White Flight

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Will Williams
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White Flight

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:41 pm

White Flight
Douglas Mercer
March 10, 2023

Secession is in the air and when it comes to the blacks the sage advice is "just get the hell away." But as we all know that's easier said than done, the global elites and the green eyeshade crowd in Washington want to bring refugees and immigrants to all White towns; and the federal government wants to put up that rickety apartment complex right next to your White school so the blacks (and the browns) can move right in. It seems wherever we go they chase us down which gives the lie to the fact that they think we are racist unless racism is something they pursue and pursue like they can't get enough of it. The truth is like leeches or parasites the blacks can't make it on their own so they always desperately try to hitch their wagon to our star. When we flee their presence they cry "racism" but what they really mean is "come back." The fact is that if White people didn't exist black people would have had to invent them. But since they can't invent anything they would be shit out of luck back in that mud hut trying to work some Big Magic with albino bones. Metaphorically speaking the blacks are the drowning man desperately trying to glom on to the strong swimmer--but if he is able to they both go down.


When you realize that you can't keep moving further and further out you start thinking about fences and walls and laws and city lines. That way you can stay where you are but cut your losses with the blacks and secede in to your White world. It's not ideal as you are still too close but at least you don't directly have the albatross of the blacks around your neck. You get to to withdraw your tax money from the common trough and kitty where it gets siphoned off by the blacks like there's a hole in your pocket, you get to have your own mayor and your own police force, and your own city council; most of all you get to have the dignity of having a place of your own. Some of it is real, some of it is symbolic, but all of it is good. That is of course if they will let you.

"Some residents of the city’s whitest, most affluent area are trying to pull out of Atlanta and form Buckhead City saying Atlanta isn’t doing enough to control crime and that affluent Buckhead residents aren’t getting their money’s worth from municipal services."

That's all safe to say. Atlanta once was a genteel city where the blacks knew their place (shuffling, giving toothy grins) but then all at once they tried to make a big "leap forward" and tried to become the "new south." ?That is they were going to be the city that was too busy to hate. Too bad it was mostly negros and the negros surely were not to busy to rape, rob, mug and murder. Heck no they are not. They find the time! Which only goes to show if you are the city that's too busy to hate you need to get your priorities straight.

"Lawmakers introduced a bill last month that would carve out the community from Atlanta and make it a separate city. Supporters of Buckhead cityhood say they want more local control over issues like crime and infrastructure, but critics say the move is divisive and wouldn’t fix crime problems in the area."

By "divisive" they mean that it's a shot across the bow at the blacks. You bet it is! You know that no one who is advocating for it will say it and if asked they will offer passionate full throated denials, but then what are they going to say? Yes, of course, we wanted to be rid of the negros, they are drags on every body politic they touch, they mooch off the public treasury, they require constant vigilance, you have to police them around the clock. They certainly are not going to say that. They like to pretend they are just like everyone else but the death toll says otherwise At most they'll talk about "generic" crime but when they say crime everyone hears black and, well, they aren't wrong, are they? No, they are not.

"A Georgia Senate committee has approved two bills that could allow the Buckhead neighborhood to secede from the city of Atlanta, the first time that an issue freighted with fears about crime and racial and economic division has moved forward in the General Assembly."

They have been trying this for a while; but letting a predominantly White community go their own way is deeply unpopular and has been an uphill battle. First off by the contrast it shows the black part of the community and the black power structure that runs it as what they are: abject failures; as long as they have Buckhead they have something salvaged in terms of how things look. But when they are standing on their own the numbers don't lie and the tale of the tape is not pretty: it's bottom of the barrel in terms of learning and sky's the limit in terms of crime. In short, it's negroes in their natural habitat.

"Despite the step forward, prospects remain uncertain for the measures, which are bitterly opposed by Atlanta’s business community and the city’s overwhelmingly Democratic lawmakers. If they succeed, residents would vote on forming a new city in a referendum."

When they say "business community" they mean that of Atlanta proper; of course they don't want their cash cow to leave. Why would they? They know that Buckhead acts as a buoy that props them up unnaturally; with it gone they sink like a stone. And as for Democrat politicians Buckhead is mother's milk and bank combined, the cash is raided and they can splurge on their pet projects; without it they are presiding over the moral equivalent of a Haitian apocalypse and they know if it gets any worse people will find the time to hate.

"In a statement, city spokesperson Michael Smith said Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens is disappointed by the committee’s vote to advance this short-sighted legislation, saying it would have disastrous consequences and that the city is making progress on reducing crime and improving services."

