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Wild fires smog

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:26 pm
by PhuBai68
This is like the third day it's been hazy here with the western and Canadian wild fires' smoke hitting the east coast.
Normally we can see the mountains that separate the North and South Carolinas but lately can barely see an outline of a mountain.
IDK if it's the smog but I've been feeling just listless, no energy, not wanting to do anything.
Anyone else feeling affected by this?

Photo taken at Sassafras Mountain at the Carolinas' divide.

Re: Wild fires smog

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:00 am
by Richard_G_603
I work about a mile from the New Hampshire state house and there was a day last week where I was unable to see the eagly adorning the spire because of the haze. Rather crazy because even the massive fires last year didn't send this much haze for us.