An Establishment Stooge

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Douglas Mercer
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Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

An Establishment Stooge

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:26 pm

Douglas Mercer
November 3 2021

"Eventually, there's going to be this massive war. And the U.S. government's going to be overthrown. And they're going to be able to establish this white nation."

So said establishment stooge Elizabeth Neumann, she of the porcine face. Though she forgot to capitalize White. Manners are no more her strong suit than intelligence is. Hysterical cluelessness is more up her ally.

She of course is writing as to what White Nationalists think. You see Elizabeth Neumann is one of those establishment stooges who do the "big thinks" about hate and domestic terror as they while away the hours in Washington DC living off your cash. In fact when you hear the words "domestic terror" think of Elizabeth Neumann. She has been and will be again one of those bureaucrats deep down in the bowels of some government building building up the idea that Whites who retain their self-respect are the gravest threat this nation faces or has ever faced. She is one of the faces of official anti-Whiteness. She is supposed to be an expert, having read all the white papers and attended all the conferences. The fact that she in fact doesn't know doodly about squat won't stop her from pontificating like she's gone deep into the White Nationalist mindset and can glean all the devils therein. It's her job after all, it's what keeps her off the streets. Whether in or out of government she is a dues paying member of a floating class of people who recommend policy, enforce policy or comment endlessly on television as to what policy should be. She worked on educational faith based initiatives in the second Bush Administration, she's worked in the Department Of Homeland Security under Trump, she's on the payroll of ABC, and advises the National Immigration Forum on how to advocate for and craft better messages for open borders and flooding our homeland with race diseases. But whether she's in government or out of it raking money in from Jews to keep her lights on, you can be sure she'll be fighting hate for all she's worth (which isn't much) and making sure that every last refugee in the world is brought to live in America, just not in her neighborhood. No sir, such indignity is only for the little people.

And make no mistake about it: she hates you and she wants to strip you of your ancient rights and liberties. You offend her tender sensibilities which are earmarked by the love of Jesus Christ. You are one of the ones who has survived your brush with love; and for that she will never forgive you. And given half the chance she'll hunt you down like a mad dog using the full might and main of the United States Government.

She's a devout Christian but she's certainly no Christian Nationalist. She's an internationalist when it comes to morality, Jesus Christ style. She assures us it is totally unscriptural for a White American Christian in this day and age to love his race and want it and his children to survive in to a long future. But to bring in savage throwbacks from Afghanistan who will rape either your sons or daughters at a moment's notice, or both, that's in the Bible. Heck, you don't even have to look all that close, it's right there in those red letters.

Ironically she postures as one of those uber conservative security hawks you hear about. She's written papers saying that bringing hordes of Afghans in will make America more secure, though that woman who nearly got gang raped by a lot of them straight out of the gate might see it differently. So she's really a security dove or, better, a security idiot. She just has a big overflowing heart filled to the brim with Jesus Goodness and she thinks that the welcoming values of love, tolerance, and inclusion were the values that America was founded on.

That is, she's not all that bright. Which of course in a Jew run government is no barrier to success.

She was one of those people who worked in the Trump Administration and the left it five minutes before it ended. Actually she left in April 2020 so she was one of the early birds. She didn't leave it because Trump was a Jared-Ivanka-And-Jew-Whipped sell out to the at least decent cause of National Populism, no way. She left it because: Trump is a racist! If only. She apparently was cool with the Mexicans are rapists line, the idea that a spic judge was not really an American, that thing about those shite hole countries, and complete and total shutdowns of goat loving Middle Easterners; but for some reason back in April of 2020 something pricked her sensitive conscience, probably the idea that if she stuck around to the bitter end she'd be forever tarred and feathered as an unreconstructed "Trump enabler." Better to strike when the iron is lukewarm and get out when the getting out is still good and say: I tried! But I was one of those good guys. So now with that under her belt she can preen around morally forevermore and lecture White people about how they should roll over and die.

And this she does with a vengeance.

