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Brave Jew World

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 5:39 pm
by Douglas Mercer
Douglas Mercer
October 2 2021

It's a measure of how far we've fallen that Jews are now going to attack White Americans and they are going to do so under the guise of something called "The Patriot Act."

"The order, announced in a memo released Monday, comes after a group that represents school boards urged the Biden administration to review whether confrontations by outraged parents over COVID restrictions and critical race theory violate the Patriot Act."

Welcome to the Brave Jew World where we are through the looking glass, where up is down, down is up, black is good, and White is bad.

Somehow in broad daylight while White conservative boomers were in the back yard grilling in ridiculous floppy chef hats and with aprons which read "Kiss The Cook" some criminal Jews made their way into the seat of power and took control of the commanding heights. They say when Lenin made it to Saint Petersburg he expected fire fights all around; but when he got there he just cut some communication lines, and his men simply waltzed in to empty government buildings and began a reign of terror. Sort of like when those criminals last summer simply entered empty police precincts which had been abandoned by their former occupants. Is anything more humiliating than losing your country while cravenly slinking away?

These are the sling and arrows of an outrageous fortune and apparently the Feds are now afraid that some might take up arms against this sea of troubles, and by opposing end them.

White Nationalists are their casus belli, and a few scattered White rebellions are their bloody shirts.

But now it looks like they are going after the herbivores among the carnivores to pick them off first; their strategy is to make them so afraid of the Federal Behemoth that they will cower and toe the line; and not gravitate to our side where the only hope lies.

The Jews and their willing executioners know that if enough of them come over to our side all hope is lost for them; we are the majority after all.

And there is nothing that scares Jews witless like a majority that is sure of itself.

But now Jew Number One in the Justice Department has noticed that some hopping mad White people have shown up at school board meetings and have vented their spleens about the fact that the liberal maggots at the school are shoving vicious black propagandistic trash down the throat of little Johnny; now your average protestor against Critical Race Theory in the schools is likely a big believer in the American Creed, and the notion of legal equality, and that all people are basically the same; they just happen not to like black propagandistic trash in a school setting. But the color blind bona fides of the protestors won't slow down the Federal Bureau of Intimidation one little bit; they'll go after them as neo-Nazis and White Nationalists just like they went after the racially naive crew who stormed the Capitol. They'll act like the guy who claims that Martin Luther King was really a conservative is really a guy with a Ryder Truck parked outside which contains multiple copies of the constitution and several paperback versions of Hunter and loads of fertilizer.

Of course nothing could be further from the truth but no matter; this is a nation at war with its founding people.

So it's time the founding people stick together. There's plenty of kindling among the normies but someone needs to bring a match.

To say to them: you think you're mad now? Hell, you don't know the half of it.

Wait until you find out the truth.

The truth about a conspiracy so vast that.....

They won't be holding their beers then.


White Scare! Domestic Terrorism!

A White Nationalist under every bed---if only

These are the watchwords of the Ruling Elite today. They know that in the long road to Jewish Global Domination White America is the last obstacle.

After us, the deluge.

It's why they want to exterminate us.

It's worth noting that the Junior G Man was once a White icon.

"Junior G-Men was an American boys club and popular culture phenomenon during the late 1930s and early 1940s that began with a radio program. As a result of this mass exposure, Junior G-Men clubs sprouted up throughout the United States and Canada as a law and order themed alternative to the Boy Scouts. Junior G-Men clubs found support from police departments and non-profit organizations."

It was like Hitler Youth for tow headed straight arrow American kids.

As late as 20 years ago the right loved the FBI and the left hated it. The reason is when you feel it's your country you always love its establishment. But when it's not your country you hate the establishment. And now the left loves the FBI and the right hates it.

What does that tell you abut whose country this is?

If you have any question about it just look at the press releases Merrick Garland sends out. The documents reek of them thinking they can smell the White people.


Merrick Garland is a Jew's Jew. Had he been born in Jerusalem under the shadow of the temple and circumcised by his uncle the High Priest under the name of Israel Cohen he would scarcely be more branded as a Jew. Take a look at his face. He has the map of parasitism written all over it.

Ever since Mitch McConnell grew some temporary testicles and denied Garland what he thinks was his Yahweh given seat on the Supreme Court he has been lying in wait to spring more of the Jewish Revolution on White people. When that great testament t neurological impairment Joe Biden was elected and gave Garland the nod as the leader of Justice in this once great nation he had his chance. He's been making the most of it.

Merrick Garland said in his confirmation hearing that he had never thought about whether illegal border entry should remain a crime

That of course is a lie, he had thought about that long and hard, and decided long before that it should not be a crime. Now Alejandro Mayorkas has made his dream a reality by announcing that being in America illegally will not in itself be a reason to deport anyone.

Open Sesame---and Open Season on White America.

They no longer need to hunker down, they can just walk down the street like they own the place. The Federal Government said it was AOK with them.