You can bet this black as coal mayor is shitting himself over this prospect; his city is already a trash hole but at least they have a residue of White America to prop him up somewhat; if Buckhead goes there really does go the neighborhood; he will no longer be able to stick his life line and blood funnel in the heart of White taxpayers to at least put on a Potemkin show of normalcy; indeed, if they go everything will fall apart and the lie of negro "responsibility," as much of a thin veneer as it already is, will collapse like the jury-rigged matchstick houses in any of the many favelas of the colored world.

"A Buckhead City supporter, told the committee last week that Atlanta taxes us to the nines but that city police have failed to stop both petty and violent crime. This violence has reached a tipping point, and that is why we are all here today. Buckhead is a target. We’re a target for criminals in the city, and Atlanta has not been able to protect us.”

Looks like some are taking the time to hate, and good for him. And even some in the mainstream media will acknowledge when those black boys hop on MARTA and head to Buckhead they are not going to "shop" unless by shop you mean help themselves to some ten fingered discounts. Anyway in today's world any theft that's under a thousand dollars, or any theft committed by a negro, gets the wink and the nod and the blind eye from the authorities. They just look at is as reparations that does not require any legislation, overhead or bureaucracy.

"The legislation calls for the new city to be able to buy parks, fire stations and other city-owned assets including schools and water and sewer lines for cheap prices, on the theory that Buckhead taxpayers have already paid for the assets. Buckhead would get a head start in paying because the legislation would give Buckhead City a share of Atlanta’s cash."

This is their worst nightmare. In fact nearly all of the cash that Atlanta has belongs to Buckhead. The blacks of Atlanta have been living on borrowed money and borrowed time. Were they to separate they'd leave the city too busy to hate to poor to survive. Or they would survive in some kind of quasi apocalyptic way which shows the only pitfall of this move by Buckhead. Despite being separate they would still be cheek by jowl with the blacks and to be safe you need the cheek to be a long way from the jowl. As Buckhead's orderly and mannerly way of life grows, as their coffers fill to overflowing, as their prosperity soars, as their city gets cleaner by the moment, as their way of life become idyllic, they would be harboring on their borders a black menace daily growing more desperate, hungry and poor. My only advice is to invest heavily in policing and make sure you staff it with reliable people with their heads screwed on right. There can be no hesitation on this front in the clutch.

"Opponents warn the divorce will give bond investors heartburn that could hurt every Georgia city’s ability to borrow money. When the Eagles Landing area was allowed to vote and ultimately rejected seceding from Stockbridge in 2018, bond rating agencies warned that splitting up cities was a risk for investors in all Georgia city bonds.

What happened there was that Stockbridge elected its first black mayor and its first all-black city council in the city’s near-100-year history which is a sure sign of decadence and decay. As a result White Eagles Landing wanted to "just get the hell way." But they like Buckhead showed a new twist on White flight which if it is not quite White fight was not flight either. Instead of picking up stakes and moving to Whiter pastures they were standing their ground, and building new municipal borders around their mansions and fortresses. In the movie Death Wish the protagonist asks what it means when a people just cut and run at the first sign of trouble and suggests as an alternative to this the old American custom of self defense.

"With nearly 90,000 residents, Buckhead City would take nearly 20% of Atlanta’s population and become the 10th largest city in Georgia, according to an Atlanta Journal-Constitution analysis using 2019 population and demographic estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. But it would remove about 40% of the assessed value of the city of Atlanta’s property off the books, according to Fulton County tax records."

This of course is what it's all about. They'll talk about bond ratings, and green eyeshade creditors getting angina and cold feet, about recondite agencies and abstruse cash flows but the math is simple. Buckhead would be picking up and taking all it's marbles leaving a destitute black inner core.

"Frequent criticism of Buckhead cityhood is that it could leave Atlanta in an impossible financial situation. The city gets most of its revenue, over $232 million in the latest fiscal year, from property taxes paid by homeowners and commercial property owners."

Homeowners and property owners are code words for White people. Only the peoples of Northern Europe (Anglo-Saxons, Germanics) could have created the juggernaut that became America: industry, inventiveness, thrift, property rights, small government, rule of law, individual yet ordered liberty. I can't prove it but here's my best evidence: no one else did.

"The assessed value of all the real estate in Atlanta currently totals nearly $35 billion, according to Fulton County Tax Assessor’s data. About 41% of that — over $14 billion — is in Buckhead. With its high-end shopping offerings, Buckhead has always had a strong commercial tax base; the most valuable piece of property is popular Lenox Square mall, valued at nearly $400 million by the county. If Buckhead’s property taxes are taken off the books, Atlanta’s budget would be completely wrecked.”