Indeed no less a Ruling Class rag and mouthpiece for pure evil than the Washington Post Magazine had a big glossy spread where they profiled the sacred 24 who left the Trump Administration in high dudgeoned protest; these were the people like those Vindman faggots and that slattern Fiona Hill; neocons who wormed their way into what was supposed to be a National Populist government, and who threw in the towel when that failure Trump even feinted that he might not want to consider race aliens one hundred percent sacred. Of course Elizabeth Neumann got the nod in this rogue's gallery in treason with a picture of her porcine face looking up to the sky like she's about to have a very personal tete-a-tete with her lord and her savior.

"Elizabeth Neumann, the former assistant secretary for threat prevention and security policy at the Department of Homeland Security resigned in April 2020. Neumann has raised concerns regarding the rise of domestic extremism during the Trump administration."

Raised concerns? Why, she's manned the bank of shofars and blew them all one by one until she was blue in the face. She wants the words "domestic terror" to be uppermost in everyone's minds, and she wants them to think of White people when they think about it.

She's one of those lifers who go in government and then out to the organizations. It's an interminable shuttle and shuffle where the floating class thwarts the White popular will at all passes and at all costs. She joined in with Trump which helps her with that all important CV and she left on cue which is the prerequisite for her moral grandstanding.

She's now one of the higher ups in the eternal fight against hate. That is, she wants to rob White Americans of the only tool capable of securing their future. She's joined forces with the open border build bridges not walls people at the National Immigration Forum, and if that group has seen a filthy wetback it didn't want to move to a home near yours I for one have never heard of it. She's in charge of something called Moonshot which is dedicated to the eradication of hate and to "end online harms such as extremism and disinformation." Of course the moonshot is what Kennedy announced to such ballyhoo, it was a long and arduous great national purpose. Which gives you a good idea of how demented these people really are.

And that aforementioned National Immigration Forum recently held their annual orgy of anti-Whiteness, a conference called Leading The Way which, if they were honest, would have been called Opening The Gates. It's a bipartisan conference where various grand wizards and establishment stooges gather to crap on White people and coordinate to ensure that their future is a short one.

At this non august event she opined that there is small core who truly believe in The Great Replacement Theory and who are trying to establish the Whiteness of America. She said that this is disgusting and evil. She says they need to be exposed.

That's us she's referring to. We are in the sights of those charged with running the security apparatus of this country. They have the White race on their Most Wanted posters.

And that storming of the Capitol back on January 6 2021 is really the bee in her bonnet. She thinks a bunch of White Nationalists infiltrated MAGA and got them to do the deed which is the older boy made me do it theory of national intelligence.

She thinks Trump emboldened and continues to embolden White Nationalists.

Perhaps that was true for a quick second, but after the second Syrian bombing and then certainly after Trump dropped a bomb down Soleimani's shorts White Nationalists exited the Trump Train for good, if they ever got on it.

This seems like an important development to know about for one who claims to study the many manifestations of White Nationalism and studies it on a government payroll. And who claims to be an expert on the subject. But then she's not really an expert, she's a harridan and harpy of hysterical cluelessness.

And she's taking dead aim at our future.


Elizabeth Neumann is one of those ghouls with blood dripping from her fangs who was totally gung-ho on the passage of the Patriot Act back in the day. And who is deliriously happy that by a twist of serendipity that craven law can now be applied to White people.

Can it get any better than this for a security minded lunatic?

When you hear the words "number one domestic terror threat" just picture her porcine face.

Now that she has rid herself of the moral pollution of being in an administration run by a man who pardoned countless blacks and Jews and who offered the sun, moon, and stars to negros, she can roll up those sleeves and get down to her business. Her business (and it's a dirty one) is working against that nebulous but all encompassing term, against the thing they hate the most:


Hate of course is the lifeblood of the people. To get rid of it is to get rid of us.

Now if they really wanted to get rid of hate the formula is simple. Just deport the 30 million, get rid of Affirmative Action, purge the universities of anti-Whiteness, get rid of the woke Military brass, get the Jews out of banking, the media and the schools, put the Army on the border, build a wall, stop naturalizing anyone, send the green card holders packing, strip all non-Whites of any and all civil rights, make race-mixing illegal. And then some leisurely mopping up actions regarding trials and sentences.

But of course that's not their agenda. Rather they'll go full throttle and pedal to the metal on all that and then try to therapize the fall out.