"Merrick Garland was born in Chicago. His mother Shirley (née Horwitz) was a director of volunteer services at Chicago's Council for Jewish Elderly. Garland was raised in Conservative Judaism, the family name having been changed from Garfinkel several generations prior. His grandparents left the Pale of Settlement within the Russian Empire in the early twentieth century, fleeing antisemitic pogroms and seeking a better life for their children in the United States."

That is the paragraph of death.

Garfinkle to Garland is a good one. The Jewiest name you can think of changed to what they put around those beautiful athletes in ancient Greece. It's like changing your name from Fink to Frank. Even if you do that you're still a fink, and have the stink of all Jewdom all over you.


In a speech in July 2021 at the Ronald Reagan Library former Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo asked a good question. Referencing Gramsci and Critical Race Theory he queried:

"Why is the doctrine form a Marxist of the 1920s being taught today in American High Schools?"

In the event he left the question hanging and did not answer it. He either is ignorant of why that is so or is so far up the backsides of Jews he dares not say it.

The reason for this is of course the Jewish hijacking of all aspects of American life, most especially education. The doctrine of Critical Race Theory is a branch of Critical Theory which is a Jewish doctrine which was born in the Jewish Frankfurt School in the 1920s and emerged in post war America in the 1970s and 1980s. This insidious world-view was spearheaded by in America by Jew Jacques Derrida who was allowed to promulgate it at the University Of California at Irvine. Critical Race Theory just takes Critical Theory's idea that the West is evil and that nationalism and tradition is bad and makes it explicitly anti-White.

Jewish social and intellectual aggression combined with an internal collapse of nerve on the part of America during the long 20th Century is the reason our students today are being indoctrinated with Jewish filth.

That's the answer to the Secretary's question. Would that he had said "hold my beer" and laid that answer on the Gentry Cons of Southern California.

It would have been quite the scene.


At the very expensive and tony Harvard-Westlake prep school in Southern California the rich Whites and the rich Jews who send their children there had a kerfuffle recently. It seems that the liberal maggots who run the place have been going high octane on shoving the black propagandistic trash of Critical Race Theory down the students throats. And some of the folk there who are slightly less of liberal maggots have objected to the full and total onslaught. Of course they have no problem with the main thrust of the exaltation of the Blacks and the Browns, and at least some denigration of the Whites, but when the foul principles started to seep into every nook and cranny of the education they balked. Professional Jew Bari Weiss interviewed these parents and found that those students and parents who object live in mortal fear of being blacklisted and ostracized. Given that these students and parents are just somewhat lesser liberal worms I say: boo hoo. It couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of people. They brought this hammer down on their own head. One does not call for genocide and then complain abut the gas.

"This Harvard-Westlake parents’ group is one of many organizing quietly around the country to fight what it describes as an ideological movement that has taken over their schools. This story is based on interviews with more than two dozen of these dissenters—teachers, parents, and children—at elite prep schools in two of the bluest states in the country: New York and California."

In Loudon County Virginia you have a somewhat different scene. There you have the conservative MAGA we believe in legal equality crowd objecting to Critical Race Theory being taught. And there it was that the famous protests happened, the protests which led Jew Merrick Garland to begin the process of unleashing the full force of Federal Tyranny on the countryside.

"Two people were reportedly arrested at a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, on Tuesday after the gathering was declared an unlawful assembly when large numbers showed up to protest Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology being pushed on students."

“The Loudoun County School Board ended the public comment section of its June 22 meeting on a unanimous vote after Chair Brenda L. Sheridan repeatedly warned the attendees in the Board Room that loud public demonstrations violated the decorum of the meeting.” .

Decorum? Decorum? They have to be kidding. Must one observe the social niceties while his country circles the bowl to the sewer and his children are being infected with sinister mind virus meant to put an end to him?

Why, you might as well whistle in the graveyard. You might as well dig your own grave while bowing and scraping.

“The Loudoun County sheriff’s office declared the school board meeting an unlawful assembly. Everyone was told to get out or they will be trespassing.”

Not only will horrifying ideas about the superiority of blacks and browns and eternal evil of the White race be part of the curriculum, the White people in town must like it too.

Be polite and deferent, the ravine we're going to shove you in after we shoot you in the back of the head is right this way so watch your step.

"The Loudon School Board has spent $422,500 on a consultant to apply Critical Race Theory to a new program of instruction that will be mandatory for all employees and will serve as the framework for teaching the students. When schools reopen, all kindergarteners, for example, will be taught social justice in a course designed by the Southern Poverty Law Center and diversity training will be integrated in all other grade levels."

Anyone feel much in the mood to observe social etiquette?

I didn't think so.


These protests were of course all too much for Merrick Garland. People out in the countryside were beginning to wake up (however tardily) and were thinking for themselves and were objecting to the state religion. They would no longer enter the holy temples of blackness as robe wearing supplicants and burn the mandated incense to their vile gods.

So what's a Jew to do? Randy Weaver's wife and child could tell you were they still among the living.

