Hitler Or Christ

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Douglas Mercer
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Hitler Or Christ

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Jan 10, 2025 9:41 pm

Douglas Mercer
January 10 2025

Hitler and Christ are the two most famous people ever to walk the planet, In popular myth Christ is said to represent love and Hitler is said to represent evil but in the sublunary world things are rarely what they seem. Christ taught a universalism in which every human being and all races are equal in the eyes of God and Hitler taught that the Aryans were the special race selected by god to achieve its purpose on earth. Christ taught that man was sinful and must be meek and humble toward God and Hitler taught that Aryan man was a giant on earth and must align himself with the will of the cosmos and defeat the monsters and evil dwarves who would waylay that purpose. The Christian church in Germany tried to thwart the will of Hitler and Hitler tried to eradicate the Christian Church from Germany but given the many exigencies he had to deal with he knew that this would take at least a generation to accomplish. In the fatal year of 1945 it appeared that Christianity was victorious and triumphant although it knew enough by then to present itself in the guise of humanity and care for its evil brother under the skin the Jews. But nothing decisive has yet happened and the End Of History has yet to come and in the sublunary world things are rarely what they seem. These two, Hitler and Christ, are the polarity of the world, the twin foci around which the planet rotates, and their titanic enmity is the crucible on which the world hangs; sworn foes Hitler and Christ remain the only two cultic power left on the earth and as the Eon ends one or the other will finally vanquish the other forever. That is one or the other of them will clear out the neighborhood and become a planet with its own orbit. Which do you think it will be?


Julius Caesar was assassinated in his prime and he did not live in a world which was literate enough for us to know what his plans and spirit were; Shakespeare chose to remain mysterious and only the select few know what his sources and power are; Napoleon had the idea of a Grand Europe but his efforts were only in the cause of his miserable self; Lennon was the last lightening rod of the god (so far) but he was a personal mess and was unable to consolidate his powers before the evil that he did caught up with him on a Manhattan Street where he was crucified just as he predicted.

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Re: Hitler Or Christ

Post by WhiteDawn » Sat Jan 11, 2025 12:13 am

Love the Second Video Douglas, I personally think often about religion and Hitler definitely as a Idol, what we must understand is that Christianity is foreign, although I do believe in reintroducing Christians to the true teachings of Martin Luther, and true Lutheranism. I am religiously leaning towards Paganism and looking into Cosmotheism now, but my opinion on Christians still remains. I do not hate Christians or even the archetype of Christ for that matter, I do however oppose the modern church. I often see a lot of so called 'Christian Nationalists' pushing that 'Christ is King' garbage, which I mind you is not a bad slogan in itself, but as I have talked with Mr. Williams about, he see's a lot of these 'Christian Nationalists' talking about how there gonna get rid of all those White non-Christians, and me and him both say over my dead body. But regardless I do not want to push them away but I want to pull them in towards true National Socialism, Realistically I do not view Christianity positively, I would rather our glorious churches and cathedrals be converted to houses for a new religion, adorned with the golden Swastika rather than the crucifix.

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Will Williams
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Re: Hitler Or Christ

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jan 11, 2025 2:37 pm

WhiteDawn wrote:
Sat Jan 11, 2025 12:13 am
Love the Second Video Douglas, I personally think often about religion and Hitler definitely as a Idol, what we must understand is that Christianity is foreign, although I do believe in reintroducing Christians to the true teachings of Martin Luther, and true Lutheranism. I am religiously leaning towards Paganism and looking into Cosmotheism now, but my opinion on Christians still remains. I do not hate Christians or even the archetype of Christ for that matter, I do however oppose the modern church. I often see a lot of so called 'Christian Nationalists' pushing that 'Christ is King' garbage, which I mind you is not a bad slogan in itself, but as I have talked with Mr. Williams about, he see's a lot of these 'Christian Nationalists' talking about how there gonna get rid of all those White non-Christians, and me and him both say over my dead body. But regardless I do not want to push them away but I want to pull them in towards true National Socialism, Realistically I do not view Christianity positively, I would rather our glorious churches and cathedrals be converted to houses for a new religion, adorned with the golden Swastika rather than the crucifix.
Very good, WhiteDawn. You'll come to appreciate Messrs. Mercer and Stoner as writers of the very top rank for our side.

It is good to know our pre-Christian pagan European roots, but Jews do not fear any forms of Odinism; They do fear Cosmotheism however.

BTW, Dr. Pierce says it all very succinctly about Christianity in just six words: "It is not grounded in reality."
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Hitler Or Christ

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Jan 11, 2025 2:57 pm

White Dawn: thank you for the comment. I appreciate it. I too have sympathy for Christian Nationalists and I hope that their current belief is only way station on the Path to Cosmotheism. William Pierce as quoted by Will is correct, ultimately only that which is grounded in reality will survive. As for the Archetype of Christ many such as Jung tried to salvage it by talking about an "Aryan Christ"; but when it comes to these two world views never the twain shall meet. In the end it will always come down to the Swastika vs. the Cross, and we must all choose decisively.

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