Why “Gays” Are Like Racial AIDS

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Mike Sullivan

Why “Gays” Are Like Racial AIDS

Post by Mike Sullivan » Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:01 am

Luke O'Farrell

Cherchez la femme, the old saying went: “look for the woman” when you want to know where trouble has come from. Nowadays we’ve got a new saying: cherchez l’homme blanc, or “look for the white man”. Here’s some trouble: millions of blacks are dying of AIDS in Africa. That couldn’t possibly have anything to do with black behavior, so a white man must be responsible: the late Pope John-Paul II. Yep, his evil teaching against condoms was a death sentence for millions of innocent blacks who would otherwise have lived long, happy, productive lives. He’s up there with Hitler and Stalin Pinochet as a Slaughterer of the Innocent.

That was the line trotted out on the pope’s death by intellectual giants of the British left like Polly “Not a Yid but Ugly Enough” Toynbee of The Guardian and Johann “Oy veh! I’m Jewish and Gay” Hari of The Independent. Those millions of blacks hung on the pope’s every word, you see – even the non-Catholics. All he had to do was say “Condoms are okay” and they’d have used them and been saved from AIDS. But the evil Polack bastard didn’t and those poor trusting niggers were too dumb – the unspoken logic of patronizing Western liberals – to know better.

Well, I’ve got no brief for the Catholic church, because nowadays she’s part of our racial problems, not part of the solution, but that argument is complete nonsense. If you want someone to blame for deaths caused by AIDS, you don’t look at the pope and the Catholic church. In Africa, blacks themselves are responsible. In the West, liberals like Polly Toynbee and sodomites like Johann Hari are. Who brought AIDS to the West and spread it through mindless promiscuity and perverted sex? Sodomites did. Who pretended it was equally dangerous to everyone and prevented effective measures against it with their lying propaganda? Sodomites and their liberal allies did.

This means that the biggest cause of sodomite death and suffering has been none other than sodomites themselves. For all their shrieking and wailing about “homophobia” and “hate” and their attacks on the Catholic church and fundy Christians, if they want to see their real enemy – the biggest, meanest “gay”-bashers of all time – they just have to look in a mirror. It’s poetic justice, but unfortunately sodomites aren’t only a threat to themselves. They’re not just responsible for AIDS, in a racial sense they are AIDS. In White societies, they act like a racial virus: weakening our immune system and leaving us open to the infections of liberalism and mass immigration.

That makes sodomites a lot like Jews, which is why Jews like them so much and do so much to help them. Jews and sodomites are both parasitic: they can’t exist on their own, they need a society to leech off. Heterosexuality survives because heterosexuals have children; homosexuality also survives because heterosexuals have children. Sodomites need “straights”, in other words, but “straights” don’t need sodomites. Their resentment at this fact undoubtedly explains a lot of their hatred for heterosexuals and their attempts to corrupt and destroy heterosexual institutions like marriage.

The central fact of homosexuality is its sterility. Sodomites have sex for no higher purpose than their own pleasure, and so homosexuality goes perfectly with hedonistic individualism and selfishness. Sodomites are narcissistic and exhibitionist, which is why they’re attracted to professions like politics and acting – less and less distinguishable these days – and why they work so hard to support each other, regardless of race. When you’re a narcissist and your sexual identity is the center of your existence, you want to see that sexual identity reflected back from everything around you. Like feminists and Jews, sodomites are egomaniacs: all that matters to them is themselves, and they want to corrupt or destroy everything that’s different.

That’s why these three groups have worked together so closely over the past fifty years to undermine and destroy White nations – the very same nations that have given them more freedom and wealth than they ever had before. Letting Jews out of the ghetto, women out of the kitchen, and sodomites out of the “closet” were the biggest mistakes White men have ever made, but we should note that the mistake about Jews was the first and the biggest and led directly to the second and third. If Satan is Jewish – and he surely is – feminism and “gay” liberation are two prongs of the trident he’s thrusting into the heart of White civilization. The third prong is mass immigration. Feminism and “gay” liberation have stopped us having children, and mass immigration is about to make us a minority in our own nations.

If we want to survive, we’ll have to break all three prongs of that Jewish Satan’s trident: women back into the kitchen, sodomites back into the closet, and non-whites back outside our borders. Then we break the handle of the trident too: Jews back into the ghetto. That’s where the Catholic church kept them for so long, and her real crime was that she ever agreed to let them out.


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Will Williams
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Speaking of "Gays"...

