that street where he breathed his last became the new cavalry.

“Many have come to believe that we live in a post-racial society, but racism is very real for our brothers and sisters who are refused jobs and housing, denied basic rights and brutalized and oppressed simply because of the color of their skin,”

These are basic lies; trust me, the negros never had it so good, they certainly have it a lot better than they deserve. As for jobs they get legs up mandated by the government, they have super-rights on account of their race. As always the Salvation Army has it all bas-ackwards.

“The subtle nature of racism is such that people who are not consciously racist easily function with the privileges, empowerment and benefits of the dominant ethnicity, thus unintentionally perpetuating injustice.”

They say it's subtle so when they can't point to single instance of it they say, well, it's subtle. Just because you can't see it, and they can't point to it, doesn't mean they don't know it's there. Of course it's there just ask them. Not there or there, but there. It's invisible, like that knapsack.


And whenever you have a Christian group go high voltage anti-racism you inevitably get other Christians who object to that much voltage and argue against it in equally stupid terms.

If nothing else these people really do deserve each other.

"The Salvation Army launches its Red Kettle Campaign this holiday season, and some of its long-time donors are withdrawing their support from the 156-year old charitable organization citing its newly embraced woke ideology as the reason."

"There are a massive number of academics—Black and white, Christian and non-Christian, atheist and theist—who have raised the alarm against the aggressive indoctrination and, frankly, bullying of Critical Race Theory--not to mention the racial essentialism inherent in the view."

But you did mention it. Racial essentialism is a high flown word for the idea that the races do exist and that race matters which, of course, is as true as something can be. So the slightly lesser cucks don't see this red kettle anti-racism for what it is: an onslaught against White people that can only be combatted on its own terms. These weaklings simply want there to be no battle, to withdraw from the fight, to deny race, in that hope like magic that all the colors of the rainbow will be as one in a color blind heaven--which is to say they are blind as blind can be.

Between one and the other of these the pickings are slim.


"The Salvation Army has been a leader in confronting racism long before the rest of the country and over five decades before the civil rights movement."

You mean to say the Red Kettle went anti-White way back around 1925 or so? Just when the Klan was in it second hey day? Just when we were keeping out the Jews? Just when Hitler got out of jail? I must say I did not know that sordid history, I just assumed they were a bunch of cranks and oddballs who ran thrift store and soup kitchens and annoyed the hell out of you on the way out of the store. I had no idea that since way back when they are on the cutting edge of White race suicide. I must say I really wish I could get that nickel back I dropped in that one time.

But come to think of it they have got those silly uniforms and the military precision so maybe it's not so surprising that they have joined in the long march. And now that Floydism is the going thing they think see the golden opportunity to step up to the next level what they've always been doing. They want to talk about racism, and they want you to repent of it. So the next time you see that five foot tall race bastard ringing that stupid bell tell him you can't give him a thing, you gave at the the Klan meeting.

And for the Red Kettle we have nothing at all.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:36 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:39 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:40 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:41 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:41 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:42 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:42 am


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Re: Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:44 am


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Jim Mathias
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Re: Red Kettle Anti-Racism

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:40 pm

Trust no charity if you don't know their aims and beneficiaries thoroughly. There's a lot of 'hands' out there aggressively asking for something, and when asked I think to myself, "do I know them?" Which settles it right then and there as I'll give them that answer immediately.

I do trust in the National Alliance though, and have collected as well as given for us. Get to know us!
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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