Tough shit. Go back to Africa. Go back to your mud huts. They are always crowing about how they built America on the basis of absolutely no empirical evidence. This should be a good opportunity to show us their chops, they'd be left alone and they could send the gleaming towers of Wakanda up in the sky, they could show us what the black man could do in America when finally let alone by Whitey. But you'll notice their zeal for construction lags, instead they bitch, whine and moan about the racism of the racists leaving them alone. Because they know that without the White man in Atlanta they are back to Africa right there in the Peach Sate and it's crime, decay, defeat and death all the way down.

Arguments for creating an independent Buckhead have leaned heavily on what some say is uncontrolled crime throughout Atlanta. Despite new city efforts to bolster public safety, Buckhead has already taken steps to fund additional security patrols in its commercial areas in the last year

If it ever comes down to the war of the White versus the black it will be a good head start to have your own government. It will be good to be able to act separately and not be tied to the hip to a recalcitrant people who were it not for us would have been consigned to the world's ash head long ago.


Just as you can be sure that the area around Martin Luther King Boulevard will be a crime infested pest hole so too you can know that any city that has a "storied history in the civil rights movement" will be the same. Birmingham, Alabama has the Edmund Pettus bridge where John Lewis got whupped upside the head and where every year intellectual cretins gather to celebrate "Bloody Sunday." Birmingham, Alabama is also (and not coincidentally) a lice ridden dung heap that you shouldn't get caught dead visiting because if you do there's at least a decent chance you'll be dead. Atlanta, Georgia is the same, they have the fact that Martin Luther King was born there, you can walk the "sacred civil rights" trail where they have his boyhood home, the place where he was baptized, though not the hotels where he scrogged the female underlings on a regular basis with unrivalled and unbridled abandon. They also have a King Center and (not coincidentally) a sky high crime rate. That's why Buckhead wanted to "get the hell away."

"Inside the new city, about 74% of residents would be white and just 11% would be Black, meaning the proportion of Black residents in Buckhead City would be smaller than is found in Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Kennesaw and Woodstock. The U.S. Census estimated in 2019 that Atlanta was 50% Black, 38% white, 4% Asian and 4% Latino. Based on those figures, if Buckhead becomes its own city, Atlanta would become 59% Black and its share of white residents would drop to 31%."

These are the only numbers that matter, everything become clear when seen through the racial lens. History in the end is little more than a racial census. Now it's a sad state of affairs when 74 percent of Whites seems like a high number. People are really in the final ditch effort and triage mode of living at this point, trying to salvage what is still salvageable. But if Whites are preponderant and are the leaders they can still hold sway; just the fact that they have pushed this for years and now got the government on their side is fantastic sign. One can only believed that as the final showdown appears this will be one of the ways in which we will make our last stand. One can only wish them Godspeed.

"Atlanta is a city known largely for its diversity and contributions to the civil rights movement. At a time when issues of race are under the microscope, the implications of a wealthy, mostly white community leaving a majority Black city are hard to overlook."

Who wants to overlook it? It's the whole point. In fact when you are a city that is famous for being diverse it means you are a city ripe for race war. When you are a city famous for civil rights you are a city ready for the junkyard. This will be the test of the mettle of the Republican establishment in Georgia. They will have to decide who it was that voted for them, who it was that butters their bread, and are they going to take their side. Or will they continue to placate the blacks in a masochistic reflex borne of the time when Andrew Young ruled the stated and unilaterally decreed: we are too busy to hate. That is the GOP in Georgia is going to have have one of those defining moments when they earn the trust of the folks back home, when they earn their keep.


Not so fast white man! Don't go getting any big ideas. You think they are going to let us slip our head out of the noose? Let us get our neck off the chopping block? Not on your life--and it may come down to that. In Georgia (the heart of Old Dixie) they have a black and a Jew in the Senate and the guy the GOP put up for Senate was a negro also. They have a day for Ahmaud Arbery, the infamous jogger, and every year they get on their knees and say the are sorry to him and his family. Governor Brian Kemp also signed a hate crime bill which disallows any words by White people for their defense.

"Republican Governor Brian Kemp delivered a blow this week to the wealthy suburban Buckhead neighborhood’s effort to secede from the city of Atlanta over violent crime. Georgia state Senate has blocked an effort spearheaded by residents of the wealthy Atlanta enclave of Buckhead to form their own city, forcing supporters to call off their secession bid for now."

This Kemp is the GOP dream, he's a bland moderate who knows you don't offend the negros. He's pure "New South" and he's way to busy to hate.