Good luck with that. You might as well try to empty Lake Geneva with a teaspoon.

In their jargon laced bureaucratese patois you hear lot about the "drivers" of hate.

Of course the real drives are those 30 million not deported and the rest. What they can't bear to consider is that White Nationalism and so-called "violent extremism" is a rational (and therefore moral) response to the absurdity and anti-White fanaticism of the world we inherited. They have a deep need to see us as pathological and our actions as a displacement for some deep seated need gone unmet.

They are like Big Brother and the Security State and the Behemoth and Leviathan all wrapped up in a nurturing mother figure who will soothe away the pain or, if that doesn't work they'll leave of stroking your head and hunt you down like a mad dog.

Those are the options.

Hate is the White immune system kicking in.

They want to render us helpless to the disease.


Elizabeth Neumann is the head lackey of an organization called Moonshot. These are the people who encourage and welcome with saintly open arms all who are fleeing that famous brush with hate you hear so much about.

In fact of course it's a brush with reality, but the thing is reality is an acquired taste, unfortunately most human beings can't stand very much of it.

"We reach people at risk from online harms and offer them an alternative path. Our work is rooted in evidence, ethics and the fundamental belief that people can change."

"The Redirect Method is an open-source methodology that uses targeted advertising to connect people searching online for harmful content with constructive alternative messages."

Oh yes, the infamous Redirect Method where they go online and try to cure you of your brush with hate. Like when I searched for Adolf Hitler and got search results for Yad Vashem. Or when I searched for Negro Crime and got an advertisement of a black rapist putting a ring on a White woman's finger. Or when I searched for Slimy Border Hoppers and got images of cuddly and teary eyed Mexican Grandmas saluting the American flag; or when I typed in Scientific Racism on Amazon and got a suggestion for a book telling me how to unpack my biases.

"Elizabeth Neumann, chief strategy officer for Moonshot, said her team has had success in reaching people who are in the early stages of the radicalization process. Moonshot, founded in 2015, uses technology to analyze consumers of conspiracy theories, disinformation and extremist content and then redirects them to other sources."

You get the picture: Jewish algorithms. Those are the algorithms that Sally Security State loves.

The term of "art" is counter-messaging campaigns.

They really are doing us a favor by weeding out the weaklings. Anyone who could be upset at the falling demographics of the White race and then be convinced that all they really need is a cat to complete the inner void of their life is not exactly going to be the pick of the litter anyway.

A week before the orgy of the anti-Whiteness meeting called Leading The Way Elizabeth Neumann participated in an orgy of anti-Whiteness called The Eradicate Hate Global Summit which will now be held annually in Pittsburgh as a nod to all those Jews who got taken out by a fed up White guy.

"Pittsburgh represents a continuation of the same thread of anti-Semitism that stretches from Alexandria to Kristallnacht."

From Alexandria to that solid reprisal for a Jew murdering a German diplomat in cold blood is a long list of expulsions which represent the glories of European History.

"In the wake of hate crimes, many communities have displayed images of love conquering hate. In Pittsburgh, signs combining the Star of David and the logo of the Pittsburgh Steelers and proclaiming that Pittsburgh is stronger than hate, are everywhere."

Frankly if I had to wager between Pittsburgh and hate I'd put my chips on hate. Hate is hungrier at the moment. And as to Jew Love and Sportsball forming an unholy alliance, it will take a lot more than that to make anyone quake in their boots.

"The Eradicate Hate Global Summit is being founded to foster the development and implementation of rule-of-law initiatives to counter hate around the world. This event, will occur annually near the date of the Tree of Life shooting, The inaugural event will occur at the Pittsburgh Convention Center on October 18-20, 2021, and we expect in excess of 2000 attendees."

Eradicate Hate? Why, one might as well eradicate the will to live. One might as well advocate that a people under assault give up its weapons, curl up in the corner in a fetal ball, and see say and hear no evil.

Give up hate? Abandon the last best chance of one's people?

That's what they want us to do. But you might as well try to quell the primal force of nature.

Good luck with that, as has been said.

