Very Strange

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
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Very Strange

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:56 pm

Douglas Mercer
April 27 2024

The prophetic spirit uses its human hosts to produce words that enter into the public domain; once there a marker and a prediction is laid down and becomes a universal property; it then becomes the predicate for the next predicate until the conclusion is drawn. As this end draws near this near automatic and step by step lock step process will begin to blur and bend and slide as the goal approaches asymptotically. But first it needs to be spelled out and in a simple and frank and open fashion be made plain for all to see. In the end there will be no surprises.

Whether the one who “says” these words is aware of his role is an open but irrelevant question; it is more accurate to say that the words are said, by whom is yet to be revealed. Whether the human host who “said” these words becomes aware after the fact of his role is the same; in the rolling ecosystem of prophecy only the one who straightens everything out in the end, who gets the faculty together, becomes aware of entire complex of meaning, however shifting. But it in the meantime the prophetic spirit is only concerned that the words be printed so that next stage of prophecy can be enacted. The words are never ours or in our grasp but rather they slip beyond us to begin their destined journey to float freely in space there to be picked up and repeated as a refrain when the time is right.

One thing you will notice about all the singer song writers who partook of prophecy (that is who lived though their vocation) in the mainline of the penultimate prophetic time period (1965-2005) were, despite their generally leftish ideology, all of Nordic descent and, of course, all English speaking. This is the language of our people from the hearts of our people, even if the people who passed along the words may seem to be the unlikeliest of candidates for such a signal honor.

And when we say words that is really a misnomer—it’s never the words themselves but the concepts from which they emanate which are in question. These concepts are umbrella terms and the words which cluster beneath them are all allomorphs which always possess the same valence. These words support like bone.

In Penny Lane, there is a barber showing photographs
Of every head he's had the pleasure to have known.

The barber is the one who trims heads, the one who cuts. In all ancient cultures the cutting of hair was a sine qua non way of removing power.

On the corner is a banker in a motorcar
And little children laugh at him behind his back
And the banker never wears a Mac in the pouring rain
Very strange

First and foremost is rain which is a homonym for reign. The rain (reign, ie Reich, realm) is always coming. The rain is what cleanses the world of its malefactors who are always running like pigs from a gun or running and hiding their heads and who might as well be dead. In this instance the one who runs is a banker (usury, etc.) The banker does not wear a hat and is thus unprotected from the rain. The repeated refrain that this is strange highlights not only that the subject is strange but that the very telling of it is. Something is obviously going on here beyond a mere song.

In Penny Lane, there is a fireman with an hourglass
And in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen
He likes to keep his fire engine clean
It's a clean machine

The fireman is the master of time (hourglass) and indicates that the time is drawing near—the sands of time are slipping away to their conclusion. The fireman—obviously—puts out fires, he is the saving one who brings water (rain) to a crisis in order to quell a conflagration. He is the avenger, the one who fixes wagons and settles hash and levels. He has a picture of the Queen and so is invested with royal authority. He is also spotless and impeccable, clean and pure.

Behind the shelter in the middle of a roundabout
A pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray
And though she feels as if she's in a play
She is anyway

The nurse is the ministering angel who unlike the banker is protected (sheltered). She has pulchritude and draws our attention to the dream nature of the vision which is the song, it’s surreality (roundabout). She is selling dream visions (poppies) and evinces multiple levels of reality in her thought and ironic contradiction, that is she thinks she is dreaming, assumes that she really is not, but really is.

In Penny Lane, the barber shaves another customer
We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim
And then, the fireman rushes in from the pouring rain
Very strange

To get a “trim” in terms of money (banker) means to lose all your money on the stock market—also to take a bath (to be destroyed or drowned by water or rain). Losing all your money on the stock market is also referred to as “getting a haircut.” It also means to be cut or curtailed or laid low. Naturally in the end the avenger (saving power) arrives in time in the rain to devastate the banker.

And so the stage of prophecy is now in our eyes and in our ears.

Hang on to your hat as has been said.

Very strange.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Very Strange

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:08 pm

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Very Strange

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:09 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4894
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Very Strange

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat May 25, 2024 12:48 pm


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