"Attorney General Merrick Garland has directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to investigate alleged threats being made against school board officials by a growing coalition of parents who are outraged by the imposition of racialized curricula."

Of course they will hang their hats for this abrogation of our immemorial rights on the baleful law knowns as the Patriot Act. The fact that these people are going to be gone after under the auspices of the Patriot Act is rich with several ironies. The first is that no doubt in the main those very people were big supporters of the Patriot Act when it was enacted, so they are being hoist on their own petard. But given that George W Bush is now about as popular as a smitty on a hearse among the MAGA crowd perhaps they have had second thoughts about the Act. The second irony is that the people targeted are the real patriots, blinkered patriots it is true, but gut level patriots nonetheless. Whereas the people going after them like Merrick Garland are not and never have been patriots. Israeli patriots to be sure, but American patriots never.

It's good to be reminded of the Jewish attitude on these matters: Unfunny and Jewish comedienne Sarah Silverman once said she felt uncomfortable when she saw her White boyfriend raise an American flag. She claims she was puzzled by this feeling so she asked her Rabbi sister about it. The Rabbi sister told her it was perfectly natural for a Jews to be made uneasy by a display of patriotic nationalism committed by a White man. The 1930s don't you know.

“The classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes,” read the group’s letter, which was obtained by Fox News.

Garland ordered the agencies to meet with “federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend.”

Any form of White Resistance, however mild, is to the Jew a disturbing trend. They believe the are of history bends towards the eradication of White people, and they want that arc to run as smoothly as possible.

“Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values,” Garland wrote. “Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.”

His core value is White people serving Jews. Anything that deviates from that is a crime. And what of people who dedicate their time and energy to implant genocidal mind poison in our children?

"To combat criminal conduct targeting school officials, the Justice Department is expanding its activity to establish a task force comprised of representatives from multiple departments and bureaus to determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute these crimes,” according to Garland’s memo.

"In addition, the Justice Department is also drafting training materials for school boards to consult to identify potential threats and offenders, to report incidents, and collect evidence to help prosecute against crimes. The statement concluded by providing a FBI tip line for people to report threats of violence against school board members and faculty in school systems."

That is, they'll pull out all the stops. The entire machinery of garbage which we pay for will be well oiled and super coiled to spring into action against us; the will have all the tools necessary, they will have full authorization. It will be a giant mechanism with all the bells and whistles required to stamp out that smallest act of dissent, to crush forever the voice of freedom and self defense.

"In a written memorandum by Garland sent to FBI agents and FBI Director Christopher Wray, Garland said that his Department of Justice will announce further measures in the next few days that will address the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel. Among these measures will be a federal task force consisting of agents from the DOJ’s criminal, civil rights, and national security divisions.”

"The DOJ will be creating a task force consisting of representatives from the department’s Criminal Division, National Security Division, Civil Rights Division, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the FBI, the Community Relations Service and the Office of Justice Programs, to determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute these crimes."

Did they leave anyone out? Nope, they're all there, they're all coordinated and loaded for destruction. They claim this is a representative democracy but what this represents is treason most foul. A nation is waging war on its founding people. If the writing on the wall were any clearer they'd already have the gun to our head.


Putting a Jew in charge of the Justice Department is like putting a fox in charge of the hen house. You might as well toss a couple giant pythons in the nursery and cross your fingers.

But then this nation's government has been at war with us for quite some time now. The American government is hell bent on erasing its origins and antecedents and going boldly into the Brave Jew World of the future where coffee colored slaves man the machine and the feudal lords lord over them. That there are still some hold outs, some that are still recalcitrant, some that won't buckle or bend, that remain unreconstructed, who continue to fight against them, frustrates them to no end. They know White people, or the best of us, are the last obstacle to their total domination of the world. They know we did not surrender and that we headed for the hills and are now fighting a partisan war, a guerilla war. They think they've already stormed the capitol and have cut the lines of communication and are now just in a mopping up action. What they don't realize is that the war is far from over. Wait until Ma and Pa Conservative find out that for going to a school board meeting and getting a little loud Uncle Sam thinks they're a terrorist. Why, it may be just the thing to have them lose faith in the American Dream.

They say that during one of the protests against the teaching of anti-White ideology in the schools the protestors spontaneously began to sing the National Anthem. Conservative news outlets exulted in this as stirring act. Inevitably thought such a thing falls flat, is a nostalgic glow of a time that never will be again. But one day perhaps they will suddenly break into the Horst Wessel Song. And that, well that will be the day.

After all you don't fight fire with hackneyed treacle.

You fight it with real fire.

Re: Brave Jew World

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 8:32 pm
by Douglas Mercer

Re: Brave Jew World

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 8:33 pm
by Douglas Mercer

Re: Brave Jew World

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 8:34 pm
by Douglas Mercer

Re: Brave Jew World

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 8:35 pm
by Douglas Mercer
Hackneyed Treacle