It is extremely unlikely that we will give up hate. We know a good thing when we see it. We know the passion that hate engenders, the forces that it free. When one turns the normal hackneyed ideas on their head and embraces the worst thing they can imagine it is exhilarating. We are not like them, we don't exist in a floating class of money grubbing ne'er do wells who flit from panel to discussion to round table exchange gibbering about less than nothing, cash our checks, and go home to the well manicured 1950s style neighborhoods.

And why wouldn't you hate anyone who threatens even the least hair on the heads of your posterity? After all we don't have reputations and careers to bolster, we have a race to save. Our own.


In her panel discussion at the Global Summit To Eradicate Hate (October 18-20 2021) arch establishment stooge Elizabeth Neumann spoke of malevolent platforms by which she means still not Jew run. She said that at Moonshot their goal is to "re-direct" the person who is on the cusp of radicalization, she said they have systems to see with better granularity the people who are in the beginning of the throes of hate. She said the key is learning how to target these people with the right messaging. She said that for the most part this is not about ideology but about unmet needs.

So she's saying that really the people who have learned to name the Jews, who have learned about Jewish predation over the course of the last century, and who have discovered the precarious position of the White race on a world wide scale, these people don't really care about that, they just need a mother, or girlfriend or maybe even just a hug.

Or a couple of cats, I guess.

What a nauseating low level of analysis from one of the government's top analysts (supposedly). She really should turn in all the money she's garnered from dispensing this claptrap over the years and go and get honest, decent work.

It's hard to take anyone seriously who doesn't take us seriously. And we are serious as a heart attack.

She said that in Indonesia the radial right is susceptible to loneliness. She said that in Albania it is " the feeling of uncertainty". She said that in America it's a lack of "emotional response." She said that knowing this can help to redirect people through targeted advertisement to a crisis hotline.

Hello, we understand you think it's much more than OK to be white. and we're here to help.

And you know the ad is something along the lines of give up pride in your race and come where you are welcomed. And all the while the whiny voices of Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush are singing "Don't Give Up" over an image of a twenty something White soy boy in a barista smock with his head in hands.

I was taught to fight, I was taught to win!

How horrible!

The idea here of course is to nip in the bud the budding David Dukes of the world by holding out the prospect of emotional sustenance to counteract the "toxicity."

As if to plunge through and discard 100 years of Jewish propaganda, to fly in the face of the ideology of an entire society, didn't in itself take inner strength and emotional fortitude.

We know who has the pathology.

"Our dream is a world free from hate. At this moment, in this place, a unique convergence of talent, resources, and resolve have come together with the courage to dare to move that dream toward reality. We invite you to join us."

No thanks. We're White people. And a world free from hate is a dream world of Jews.

They have this massive infrastructure of anti-hate yet hate grows by the day.

What does that tell you?

It tells you we can win.


Of course she's an expert on White Nationalism. Though really like all such "experts" she's a tourist except even a tourist takes the time to travel through the country. Her analysis is so superficial it borders on criminal, especially since she gets paid for it. They are so hung up on January 6 that they can't see the forest or the trees. It's a White scare! There are White people under every bed! January 6 was a bunch of people who had just heard Trump speak and then they migrated to the Capitol and then on the spur of the moment they saw an opening and went for it. Soon they were dressed in bearskins and taking selfies in the well of the house and stealing shit. It was certainly no beer hall putsch, rather an opportunistic lashing out. It was nice to see all those congress cowards cowering in their gas masks, that's for damn sure, but the whole thing had the smell of keystone cops and slapstick and amateurish muddle. Despite the much broadcast "Nazi" paraphernalia adorning the protest the number of true bred White Nationalists who look to this as rallying cry has always hovered around zero. It a MAGA operation from top to bottom, stem to stern. The kind of people who take solace that Martin Luther King was really a conservative.

"So when you see the Capitol being attacked, which is this symbol of our seat of government, it has this rallying effect for a white supremacist who holds to this ideology."

"Now, after the dangerous QAnon conspiracy theory helped to motivate the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, with many participants touting their Christian Faith."