"The Buckhead cityhood bill failed 33-23 in the Georgia Senate Thursday (march 2 2023), making 2023 the second year in a row that the movement’s goal of putting the issue of separation from Atlanta on the November ballot has been defeated in the state legislature."

The Republicans have 33 State Senators to the Democrats 23 so that means ten Republicans (and the governor) defected. So much for them.

"In a nutshell, Governor Brian Kemp and his team coordinated behind closed doors to kill the Buckhead City bills before they even had the chance for an honest vote in the Senate,” the Buckhead City Committee said “Unfortunately,” the statement added, “now that Governor Kemp has displayed that he does not support our right to vote, there is no path forward for a cityhood referendum while he remains governor until the end of his term in 2026.”

The election year 2022 was not great for the Republicans, the border is wide open, millions pour across, the crime is an inundation, in our schools they teach that America was, is, and always will be evil, and yet the Republicans could barely eke out a victory. But Kemp was re-elected by five points and this "victory" was ballyhooed as the way forward. Run on pablum, cater to the minorities, don't rock the boat, be a good team player in the replacement of White people in the country founded by their forebears. Hell, this guy would not hurt a fly and that's what they want, a level-headed and innocuous and generic White man who will ease the pain of the death of our people. So it's no surprise that he quashed this nascent secessionist movement by Buckhead. That runs counters to his orders. He knows who butters his bread and it is not us (though, sadly, we do vote for him). So the regime machine won another one, the smallest attempt to separate from the negros had gone by the board. Which is why it's well past the time to make the time to hate, in preparation for when it's Bloody Everyday.
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Jim Mathias
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Re: White Flight

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:50 am

This will be the test of the mettle of the Republican establishment in Georgia. They will have to decide who it was that voted for them, who it was that butters their bread, and are they going to take their side. Or will they continue to placate the blacks in a masochistic reflex borne of the time when Andrew Young ruled the stated and unilaterally decreed: we are too busy to hate. That is the GOP in Georgia is going to have have one of those defining moments when they earn the trust of the folks back home, when they earn their keep.
Oh boy, the Buckhead proponents are going to lose if they're dependent on those squishy Republicans to get this done. The money boys have already said they don't like this idea, and money (and Jewish approval) is the Republican's god.
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Re: White Flight

Post by PhuBai68 » Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:55 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:50 am
This will be the test of the mettle of the Republican establishment in Georgia. They will have to decide who it was that voted for them, who it was that butters their bread, and are they going to take their side. Or will they continue to placate the blacks in a masochistic reflex borne of the time when Andrew Young ruled the stated and unilaterally decreed: we are too busy to hate. That is the GOP in Georgia is going to have have one of those defining moments when they earn the trust of the folks back home, when they earn their keep.
Oh boy, the Buckhead proponents are going to lose if they're dependent on those squishy Republicans to get this done. The money boys have already said they don't like this idea, and money (and Jewish approval) is the Republican's god.
rant on
Yaknow Jim, it's not just the republicans that are into money and power.
Sure there are more than enough slimy back stabbing weasels
(Romney, Graham, Cheney, Paul Ryan, McConnell, Murkowski - just for starters) but look at Bernie Sanders with his three homes, the Clintons, our doddering old grifter AKA as the (p)resident with his homes or "the Obamas" Former President Barack Obama and his family have completed the purchase of a $11.75 million waterfront house situated on nearly 30 acres on Martha's Vineyard - an affluent island located south of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. who all seem to like living large.

As KAS has said on his A.D.V. broadcasts, "We can't vote our way out of this." which is sad since we do have some really dedicated truly good Republicans out there but none can call a spade a spade, name the hebe or yell out, "ENOUGH! ENOUGH! We need to stop all immigration both legal and illegal! We don't want to turn our nation into an over crowded, congested metropolis with no quality of life."
We know that will not happen.
The US population in 1950 - when both Will and myself were turning 3 years old - was 151,325,798 and now it's anybody's guess with the millions of invaders that have slithered in - 340,000,000 ??? 350,000,000 ??? 360,000,000 ??? - especially since Biden has been the left's puppet.
Something to consider, depending on the search source, more have came into our country under Biden than the populations of at least 25 states!

rant off
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Re: White Flight

Post by Supremely White » Sat Mar 18, 2023 4:47 pm

Excellent topic, Mr. Chairman.
The phrase White Flight has always bothered me, because it makes our race look cowardly.

