Ridiculousness of "hate crimes"

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Will Williams
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Ridiculousness of "hate crimes"

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:43 am

Comment about this racially charged spanking of a daughter by her father, and "hate crimes" generally, by Dr. Virginia D. Abernethy: [T]he FBI and most police classify Hispanics as “white” when they commit a crime, but Hispanics [a “minority”] when they are victims. This creates the interesting scenario of one Hispanic assaulting another. The classification would amount to, “white crime and minority victim”...It’s time to end “hate crime” as a legal category that entails the potential for an increased sentence. Hate crime and hate speech legislation was all drafted by the B’nai Brith’s Anti-Defamation League...

http://houston.cbslocal.com/2014/05/28/ ... lack-teen/

Father Accused Of Beating Daughter With Belt For Dancing With Black Teen
May 28, 2014

(Photo credit: PHILIPPE HUGUEN/AFP/Getty Images)

HOUSTON (CBS Houston) – A man has been arrested after he allegedly beat his daughter with a belt for choosing a black teenager as her dance partner for a quinceanera dance.

Aaron Aranza has been charged with injury to a child connected to the alleged incident that occurred on April 11, the Houston Chronicle reported.

His 14-year-old daughter was having a party at her maternal grandmother’s home to practice quinceanera dancing and she chose a 15-year-old African-American boy to be her dance partner.

Aranza learned about his daughter’s choice and became enraged. He went outside to the front yard where the partygoers were and told them it was canceled.

The man then used a racial epithet to refer to the young teenage dance partner when he inquired with his daughter if she wanted him as her partner.

Aranza allegedly pushed the young man stating, “I don’t care that you are a kid,” the Houston Chronicle reported.

He then angrily took his daughter in the house where he allegedly dragged her and beat her with a belt. The man then reportedly tossed her, which caused her to hit her arm on a coffee table and told her she was going to live with him even though she lives with her mother.

The father then took his daughter outside, they began to struggle and he dragged her across the front yard, the Houston Chronicle reported.

He left shortly after that.

Aranza was arrested and is being held in the Harris County Jail in lieu of $20,000 bail.
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Re: Ridiculousness of "hate crimes"

Post by Annika » Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:14 am

The ADL just changed their definition of "racism" which now is specifically Whites who "oppress people of color"!!
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Will Williams
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Re: Ridiculousness of "hate crimes"

Post by Will Williams » Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:19 pm

Annika wrote:
Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:14 am
The ADL just changed their definition of "racism" which now is specifically Whites who "oppress people of color"!!

Good find, Annika. I went to https://www.adl.org/racism to see what these Jews are up to in defining race and racism and found their very latest definitions:
Also related are the definitions of Race and Systemic Racism.

Race: Refers to the categories into which society places individuals on the basis of physical characteristics (such as skin color, hair type, facial form and eye shape). Though many believe that race is determined by biology, it is now widely accepted that this classification system was in fact created for social and political reasons. There are actually more genetic and biological differences within the racial groups defined by society than between different groups.

Systemic Racism: A combination of systems, institutions and factors that advantage white people and for people of color, cause widespread harm and disadvantages in access and opportunity. One person or even one group of people did not create systemic racism, rather it: (1) is grounded in the history of our laws and institutions which were created on a foundation of white supremacy;* (2) exists in the institutions and policies that advantage white people and disadvantage people of color; and (3) takes places in interpersonal communication and behavior (e.g., slurs, bullying, offensive language) that maintains and supports systemic inequities and systemic racism.

* In the above definition, the term “white supremacy” refers to the systematic marginalization or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges people who identify as white. It does not refer to extremist ideologies which believe that white people are genetically or culturally superior to non-whites and/or that white people should live in a whites-only society.

--Last updated February 2022

Jews are truly chameleonic. When it's convenient for them to be a religion that's what thy are, though many are atheists, or "dampened" Jews for Jesus, or whatever. When it's more convenient to be a nation they put on their Zionist skullcaps and are Israelites. And when they find it convenient to be a race, they like to be White, not "people of color," though they collaborate with other non-White racial minorities to oppose actual biological Whites, according to their goofball definitions of race, racism and systemic racism.

If race is not scientific, not biological -- physical divisions of "coloreds" and "non-colored (us) -- but a "social construct," then by Jews' definition of race they can be whatever is convenient for them at any certain time.

They formed the NAACP, not as non-colored Whites, but to advance themselves and fellow Coloreds over, guess who? https://naacpresearch.weebly.com/1910s.html More about heavy Jew involvement in the "civil rights" movement to systematically dispossess the American White majority: https://nationalvanguard.org/2017/05/am ... 1900-1960/
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