Post by Will Williams » Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:36 pm

In keeping with Kevin Alfred Strom's ADV broadcast this week, Toeing the Line, here: http://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.p ... 3&start=10 is this article by Pat Buchanan about the Queer Mafia: http://buchanan.org/blog/new-blacklist-6346

The New Blacklist
Monday - April 7, 2014
By Patrick J. Buchanan

“There is a gay mafia,” said Bill Maher, “if you cross them you do get whacked.”

[Demi-Jew] Maher, the host of HBO’s “Real Time,” was talking about the gay activists and their comrades who drove Brendan Eich out as CEO of Mozilla. Eich, who invented JavaScript and co-founded Mozilla in 1998, had been named chief executive in late March.

Instantly, he came under attack for having contributed $1,000 to Proposition 8, whereby a majority of Californians voted in 2008 to reinstate a ban on same-sex marriage. Prop 8 was backed by the Catholic Church, the Mormon Church and the black churches, and carried 70 percent of the African-American vote.

Though Eich apologized for any “pain” he had caused and pledged to promote equality for gays and lesbians at Mozilla, his plea for clemency failed to move his accusers. Too late. According to The Guardian, he quit after it was revealed that he had also contributed — “The horror, the horror!” — to the Buchanan campaign of 1992.

That cooked it. What further need was there of proof of the irredeemably malevolent character of Brendan Eich?

Observing the mob run this accomplished man out of a company he helped create, Andrew Sullivan blogged that Eich “has just been scalped” by gay activists. Sullivan went on:

“Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame? Why not the stocks? The whole thing disgusts me, as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society.”

Yet, the purge of Eich, who, from his contributions — he also gave to Ron Paul — appears to be a traditionalist and libertarian — is being defended as a triumph of the First Amendment.

James Ball of The Guardian writes that far from being “a defeat for freedom of expression,” Eich’s removal is a “victory — the ouster of a founder and CEO by his own people, at a foundation based on open and equal expression.”

Eich’s forced resignation, writes Ball, “should be the textbook example of the system working exactly as it should.”

Ball seems to be saying that what the gay mob did to Eich at Mozilla is what the heroes of Maidan Square did in driving President Viktor Yanukovych out of power and out of his country.

This is how the democracy works now.

Mitchell Baker, the executive chairwoman of Mozilla Foundation, who escorted Eich out, said in her statement: “Mozilla believes both in equality and freedom of speech.

Equality is necessary for meaningful speech. And you need free speech to fight for equality. Figuring out how to stand for both at the same time can be hard.”

George Orwell, thou shouldst be living at this hour.

What Baker is saying is that you have freedom of speech, so long as you use your speech to advocate equality.

And what do we do with those who use their freedom of speech to express their view, rooted in religion and history, that traditional marriage is not only superior to same-sex marriage, the latter is a contradiction of the natural and moral law.

And what of those institutions that teach and preach that outside traditional marriage sexual relations are wrong?

One such is the 2,000-year-old Catholic Church whose 1976 catechism, “The Teaching of Christ,” describes homosexual acts as “sexual vices” and “sexual perversions.”

Is that just yesterday’s church and yesterday’s belief?

Well, one of the compilers of that catechism was Donald W. Wuerl of Angelicum University in Rome, who would appear to be the same cleric as Cardinal Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C., who is now one of the inner circle advising Pope Francis I.

Yet, it is not only Catholic, Mormon, Evangelical and Protestant churches that believe this, but the Islamic faith, perhaps a majority of Americans, and more than a majority of the world’s peoples.

Up until last year, Barack Obama opposed same-sex marriage.

What the Brendan Eich episode teaches us, where a man was driven from a position he had earned, because of his beliefs, and was abandoned and left undefended by false friends and gutless peers in Silicon Valley, is this:

In the new dispensation, opposition to same-sex marriage disqualifies you from leadership and may legitimately be used to bring about the ruin of your career.

This is the new blacklist.

The old blacklist declared that if you were a member of the Communist Party that toadied to Stalin, and you refused to recant and took the Fifth Amendment, you would not be permitted to work in Hollywood. We are Americans, said that Hollywood, and we believe in American values.

Now, nearly seven decades later, the Stalinists of the ’40s are martyr-heroes in Hollywood. And in Silicon Valley conservatives and traditionalists who oppose same-sex marriage are to be denied top jobs and driven into social exile.

The new blacklist means that while diversity of races, genders and sexual orientations is mandatory, diversity of thought and opinion is restricted. In Silicon Valley, they burn heretics.
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