Have you ever been to a small town, maybe walked into a bar, and been given the evil eye, and the regulars were very territorial and unwelcoming? It’s happened to me, whatever the venue, and sometimes I eventually make friendly acquaintances and find my niche, and other times, I realize that I’ll always be a misfit there and decide not to hang around where I’m not appreciated. And this was just our own people.

Why wasn’t the script flipped in that direction over half a century ago? Even without Jim Crow and Sundown Towns, why have all these formerly White neighborhoods, towns, cities and states stand their ground when a nonwhite stranger looks at apartments and real estate? Why didn’t those cowards make those others feel very unwelcome and uncomfortable, so they’d then mosey along, not having a chance to take over an area with their kind??

Even the hellhole I live in was once majority White. I see the history and the names on the plaques downtown, and they were our people.
When I bought a house in 1990, there were a few White neighbors on my street. They kept to themselves, so I never even got to meet them, but they were nice and quiet and cooperative. Then, they moved out, and an old negro granny moved in next to my house and she had her loud grandchildren over often. Mestizos took over the rest of the street. When I purchased the place, fsbo, also from a White person, it looked and felt like a decent enough neighborhood, but over the few years I lived there before leasing it out, I noticed that the neighborhood had gradually deteriorated.

What happens in these decades old and longer White Flight scenarios, well, I can’t say truly, because I wasn’t born when it happened in larger numbers, but I can imagine the mom and dad talking about there goes the neighborhood, too many negroes, too many Mexicans, etc, the schools are no longer safe, etc.
Hitler was right.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: White Flight

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Mar 19, 2023 2:11 pm

PhuBai68 wrote:
Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:55 pm
Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:50 am
This will be the test of the mettle of the Republican establishment in Georgia. They will have to decide who it was that voted for them, who it was that butters their bread, and are they going to take their side. Or will they continue to placate the blacks in a masochistic reflex borne of the time when Andrew Young ruled the stated and unilaterally decreed: we are too busy to hate. That is the GOP in Georgia is going to have have one of those defining moments when they earn the trust of the folks back home, when they earn their keep.
Oh boy, the Buckhead proponents are going to lose if they're dependent on those squishy Republicans to get this done. The money boys have already said they don't like this idea, and money (and Jewish approval) is the Republican's god.
rant on
Yaknow Jim, it's not just the republicans that are into money and power.
Sure there are more than enough slimy back stabbing weasels
(Romney, Graham, Cheney, Paul Ryan, McConnell, Murkowski - just for starters) but look at Bernie Sanders with his three homes, the Clintons, our doddering old grifter AKA as the (p)resident with his homes or "the Obamas" Former President Barack Obama and his family have completed the purchase of a $11.75 million waterfront house situated on nearly 30 acres on Martha's Vineyard - an affluent island located south of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. who all seem to like living large.

As KAS has said on his A.D.V. broadcasts, "We can't vote our way out of this." which is sad since we do have some really dedicated truly good Republicans out there but none can call a spade a spade, name the hebe or yell out, "ENOUGH! ENOUGH! We need to stop all immigration both legal and illegal! We don't want to turn our nation into an over crowded, congested metropolis with no quality of life."
We know that will not happen.
The US population in 1950 - when both Will and myself were turning 3 years old - was 151,325,798 and now it's anybody's guess with the millions of invaders that have slithered in - 340,000,000 ??? 350,000,000 ??? 360,000,000 ??? - especially since Biden has been the left's puppet.
Something to consider, depending on the search source, more have came into our country under Biden than the populations of at least 25 states!

rant off
Thank you for essentially making my point, PhuBai. And I do understand how the Obamas and their ~ $12 million dollar property on Martha's Vineyard (at zero elevation for those worried about global warming and melting ice caps) and other democrats are just as greedy and subservient to the Jewish program as their so-called opposition is. They've all eaten the carrot the Jews dangled before them and are faithful to their masters. I can't argue!

Most know the democrats are pushing the throttle to the floor to wreck us, but are slower in coming to realize that republicans are saying that they "just want to get to that same place but a bit slower and quieter please." A pox on them all.

So it is up to us pro-Whites to form our own plans and execute them for our basic survival needs, including an all-White living space. No republicans and no democrats will help. As Dr. Pierce said in his Open Letter to the U.S. Congress (or CONgress, if you prefer) "No, when the Day comes, we will not ask whether or not you swung to the right or whether you swung to the left; we will simply swing you by the neck." Best of Attack! and National Vanguard p.53. Dr. Pierce saw the two parties as being the same track with regards to the White race back in 1975.
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Douglas Mercer
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Re: White Flight

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:34 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: White Flight

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:40 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: White Flight

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:59 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: White Flight

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:59 am


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