The QAnon people are a curious case; potentially they are a reservoir of support for our side; they suspect and even know that there is something deeply wrong going on, that we are being assaulted on all sides, but for all their deep and correct intuitions they come up with solutions that are not even half baked---they have not been baked at all. It's as if someone were in the throes of attacking your family and you put all of your energy into combatting phantom intruders.

When she broadens her scope and gets off of the hobby horse of the farce of January 6 she comes closer to the mark.

"But going back 40, 50 years to the '80s when the white supremacist movement kind of consolidated and came to the conclusion that they were no longer going to be able to establish or achieve their aims through the government, they realized that they needed to make the government their enemy."

Yes, and reasonably so. With the Brown decision and the imposition of blacks in White schools guarded by the 101st Airborne and bayonets any White man with his eyes open could see the lay of the future, and it was not auspicious for Whites. This was Reconstruction Redux and an occupying Army hell bent on multiracial rule.

"They also believe in a coming civil war. They also subscribe to an ideology of accelerationism, which a white supremacist might also ascribe to. That concept is that we are going to commit certain acts to accelerate societal collapse, to encourage the oncoming of a civil war. So it's not just a belief that someday there will be a civil war, as if you're being prophetic and you have awareness of something happening in the future. The accelerationism is it is my job to help bring it about."

Who doesn't believe in a coming civil war or, better, that we are already in the early stages of it? What is it if not a civil war when blacks rape and murder on an industrial scale? What is it if not civil war when blacks burn their way through cities? What is it but a civil war when the Jew media flood our people with race-mixing propaganda? What is it but a civil war when when the government makes war on its own people? Or welcomes the invader in? Or when it decriminalizes crime?

It's a civil war. That's what it is.

The only hesitation in calling what we are experiencing a civil war is that a civil war is a war among one people--and we are and never were that.

As for accelerationism who needs accelerationism when they let those 10,000 Haitian cross that river, when those 60,000 Haitian are massed in the jungle like a marching army poised to strike, when those Afghanis flood your neighborhoods, when they have their open border confabs in which they decry nativism and xenophobia and when any attempt to reclaim our heritage make them sick to their stomachs?

No, in terms of accelerationism contributing to our cause they are doing the necessary yeoman's work for us.

The other thing you notice about these putative security and intelligence gurus is that they really are not all that smart and are certainly not fabled for their grit. They are a wide-eyed bunch dwelling in innocence and the least little flare up of reality is much more than enough to catch them unawares.

"It was that you had people so unabashedly walking about, carrying their tiki torches and saying these horribly racist things. That was very shocking to many of us at DHS."

So prim and so proper! Aghast they were that there were still folks out in the countryside who had not bent, broke, and buckled, and what's more they are allowed to be free (for now at any rate). Their tender sensibilities where seriously ruffled and I'm sure they thought they passed a law about that kind of thing and when they find out they hadn't yet they decided they wanted to. Why not only were they saying racist things but they were proud of it. What's next, ovens? Secret caches of Zyklon B?

"And at that point, the counterterrorism community's eyes are very wide. And, oh, my goodness, this thing is global. We have been talking to our counterparts overseas. And they kept referring to things like the rise of right-wing violent extremism, the rise of nationalism, the rise of fascism.

Oh my goodness! Golly gee! It sounds like they are wetting themselves. The rainbow world they inhabit is being breached by unreconstructed White men with a notion to rule. Soon their well tended world in which everyone no matter their race, creed or color is a child of God and in which all the best people are color-blind will be inundated by a scary recrudescence of the scariest parts of European history. Why, it's like back in the 1930s, history is repeating itself, in their minds' eye they can see those Panzer divisions shooting the gaps in the Ardennes.

"Most of what was happening, most of what was metastasizing was online. And the U.S. was the exporter of this sick ideology. And so it was a recognition that we have this new threat. And we are not going to be able to stop it."

No, you are not.

"The disinformation problem is not going away. We can build more resilience. We can put more guardrails in place. But it’s going to be a problem for us for a long time."

A long twilight struggle.

The twilight of a civil war.


Elizabeth Neumann is a big fan of Afghan rapists and child brides and boys dressed up as girls dancing for depraved old men; you can tell she likes them so much because she not only wants to bring them in to our country but she insists that doing so is an all-American thing, a red white and blue virtue, is based on the values that this country was founded on, that we are that shining city on a hill that requires untold number of rapists in our towns.

