Fat Pig Punks America

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Douglas Mercer
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Fat Pig Punks America

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:17 am

Douglas Mercer
September 30 2022

Luckily Lizzo's future is diabetes and death but for the moment she's riding high on the hog; Lizzo is that big fat degenerate black lady who likes to twerk and shove her massively oversized ass in the public's face. You've seen her wearing wildly a wildly inappropriate clothing which leaves no one any doubt that she'll devour the entire buffet faster than a Jew will dive for a nickel. They say she has been classically trained as a flautist but trust me there are plenty of White female flautists with good figures and you've never heard of them. That is because it is Jewish doctrine to desecrate the beautiful and place the disgustingly ugly in its place. And to stick that ugly in our face. And what better way to than to take a grossly obese negro pig and have her shake her whale like body all over the media. And claim that not only is black beautiful but so is an elephantine figure.

So much of what goes on today, whether it be toppling the statues of White heroes, removing the names of the White greats from public buildings, sending White money down the rat hole of reparations, letting illegal aliens roam free, is nothing short of planned humiliation rituals. Their goal is to demoralize us so we will lose the will to resist. And what better way to humiliate White folk than to have this obscene blimp like carcass take hold of a precious object of American history. And not just any object, no: an invaluable flute that once belonged to James Madison.

By this point they don't even rates 3/5.

That's right the Library Of Congress (formerly our Library Of Congress) loaned Lizzo a wonderful and beautiful crystal flute that once belonged to the sage of Montpellier. Jews have already turned his beautiful and historic home in to a paean to blacks, and to the evil of the White man. Eventually that home will become a crack den where crack brained blacks can get their fix and spawn more worthless black children. At least they haven't taken the constitution that Madison wrote and scarred it with negro amendments and turned it into a document that protects blacks and browns, and invaders, and queers. Wait, hold on, they have done that. Well at least they haven't taken the original parchment and let Lizzo wipe her big ass on it.


"The flute, designed by Parisian Claude Laurent, was gifted to Madison to honor his election to a second term."

This is a treasure of the White man. A marvel of European ingenuity that we have safeguarded all these years, only to turn it over to a purple assed baboon to desecrate.

"But its journey to the Library’s collection was circuitous and took over 100 years. The flute may have been saved by first lady Dolley Madison during the White House fire in 1814, the Library said. It came into the possession of Dolley Madison’s son from her first marriage, John Payne Todd, who bequeathed it to Washington-based Dr. Cornelius Boyle."

Handed down like a family jewel. Protected for safekeeping for two centuries. Now some colored fool has spoken of the "symbolism" of a flute belonging to the man who said "3/5" has been played by a derelict black.

Symbolism indeed.

It's another in a long string of humiliation rituals. Which won't end until we vanish into the gulag. Or until they are all picked up in the first wave or arrests.

It's either/or at this point.

"Boyle’s descendants allowed the flute to be displayed in 1903 at the US National Museum, an original part of the Smithsonian Institution, until Dayton C. Miller, another physician and woodwind enthusiast, purchased it. He later donated the crystal flute, along with 1,700 instruments, to the Library Of Congress in 1941, where the flute has remained until its stage debut with Lizzo."

Got that? It was displayed in a much better time for the White world, but no one played it. No one that is until the gargantuan ape got her dirty paws on it and placed her big fat bulbous lips on it. I guess we're luck she didn't take the flute and rub it in between her butt cheeks.

Thank the gods for small favors.

"Lizzo treated her Washington, D.C., fans to a historic performance Tuesday with a 200-year-old crystal flute gifted to President James Madison."

You might as well let some monkeys bowl with the Elgin Marbles.
Though truthfully, we don't want to be giving them any ideas.

“It’s crystal. It’s like playing out of a wine glass bitch, so be patient Lizzo told the crowd before playing a few notes and twerking onstage. Bitch, I just twerked and played James Madison’s flute from the 1800."

Classy gal. She'd have fit right in in those Salons they had in Boston.

"The About Damn Time singer was invited by the Library of Congress to play the instrument on stage during the stop on her Special Tour. The instrument has not only survived the centuries, but escaped the burning of Washington in 1814, when British troops set fire to the White House."

Better it had been burned than that ape handle it

"She played a note on the crystal flute, pausing excitedly after it made a sound, according to a video Lizzo shared on social media. Then, she blew a few more fluttery notes on it, twerking as she played, as is her signature. After a few seconds, she held the flute high in the air, victorious

Victorious indeed. They keep racking up these victories, these cultural atrocities, and then they own the military, the media, the secondary schools, the arts, the big city police departments, the FBI, the CIA, the NGOs, you name it. And as any Jew will tell you nothing make you want to bend over and shake your posterior at people than playing the flute that once belonged to James Madison.

