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American Dissident Voices

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:04 pm
by PhuBai68
Usually after I'm done moderating on the Stormfront board I'll listen to William Pierce's broadcasts for awhile (while playing solitaire).
Then I do my daily walk, come back and listen to a couple/few more broadcasts until about 4 - 4:30 then watch Newsmax until supper.
Today however the older videos aren't playing, any reason why?

Re: American Dissident Voices

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:46 pm
by RCavallius
PhuBai68 wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:04 pm
Usually after I'm done moderating on the Stormfront board I'll listen to William Pierce's broadcasts for awhile (while playing solitaire).
Then I do my daily walk, come back and listen to a couple/few more broadcasts until about 4 - 4:30 then watch Newsmax until supper.
Today however the older videos aren't playing, any reason why?
Did you try our video channel?

Re: American Dissident Voices

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:37 pm
by White Man 1
Here is what you want, PB

It's good to hear from you again, you have been sorely missed!

Re: American Dissident Voices

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:52 pm
by Will Williams
PhuBai68 wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:04 pm
Usually after I'm done moderating on the Stormfront board I'll listen to William Pierce's broadcasts for awhile (while playing solitaire).
Then I do my daily walk, come back and listen to a couple/few more broadcasts until about 4 - 4:30 then watch Newsmax until supper.
Today however the older videos aren't playing, any reason why?
I don't know why our Bitchute channel isn't working for you, PB. We don't control Bitchute, but do control our own channel now.

When I clicked on that link Pierce's Gun Control talk came up, opening with that photo of a member of our Raleigh Local Unit holding up the placard I'd made the night before. We drove up to Charlotte that morning and arrived at the convention center as the crowd was gathering outside.

The NRA folks were walking around in circle fashion holding up their pro-NRA placards. I told Robert to join in with them and walk around holding up the one I'd made and snapped a photo of it for our BULLETIN. We were told by an NRA organizer that we couldn't do that, "because our sign (AMERICA NEEDS "MINORITY" CONTROL NOT GUN CONTROL - WWW.NATVAN.COM) will be the only placard that media concentrate on."

No kidding, Sherlock. Too late. Our crew departed, having accomplished our 5-minute mission, enjoyed a meal together at a Charlotte restaurant while the on-hour photo development folks developed my photo, then snail mailed it to Dr. Pierce the same day with details of our activist stunt. This was in the pre-Internet, pre digital camera days. He took care of the rest by putting it on the front of that month's BULLETIN with the appropriate caption.

NA members in the Carolinas did activities like that at least once a month, usually more often, motivating other Local Units around the country through our monthly BULLETIN to do similar, perfectly legal activities like that, and usually accompanied by a good photo.

We figured if those opposed to us had the temerity to show up in our region, we'd be there to spoil their party. :lol: Our Alliance will be doing creative things like that again. Watch!

Re: American Dissident Voices

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:31 pm
by PhuBai68
White Man 1 wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:37 pm
Here is what you want, PB

It's good to hear from you again, you have been sorely missed!
I told Robert to join in with them and walk around holding up the one I'd made and snapped a photo of it for our BULLETIN. We were told by an NRA organizer that we couldn't do that, "because our sign (AMERICA NEEDS "MINORITY" CONTROL NOT GUN CONTROL - WWW.NATVAN.COM) will be the only placard that media concentrate on."
Going back to the 1970's one of the guys I worked with said, "America doesn't have a gun problem it has a nigger with a gun problem."

Re: American Dissident Voices

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:32 pm
by Supremely White
I visited the multicultural diverse city-state of Singapore back in 2004, and it actually seemed nice and pleasant. There is a White settlement there, but I don’t know what ethnicity those Whites were. They weren’t American nor Canadian. They were generally tall with high foreheads and blue eyes. It baffles me that diversity is not our strength in America, but it stays rather safe, clean, orderly and lawful in spite of Singapore’s diversity. Chinks, Tamil Indians, Malays and the tall clean cut looking White people there.
Other than Chinatown and Little India, you will hear English only . It’s been enforced.
I can only guess that their diversity doesn’t cause them problems is because they don’t have a nigger problem nor a beaner problem. Possibly more out of the tentacles of our (((enemy))) over there, I can imagine, because those are a bunch of nation-wreckers. Singapore is admittedly cosmopolitan, but in my 2 week stay, with a visit to Malaysia in between, I found nothing wrong there except for lack of countryside.