"She has criticized the Trump Administration's efforts to lower refugee admissions, stating the actions harmed National Security."

Among Neumann's papers are "Robust Refugee Programs Aid National Security", "Immigration is Not a Security Threat", and "Rescinding the Travel Ban Will Improve National Security.

You got that straight: importing hordes of these vicious sex criminals will make us safer, more secure. You say you don't all the bank muggings, the car jackings, the home jackings, the smash and grabs? You say you don't like it when the Somalis take over whole neighborhoods and raise their Somali flag? Well, she thinks you are nothing but a fearmonger and your baseless scare tactics make us less safe. She'll bring more in and everyone will sleep tight at night.

She peddles and traffics in the rank and rancid residue of the make the world safe for democracy crowd. Like when in 1943 we jettisoned our longstanding ban on allowing Asians in because China was a war ally, or were worried what that the Global South might turn communist because we didn't let their dregs in. So for the purpose of fighting more Jewish wars we loosened our immigration laws and opened our borders.

And these same evil wizards still want those borders open to engender good will in the world--for more future Jewish wars.

When Trump and Sessions tried for brief minute to secure the Southern Border the cacophony from the elites reached an unprecedented (even for them) fever pitch. Kids in cages became the maniacal mantra. Neumann was one of the most appalled.

"And they - that's how they get to the place where they think family separation would send that signal. I was very grateful that the strong outpouring of anger by the American public kind of forced the president to change tracks on that pretty quickly. It was a - it is a stain on our country, and it's going to be with us for some time."

A stain on our country? Trying (however weakly) to stop the endless and relentless flow of invaders? Not bending over backwards and extending every last little courtesy to people who have no business being here and who have shown you no respect in the first place--that's a stain? And it wasn't the tide of anger of the American public, it was the banshee like wails from the Jews in their communication citadels that orchestrated that one.

"Restoring and strengthening the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) is critical for our national security. The United States has a storied history as a global leader and beacon of hope in providing refuge to individuals fleeing persecution. Our moral and humanitarian leadership in welcoming refugees sets an example and encourages other countries to do so as well. It is time to reaffirm the long-standing principle that admitting refugees to the United States is in our national interest. Admitting refugees has not only a foreign policy benefit but an economic one as well. Together these benefits strengthen our national security."

If you have ever wondered how many lies you can pack into one paragraph this one tells you to keep estimating upwards. This is patriotic Yankee Doodle Dandy speak; and you can book it that being this dangerously naive is not a survival strategy. But this thinking represents the brave new world that emerged in American foreign policy post war: free the negros at home, welcome the invader from abroad. After all they said we are big hearted magnanimous nation, a moral beacon. Ronald Reagan once went so far to say that in dealing with illegal aliens from Mexico we needed to be aware of our power and size; not to use that power and size to crush the aliens but to be humble about it and let them all in.

We see where that thinking has gotten us. When you are that kind of moral beacon that beckoning light will soon go out.

"In recent weeks, we have watched harrowing images of desperate Afghan men, women and children attempt to escape Taliban rule. For 20 years, the United States made promises: If you help us defeat al-Qaida and the Taliban, then we will ensure you and your family are safe from retribution. And if that is not possible in Afghanistan, we will provide you refuge in the United States."

Plan A was not possible. So plan B it is they say.

The United States made promises? I don't recall making any promises and that's the kind of thing I would remember. I'm sure you never made any promises either. So who made them? And why? Did congress authorize those promises? Did the President announce them? No, a bunch of Military men and their fellow travelers in country made them in private conversations and now on the basis of that it is on our honor that we must live up to them.

See how this works?

"Inspired by the example set by the Greatest Generation, who experienced firsthand the human costs of war during World War II, our country has served as a global beacon of freedom and opportunity by providing a safe haven for victims of war, oppression, genocide and natural disasters. We should save our allies and offer refuge to those endangered because it is the humane and just thing to do and is consistent with our country's principles that all men and women are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, including life and liberty."

Right, Thomas Jefferson piped up and now we have to import hundreds of thousands of primitive hut dwellers. Yeah, that's democracy for you.

