Rep. Charles Van Zant: "Common Core promotes LGBT agenda"

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Jim Pennington

Rep. Charles Van Zant: "Common Core promotes LGBT agenda"

Post by Jim Pennington » Tue May 27, 2014 7:45 pm

Common Core may not be a well-intentioned set of improved educational standards, as supporters would have you believe, but instead a trojan horse designed to turn every schoolchild in Florida, if not America, gay.

This ominous warning came at an anti-Common Core event in March courtesy of Florida State Rep. Charles Van Zant (R). Speaking at the “Operation Education Conference” in Orlando, Van Zant warned that officials implementing Common Core in Florida are “promoting as hard as they can any youth that is interested in the LGBT agenda.”
  • VAN ZANT: "These people, that will now receive $220 million from the state of Florida unless this is stopped, will promote double-mindedness in state education and attract every one of your children to become as homosexual as they possibly can. I’m sorry to report that to you."

Appearing on News 4 in Jacksonville on Tuesday, Van Zant (R) didn’t back down from any of his claims. He reiterated that the American Institutes for Research, responsible for Florida’s Common Core policies, is “supportive” of “the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender agenda.”
“I don’t believe that that has any place being introduced into Florida’s schools,” Van Zant said.
  • VAN ZANT: "If you just go look on their website,, you see that they’re very much in support and say on their website that they’re supportive and provide all sorts of research data and things regarding the LGBT agenda, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender agenda. I don’t believe that that has any place being introduced into Florida’s schools.

    I further do not believe that we have a place to make that a part of Florida’s curricula. If they’re of that mindset, then I believe we need people that are going to major on what’s real in education, what the child should be learning, the basic three R’s, learning history, learning American history, learning civics, and doing those things that a parent expects to be able to send their child to school to learn."

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