And what have we got? What do we own?

"Its unexpected resurrection was spurred by a tweet from Carla Hayden, the librarian of Congress."

“The @libraryofcongress has the largest flute collection in the world with more than 1,800. It incl Pres James Madison’s 1813 crystal flute. @lizzo we would love for you to come see it and even play a couple when you are in DC next week."

Unexpected but entirely predictable. Carla Hayden is a negro, no shocker there, and was appointed to look over this formerly White institution by the gay Mulatto in September 2016, so she was a parting shot to the groin from the half black half White lightweight who once said racism is in America's DNA. That last one had more truth than he knew.

Which leaves us with some solace.

Trump should have fired this black cipher when he had the chance though, from what I can tell, he was too busy shining Jew shoes.

During her time working at the Chicago Public Library, Hayden became acquainted with Michelle and Barack Obama.

And next thing you know she is facilitating an obese gorilla punking a great White man. For those of you who said you aren't racist because you didn't vote for his White half either--you should be racist.

What sayest thou Lizzo? She stopped chewing for a moment to respond.

"Nobody has ever heard this famous crystal flute before, Lizzo tweeted. Now you have. I’m the first & only person to ever play this presidential 200-year-old crystal flute— thank you @library of congress."

How chummy they all are, eh? It's as if this (literally) grossly inflated Congoid is an all American institution, she's as American as mom and apple pie and you can be sure that whatever apple pie was lying around she gobbled up like a vacuum, and then licked whatever crumbs were left. It's as if they kept that flute on ice for hundreds of years and then broke it out at what they considered to be just the right moment. And the right moment turned out to be the performance of this two ton tub of lard to slosh her black spittle all across a White heritage object.

How about that, eh?

The Grammy-winning Lizzo was trained classically as a flautist. in between devouring the buffet. She was also a "surrogate" for Biden-Harris in 2022 which is a little like shilling for herpes.

"Lizzo was on stage at one of her recent concerts, when she was handed a 200-year old flute originally owned by the fourth U.S. president, James Madison."

No, really, that's what happened.

"Y'all the library of congress let me play their historic 200 year old crystal flute on stage tonight. Im the first and only person to play this presidential crystal flute its' literally an heirloom--this is iconic."

Y'all! It is an heirloom and is why "this" (her sacrilege) is iconic. It's iconic when all the White icons go down in flames in such miserable infamy. Iconic for there side that is. For us it's another load of shit flung in our faces by some monkeys.

"A day before that public performance came a series of private moments at the Library of Congress that proved powerful for those who witnessed them and led to that flute ending up in the singer's hands at the concert. On a day when the Library was closed to the public, Lizzo spent an afternoon exploring its massive flute collection and trying out several of the historic instrument

Powerful! By those who witnessed them! You'd think that some goddess had deigned to show up and made history all over our faces. They had all sort of pictures flood the Jewish media. Here was the oversized ape looking up at the vaulting ceilings with a look on her face that said: sheeeiiiit!. You can bet she wandered around wondering what all those books are for, not having ready any. And then they showed her testing out the prized flute, one of them with a White woman opening a text for the hulking monster as if to say: "here's where he wrote 3/5."

It was a guided tour our home, an enemy within the gates you'd say except our home is now run by the enemies, and they have opened up the gates to everyone except for us. And so if the buckling and the truckling continue we can look forward to future where murderous rappers wipe their backsides with the original copy of the Declaration Of Independence, gang raping Pakis blow their nose on the Magna Carta, illiterate blacks maraud through a White museum and scribble their graffiti on an ancient copy of the constitution, where they melt down the Liberty Bell and turn it in to a bust of Rosa Parks; where they again dig up the corpse of Nathan Bedford Forest and begin bowling with his skull; where Plymouth Rock is shattered and they take what left and play Mancala; where they unearth every last one of the confederates and make a witches brew with their bones; where they melt down the statue of Robert E Lee and transform the materials into a negro nonentity--wait they've already done that one.

Already they've defaced our country with their very presence , now the icons fall one by one, now everything is besmirched, every memory vanishes in to the gulag.

These rituals won't stop until we stop them-and neither will they.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7591
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fat Pig Punks America

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Sep 02, 2023 11:51 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7591
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fat Pig Punks America

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:08 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7591
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Re: Fat Pig Punks America

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:08 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fat Pig Punks America

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:08 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7591
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fat Pig Punks America

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:09 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7591
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fat Pig Punks America

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:09 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 7591
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Fat Pig Punks America

Post by Douglas Mercer » Tue Oct 22, 2024 8:27 pm


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