"Moreover, failure to protect our allies could yield national security implications in the future. My colleagues at the Council on National Security and Immigration have argued that that failing to live up to our promises could put our military service members in danger by making it more difficult to forge new alliances in future conflict missions.

Or we could just tell the "translators" to keep pounding sand in their godforsaken country and we could not have any "conflict missions" in the future. And conflict mission is discrete talk for Jew Wars in case you were wondering about it.

" And as I've written before, robust refugee programs strengthen national security. As Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan said, 'It's the least we can do for people who put their lives at risk for our country.' These afghans have endured trauma to help the United States, and we should welcome them. One meaningful way to do that is by welcoming and supporting Afghan refugees who have welcomed and supported us in their homeland."

That horrible screeching sound you feel assailing your ear drums is the sound of Elizabeth Neuman scraping the very bottom of the barrel.

She's on her knees right now trying to scrape off a little more.


Neumann's round table partner at the Leading The Way Conference on October 26 2021 was that world renowned weenie David French. The discussion was moderated by another weenie named Wehner who is a neocon shill and Jew mouthpiece who once wrote:

"It is fair to say that there existed in the Republican Party repulsive elements, people who were attracted to racial and ethnic politics and moved by resentment and intolerance rather than a vision of the good."

In her comments Neumann put on the analyst's hat which closely resembles a dunce's hat. She said that the security situation in America vis-a-vis domestic terrorism (meaning White people) is more complex after January 6 that it was before. She said that hate crimes (so-called) were up 14 percent in 2020 versus 2019. She said that a recent study found that there was 140 percent more engagement with White Supremacy online in 2021 versus 2019 (keep it up lads). She said that "something is driving us towards this increase in violent extremism," but fails to mention that that something is the likes of her ruling impermissible even the slightest advocacy on behalf of White people at a time when the demand for it is at an all time high. Or that that something has something to do with all those dirty Haitians or the plethora of Court rulings make illegal aliens legal.

Her take on January 6 which she makes on behalf of the security and intelligence community is this: that White Nationalists are co-opting the "normies" and the mainstream conservatives, that they are co-opting the narratives, and trying to imbue "normal" conservatism with their own ideology. And in this way the conservatives and the White nationalists find themselves "adjacent" to one another. She notes that on January 6 there were gallows and Nazi symbols side by side with American Flags and MAGA gear. She said that the University of Chicago took a poll in which they found that 21 million people believe both that the election was stolen from Trump and that violence would be justified to put Trump back in the Presidency.

What sends chills down her spine and keeps her up at night is that (as she says) America does not have the security capacity (meaning FBI and local law enforcement) to deal with 21 million violent people.

Indeed not--that's what the United States Military is for.

She said that White Nationalists have successfully stirred up White Evangelicals.

She then went on to say that immigration restriction is not what conservatism is about (amen), that there have been "dark periods" in our past where bigots and racists restricted immigration but "we" always pushed back against that. In the end she said "we" realized the benefit of being welcoming, that that being welcoming was at the center of the values that America was founded on.

This is of course kindergarten version of American History straight our of the ADL "Nation Of Immigrants" playbook; no one ever accused conservatives of having razor sharp intellects.

She said for conservatives like herself it has been "shocking" to see the Republican Party drift towards nativism.

That is it's just another day with the same old storyline. Whenever Whites stand up (however tamely) for themselves the likes of her trot out the scare words of bigot, know-nothings, nativists, xenophobes, and racists. What scares them the most is when those words don't scare anyone anymore. That is, when enough White people overcome their perilous brush with love and wake up to the racial threat in their midst. It is this fear that has the queen of the battle against domestic terror Elizabeth Neumann and her ilk of sick, soulless and sinister officials and permanent conference goers wide-eyed and on high alert. They can sense that something is moving out there in the dark. It's a White Scare, and it scares the daylights out of them.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4637
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: An Establishment Stooge

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Sep 28, 2023 11:57 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4637
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: An Establishment Stooge

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Sep 28, 2023 11:57 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4637
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: An Establishment Stooge

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Sep 28, 2023 11:59 pm


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