25 Cent Queer

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
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25 Cent Queer

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:18 pm

Douglas Mercer
March 7 2023

They just can't wait to get that ugly big lipped nonentity negro Harriet Tubman on the twenty, it will be their piece de resistance of replacement. It's taking a god awful long time but the Jews have been at this for centuries so what's a decade when it comet to killing Amalek? Just the other day Senator and traitor Jeanne Shaheen tried to put a burr under the backside of the government in this matter saying if we put a man on moon why not black woman on twenty? Perhaps those negro ladies who sent us to moon can get on the case. But just because the horror of horrors is being delayed don't think that the US Mint has been stinting on the outrage--hell no, they haven't. They have been proceeding apace in exalting the blacks on the money, and nothing, it seems, will deter them.


Pauli Murray is a freak's freak, she was a freak before being a freak was fashionable, back then freaks were just freaks and they had not been propped up with their very own ideology. Pauli was also one of those barracudas who when the White race still seemed strong in America was working behind the scenes to undermine it. She was positing a lunatic constitutional theory that somehow keeping the negros down was not allowed. What you need to know about so called "rights" posited in the constitution is that they are very limited and narrow: life, liberty, property. That's it. So when they said everyone was equal that meant in terms of life, liberty and property. You say you want to keep Whites and black separate in schools? Knock yourself out says the constitution. But now the rights have metastasized beyond recognition to outsized proportions to the point where someone like Pauli Murray is a patron saint of our degraded times: a race and gender Marxist. No wonder they want to put her on the coinage.

"Pauli Murray, nonbinary Black activist, lawyer, priest, and poet, will be featured on a quarter in the next round of the U.S. Mint’s American Women Quarters Program, making Murray the first Black queer person to appear on U.S. currency."

That quite a distinction if you want to overthrow all order but in fact that's a lot of qualifications, it's a real sordid niche she's carved out for herself, all she needs to be is a cripple and a leper and no one would ever equal her. But in fact in addition to being the queen of the weirdos and oddballs this lady did real death dealing harm to White America, she kicked out the pillars of our society which led to the collapse that you see all around you.

"Murray, born in 1910 in Baltimore, was assigned female at birth but questioned their gender and is now understood as nonbinary. They grew up in Durham, N.C., and became a lawyer and activist against sexism and racism. They graduated at the top of their class from Howard University School of Law."

Don't let the "they" and "their" fool you; there is only one of her and given that not one time in her life did she ever dream that this is how she might refer to herself it seems strange. But the latter-day freaks, weirdos, and oddballs have taken it upon themselves to use the nomenclature on her behalf. Though, you must say that given her mind numbingly revolutionary stance it's hard to imagine she would have objected. If she could stick a thumb in the eye of normalcy, she would never hesitate to do it.

"Murray's sexual and gender identity did not fit within the prevailing norms. She had a brief, annulled marriage to a man, and several deep relationships with women. In her younger years, she occasionally had passed as a teenage boy. A number of scholars, including a 2017 biographer, have retroactively classified Murray as transgender."

The degenerates claims her as one of their own, a precursor, a forerunner. You can see why they put her on a pedestal. She was a deviant before being deviant was cool, she was a gender bender way back when the word gender was exclusively a linguistic term, she knew boys can be girls and girls can be boys back when mutilating teens was just a gleam in the eyes of Jews. She is one of those poor confused and misunderstood martyrs, a trailblazer in oddity, that they always want to vindicate.

"In 1940, Murray sat in the whites-only section of a Virginia bus with a friend, and they were arrested for violating state segregation laws. This incident led her to pursue her career goal of working as a civil rights lawyer."

So not only did she anticipate gender ideology by decades she was also Rosa Parks avant la lettre as well. In fact her activities held in embryo a one person wrecking crew of decent society. She was dressing as a boy and she was uppity and sitting where a negro wasn't allowed. No wonder that butch dyke race mixer Eleanor Roosvelt admired her so much.

"As a lawyer, Murray argued for civil rights and women's rights. NAACP) Chief Counsel Thurgood Marshall called Murray's 1950 book States' Laws on Race and Color, the bible of the civil rights movement."

Apparently she was also a prophetess and voice in the wilderness on the issue of giving the negro a stake in the country they did not create and could never have created. She saw the soft underbelly of our law and how it could be manipulated wrongly in order to get an outcome that (sadly) more and more White people were thinking was just.

"In 1950, Murray published States' Laws on Race and Color, an examination and critique of state segregation laws throughout the nation. She drew on psychological and sociological evidence as well as legal. Murray argued for civil rights lawyers to challenge state segregation laws as unconstitutional directly, rather than trying to prove the inequality of so-called separate but equal facilities, as was argued in some challenges. Her approach was influential to the NAACP arguments in Brown v. Board of Education (1954), by which they drew from psychological studies assessing the effects of segregation on students in school."

Supposedly back at Howard University in 1940 this sassy law-breaking girl-boy spook piped up that the future was to challenge Plessy on the grounds of the Fourteenth Amendment. They say that at the time her idea was hooted down in class. If true this black vermin deserves to be in the inner circle of hell slowly roasting forever. It's not too much to say that our country has been sacrificed on the altar of the Equal Protection Clause, it has enabled a whole host of sins and if this lady had anything to do with bringing it to the fore she is an enemy of our people. As far as those "psychological and sociological" studies what any of that has to do with the law is nothing. It's a reference that apparently some supposedly sage justices got teary eyed at the idea that a few black children preferred White dolls to black dolls and that was a bridge too far and the entire edifice of Anglo-Saxon law had to come crashing down in the face of it. But any country that mortgages its future because of some supposed hurt feeling of black kids is not a country I want to have anything to do with.

"Ruther Bader Ginsburg named Murray as a coauthor of the ACLU brief in the landmark 1971 Supreme Court case Reed v. Reed in recognition of her pioneering work on gender discrimination. This case articulated the failure of the courts to recognize sex discrimination for what it is."

This lady got around and not in a good way. After she undermined the racial hierarchy of this country then she opened up "equality" to all and sundry. First the ladies, then the queers, then the trans, then the gods only know what. Remember it was not too long ago that the Supreme Court, against all empirical evidence, said that Equal Protection Clause extended to sodomites and sapphism. They said the people who wrote the 1964 Civil Rights Act may not have specifically said that but if they could have foreseen the future clamor around the issue of sodomites and sapphism they most certainly would have. It seems that in addition to going to Yale the Wise Nine can read the minds of the dead.

"In the 1960s, Murray served on the Committee on Civil and Political Rights as part of President John F. Kennedy’s Presidential Commission on the Status of Women and continued to be active in the Black civil rights movement but objected to the fact that movement organizations were largely led by men while women did much of the work. In 1966, they helped found the National Organization for Women, but later moved away from a leading role because s/he did not believe that NOW appropriately addressed the issues of Black and working-class women,” according to the Pauli Murray Center For History and Historical Justice Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice."

This institutional monstrosity is housed in her childhood home which is not a mud hut (her people's specialty) but in a house built with White techniques. So she has her very own Center to promulgate her ideological trash, the will re-hash her perfidy and by its own account connect history to contemporary "human rights." By that the mean they further weakening the White race, and exalt the negro. They say it will served as an oases, incubator and sacred space which is an odd description of something which is half hornet's nest, all witches brew.

"Murray entered General Theological Seminary, and in 1977 they were the first Black person perceived as a woman to become an Episcopal priest in the U.S."

To be fair by the mid 1970s the hollowed out and rotting core of Episcopalionism had long since abandoned any featly to its White founders and more resembled an EST retreat or a hive minded Esalen dripping with acid takers; but leave it to this lady to waltz in and drive yet one more stake in the heart of tradition. When it comes to assault and battery on the mores of society this lady is a pathfinder.

“It may be that when historians look back at 20th century American history, all roads will lead to Pauli Murray. Civil rights, feminism, religion, literature, law, sexuality – no matter what the subject, there is Pauli Murray. Pauli Murray’s legal arguments and interpretation of the U.S. Constitution were winning strategies for public school desegregation, women’s rights in the workplace, and an extension of rights to LGBTQ+ people based on Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act."

Negro rights, women's rights, gay rights, trans rights, the integrity of the White church: is there anything she didn't destroy? Apparently not. Indeed, that's why her black face is going to besmirch those quarters.


Apparently this coin replacement is a thing now, not that long ago they actually put that rancid poet but proud black lady Maya Angelou on a coin. She's the one who spoke at Bill Clinton's first inaugural and gave a speech which celebrated America as a multicultural nation. Was so from the start she said. And now she's on a quarter. There goes the neighborhood as a wise man once said.

"Murray's quarter will be issued in 2024. Others in the 2024 group are Patsy Takemoto Mink, the first woman of color to serve in Congress; Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, a Civil War–era surgeon, women’s rights advocate, and abolitionist; Zitkala-Ša, a writer, composer, educator, and activist for Native Americans’ rights; and Celia Cruz, the Cuban-American singer known as the Queen of Salsa."

But trust me this is just the beginning, the spooks don't' want to spook the White man too fast and too much. You can be sure, however, when the Washington Monument comes down and the District is re-named after Frederick Douglas anyone sill passing currency will be given fives with the images of Denmark Vesey and one with that of Nat Turner. The money won't be worth anything of course but these White killing blood addled apes' images will leer and gibber from it.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: 25 Cent Queer

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:56 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: 25 Cent Queer

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:56 am


Supremely White
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Re: 25 Cent Queer

Post by Supremely White » Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:21 am

My problem with the Rosa Parks thing and this other black “thing “ is that busses should’ve been Whites-Only from the start. The busses in need of repairs would’ve then been the negro busses. Then, we wouldn’t have had to have had our school days wasted with talk of Ms. Parks’ little tantrum. The negroes could’ve sat anywhere they wanted to on busses of their own. They did have separate water fountains and other places after all, right?

Yet, several decades later, on the busses of predominantly White students, it’s the “cool” White kids who preferred to sit in the back, same with the classrooms. How times change.
Hitler was right.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: 25 Cent Queer

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:37 am


Douglas Mercer
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Re: 25 Cent Queer

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:38 am


Supremely White
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Re: 25 Cent Queer

Post by Supremely White » Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:47 am

If that Murray creature was a lawyer, why did s/he do so much typing, instead of delegating it to a legal secretary or a paralegal? Inequality, might be the lame excuse, but s/he could’ve created a few job opportunities for his/her fellow negroes, instead of just being janitors, maids, drug pushers and pimps.
Hitler was right.

Supremely White
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Re: 25 Cent Queer

Post by Supremely White » Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:50 am

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:38 am
Another thing that should’ve stayed racially segregated, religion. But I don’t suppose the Cosmotheist Church would have to worry about having to rub elbows with The Other, unlike the egalitarian creed of Christianity.
Hitler was right.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: 25 Cent Queer

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Oct 12, 2023 10:22 pm

Douglas Mercer wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:56 am
This two-bit sheboon isn't worth a plugged nickel. Since US coinage (once considered the only lawful money due to it being a certain weight in gold or silver) is now debased with materials of little intrinsic value as "the law" has been queered through this form of counterfeiting now made legal, it is rather fitting that worthless coinage bears the likenesses of worthless dregs of the third world.

Unfortunately, the US Mint recently begun striking the images of a generic sheboon on a gold coin:
Primitives struck in gold
Primitives struck in gold
$hebooniqua.png (488.16 KiB) Viewed 299 times
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